1,132 research outputs found

    An Exploratory Study of Presenteeism in Turkish Context

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    Presenteeism has been an emerging research era, where many exploratory questions may be produced. Literature is not very definitive for the conceptualization of the construct in many aspects. There are few studies about the reasons, measurement approaches and positive outcomes of the concept. Studies conducted in Turkish context are even fewer. Paper combines two studies; first study aims to investigate different conceptualizations, possible reasons, negative and positive outcomes of presenteeism. The purpose of the second study is to find out how those concepts structure and relate to each other. Findings provide useful insights for reasons, outcomes and criteria of presenteeism. They also indicate different conceptualization of the concept and there are significant relationships between variables according to the research.   

    Education practices of national education ministers (1999-2011)

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    Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü İlköğretim Sınıf Öğretmenliği Ana Bilim Dalında Yüksek Lisans Tezi olarak hazırlanan bu çalışmanın konusu “Milli Eğitim Bakanları ve Eğitim İcraatları (1999-2011)”dir. İncelediğimiz dönemde 5 hükümet kurulmuş ve 5 Milli Eğitim Bakanı görev yapmıştır. Çalışma üç ana bölümden oluşmaktadır. I. Bölümde, araştırmanın amacı, önemi, sınırlılıkları ve yöntemi verilerek, konu ile ilgili kavramlar tanımlanmış ve açıklanmıştır. II. Bölümde, kurulan hükümetlerde eğitim, parti programlarında eğitim ile 1999-2011 yılları arasında görev yapan Milli Eğitim Bakanlarının eğitim konusunda yaptıkları çalışmalar sunulmuştur. III. Bölümde, değerlendirme, yorum, sonuç ve öneriler yer almıştır.The subject matter of this masters thesis prepared in Adnan Menderes Social Sciences Institute of Elementary Education Social Studies Education program is the national education ministers’s educational works which were done between 1999-2011. 5 governments are established and 5 national education ministers worked between 1999-2011 period. Therefore, this study was concentrated on this term. This study has three main chapters. In chapter I, study’s aim, limitations and method have been given and the concept of study has been explained. In chapter II, education in which was established governments, education in political parties program and the national education ministers’s educational works which is done between the year of 1999-2011, have been explained. Chapter III dealth with evaluation, comments and results, some advices have also been given

    Ostrowski’s fourth-order iterative method speedily solves cubic equations of state

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    AbstractPressure–volume–temperature (P–V–T) data are required in simulating chemical plants because the latter usually involve production, separation, transportation, and storage of fluids. In the absence of actual experimental data, the pertinent mathematical model must rely on phase behaviour prediction by the so-called equations of state (EOS). When the plant model is a combination of differential and algebraic equations, simulation generally relies on numerical integration which proceeds in a piecewise fashion unless an approximate solution is needed at a single point. Needless to say, the constituent algebraic equations must be efficiently re-solved before each update of derivatives. Now, Ostrowski’s fourth-order iterative technique is a partial substitution variant of Newton’s popular second-order method. Although simple and powerful, this two-point variant has been utilised very little since its publication over forty years ago. After a brief introduction to cubic equations of state and their solution, this paper solves five of them. The results clearly demonstrate the superiority of Ostrowski’s method over Newton’s, Halley’s, and Chebyshev’s solvers

    İstatiksel Tasarım Yöntemi Kullanılarak İnsan Kalça Ekleminin Mekanik Davranışının Belirlenmesi

