33 research outputs found

    Ali Şîr Nevâî'nin Osmanlı edebiyatı üzerine etkisi ve bu etkiye bir örnek olarak Ferhâd u Şîrîn mesnevîsi

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    Ankara : İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent Üniversitesi Türk Edebiyatı Bölümü, 2015.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2015.Includes bibliographical references leaves 110-113.As an example of the influence of ‘Ali Shîr Navâ’î (d.1501), who is the most renowned poet of Chagatai literature and whom the era during which he lived is named after, on Ottoman literature, the masnavi of Ferhâd u Şîrîn “translated” from Chagatai language to Ottoman Turkish by Lami’i Chelebi (d.1532) is at the center of this thesis. Firstly, the perception of Navâ’î in Ottoman literature is explored through collection of poet biographies and certain literary genres by relating them with Navâ’î’s profile, which is thoroughly explained in the “Introduction” part. After that, the reason why Lami’i Çelebi chose Ferhad as the “main character” and wrote Ferhâd u Şîrîn differently from Navâ’î’s Husrev u Şîrîn and why he translated Navâ’î’s masnavi is examined, with references from the “reason to write” part of two masnavis. Lastly, to find concrete examples of how Navâ’î’s masnavi was regarded in the scope of “expanded translation” in Ottoman literature, three sections from Lami’i’s masnavi were chosen and compared to the parallel sections from Navâ’î’s work. As a result of this comparison, it is seen that there are certain lines “directly taken” and “translated” by Lami’i; moreover, Lami’i’s choices and the techniques he employed while translating Navâ’î’s masnavi according to the traditions of “telling in the Turkish language” and “enrobing in an Anatolian gown” are presented. It is also noted that Lami’i included the transliteration of words from Chagatai language according to their pronunciation in Anatolian Turkish or he used the Arabic-Persian equivalent of them instead, and as for Arabic-Persian words he used their Turkish equivalents or certain ArabicPersian words of the same meaning. In addition, Lami’i reorganized the order of certain lines, expanded or summarized certain parts, and transformed the text into a “more literary” one with figures of speech, such as similes and metaphors, yet exactly followed Navâ’î’s text in terms of the “subject”. The high number of couplets directly taken and translated indicates that Lami’i’s masnavi is a translation of Navâ’î’s work.Önal, Pınar ÇelikM.S

    Screening of plant factors that modulate the activation of the NF-kB transcription factor in mammalian cells

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    The signal transduction pathway that leads to the activation of NF-kB is extensively studied because of its importance in immune system activation. Any molecule that interferes with the pathway is therapeutically important because of its potential role in triggering or inhibiting the immune response. To identify proteins that interfere with the activation of NF-kB, we designed and performed a genetic screening system of plant proteins. Our screen consisted of ankyrin repeat plant proteins expressed in mammalian tissue culture cells along with an NF-kB reporter vector that expressed Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) upon NF-kB activation. As a tissue culture system we used the easily transfected human embryonic kidney cell line FEK293T. To perform our screen, we generated an NF-kB sensitive GFP reporter plasmid by standard molecular biology cloning techniques and we constructed a library of mammalian expression vectors that contained 90 A. thaliana cDNAs by Cre-mediated recombination between plasmids. We restricted our analysis to 90 cDNAs of ankyrin repeat domain containing proteins from A. thaliana for three reasons: First, ankyrin repeat containing proteins encoded by the mammalian genome have been shown to directly bind to NF-kB, second, proteins encoded by different genomes have the potential to interact with higher affinity than those encoded by the same genome and finally, some A. thaliana ankyrin repeat domain proteins have been shown to be involved in plant immune responses. In our screen we found out that three out of 90 plant cDNAs that were expressed in mammalian cells affected TNF-ot induced NF-kB activation by changing GFP expression from our reporter vector

