13 research outputs found

    Analisis Sektor Basis dan Posisi Sektor Ekonomi Kabupaten Pangkajene dan Kepulauan Periode 2011-2015

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    Hasil analisis Location Quotient menunjukkan sektor Pertambangan dan Penggalian; sektor Industri Pengolahan, dan sektor Transportasi dan Pergudangan, merupakan sektor basis di Kabupaten Pangkajene dan Kepulauan. Sedangkan dari hasil perhitungan Tipologi Klassen yang tergolong Kuadran I atau kriteria sektor yang maju dan tumbuh dengan pesat yaitu, sektor Industri Pengolahan dan sektor Transportasi dan Pergudangan. Analisis Dynamic Location Quotient menunjukkan bahwa sektor perekonomian yang diharapkan tetap menjadi sektor basis di masa yang akan datang adalah sebelas sektor di Kabupaten Pangkajene dan Kepulauan yaitu sektor Pertambangan dan Penggalian; sektor Industri Pengolahan, sektor Listrik dan Gas;sektor Perdagangan;sektor Informasi;sektor Transportasi dan Pergudangan ;sektor Jasa Keuangan;sektor Real Estate;sektor Jasa Pendidikan;serta sektor Jasa Lainnya

    Question Item Analysis

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    This article is titled "Question Item Analysis". This article aims to determine the quality of question items. The two aspects in this article are validity and reliability. In learning there are several components which include learning objectives, learning processes and learning evaluations which are inseparable entities. Learning evaluation is carried out to determine the achievement of objectives so that the level of success of the learning that has been done can be known. In the implementation of the UTS and UAS in schools, it is necessary to prepare well-executed questions. Then how the results are, whether the questions used have met the required standards, such tests have never been carried out further. Everything is returned to each school, so what happens is just the uniformity of the questions without a more in-depth study of how a test must be made, carried out, and analyzed to become a test that meets the requirements for testing with certain standards

    Transparency level of the electronic procurement system in Malaysia

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    This paper aims to examine the level of transparency of the electronic procurement (e-procurement) system in Malaysia. Using the content analysis method, 23 transparency disclosure items from the Website Attribute Evaluation System (WAES) checklist were used to evaluate the transparency level of the e-procurement system. The data gathered from the WAES were analysed using frequency and percentage based on the various categories of transparency. The study reveals that the e-procurement system disclosed 17 out of the 23 WAES transparency disclosure items, which represents a transparency disclosure level of 73.91%. Of the five categories of disclosure, i.e. ownership, contact information, organizational information, citizen consequences and freshness, the detailed results show that the items are fully disclosed for only two categories, and for three categories, i.e. ownership, contact information and organizational information, the items are not fully disclosed. The findings of the present research offer a positive indication that the government is moving in the right direction, particularly in efforts to reduce the corruption level in procurement activities and to improve the accountability level of the government. The present study is among the few studies that attempts to address a fundamental issue of transparency in the public procurement system that has an important relationship with the occurrence of corruption in procurement activities

    Implementasi Misi Kristen Dalam Persekutuan Orang Kristen

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    kehidupan umat Kristen yang hanya menjadikan persekutuan sebagai formalitas saja tanpa mengetahu apa arti dari persekutuan tersebut membuat sebagian orang keliru dalam menjalankan misi Kristen sebagai umat percaya. Dari masalah yang ada, penulis pun melakukan penelitian agar dapat memberikan arti yang sesungguhnya tentang persekutuan guna tercapainya misi kristen di dunia. Banyak orang melakukan persekutuan sebagai sesuatu keharusan agar terlihat dalam persekutuan. Tetapi sesungguhnya persekutuan harus mengikuti misi Kristen atau misi sebagai umat percaya dalam beragama. Persekutuaan yang dilakukan hendaknya benar-benar sesuai ajaran Kitab Suci dan berpatokan kepada Tuhan Yesus sebagai Allah yang mengajar tentang cara mengabarkan injil yang benar kepada umat manusia. Dari masalah yang dibahas, implementasi misi Kristen dalam persekutuan orang Kristen ini semoga dapat memberikan penjelasan dan makna sesungguhnya tentang bagaimana bersekutu yang baik dalam berbagai perbedaan yang ada di dalam gereja