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    Konferans Bildirisi -- Teorik ve Uygulamalı Mekanik Türk Milli Komitesi, 2015Conference Paper -- Theoretical and Applied Mechanical Turkish National Committee, 2015Bu çalışmada protezli insan kalça ekleminin mekanik davranışı istatistik olarak tasarlanmış sonlu elemanlar yöntemi (SEY) kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında Charnley ve Hipokrat isimli 2 farklı tip çimentolu protez tam kalça yenileme ameliyatının (THA) mekanik davranışını ve ameliyat sonrası kemik-protez adaptasyonunu tahmin etmek için kullanılmıştır. İki farklı yükleme durumu olarak noktasal ve yüzeysel kas ve kalça temas kuvvetleri yürüme ve merdiven çıkma hareketleri için çimentolu THA’lı kalça eklemine uygulanmıştır. Sonlu elemanlar modeli ve analizleri, bu hareket ve protezleri dikkate alan 23 faktöriyel tasarım metoduna göre oluşturulmuştur. Sonlu elemanlar analizlerinde kemiğin katmanları olan kortikal ve trabeküler kemiklerde, protezde ve protezi kemiğe bağlamada kullanılan çimentoda oluşan maksimum von Mises gerilme değerleri belirlenmiştir. Bu verilerin istatistik analizi varyans analiziyle gözlemlenen değerler üzerinde ana faktörlerin ilişkisini ve katkısını değerlendirmede kullanılmıştır. Bu istatistik çalışma sonucunda çimentolu THA uygulamasından sonra bileşenlerin maksimum von-Mises gerilmelerinin ana faktörler ve ikili etkilerin büyük çoğunluğunda önemli ölçüde farklılıklar gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Biyomekanik, Kalça Eklemi, Kalça Protezi, Sonlu Elemanlar Yöntemi, Faktöriyel Tasarım, ANOVAIn the study, the mechanical behavior of human hip joint with prosthesis was investigated by using statistically designed finite element method. In the scope of the study, two different cemented prostheses types namely; Charnley and Hipokrat were used for predicting bone adaptation and mechanical behavior of cemented total hip reconstructions (THR). The concentrated or distributed muscle and hip contact forces were applied to the cemented THR during walking and climbing of stairs. The finite element modeling and analyses were then pursued according to 23 factorial design method using these prostheses and activities. The maximum von Mises stresses occurred on the components of the cemented THR having the cortical and trabecular layers of bones, prosthesis and cement mantle were determined in the finite element analysis. The statistical analysis of these data was then carried out using variance analysis method to evaluate the contribution and interaction of main factors on the observed values. It was identified from this statistical study that the maximum von Mises stresses of the cemented THR’s components showed significant differences for the majority of main factors and their two-factor interactions. Key Words: Biomechanics, Hip joint, Finite Element Method, Factorial Design, ANOV

    Probabilistic assessment of earthquake insurance premium rates for the Gumusova-Gerede Motorway Section

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    A probabilistic model is developed for the assessment of the earthquake insurance premium rates for the structures taking place in the Bolu Mountain Crossing in the Gumusova-Gerede Motorway Section. The model requires two types of studies, namely: seismic hazard analysis and estimation of potential damage to structures. The computations are carried out according to the proposed model by using the seismic hazard results obtained from the time-dependent renewal model and the best estimate damage probability matrices developed in the study

    Treatment of persistent large cystic lesions of the humerus with vascularized fibular grafts

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    Objectives: In this study, we aimed to evaluate the short-to -mid-term results of the resection and reconstruction of large cystic lesions of the humerus. Patients and methods: Eight male patients (median age: 22.9 +/- 10.4 years; range, 12 to 42 years) with large cystic lesions of the humerus operated between January 2017 and December 2019 were retrospectively analyzed. The age of the patients, their previous treatments and follow-up periods, the size and location of the cysts, postoperative functional scores, presence of a union, recurrence of the cyst, and graft resorption were examined. Results: The mean follow-up was 42.8 +/- 7.5 (range, 34 to 54) months. Preoperatively, the mean length of the cystic lesions was 15.1 +/- 2.6 (range, 10 to 18) cm. At the final follow-up, the patients had a normal range of shoulder flexion-extension, internal rotation-external, abduction-adduction, and elbow flexion-extension, pronation-supination. The patients had a mean DASH score of 1.13 +/- 1.1 (range, 0 to 3.3) and MSTS score of 28.75 +/- 1.8 (range, 26 to 30) postoperatively. Complications such as pseudoarthrosis, graft resorption, or cyst recurrence were not observed in any of the patients. Conclusion: Although the risk of recurrence is low in small cystic lesions of the humerus, it increases as the size of the lesion increases. This reconstruction technique using vascularized fibular grafts, which we applied, seems to be extremely successful in ensuring biological healing and preventing recurrence and complications in patients with large cystic lesions of the humerus


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    The aim of this research is to determine the quality of life and exercise health belief levels of individuals residing in Sakarya and to determine the differentiation status of quality of life and exercise health belief levels according to their demographic characteristics. The sample of the study consists of 349 people selected by simple random sampling method from these participants. Personal Information Form, The Health Belief Model Scale for Exercise (HBMS-E)  and World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale - Short Form were used as data collection tools. In the analysis of the data, the t-test for pairwise comparisons and the One-Way Anova Test for multiple comparisons were applied to examine the differences between the variables. It was determined that the general averages of the participants' exercise health belief scale did not differ according to variables such as gender, marital status, regular exercise, age and income levels (p< 0.005). A statistically significant difference was found between the general averages of the quality of life scale and the age variable (p< 0.05). It was determined that there was a statistically significant difference between the general averages and all sub-dimensions of the exercise health belief scale and the education variable (p< 0.05). As a result, it has been determined that the educational status of the individuals participating in the research has a positive effect on their exercise health belief levels. As the age of individuals increases, it has been thought that it is an important determining factor in their quality of life