167 research outputs found

    A meta-analysis of the ımpact of problem posing strategies on students ' learning of mathematics

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    This is a review of experimental research in which students have been taught to pose mathematical problems as a means of developing their learning. Hence, the aim of the research is to combine the empirical evidence regarding the functionality of problem posing strategies and to explore the aspects which could influence the integration of problem posing in mathematical education. In this direction, a meta analysis approach was utilized in this study. 20 experimental research published between years of 2000 and 2020 are contained in this research and 31 effect sizes were computed. According to random effects model, it was found that problem posing strategy has significant impact on learners' problem-solving skills, mathematics achievement, level of problems posed, and attitudes towards mathematics (ES = 1.328; 1.142; 1.152; 0.643; p=0.05). These effects also were analyzed according to methodological and instructional variables. The findings obtained in the research was discussed in the light of the literature and suggestions were made for the future studies

    The impact of educational material use on mathematics achievement: a meta-analysis

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    As a result of rapid development in technology, utilizing materials in education has become important. To date, researchers have often explored the effects of using educational materials in mathematics instruction on academic achievement. The purpose of this study was to combine the empirical evidence regarding the effectiveness of educational materials in mathematics. For this aim, a meta-analysis method was used in the current research. In line with the aim of the research, 54 experimental studies published between years of 2005 and 2016 were included in the meta-analysis and 58 effect sizes were calculated from these studies. The results of the meta-analysis showed that using materials in mathematics has a positive and high influence on achievement. According to analysis of mediator variables that are related to instructional characteristics, significant differences are found in the variables of mathematics topic, type of material, and application time. However, teaching with materials in mathematics did not seem to differ in effectiveness from teaching without materials, in terms of methodological characteristics of the studies

    Comparison of the frequency of mathematics teachers' use of mathematics textbooks in face-to-face and distance education

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    Understanding the variables that affect the use of textbooks are important for the development of eligible and preferable resources. In this research, the frequency of textbook usage in face-to-face and distance education was examined according to grade level, professional experience of teachers, and residential area of the schools in which teachers work. The sample of the study consists of 287 middle school mathematics teachers working in different state schools. Data was obtained through an online survey. This study showed that the frequency of textbook usage decreased as the grade level increased, and this decrease occurred both in face-to-face and distance education. However, it has been concluded that the frequency of textbook usage varies in both learning environments according to teaching experience, and that change is statistically significant. In face-to-face classrooms, it was determined that the location of the school was a determining factor in terms of the frequency of textbook usage, whereas, in distance education, the frequency of textbook usage did not statistically significantly differ according to school location. The rest of the findings are discussed in terms of teachers' experiences and attitudes.Öğrenme-öğretme sürecinin en önemli materyallerinden biri olan ders kitaplarının kullanımına etki eden değişkenleri anlamak, nitelikli ve tercih edilebilir kaynakların geliştirilebilmesi için önemlidir. Bu araştırmada, yüz yüze ve uzaktan eğitim sürecindeki ders kitabı kullanım sıklığı, öğretmenlerin mesleki deneyimleri ve görev yaptıkları okulların bulunduğu bölgedeki sosyo-ekonomik düzeylere göre sınanmıştır. Tarama deseni ile yürütülen çalışmanın katılımcılarını 287 ortaokul matematik öğretmeni oluşturmaktadır. Sınıf kademesi, mesleki deneyim ve yerleşim bölgesi dikkate alınarak oluşturulan örneklemden çevrimiçi anket yoluyla toplanan veriler, betimsel ve kestirimsel istatistik teknikleri ile analiz edilmiştir. Çalışma sonuçları, sınıf kademesi arttıkça ders kitabı kullanım oranının azaldığını ve bu azalışın hem yüz yüze hem de uzaktan eğitim sınıflarında gerçekleştiğini göstermiştir. Bununla birlikte, mesleki deneyime göre ders kitabı kullanım sıklığının hem yüz yüze hem de uzaktan öğretim sürecinde değiştiği ve bu değişimin istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Yüz yüze eğitimde yerleşim bölgesinin ders kitabı kullanım sıklığı açısından belirleyici bir faktör olduğu, uzaktan eğitim sürecinde ise ders kitabı kullanım sıklığının yerleşim bölgesine göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir şekilde farklı olmadığı belirlenmiştir. Diğer bulgular öğretici deneyimi ve tutumları çerçevesinde tartışılmıştır

