200 research outputs found

    Design of a guide for english-speaking foreigners who visit Bogota

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    In Colombia, foreigners come to different places well known for its beauty, culture and the characteristic idiosyncrasy of local people. These destinations are presented in many world guides for tourist who visit Colombia and specifically Bogota, however it becomes tricky to find a place just for enjoying the night or meet people with similar likes after a visit to the city's iconic places. For those reasons it is necessary to locate diverse and sometimes hidden places to show variety to the visitors or even a totally new experience. The goal is to identify those places and compile them in a guide for English speaking foreigners who visit Bogota, especially those who come for the first time. In this research it is included information detailing the step by step of the process followed in the pursuit of this goal. The Statement of the Problem organizes the investigation idea and defines what to do, the Background to have a clearer picture on what is to be done and what to be achieve. The research is justified in its social relevance and it will show the usefulness of an alternative guide of Bogota for foreigners. The theoretical framework shows a retrospective on the concepts and theories that are relevant to the research to develop. The methodology exposes the target population, the sample, the technique and the instruments used. The general objective describes what the aim of this work is. The information of the research and the results can be found in the chapters Data Analysis and Conclusions, the scope that may have the guide and the goals to be achieved are exposed in the ProjectionsIntroduction Statement of the Problem Justification Objectives General Objective Specific Objectives Background Theoretical Framework Methodology Type of Investigation Research Method Research Instruments Population and sample Data Analysis Conclusions Bibliography AppendicesPregradoProfesional en Lenguas ModernasLenguas Moderna

    Highlights on gamma rays, neutrinos and antiprotons from TeV Dark Matter

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    We analyze the possibility that the HESS γ-ray source at the Galactic center could be explained as the secondary flux produced by annihilation of TeV dark matter (DM) particles with locally enhanced density, in a region spatially compatible with the HESS observations themselves. We study the inner 100 pc considering (i) the extrapolation of several density profiles from state-of-the-art N-body þ hydrodynamics simulations of Milky Way-like galaxies, (ii) the DM spike induced by the black hole, and (iii) the DM particles scattering off by bulge stars. We show that in some cases the DM spike may provide the enhancement in the flux required to explain the cutoff in the HESS J1745-290γ-ray spectra as TeV DM. In other cases, it may help to describe the spatial tail reported by HESS II at angular scales ≲0.54° toward Sgr A*

    Bases y criterios de diseño de canales con flujo escalonado y sujetos a aireación natural.

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    Una parte fundamental de la Hidráulica de canales está enfocada a los diferentes tipos de disipadores de energía. El presente trabajo aborda los métodos para el cálculo y diseño de rápidas escalonadas sujetas a aireación natural. Con este objetivo, se ha recopilado información de los diferentes estudios experimentales realizados en los últimos años, seleccionando aquellos que presentan una mayor aproximación a la realidad de las condiciones que suelen presentarse en los proyectos que se diseñan a nivel nacional. Se han comparado además los métodos y recomendaciones y se han unificado para lograr una mayor precisión de resultados y una adecuada disipación de energía al final del canal. Se ha elaborado además una hoja electrónica para facilitar el cálculo y comprobación del diseño de canales con flujo escalonado y sujetos a aireación natural. Se incluye también la generación automática de la memoria de cálculo. En el procedimiento de cálculo se detallan las restricciones según el autor y cuáles son las más recomendables según el caso de estudio y las guías para la elección del tamaño óptimo de escalón. En este trabajo se incluye la guía para una práctica estudiantil y los criterios para realizar la misma. En las conclusiones se describen los pros y contras del uso de las rápidas escalonadas como disipadores de energía.A key part of the Channel Hydraulics is focused on the different types of energy dissipaters. This work addresses methods for calculation and design of stepped channels subject to natural ventilation. To this end, it has been collected information from different experimental studies in recent years, selecting those with a closer approximation to the reality of the conditions that often occur in projects that are designed nationally. It has been also compared methods and recommendations and they have been unified to achieve greater precision and adequate results for energy dissipation at the end of the channel. Also, it has been developed a spreadsheet to facilitate calculation and design verification for flow in stepped channels subjected to natural aeration. This spreadsheet includes the automatic generation of calculation memory. In the calculation procedure there are details the restrictions according to the author and which are the most suitable according to the study case and there are also guidelines for choosing the optimal step size. This work includes a practical guide for students and the criteria for an optimal execution of it. The conclusions describe the limitations, pros and cons of using the stepped channels as energy dissipaters

    Rising to the Challenge: Developing Biosensors to Study Nitrogen Transport in Plants