    Investigating The Perception Of Interior Atmosphere In Metro Station Circulation Areas: The Sample Of Istanbul Levent Metro Station

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2014Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2014Mekan, içine girildiği andan itibaren, insanı kuşatan, insan eylemlerini ve deneyimlerini yönlendiren bir ortamdır. İnsanın mekan içerisindeki deneyimlediği her şey bu ortamdaki dolaşımının sonucu ortaya çıkar. Dolaşım, insanın mekan içindeki oryantasyonu ve yönelimi ile ilgili olup, değişkenliği mekansal atmosfer özelliklerine bağlıdır. İç mekan atmosferi duyular ve algı ile birebir ilişki içindedir. İç mekanda insanın algısı, iç mekan atmosferinden önemli ölçüde etkilenir. İç mekan deneyimi sırasında kullanılabilecek "puslu, donuk, deneysel, dokunulabilir vb." sıfatlar mekansal atmosferi betimleyen ifadelerdir. İç mekanın fiziksel özelliklerinin yanında insanın duyuları, duyuları aracılığıyla ortaya çıkan algı ve deneyimlerinin de birbirini etkilediği unutulmamalıdır. İç mekan atmosferi bağlamında algı ve deneyimin önemli rol oynadığı mekanlardan biri ise metro istasyonlarıdır. İnsan yoğunluğunun fazla olduğu ve günün her anı rahat, güvenilir ve hızlı ulaşım sağlamaya yönelik oluşturulan bu mekanların teknik çözümlemelerin yanısıra iç mekan tasarımına da önem verilmesi gerekmektedir. Tez kapsamında, öncelikle mekan ve insan kavramları üzerinde durulmaktadır. İç mekan atmosferi ve mekansal algı kavramları tartışıldıktan sonra iç mekan atmosferini algısal bağlamda etkileyen faktörler incelenmektedir. Bu anlamda insanın mekan içindeki hareket ve eylemleri; mekansal algı ve atmosfer etkileşimi çeşitli örnek ve analizlerle irdelenmektedir. Tezin son bölümü ise alan çalışmasına ayrılmıştır. Günümüzde hızlı ulaşım ve fonksiyon çeşitliliği bakımından büyük potansiyele sahip metro istasyonları ile ilgili genel bilgiler verilerek dünyadaki metro istasyon örnekleri üzerinden farklı iç mekan atmosfer özellikleri analiz edilmektedir. Daha sonra, yolcunun mevcut metro istasyonlarında iki farklı şekilde yöneliminin mekansal algı ve atmosferi nasıl etkilediği örneklerle irdelenmektedir. Metro istasyonlarında iki farklı yönelim söz konusudur. Yönelim trenden istasyon çıkışına ve istasyon girişinden trene şeklindedir. Söz konusu iki farklı yönelimde yolcunun mekan içindeki gözlem, deneyim ve algısı belirgin bir biçimde değişir. Çalışmanın sonunda, içinde birçok fonksiyon barındıran "Levent Metro İstasyonu", algı ve iç mekan atmosferi bakımından irdelenmekte ve incelemelerin sonunda istasyonun iç mekan atmosferine yönelik negatif unsurlu saptamalara yer verilmektedir. Söz konusu saptamalar yolcuların trenden indikleri, peron katından başlayan yönlenme ve oryantasyon ile ilgili sorunlarla ilgilidir. Bu bağlamda yeni iç mekan tasarım önerileri getirilerek değerlendirmeler yapılmaktadır.Space is an environment that shelters and guides human activities from the very beginning of spatial experience. All experiences inside a space are result of the movement or circulation in that particular area. The circulation is related with spatial orientation and divergency which of it depends on spatial atmosphere properties. Interior space atmosphere is in relation with senses and perception. Human perception about interiors is greatly affected by interior atmosphere. "Misty, dull, experiential, tactile", are some adjectives that define spatial experience. It is