    Implementasi Iman Kristen Bagi Anak-anak Di era Milenial

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    Diera milenial ini kita mudah mendapatkan informasi dan dan di era ini juga banyak memberika perubahan. Diera ini erat kaitannnya dengan teknologi khususnya internet dan media sosial. Generasi milenial tidak lepas dari penggunaan teknologi khususnya internet, karena hal itu sudah jadi kebutuhan pokok generasi ini dan hamper dari semua anak-anak yang lahir di era ini sudah memiliki media sosial. Pada era generasi milenial kondisi pendidikan sudah baik dan sudah mudah memperoleh informasi. Karena terlahir di era globalisasi membuat generasi milenial memiliki keunggulan yang lebih dalam penguasaan dan adaptasi terhadap teknologi dibanding generasi sebelumnya. Namun dengan banyaknya informasi menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi generasi ini karena mereka harus pintar dalam memilih informasi yang benar sehingga diperlukan berfikir yang kritis dalam melihat informasi. Dalam era ini sangat dibutuhkan iman yang teguh karena di era ini sangat banyak tawara-tawaran informasi yang tidak benar, maka dari itu jangan sampai iman kita kepada Tuhan semakin turun karena di pengaruhi oleh hal-hal atau informasi yang tidak benar yang di temukan di sosial media


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    This study on The Judicial Analysis of Temporary Officer of Land Deed Processes (PPAT) Canceled by Bantul State Court Adjudication (A Case Study of Adjudication Number 21/Pdt.G/2010 PN.Btl) aimed to find factors causing the canceled authentic deed and what was legal consequence of the authentic deed canceled by State Bantul Court Adjudication Number 21/Pdt.G/2010 PN.Btl, and what the liability canceled authentic deed of temporary officer of land deed processes (PPAT) by Bantul State Court Adjudication Number 21/Pdt.G/2010 PN.Btl This study is a judicial-empirical research, namely: a research prioritizing a field research to collect primary data, conducted directly in objects associated with researched objects. Initial steps of research were taken by considering secondary data, conducting a juridical-normative research. The juridicalnormative research was a research conducted by prioritizing literature study to collect secondary data, then continued by research of data in location or parties associated with research objects to obtain primary data. The results of research indicated that the authentic deed of temporary officer of land deed processes (PPAT) canceled by the Bantul State Court Adjudication Number 21/Pdt.G/2010 PN Btl, was caused by legal defect of the authentic deed made by the temporary officer of land deed processes (PPAT), factors causing the canceled authentic deed, because legal meeting had found change made by Defendant I in making the authentic deed. Legal consequence of the canceled official document: it was canceled for law as to make all provisions existing in the authentic deed invalid, also land buying as object of sales contract was omitted and retuning to original condition before making sales. Responsibility of the canceled authentic deed of temporary officer of land deed processes (PPAT) : ending after legal action occurring in legal action of act was invalid

    Public procurement in Malaysia: objectives and procurement principles

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    Purpose – The objectives of this paper are twofold. Firstly, to examine the importance of Malaysian public procurement objectives and secondly, to investigate the extent to which government suppliers adhere to public procurement principles. Design/methodology/approach – For achieving the objectives, a questionnaire survey was used. A total of 250 questionnaires were distributed to government suppliers involved in the government tendering process. In return, a total of 107 useable questionnaires were received, representing a response rate of 42.8%. Descriptive statistics of the means score, standard deviation and mean score ranking were used to analyse the data. Findings – The results revealed that the most important public procurement objective is “to ensure a continuous supply of material and services to meet the government needs from the best and reliable sources”. On the other hand, the objectives “to expand the local industrial sector by means of transfer of technology and expertise to suit the nation’s needs” and “to promote alternative and multiple sourcing through supplier development according to the aspirations and vision of the government” are perceived as not important by the government suppliers. The findings also discovered a moderate level of adherence to Malaysia’s public procurement principles, which consist of public accountability, transparency, open and fair competition, fair dealing and value for money. Amongst these principles, the most adhered to is the open and fair competition principle and the least adhered to is the transparency principle. Originality/value – This study is one of the few studies that assess the government suppliers’ perceptions of public procurement in Malaysia. More importantly, this study may give some ideas to various parties concerning the areas in which improvement is required to ensure that equal importance is given to the public procurement objectives and better adherence to the public procurement principles in Malaysia

    Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Mutu Pelaksanaan Proyek Peningkatan Jalan Tedubara-Pising Kabupaten Bombana

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    This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the quality of the implementation of improving the Tedubara-Pising street in Bombana Regency. This study uses quantitative data analysis techniques with a sample size of 30 respondents. The results showed that the factors affecting the quality of the Tedubara Pising road improvement in Bombana Regency were financial indicators (X3) 21.97%, followed by Human Resources indicators (X1) 20.14%, location indicators (X5) 19.68 %, material indicator (X2) 19.22%, and the lowest is equipment indicator (X4) 18.99%. Factors related to the quality of road improvement, namely the human resources variable with a value of 0.855 and material with a value of 0.853. This shows a very strong relationshi