2,001 research outputs found

    Spanish Spelt Wheat: From an Endangered Genetic Resource to a Trendy Crop

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    Spelt wheat (Triticum aestivum L. ssp. spelta Thell.) is an ancient wheat that was widely cultivated in the past. This species derived from a cross between emmer wheat (T. turgidum spp. dicoccum Schrank em. Thell.) and Aegilops tauschii Coss. Its main origin was in the Fertile Crescent (Near East), with a secondary center of origin in Europe due to a second hybridization event between emmer and hexaploid wheat. This species has been neglected in most of Europe; however, the desire for more natural foods has driven a revival in interest. Iberian spelt is classified as a geographical group differing to the rest of European spelt. In this review, the particularities, genetic diversity and current situation of Spanish spelt, mainly for quality traits, are discussed

    Recovery of wheat heritage for traditional food: genetic variation for high molecular weight glutenin subunits in neglected/underutilized wheat

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    Club wheat (Triticum aestivum L. ssp. compactum (Host) Mackey), macha wheat (T. aestivum L. ssp. macha (Dekapr. & A.M. Menabde) Mackey) and Indian dwarf wheat (T. aestivum L. ssp. sphaerococcum (Percival) Mackey) are three neglected or underutilized subspecies of hexaploid wheat. These materials were and are used to elaborate modern and traditional products, and they could be useful in the revival of traditional foods. Gluten proteins are the main grain components defining end-use quality. The high molecular weight glutenin subunit compositions of 55 accessions of club wheat, 29 accessions of macha wheat, and 26 accessions of Indian dwarf wheat were analyzed using SDS-PAGE. Three alleles for the Glu-A1 locus, 15 for Glu-B1 (four not previously described), and four for Glu-D1 were detected. Their polymorphisms could be a source of genes for quality improvement in common wheat, which would permit both their recovery as new crops and development of modern cultivars with similar quality characteristics but better agronomic traits

    Association between the HMW-glutenin Subunits and Gluten Strength Characteristics in Khorassan Wheat Lines

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    Khorassan wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. turanicum Jakubz em. A. Löve & D. Löve) is an ancient tetraploid wheat that was grown in the Mediterranean region and Near East. Sixteen lines differing in the composition of high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (HMWGs) were evaluated for SDS-sedimentation volume and quality index (QI). The data suggested that the two subunit combinations detected in the examined materials at the Glu-B1 locus showed differences in both characteristics (relatively higher levels at the presence of the subunit combination 7+15 compared to 6+8). Weak gluten is in general characteristic of this wheat species. It could be used in a better way for other baking applications than for the pasta industr

    Uso de las proteínas de reserva de megagametofito como marcador de la diversidad genética en Abies pinsapo

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    El pinsapo (Abies pinsapo Boiss.) se localiza exclusivamente en el sur de España, en las comarcas de Cádiz y Málaga, donde ocupa unas 5.000 ha. Diversos factores como la presencia de plagas y el decaimiento de las masas, de origen aún no determinado, hacen temer por el futuro de la especie. A todo ello hay que sumar la circunstancia de que es posible que se esté produciendo un estrechamiento de la base genética de la especie, debido a problemas de consanguinidad y deriva genética. Por esta razón, el desarrollo de una estrategia de conservación de la especie exige la evaluación de su diversidad genética. En este estudio, se han analizado la posibilidad de utilizar las proteínas del megagametofito de pinsapo como marcador de la diversidad genética de las masas de esta especie. La fracción albúminas ha mostrado la existencia de polimorfismo. Un análisis preliminar efectuado en 27 árboles, permitió identificar más de 41 bandas de las que, al menos 12 son polimórficas entre árboles y 8 dentro de árboles. Este resultado permite ser optimista sobre la posibilidad de emplear este marcador con la finalidad señalad

    Potential Use of Wild Einkorn Wheat for Wheat Grain Quality Improvement: Evaluation and Characterization of Glu-1, Wx and Ha Loci