    Papel de mediación de la sensibilidad a la ansiedad en las relaciones entre intolerancia a la incertidumbre y miedo al COVID-19

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    The aim of the present study is exploring the mediation role of anxiety sensitivity on the relationships between intolerance of uncertainty and fear of COVID-19. The study was conducted with the relational screening method. The research data were collected online from 302 individuals (Male n = 76, Female n = 226) with Fear of COVID-19 Scale, Anxiety Sensitivity Index-3, Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale. The result of both mediation analysis and bootstrapping analysis (with 5000 bootstrap resamples) showed that the relationship between intolerance of uncertainty and fear of COVID-19 was mediated by anxiety sensitivity. Anxiety sensitivity decreased the effect of intolerance of uncertainty on fear of COVID-19. Moreover, comparing intolerance of uncertainty and anxiety sensitivity in terms of their predictive levels of the fear of COVID-19, it was concluded that anxiety sensitivity predicted the fear of COVID-19 more, and that anxiety sensitivity included the variance of intolerance to uncertainty associated with the fear of COVID-19.El objetivo del presente estudio es explorar el papel mediador de la sensibilidad a la ansiedad en las relaciones entre la intolerancia a la incertidumbre y el miedo al COVID-19. El estudio se realizó con el método de cribado relacional. Los datos de la investigación se recopilaron en línea de 302 personas (hombres n = 76, mujeres n = 226) con la escala de miedo a COVID-19, índice de sensibilidad a la ansiedad-3, escala de intolerancia a la incertidumbre. El resultado tanto del análisis de mediación como del análisis bootstrapping (con un remuestreo de 5000 bootstrap) mostró que la relación entre la intolerancia a la incertidumbre y el miedo al COVID-19 estaba mediada por la sensibilidad a la ansiedad. La sensibilidad a la ansiedad disminuyó el efecto de la intolerancia a la incertidumbre sobre el miedo al COVID-19. Además, al comparar la intolerancia a la incertidumbre y la sensibilidad a la ansiedad en términos de sus niveles predictivos del miedo al COVID-19, se concluyó que la sensibilidad a la ansiedad predijo más el miedo al COVID-19 y que la sensibilidad a la ansiedad incluyó la varianza de la intolerancia a la incertidumbre asociada. con el miedo al COVID-19

    Analysis of PISA 2012 results in terms of some variablesPISA 2012 sonuçlarının bazı değişkenler açısından incelenmesi

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    This study is performed to determine personal and environmental factors that affect students’ success according to PISA 2012 results. 4848 student data obtained from PISA 2012 database were used in the research. To measure the effects of personal and environmental factors on students' success in mathematics, science and reading skills, binarylogistic regression analysis was used. At the end of the research, it is concluded that the variables such as attendance in preschool, age to start school, mother education status, father education status, number of computers and books in the house are found to be effective. In science and reading skills, it is found that attendance at preschool, age to start school, mother’s work status, educational status of mother and father, and number of computer and books at home affect student success. Mother’s work status and start school at have negative affect on student success. On the other hand, continuing to kindergarten, high educational status of parents', a large number of books and computers at home affects student success positively. As a result, it is determined that the socio-cultural environment in which the student is located has an effect on the success.Extended English abstract is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file.ÖzetBu çalışma PISA 2012 sonuçlarına göre öğrencilerin başarılarına etki eden kişisel ve çevresel faktörlerin belirlenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır.Araştırmada PISA 2012 veritabanından elde edilen 4848 öğrenciye ait veriler kullanılmıştır. Öğrencilere ait kişisel ve çevresel faktörlerin matematik, fen ve okuma becerileri başarısına etkilerini ölçmek için ikili lojistik regresyon analizi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonunda matematik dersi başarısında okula başlama yaşı, annenin çalışması, baba eğitim durumu, evdeki bilgisayar ve kitap sayısı değişkenlerinin etkili olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Fen ve okuma becerileri başarısında ise anaokuluna devam etme, okula başlama yaşı, annenin çalışma durumu, anne ve babanın eğitim durumları ve evdeki bilgisayar ve kitap sayılarının öğrenci başarısına etki ettiği bulunmuştur. Annenin çalışması ve okula başlamayaşının yüksek olması öğrenci başarısına olumsuz etki yapmaktadır. Diğer taraftan anaokuluna devam etme, anne ve babanın eğitim durumlarının yüksek olması, evdeki kitap ve bilgisayar sayısının çok olması öğrenci başarısını olumlu etkilemektedir. Sonuç olarak, öğrencinin bulunduğu sosyo-kültürelve çevre faktörlerininöğrenci başarısı üzerinde etkili olduğu belirlenmiştir