important to remember that, human sense, perception and experiences are all in interaction, besides the physical properties of interior space. Metro stations are important in terms of experience and perception at interior spaces. Their interior design must be qualified as well as their technical surroundings, as they are filled with people everyday, every hour and they provide easy, practical and reliable transportation. In this study, firstly concepts of human and space are explored. After discussing spatial perception and spatial atmosphere, the relationship between perception and atmosphere is investigated. In this sense, human movement and activity; the interaction between the physical properties of space, perception and atmosphere are examined through examples. After giving general information about metro stations that have great importance nowadays, stations all over the world with different spatial atmosphere properties are investigated. Later the effects of the two-way orientation on spatial perception and atmosphere in metro interiors are discussed through examples. There are two different orientation types: "from train to station exit" and "from station entrance to train". With these two different orientations, the observation, experience and perception of passengers change according to that. At the end of the research `Levent Metro Station` which shelters many different functions is discussed in terms of spatial atmosphere. After the examinations, there occur negative aspects towards interior atmosphere of the metro station. Assignments are about the problems of orientations starting from the platform floor which the passengers get off from the train. As a result, new interior design proposals are developed and evaluated within this context.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Sanatta Malzemenin Yaratım Sürecindeki Rolü ve Seramik Sanatında Esere Özel Bünye Kullanımı

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    BAKLAN ÖNAL, Pınar. [The Role of Material in Artistic Creation Process and Usage of Clay Body Unique to Artwork in Ceramics Art], [Proficiency in Arts Study Report], Ankara, 2018. Given the developments in the history of art, today's changing art perception and contemporary examples, it is meaningless to divide art into branches with some limitations, and it is possible to observe the significant role and importance of material in the process of artistic creation whether it is canvas, paint, wood, metal, stone; or sound, body, concept, in the developments in the historical process as well as in the works of art themselves. This proficiency in arts study, focusing on the importance of material in artistic creation and the role of ceramic clay as a material in art, focuses on the personal orientation of the researcher and the approach of material to the theme, design and work. In the first part, creativity and artistic creation, the role of the material in creation and the movements in the developing material repertoire, the development in art history are analyzed along with the views of artists, theoreticians, philosophers and historians. In the second part, the approach to material in art, some artists that are led by materials to a different way as well as some others who identify and modify their materials specific to their themes are presented through their own works. In the third chapter, clay body was examined as a material in art and as a tool of artistic expression and the clay body as a material with historical and pioneering examples. The physical and spiritual essence of the clay, as a material, which guides the artist, her inspiration, the process and experience of the artist are examined through artist samples and artifacts evaluations, then the use of clay body specific for design and theme, which is the main theme of this work, is analyzed over samples in view of artist's selection, making and processing of his/her specific clay in accordance with theme. The fourth part is the last chapter where the researcher presents the artistic works produced within the scope of the subject. This study, in which the use of clay material in line with the theme of artwork is conveyed with the works samples, does not have an orientation of ceramic technology, therefore technical and technological details are limited to the artistic content and to the extent of referrals by the artists themselves.