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    Wild einkorn (Triticum monococcum L. ssp. aegilopoides (Link) Thell.) is a diploid wheat species from the Near East that has been classified as an ancestor of the first cultivated wheat (einkorn; T. monococcum L. ssp. monococcum). Its genome (Am), although it is not the donor of the A genome in polyploid wheat, shows high similarity to the Au genome. An important characteristic for wheat improvement is grain quality, which is associated with three components of the wheat grain: endosperm storage proteins (gluten properties), starch synthases (starch characteristics) and puroindolines (grain hardness). In the current study, these grain quality traits were studied in one collection of wild einkorn with the objective of evaluating its variability with respect to these three traits. The combined use of protein and DNA analyses allows detecting numerous variants for each one of the following genes: six for Ax, seven for Ay, eight for Wx, four for Gsp-1, two for Pina and three for Pinb. The high variability presence in this species suggests its potential as a source of novel alleles that could be used in modern wheat breeding

    Allelic Variation of Puroindolines Genes in Iranian Common Wheat Landraces

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    Wheat is one of the most widely grown crops in the world. One of the traits that defines wheat quality is grain hardness, which is determined by puroindolines (PINA and PINB) proteins encoded with Pina-D1 and Pinb-D1 genes. In this study, the diversity of Pina-D1 and Pinb-D1 was evaluated in a collection of 271 Iranian common wheat (Triticum aestivum L. ssp. aestivum) landraces, whose kernels had previously been classified as hard or semi-hard based on PSI analysis. Three alleles previously described as associated with hard grain were detected in the collection: Pinb-D1b in 11 accessions, Pinb-d1ab in 175 accessions, and Pinb-d1p in 80 accessions. In addition, a novel allele tentatively named Pinb-d1ak was detected in Pinb-D1 and was characterized by a change at position 140 of the deduced protein (cysteine/tyrosine). On average, the accessions with this allele showed a lower PSI value than the accessions with other Pin allele. This means that this novel allele may be associated with harder grains than other Pin alleles and could be used by breeding programs targeting different grain hardness levels. This study highlights the importance of conserving and characterizing wheat genetic resources that could be used as sources of genetic variability in breeding programs


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    ABSTRACT ∙ The Tigre river basin in the Amazonian lowlands of northern Perú harbors a hyperdiverse avifauna that remains under‐surveyed and poorly known. We conducted the first comprehensive ornithological inventory of the basin. Observational fieldwork at 42 sites spread across the Peruvian portion of the basin resulted in a bird list of 584 species, reflecting several noteworthy patterns in the avian biogeography of northern Perú. These patterns include the distribution of several species that specialize on nutrient‐poor habitats, such as weathered clay terraces and peatlands. Peatland forests are especially poorly studied in Perú and represent a novel habitat association for these species. We also report on the presence of a suite of species with primarily montane distributions that occur in low density across the Amazonian lowlands and in the study area. Current conservation challenges in the Tigre basin include deforestation and pollution associated with hydrocarbons extraction and infrastructure projects.RESUMEN ∙ Avifauna de la cuenca del río Tigre, Perú La cuenca del río Tigre en las tierras bajas del norte de la Amazonía peruana tiene una avifauna súper diversa que sin embargo es muy poco conocida. Realizamos el primer inventario ornitológico de la cuenca. Observaciones de aves en 42 sitios resultaron en una lista de 584 especies de aves registradas en la zona de estudio. Un grupo particular de esta comunidad de aves son aquellas que se distribuyen en los bosques arcillosos pobres a lo largo del río Pucacuro y sobre bosques de turberas en el bajo río Tigre. Reportamos especies generalmente consideradas como especies facultativas u obligadas de hábitats de suelos de arena blanca en la zona de estudio. Los bosques sobre turberas aún se encuentran muy poco estudiados por los ornitólogos y representan un nuevo espacio para las especies que por lo general encontramos sobre los bosques de arena blanca. Adicionalmente reportamos un grupo de especies que generalmente son comunes en el pie de monte andino, pero que ocurren en bajas densidades en el área de estudio. Las amenazas actuales a la conservación de la zona incluyen la deforestación y la contaminación asociada con actividades petroleras y proyectos de infraestructura