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    Nitrogen (N) plays a crucial role in plant development and growth, which is why high concentrations of N in the form of fertilizers are commonly used in agricultural crops. However, the excess N present in fertilizers is predominantly leached into groundwater, resulting in contamination of one of the largest sources of drinking water and posing a significant threat to the environment and public health. It is therefore essential to comprehend the assimilation, transport, and biosynthesis of nitrogen compounds, in order to improve plant growth and development. Unfortunately, many of the biological and metabolic processes that occur at the cellular and subcellular levels in different organs, tissues, cells, and compartments in plants remain unknow due to the lack of tools available for real-time monitoring. The assimilation of inorganic and organic nitrogen is a complex process that involves numerous transporter systems present in plant cell membranes. These low/high affinity and low/high capacity transporters have been studied in different experimental plant models, but it is still unknown how they are distributed throughout the plant, as well as their modus operandi in each cellular type or intracellular compartment. In this study, we suggest creating and utilizing dual ratiometric biosensors equipped with fluorescent proteins in various subcellular compartments. Our proposal is based on previous findings on glutamate sensors in plants, which were tested in diverse cellular compartments (Castro-Rodriguez et al., 2021). To generate these biosensors, we identified promising candidates such as the ammonium transporter PpAMT1.3 (Castro-Rodriguez et al., 2016) and the amino acid permease PpAAP1 from a conifer plant model, Pinus pinaster (Llebres et al., 2022).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Implementación del software libre GeoGebra como herramienta en el aula para la enseñanza de las matemáticas en educación básica secundaria en la ciudad de Fusagasugá

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    Las matemáticas siempre se han visto por la mayoría de estudiantes con temor, fastidio o indiferencia. Como futuros docentes de Matemáticas nos vemos ante el reto de lograr que nuestros estudiantes entiendan lo importante que son las matemáticas, que no las vean solo como un proceso mecánico, sino que lleguen a comprenderlas. Para lograr este objetivo debemos apoyarnos en todo lo que podamos; aprovechando que la incorporación de las TIC está en auge dentro de la educación, emplearemos el software GeoGebra como herramienta didáctica que permita al estudiante aprender de manera diferente; y además le permita que él mismo adquiera su conocimiento por medio de la manipulación del programa. Ya no será el docente quien tenga el conocimiento absoluto, sino que entre todos se construirá

    Tendencias en Terapia visual para la insuficiencia de convergencia

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    Introducción: La insuficiencia de convergencia (IC), se ha postulado como uno de los problemas más comunes de la visión binocular. De allí que sea necesario Identificar la literatura existente sobre las técnicas para el diagnóstico clínico, los tratamientos más efectivos y el respectivo seguimiento de la insuficiencia de convergencia, según los factores extrínsecos tales cómo edad, género, demanda de convergencia y profesión del paciente. Se seleccionaron 35 artículos referentes a las últimas tendencias para el tratamiento de la insuficiencia de convergencia. La información fué recolectada por medio de bases de datos especializadas y revistas científicas que evidenciaron un alto seguimiento de la terapia visual a través del uso de nuevas tecnologías, recomendadas como apoyo a la terapia visual tradicional y orientadas al tratamiento oportuno y seguimiento adecuado de cada caso clínico. Conclusiones: La terapia visual hoy en día, abarca un amplio grupo de técnicas encaminadas a corregir y mejorar la visión binocular, su proceso visual y alteraciones oculomotoras

    Diagnóstico virológico de la infección por virus sincitial respiratorio

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    La enfermedad respiratoria aguda se define como un conjunto de infecciones del tracto respiratorio que pueden ser causadas por una gran variedad de microorganismos tanto virales como bacterianos, y que constituyen un importante problema de salud pública en el mundo. La infección por Virus Sincitial Respiratorio (VSR) está catalogada como una de las principales causas de enfermedad respiratoria aguda, presentándose especialmente en niños menores de dos años. La falta de diagnóstico confiable de la etiología en las infecciones respiratorias, da como resultado un manejo inadecuado de los pacientes, lo cual puede originar varios tipos de complicaciones. Por tal razón, en esta revisión de la literatura nos enfocamos en presentar un panorama general de la situación de las infecciones respiratorias debidas a VSR en Latinoamérica y las principales dificultades que se presentan al realizar el diagnostico virológico. Para el caso puntual del VSR debido a que todos los agentes etiológicos producen signos y síntomas similares, estos no pueden ser tomados como referencia para distinguir el agente etiológico asociado, así que, en este trabajo se describen las estrategias para realizar el diagnostico de VSR como por ejemplo los que se encargan de detectar anticuerpos específicos en el suero y también los métodos de detección del virus directamente en la muestra de secreción respiratoria, es decir el aislamiento viral en cultivo celular, la detección de antígenos por fluorescencia y la detección de ácidos nucleico

    Apunte Sobre Infracciones Urbanísticas en la Ley 1801 de 2016 Código Nacional de Policía