İÇİNDEKİLER KABUL VE ONAY………………………………………………………..………….…..…i BİLDİRİM………………………………………………………………………………..…ii YAYIMLAMA VE FİKRİ MÜLKİYET HAKLARI BEYANI……………..………….iii ETİK BEYAN …………..………………………...……………………………………….iv TEŞEKKÜR…………………………………………………………………….………..…v ÖZET……………………………………………………………………………….……....vi ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………………….……….vii İÇİNDEKİLER……………………………………………………………………...……viii RESİM DİZİNİ…………………………………………………………………….………xi GİRİŞ………………………………………………………………………………….…….1 I.BÖLÜM: SANATTA MALZEME VE YARATIM SÜRECİNDEKİ ROLÜ………...4 1.1. Yaratma ve Sanatsal Yaratım……………………………………………………….4 1.2. Yaratma Ediminde Sanatçı………………………………………………………….5 1.3. Sanatsal Yaratmada Malzemenin Önemi…………………………………………...8 1.4. Gelişen Malzeme Dağarcığında Akımların Rolü………………………………….14 1.5. Tasarım Ürünlerinde Malzemenin Rolü…………………………………………...28 II. BÖLÜM: SANATTA MALZEME KULLANMA YAKLAŞIMLARI……………..33 2.1. Malzemeden İlham Almak: Malzeme Çıkışlı ve Malzeme Odaklı Eser Üretme Yaklaşımı……………………………………………………………………………….34 2.1.1. Malzemenin İstediğini Vermek, Henry Moore (1898 - 1922)…………..36 2.1.2. Yumuşak, Değişken, Geçici Malzemenin İfadeyi Sunma Olanakları ve Eva Hesse (1936-1970)………………………………………………………...37 2.1.3. Arabaları Sıkıştırmak, Cesar Baldaccini (1921 – 1998)………………...39 2.1.4. “Her Malzemede Bir Parça Hayat Vardır”, Barbara Hepworth (1903- 1975)…………………………………………………………………...41 2.1.5. “Malzeme Nötr ve Durağan Bir şey Değildir”, Jean Dubuffet (1901-1985)…………………………………………………………………....42 2.1.6. “Ben Malzemeyim”, Lynda Benglis (1941)…………………………….44 2.2. Temaya, Tasarıma, Esere Özel Malzeme Kullanma Yaklaşımı…………………...45 2.2.1. Kişisel Geçmişin Sanattaki Simgesi Olarak İç Yağı ve Keçe, Joseph Beuys (1921 - 1986)…………………………………………………...47 2.2.2. Savaş ve Kan Çuval Bezinde, Alberto Burri (1915 - 1995)…….………49 2.2.3. Taşın Yolculuğuna Dahil Olmak, Andy Goldsworthy (1956)…………..50 2.2.4. Geçici, Kırılgan, Görünmez Kil Evler, Charles Simonds……………….51 2.2.5. Sadece Karton mu, Yaşamın Gerçekliği mi? Luise Valdes………….….53 3. BÖLÜM: SANATTA ‘BİR MALZEME OLARAK’ KİL BÜNYE…………………55 3.1. Tarihsel Süreçte Sanat Eserinin Malzemesi Olarak Kil Bünye Kullanma Yaklaşımları…………………………………………………………………………….56 3.1.1. Bir Malzeme Olarak Kil Bünyenin Sunduklarıyla Sanatçıyı Yönlendirmesi, Esin Kaynağı Olması: Malzeme Odaklı Eser Üretme Yaklaşımı………….…………………………………………………………...70 Kilin Hakikatine Saygı Göstermek, Peter Voulkos (1924-2002)............................................................................................................71 Kil İle Diyalog Kurmak, Satoru Hoshino (1945)……..………….72 Malzemenin Şiirsel Enerjisi, Jacques Kaufmann (1954)………...74 Zamanımıza Ait Olanı Yeni Yollarla Sunmak, Takuro Kuwata (1981)…………………………………………………....75 Doğayı Kil Bünyede İzlemek, Claudi Casanovas (1956) ve Jochen Ruethe (1960)…………………………………………………77 Kille Fiziksel ve Tinsel Bütünleşme, Alexandra Engelfriet (1959)……………………………………………...79 Atık Malzemenin İfade Ettikleri, Elif Aydoğdu Ağatekin (1977)...................................................................80 3.1.2. Seramik Sanatında Temaya, Tasarıma, Esere Özel Bünye Kullanma, Üretme ve Geliştirme Yaklaşımları………………………………………………………………..81 Doğanın Estetiğini Malzemenin Estetiğiyle Sunmak, David Binns………………………………………………………………83 Bünye ve Isının Dinamik İlişkisi, Rafael Perez (1957)………….84 Pamuklu Porselenden Portreler, Mehmet Kutlu (1959)…………85 İrlanda’nın Renk ve Dokularından Katkılı Bünyelere, Kathleen Standen…………………………………………………………87 Zamanın İzlerini Işık Geçirgen Kemik Porselende Sunmak, Feyza Özgündoğdu (1976)…………………………………………….....89 4. BÖLÜM: KİŞİSEL UYGULAMALAR VE YORUMLAR……………………..