    Preliminary evaluation of grain yield components in hexaploid tritordeum

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    Chromosome duplication of Hordeum chilense and Triticum turgidum conv. durum hybrids created a new cereal with favorable characteristics for planting: the hexaploid tritordeum (X Tritordeum Ascherson et Graebner). A field experiment with three replications was carried out in Cordoba, Spain, to obtain more information on the potential yield of tritordeum for grain yield and its components. The performance of two advanced tritordeums was compared with the yield of two commercial wheat varieties, two durum wheats and four triticales. Results showed that tritordeum has a great potential for the development of highly productive varieties, especially because it is a new and rarely bred specie

    Ensayos experimentales para la obtención del coeficiente hidráulico como un factor relevante en el desarrollo del proyecto de un buque

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    12th International Conference on Project Engineering[Resumen]En este artículo se presenta un estudio experimental del comportamiento de un modelo sujeto a la inundación progresiva de sus compartimentos. El estudio consta de varios ensayos mediante los que se inunda uno o varios compartimientos utilizando aberturas circulares, y de otras formas, con diferentes dimensiones. En cada ensayo se mide en el dominio del tiempo el calado y los ángulos de escora y cabeceo. Teniendo en cuenta estos movimientos se estima la cantidad de agua y caudal en el interior del compartimiento. Estos datos sirven para obtener el coeficiente hidráulico asociado a las aberturas del modelo. Estos coeficientes pueden ser utilizados posteriormente para calibrar programas de cálculo de la inundación progresiva en los buques. ------ [abstract] In this paper an experimental study appears about the behavior of a model subject to the progressive flood of its compartments. The study consists of several tests by means of which one or more compartments are flooded using circular openings, and of other forms, with different dimensions. In every test the domain of the time the draw and the angles of roll and pitch are measured. Bearing these movements in mind the volume and water quantity is estimated inside the compartment. This information serves to obtain the hydraulic coefficient associated with the openings of the model. These coefficients can be used later to calibrate programs of calculation to the progressive flooding in the ships

    Interspecific competition for frugivores: population-level seed dispersal in contrasting fruiting communities

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    Indirect interactions among plant species mediated by frugivorous animals can be central to population and community dynamics, since the successful seed dispersal of species may depend on facilitative or competitive interactions with heterospecific plants. Yet, empirical evidence on these interactions is very scarce and mostly available at small spatial scales, within populations. Because lipid-rich fruits are known to be preferred by migratory birds, here we test our prediction of competitive inferiority of a carbohydrate-rich fruited species (the hawthorn Crataegus monogyna) compared to lipid-rich co-fruiting species in a Mediterranean region where the bulk of seed dispersal relies on migratory birds. We assessed avian seed dispersal in both relative (fruit removal rate) and absolute terms (seed dispersal magnitude) in seven hawthorn populations distributed across an altitudinal gradient encompassing three contrasting fruiting contexts: hawthorn is scarce in the lowlands, common in the midlands, and the dominant fruit species in the highlands. We found evidence of seed dispersal reduction due to interspecific competition in the lowland populations, where lipid-rich fruits dominate. Besides, DNA-barcoding analysis of bird-dispersed seeds revealed that only a small subset of the local frugivore assemblages consumed hawthorn fruits in the lowland communities. Instead, the consumers of hawthorn fruits resembled the local frugivore assemblages where hawthorn fruits were more dominant and frugivore choices more limited. Our study suggests mechanisms by which the rarity or dominance of plant species might be jointly influenced by environmental constraints (here, precipitation along the altitudinal gradient) and frugivore-mediated indirect interactions among plants hindering or facilitating seed dispersal