38 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Hasil Pengecoran Flange dengan Material Alumunium (Al) Menggunakan Cetakan Pasir Co₂ dengan Variasi Media Pendinginan Oli SAE 40, SAE 90, SAE 140

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    The process of melting the metal by melting, then poured into the mold and allowed to freeze. The metal will undergo phase change during the casting process, caused by the clotting process, this change in properties among others depends on the cooling medium used during the cooling process. Because a metal is very important in a machining construction, in this study used different cooling fluid oil viscosity that is: SAE 40 oil, SAE 90 oil and SAE 140 oil. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of sand mold CO₂ on chemical composition mixture , hardness, microstructure in cast aluminum products with oil cooling. From the test of hardness of specimen with SAE 140 oil media has better hardness value compared to SAE 40 oil and SAE 90 oil. From the test of chemical composition there are 17 elements, but only 4 elements that most influence on aluminum cast are Si, Fe, Cu, and Zn are the most dominant. Judging from the elements present in this material can be classified metal aluminum zinc alloy (Al-Zn)

    Analisa Pengujian Tarik Pipa Komposit Serat Batang Pisang Bermatrik Polyester Bqtn 157 Dengan Sudut Serat 65/-65 Pada Variasi Temperatur Ruang Uji

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kekuatan tarik pipa komposit polyester serat batang pisang yang disusun dengan sudut 65/-65 akibat perubahan temperatur dan mengetahui foto makro setelah pengujian tarik akibat perubahan temperatur. Proses awal pengelupasan dan pemotongan kulit batang pohon pisang 4 lapis dari kulit luar, dilanjutkan proses pengepresan agar bagian dalam kulit batang pisang mudah dihilangkan sampai tersisa serat bagian luar. Proses perendaman didalam air selama 1 bulan bertujuan memisahkan antar serat agar lebih mudah diuraikan. Penjemuran awal dilakukan pada temperatur ruang selama 1 hari dengan panjang 100cm. Selanjutnya perlakuan alkali dengan dicuci menggunakan kalium permangant 2% selama 2 jam dilanjutkan pengeringan pada temperatur ruang dan dioven pada suhu 31 C sampai kering. Pembuatan komposit dengan metode cetak perbandingan serat ±30% dengan sudut serat 65/-65. Pengujian tarik dengan standart ASTM D 2105 dengan variasi temperatur ruang, temperatur ruang uji 35, 45, 55 C untuk mengetahui kekuatan tarik dan foto makro pipa komposit polyester serat batang pisang. Dari pengujian tarik dapat disimpulkan bahwa terjadi fenomena pada temperatur uji 35 C kekuatan tarik tertinggi selanjutnya terjadi penurunan dari 0,595, 0,305, 0,242 N/mm2. Foto makro patahan uji tarik terlihat tidak merata dan terjadi pull-out fiber pada temperatur uji diatas 35 C

    Analisa Pengaruh Solution Treatment Pada Material Alumunium Terhadap Sifat Fisis Dan Mekanis

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    Perkembangan Alumunium di Indonesia memang sudah cukup baik, namun perlu adanya penelitian lebih lanjut lagi mengenai pencampuran logam yang dapat mempengaruhi ketahanan alumunium pada saat aplikasi penggunaannya dikehidupan sehari-hari. Logam alumunium perlu kita kembangkan lagi karena fungsinya yang cukup baik dalam penggunaan logam yang tidak berat namun berkualitas baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sifat fisis dan mekanis alumunium akibat perbedaan waktu tahan pada solution treatment Hasil akan dikarakterisasi sifat fisis dan mekanisnya, yang meliputi uji kekerasan,uji impak,uji tarik. Selanjutnya material akan diperlakukan dengan siklus thermal sebesar 450oC, kemudian dievaluasi lagi,sehingga diharapkan didapat campuran dan temperatur yang sesuai

    Pengaruh Variasi Temperatur Air sebagai Pendingin Terhadap Flange Coran Aluminium dengan Media Cetakan Pasir Co₂