…91 4.1. “SOS Eyleminde Aktivist Organizmalar”………………………………...93 4.2. “Siyah Kybele”……………………………………………………………95 4.3. “Paranın Rengi”…………………………………………………………...96 4.4. “İki Eylemci”………………………………………………………….…..97 4.5. “Yalnız eylemci”……………………………………………………….....98 4.6. “Paramparça Bir Bütün”…………………………………………………..99 4.7. “Koru Beni”……………………………………………………………...101 4.8.“Bir Aktivist Olarak İnsanların Dikkatini Çekmek”……………………..102 4.9. “Çekirdek-Kıymetlimiz I”……………………………………………….103 4.10. “Çekirdek-Kıymetlimiz II”……………………………………………..104 4.11. “Çekirdek-Kıymetlimiz III”…………………………………………….105 4.12. “Filizler-Kıymetlimiz”………………………………………………….106 4.13. “İki Eylemci”…………………………………………………………...107 4.14. “Beni Duyuyor Musun I?”………………………………………….…..108 4.15. “Beni Duyuyor Musun II?”…………………………………………….109 4.16. “Biz Birbirimizi Tamamlarız I”………………………………………..110 4.17. “Biz Birbirimizi Tamamlarız II”……………………………………….111 5. SONUÇ……………………………………………………………………………….113 6. KAYNAKÇA………………………………………………………………………...116 7. ÖZGEÇMİŞ………………………………………………………………………….127 EK 1. Orijinallik RaporuBAKLAN ÖNAL, Pınar. “Sanatta Malzemenin Yaratım Sürecindeki Rolü ve Seramik Sanatında Esere Özel Bünye Kullanımı” Sanatta Yeterlik Sanat Çalışması Raporu, Ankara, 2018. Sanat tarihinde izlenen gelişmeler, günümüzün değişen sanat algısı ve güncel örneklerden hareketle, sanatı sınırları olan dallara ayırmanın anlamsız olduğu bu dönemde, ister tuval, boya, ahşap, metal, taş, olsun; ister ses, beden, kavram, sanatta malzemenin yaratım sürecindeki büyük rolü ve önemi, tarihsel süreçte yaşanan gelişmeler ve ortaya konulan eserlerde izlenmektedir. Sanatsal yaratımda malzemenin önemi ve bir malzeme olarak seramik kilinin sanattaki rolünü temel alan bu sanatta yeterlik çalışması; araştırmacının kişisel yönelimiyle malzemenin temaya, tasarıma ve esere özel olarak kullanılması yaklaşımına odaklanmaktadır. Birinci bölümde, yaratıcılık ve sanatsal yaratım, malzemenin yaratmadaki rolü ve gelişen malzeme dağarcığında akımlar, sanat tarihinde bu konuda izlenen gelişim, sanatçı, kuramcı, filozof ve tarihçilerin görüşlerinden örneklerle aktarılmıştır. İkinci bölümde sanatta malzemeye yaklaşım, malzemenin barındırdıkları ile yön verdiği sanatçı örnekleri ve temasına, tasarımına özel olarak malzemesini seçen, değiştiren sanatçılar, eserleri üzerinden değerlendirilerek sunulmuştur. Üçüncü bölümde sanatta bir malzeme olarak kil bünye değerlendirilmiş, sanatsal ifade aracı olma yolundaki süreci, malzeme olarak kile yaklaşım tarihsel olarak ve öncü örnekleri ile aktarılmıştır. Bir malzeme olarak kill bünyenin fiziksel ve tinsel özü ile sanatçıyı yönlendirmesi, ona esin kaynağı olması, sürece ve deneyime çekmesi durumu sanatçı örnekleri ve eser değerlendirmeleriyle incelenmiş, ardından bu çalışmanın asıl yöneldiği konu olan temaya, tasarıma özel olarak bünye kullanımı ve sanatçının bu amaca yönelik olarak bünyeyi seçmesi, yapması, işlemesi örnekler üzerinden değerlendirilmiştir. Dördüncü bölüm, araştırmacının konu kapsamında ürettiği sanatsal çalışmaların değerlendirilerek sunulduğu son bölümdür. Sanatsal yaratımda seramik bünyenin tema doğrultusunda kullanımının eser örnekleri ile aktarıldığı bu çalışmada, seramik teknolojisi yöneliminde bir araştırma amaçlanmamış, bu sebeple teknik ve teknolojik detaylar sanatsal içerik doğrultusunda ve sanatçıların aktardıkları kadarıyla sınırlandırılmıştır

    A Ceramic Art Center With A Very Unique And Specific Tradition: Boleslawiec