    Uzmanlar, eski eserlerin yenilenmesi konusunda değişik görüşler öne sürüyor:Restorasyon tartışması

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 6-Sultanahmetİstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033)Hukuki yapı çok zayıfRestorasyonda malzemeyi iyi tanımak lazımKültür mirası yerel yönetimeKültür dökümü yapılmal

    The relationship between elementary school teachers' levels of collective efficacy and morale levelsİlkokul öğretmenlerinin kolektif yeterlik düzeyleri ile moral düzeyleri arasindaki ilişki

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    This study was conducted to measure the relationship between teachers 'collective competence levels and morale levels and to determine whether there is a significant difference in teachers' collective competence and morale levels according to personal variables. The study is in the relational screening model. For collecting research data, "Collective Proficiency Scale" and "Moral" dimension of Organizational Health Scale were used. The universe of the research consists of 1207 elementary school teachers working in 2014-2015 academic year in primary schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education of Hatay, and the sample group consists of 249 teachers. "Random sampling" method was used in the research. As a result of the research, it was determined that the teachers' collective competence and morale levels were high. According to the results of the research, the collective competence levels of the teachers do not show any significant difference according to gender, marital status, seniority, age, trade union membership variables. While morale levels does not show any significant difference according to gender and marital status, there are significant differences according to seniority, age and union membership variables. There was a moderately significant positive correlation between the collective competence and morale levels of teachers. Collective competence is a significant predictor of teacher morale.Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file. ÖzetBu çalışma öğretmenlerin kolektif yeterlik düzeyleri ile moral düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkiyi ölçmek ve kişisel değişkenlere göre öğretmenlerin kolektif yeterlik ve moral düzeylerinde anlamlı farklılık olup olmadığını tespit etmek içi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma ilişkisel tarama modelindedir.  Araştırma verilerinin toplanması için “Kolektif Yeterlik Ölçeği” ve Örgütsel Sağlık Ölçeğinin  ‘Moral’ boyutu kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın evreni, Hatay İli Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı’na bağlı ilkokullarda 2014-2015 eğitim-öğretim yılında görev yapan 1007 ilkokul öğretmeninden, örneklem grubu ise 249 öğretmenden oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada “rastlantısal örnekleme” yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda öğretmenlerin kolektif yeterlik ve moral düzeylerinin yüksek olduğu belirlenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre öğretmenlerin kolektif yeterlik düzeyleri cinsiyet, medeni durum, kıdem, yaş, sendika üyeliği değişkenlerine göre anlamlı farklılık göstermemektedir. Moral düzeyleri ise cinsiyet ve medeni duruma göre anlamlı farklılık göstermezken, kıdem, yaş ve sendika üyeliği değişkenlerine göre anlamlı farklılık göstermektedir. Öğretmenlerinin kolektif yeterlik ve moral düzeyleri arasında pozitif yönde, orta düzeyde anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmuştur. Kolektif yeterlik öğretmenlerin moral düzeylerinin anlamlı bir yordayıcısıdır. 