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    The purpose of this article is to contextualize the urban infractions regulated in the new National Police Code - Law 1801 of 2016, and to identify the legal nature of the urban regulations, since the aforementioned law repealed Law 388 of 1997 in this matter. This is due to the fact that it is essential to understand that despite its repeal, this regulation is applicable to sanctioning procedures initiated prior to the entry into force of the new National Police Code. In this sense, the purpose of this document is to specifically address the amendments introduced by Law 1801 of 2016- National Police Code-, to Law 388 of 1887, regarding urban infractions and penalties, in a legislative effort to strengthen urban control in Colombia. The present manuscript aims from qualitative research, to understand in depth the urban infractions regulated in the new National Police Code, - Law 1801 of 2016. In this order of ideas, this book chapter from a technical-methodical research process, and attending the dogmatic research method, aims to explain the normative framework of urban infractions regulated in the new National Police Code, - Law 1801 of 2016.  La finalidad del presente artículo es contextualizar las infracciones urbanísticas reguladas en el nuevo Código Nacional de Policía, Ley 1801 de 2016, e identificar la naturaleza jurídica de las normas urbanísticas, en razón a que la citada norma derogó en esta materia, a la Ley 388 de 1997. Lo anterior en razón a que resulta imprescindible comprender que, a pesar de su derogatoria, esta normatividad es aplicable para procedimientos sancionatorios iniciados con anterioridad a la vigencia del nuevo Código Nacional de Policía. En este sentido, el objetivo del presente documento tiene como finalidad abordar de forma específica las modificaciones que introdujo la Ley 1801 de 2016- Código Nacional de Policía-, a la Ley 388 de 1887, en materia de infracciones y sanciones urbanísticas, en un esfuerzo legislativo por fortalecer el control urbanístico en Colombia. El presente manuscrito pretende desde la investigación cualitativa, comprender de manera profunda las infracciones urbanísticas reguladas en el nuevo Código Nacional de Policía, - Ley 1801 de 2016. En este orden de ideas, el presente capítulo de libro desde un proceso de investigación técnico-metódico, y atendiendo el método de investigación dogmático, pretende explicar el marco normativo de las infracciones urbanísticas reguladas en el nuevo Código Nacional de Policía, Ley 1801 de 2016

    Pining for answers: Study of cationic amino acids (CATs) transport in maritime pine Pinus pinaster Aiton.

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    Amino acid (AA) transporters are membrane proteins involved in AA mobilization within and between cells and cells compartments. In plants, these transporters are responsible of AA transport from sink to source organelle/cell and vice versa. They have a variety of biological functions, including phloem loading and unloading, seed development, intracellular transport, and organic nitrogen (N) assimilation in roots (Dinkeloo et al., 2018). Widhalm et al. (2015) confirmed the existence of a cationic AA transporter in Petunia hybrida (PhCAT) that is involved in Phe transport from the plastids to the cytosol in flowers. Pinus pinaster is a conifer model tree with ecological and economical importance due to its forestry and biotechnological interest. Molecular studies have been developed, especially related with N transport, metabolism, and regulation as well as wood formation (Castro-Rodríguez et al., 2016, 2017; Ortigosa et al., 2020, 2022). The objective of this study is to identify cationic amino acid transporters (CATs) in maritime pine (P. pinaster) and to elucidate the intracellular and intercellular transport of amino acids. In our research group, 9 CATs have been identified in P. pinaster (PpCATs) using differential transcriptomic profiling in different tissues. The structure and topology of the membrane proteins, their gene expression levels and subcellular localization have been studied for PpCAT3, PpCAT9, PpCAT10 and PpCAT11. PpCAT3 and PpCAT9 are localized in the plasma membrane, PpCAT11 in the tonoplast while PpCAT10 is found in the chloroplast membrane. Furthermore, the localization of PpCAT10 was verified by chloroplast isolation and confirmed using an organelle marker. The location of PpCAT10 in the plastid membrane and its expression pattern suggest that this AA transporter has a critical role in AA transport from plastids to the cytosol (and/or vice versa) during seasonal growth in maritime pine.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Description of respiratory syncytial virus genotypes circulating in Colombia

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    Introduction: Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the most common cause of acute respiratory infections in children younger than two years but also produces infection in older children and even reinfection in people of any age, a characteristic related to the existence of different infecting subtypes and genotypes. Although Colombia has established the surveillance of classical respiratory viruses, there is no information about the RSV genotypes circulating in Colombian patients. Methodology: A subgroup of 227 previously RSV positive respiratory secretion samples were taken from a nationwide surveillance study, amplified and sequenced to define the circulation pattern of RSV subtypes and genotypes during 2000-2009 period in Colombia. Results. RSV exhibited seasonal behavior with an A subtype more prevalent. Both RSV subtypes had low nucleotide variability. During the study period, the GA2 and GA5 genotypes from RSV subtype A and the BA genotype from RSV subtype B were found. Conclusion. In this report, for the first time RSV genotypes circulating in Colombia were described, this information adds valuable information about virus epidemiology helping to understand the RSV epidemic and prepare our country for the introduction of new vaccines