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    When world&#39;s history of ceramic art is examined and analyzed, it&#39;s seen that today&#39;s understanding of ceramic art has been developed by nourishing from traditional ceramic art in terms of its aesthetic and technical aspects. As stated by Herbert Read, &quot;ceramic is both the simplest and the hardest of the arts; it&#39;s the simplest because the most primitive, it&#39;s the hardest because the most abstract of all arts.&quot; Based on this understanding, the attitudes of traditional arts and artisans which forms the roots of modern and contemporary ceramic art is of great importance on the way of originalization.The development of ceramic education has been started in Poland in the academic sense by the graduation of children of local potters from academies and the process of being the ceramic art center of the region of this place has been started thanks to the support given to Boleslawiec traditional ceramic production by fine arts education. In line with the education given to academically trained new artists, these people made the Boleslawiec ceramic as the cultural heritage of Poland with its handmade traditional production made with unique clay, high quality technical specifications and&nbsp; various types of decoration with the original and unique aesthetic value.Today, this production center that is world-known as Polish Pottery or Bunzlauer draws attention and becomes noteworthy with ceramic festivals, workshop tours, ceramic museums, exhibition halls and informative events describing the history of pottery held in recent years. Workshops, exhibitions, events and concerts have developed Boleslawiec into both traditional and contemporary ceramic art center by transforming into a traditional ritual.This study in which Boleslawiec ceramic art that is produced by use of stoneware clay which is the most qualified clay of the region and can be differentiated from its kinds with its different and unique decoration technique is examined and analyzed, emphasizes the importance of contribution of academic education to ensuring of continuity of traditional ceramic centers and formation and creation of high-quality production and manufacturing.&nbsp;Keywords: Traditional Ceramic Art, Polish Pottery, Boleslawiec, Academic Ceramic Education&nbsp;</p


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    Anadolu geleneksel &ccedil;&ouml;mlek&ccedil;iliğinin &ouml;nemli merkezlerinden biri olan Avanos, g&uuml;n&uuml;m&uuml;zde hala &uuml;retime devam etmekte olan sayılı seramik merkezlerdendir.&nbsp;Yerel &ccedil;&ouml;mlek&ccedil;ilerle yapılan g&ouml;r&uuml;şmeler sonucu g&ouml;r&uuml;ld&uuml;ğ&uuml; &uuml;zere k&uuml;p, yağdan, gebece, ibrik, k&uuml;nk, testi, abdestlik, &ccedil;&ouml;mlek, g&uuml;ve&ccedil;, &ccedil;ıralık gibi isimlere sahip, g&uuml;nl&uuml;k ihtiya&ccedil;lara y&ouml;nelik kullanım eşyası &uuml;retimlerinin, 1990&rsquo;lı yıllardan itibaren yerini turistik ve ekonomik gerek&ccedil;elerle daha albenili kılınmaya &ccedil;alışılan pop&uuml;ler &uuml;retimlere bırakmaya başladığı anlaşılmıştır. Bu doğrultuda, farklı dekor tekniklerine y&ouml;nelmeler başlamış, geleneksel formlar &uuml;zerine s&uuml;sleme anlayışına dayalı bezemeler işlenmiştir.&nbsp;Y&uuml;z&uuml;n&uuml; turizme d&ouml;nen seramik &uuml;retimi, Kapadokya b&ouml;lgesi turizm hareketliliğinde değişmelere sebep olurken; bu hareketin de &uuml;retimde bi&ccedil;im ve y&uuml;zey anlayışını değiştirdiği g&ouml;r&uuml;lmektedir.&nbsp; İlk &ouml;rnekleri genellikle sırsız veya zift kaplı olduğu g&ouml;r&uuml;len seramikler, bu y&ouml;nelimle renkli sırlarla, sıraltı dekorlarla kaplanmaya ve rapido adı verilen kalemler ile boyanmaya. Bu yenilenmeci hareketlerden biri de Ajur (delik işi) y&ouml;ntemi ile &uuml;retimlere ge&ccedil;ilmesidir.&nbsp;B&ouml;lgede yaşamış uygarlıkların kullandığı bi&ccedil;imler stilize edilmiş, bunların yanı sıra, Anadolu&rsquo;daki diğer seramik merkezlerinde yapılan geleneksel formlar da &uuml;retim &ccedil;eşitliliğine eklenmiştir. Bu arayışların i&ccedil;inde ham &ccedil;amuru dantel gibi işleme y&ouml;ntemi olan ajur tekniği, g&uuml;n&uuml;m&uuml;z Avanos &ccedil;&ouml;mlek&ccedil;iliğinde incelikle uygulanan bir eğilim olarak karşımıza &ccedil;ıkmaktadır.