    Spatially informed voxelwise modeling for naturalistic fMRI experiments

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    Voxelwise modeling (VM) is a powerful framework to predict single voxel responses evoked by a rich set of stimulus features present in complex natural stimuli. However, because VM disregards correlations across neighboring voxels, its sensitivity in detecting functional selectivity can be diminished in the presence of high levels of measurement noise. Here, we introduce spatially-informed voxelwise modeling (SPIN-VM) to take advantage of response correlations in spatial neighborhoods of voxels. To optimally utilize shared information, SPIN-VM performs regularization across spatial neighborhoods in addition to model features, while still generating single-voxel response predictions. We demonstrated the performance of SPIN-VM on a rich dataset from a natural vision experiment. Compared to VM, SPIN-VM yields higher prediction accuracies and better capture locally congruent information representations across cortex. These results suggest that SPIN-VM offers improved performance in predicting single-voxel responses and recovering coherent information representations

    Using bloom’s revised taxonomy to analyse learning outcomes in mathematics curriculam

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    Bu çalışma, 2017 yılında güncellenmiş ortaokul matematik dersi öğretim programında yer alan kazanımların yenilenmiş Bloom Taksonomisine göre bilişsel ve bilgi düzeyine göre derinlemesine incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Verilerin analizi için doküman analizi yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Ortaokul matematik öğretim programı kapsamında 215 kazanım üç araştırmacı tarafından değerlendirilmiştir. Kazanımların değerlendirilme süreci, ortak görüşe varma, bireysel değerlendirme, karşılaştırma olmak üzere üçlü döngü şeklinde devam etmiştir. Yenilenmiş Bloom Taksonomisine göre yapılan analiz sonucunda; bilişsel süreç boyutu açısından kazanımların anlama ve uygulama basamaklarında, bilgi boyutu açısından ise kavramsal ve işlemsel bilgi basamaklarında ağırlıkta olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca kazanımlar sınıf seviyesi ve öğrenme alanlarına göre değerlendirildiğinde, kazanımların bilişsel süreç boyutu açısından kısmen benzerlik gösterdiği; bilgi boyutu açısından da farklılık gösterdiği sonucuna varılmıştır.In this study, it was aimed at evaluating and analysing students’ learning outcomes in Turkish middle school mathematics curriculum according to knowledge and cognitive process dimension of Bloom’s Renewed Taxonomy. In order to gather the required data, document analysis as a qualitative method was used in this research. Therefore, 215 learning outcomes were analysed individually by three researchers and were placed in the two-dimensional taxonomy. The results of analysing outcomes from each researcher were compared to view the concurrency and then differences between the researchers results argued to arrive at a consensus. The findings illustrated that learning outcomes are mostly dominated by understand and apply steps in terms of cognitive process dimension. They are also dominated by procedural and conceptual steps in terms of knowledge dimension. In addition, when the learning outcomes in reference to grade level and learning areas were considered, different results were found in terms of knowledge dimension

    Turkish adaptation of the Mathematics Teachers' Beliefs Scale

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    Mathematics education research often emphasizes beliefs as a key construct. Accordingly, beliefs about mathematics are significantly associated with difficulties encountered during the process of teaching and learning mathematics. The current study aims to assess the validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Mathematics Teachers’ Beliefs Scale [MTBS], which was developed by Xie and Cai (2021). In addition to encompassing five distinct types of beliefs about mathematics, the scale is designed specifically for the beliefs of mathematics teachers in regard to mathematics. Using a 4-point Likert scale, a 26-item belief survey was administered to 259 middle and high school mathematics teachers. This scale was subjected to a confirmatory factor analysis to verify its underlying factor structure. Six items were subsequently removed for lack of validity and reliability based on the collected data. Therefore, a final version of the MTBS with 20 items was developed. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the structure of the scale was acceptable as measured by the Cronbach alpha internal consistency value and goodness-of-fit indices. As a result of the research findings, the Turkish version of the MTBS can be considered a valid and reliable measurement tool. Adapted scale may be able to measure five types of beliefs by Turkish mathematics teachers. Taking gender and years of teaching experience into consideration, the results indicated that teachers' mathematical beliefs didn't change significantly