&nbsp;Anahtar S&ouml;zc&uuml;kler: Geleneksel seramik, Avanos, Ajur y&ouml;ntemi, Delik işi tekniğiAvanos, one of the important centers of Anatolian traditional pottery, is one of the few ceramic centers that is still continuing production today.&nbsp;&nbsp;It is understood according to observations as the result of interviews done with local ceramists, their production of everyday use items like jar, oiler, pot with two handles, pitcher, water pipe, crock, ablution cup, crockey, stew pan, have been replaced with production towards touristic items, popular items with decorations.&nbsp; In this respect, they began to lean towards different d&eacute;cor techniques, ornaments based on decoration concept on traditional forms were applied.&nbsp;&nbsp;While ceramics production, turning towards tourism have caused changes in tourism activity in Cappadocia region, it is seen that this activity has changed form and surface concept in production.&nbsp; Ceramics with first examples without glaze or coated with tar, began to be covered with colorful glazes, decorations under the glaze and painted with pens named rapido.&nbsp; One of these innovative moves was also to start production with Ajur (perforations) method.&nbsp;&nbsp;Forms used by the civilizations that lived in the region have been stylized and also traditional forms done in other ceramics centers in Anatolia were added to production variety.&nbsp; Ajur technique, working on clay like a lace, comes forth among other methods as a tendency applied finely in Avanos pottery.&nbsp;&nbsp;Keywords: Traditional Ceramic, Avanos, Hemstitch (Ajour) method, Piercing Technique</p

    Approaches Of Development Of Materials Specific To The Artwork In Ceramic Art

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    The role of material in the act of making art takes the artist to some research about the material. Artist who use every object in the nature as a tool when transferring his/her expression to viewers, handles and turns the objects that s/he founds or ready to handle materials in accordance with the theme of his/her design and tries to make them compatible and conforming for his/her purpose, aim and interpretation. Manufacturing the ready to handle objects by handwork or use of industrial methods by only changing the material is an artistic stance adopted by many artists from past to present. Artists have demonstrated their reaction and respond against the previous understanding of art, technology and consumption through methods such as exhibiting daily objects as they are, imitating them simply by use of plastic materials or re-manufacturing them with a hyper-realistic reaction. The importance of material is great and high in these attitudes.Ceramic clay which is the material gives its name to Ceramic Art has become one of the most important materials on which scientists and artists work intensely together with the contributions of technology and industry in this direction. The purpose of artist in processing his/her clay different from scientists is to strengthen the artistic expression rather than to achieve industrial excellence. The artist of the artwork researches, chooses or produces the material appropriate for his/her artwork that s/he had designed or benefits from the blessings of the material that s/he founds and shapes his/her opinion, idea or artwork according to the structure of the material in his/her hand.The unique and specific material production idea has been supported in this study which is about clay manufacturing for personal ceramic designs with artistic purposes and the study is presented after making assessments of personal design and implementation samples technically and artistically.&nbsp;&nbsp;Keywords: Material, &nbsp;Ceramic Art, Clay, Expression, Additions to Clay, Design, Specific to the Artwork;&nbsp;</p