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    The metal will undergo phase change during the casting process, both physical and mechanical changes caused by the clotting process. Changes in this character are among others influenced by the cooling medium used during the cooling process due to the physical and mechanical properties of a metal is essential in the construction of machinery. So in this research used different cooling media that is: Water with temperature 15 ° C, Water with temperature 27 ° C and Water with temperature 55 ° C. The purpose of this study was to compare the physical and mechanical properties of aluminum casting with different cooling media. From testing hardness of specimen with water cooling medium 15 ° C has better hardness value than water with temperature 27 ° C and 55 ° C. From the test results of chemical composition there are 17 elements, but only the 4 most influential elements on cast aluminum are Si, Fe, Cu, and Zn the most dominant. Viewed from the elements present in this material can be classified metal aluminum zinc alloy (Al-Zn)

    Analisa Lembaran Komposit berpenguat Serbuk Ijuk mesh 60 Menggunakan Matrik Karet Terhadap Radiasi Sinar Gamma Dengan variasi Komposisi Serbuk Ijuk 0 Phr, 15 Phr, 25 Phr

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    The purpose of this study was to utilize renewable lalam hasi as a substitute for metal materials. It is also to determine the absorption of gamma-ray radiation of the powder berpenguat composite fibers are fibers powder can absorb gamma radiation. Composite manufacturing process begins with the preparation of materials to be used, namely: powder fibers, latex I radiation with a concentration of 60%, and chemicals (ionol, ZnO, darvan, sulfur, ZDEC). Pollination fibers by way mengiling, mashing and blending the fibers during 1 month and penggemesan powder with a mesh fibers 60. Furthermore, the process of dispersion by means of chemicals mixed in a dispersion tube with a predetermined composition for 24 hours. After the mixing of composite materials by means berlahan stirred for 15 minutes. After the composite materials that have been mixed is poured into a mold that has been determined. The test specimens do is Pengujan gamma with standard ISO 18-6478 - 2000, and the journal Kristiyanti, BATAN Nuclear Device Engineering Center (2011) with a variety of powder composition fibers 0 phr, 15 phr, 25 phr. The test results can be concluded very highest absorption in the composite powder composition fibers 25 phr, ie 40.15% absorption rate and absorption of the smallest on the composition 0 phr, ie 29.66% absorption rate. Keywords: Powder Ijuk Aren, Latex, Chemicals, Sheet Composit

    Analisa Heat Treatment Pada Aluminium Magnesium Silikon (Al – Mg – Si) Dengan Silikon (Si) (1%, 3%, 5%)Terhadap Sifat Fisis Dan Mekanis

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui komposisi unsur kimia, struktur mikro, kekuatan impak, kekuatan tarik dan kekerasan bahan spesimen paduan Aluminium Magnesium Silikon (Al-Mg-Si) dengan Silikon (Si) dengan variasi penambahan 1%, 3%, dan 5% dengan perlakuan heat treatment. Metode penelitian meliputi bahan, alat dan proses yang dilakukan selama penelitian. Adapun material atau bahan yang diuji adalah Aluminium (Al) berupa plat aluminium, Magnesium (Mg), berupa serbuk magnesium dan Silikon (Si), berupa serbuk silikon. Komposisi aluminium (Al) masing-masing sama 85% dengan silikon (Si) bervariasi 1%, 3%, 5% dan sisanya magnesium (Mg). Pada perlakuan panas spesimen dikenai perlakuan panas pelarutan (solution heat treatment) 450oC dengan waktu tahan 1 jam, 2 jam, 3 jam kemudian di quenching media air dan terakhir dituakan dengan penuaan buatan (artificial aging) 125oC. Adapun pengujian yan dilakukan adalah uji komposisi, struktur mikro, uji impak charpy, uji tarik an uji kekerasan Vickers. Hasil pengujian komposisi kimia terhadap ketiga paduan tersebut di dapati paduan aluminium (Al) yang kaya akan unsur silikon (Si) adalah pada paduan Al-Mg penambahan Si 5% yaitu, 4,8632%. Dari hasil pengujian impak tampak bahwa harga impak mengalami peningkatan setelah diperlakukan panas dan pada penambahan Si yang lebih banyak material ini mengalami penurunan keuletan material. Hasil pengujian tarik menunjukkan bahwa kekuatan tarik pada paduan Si yang lebih banyak dapat menurunkan kekuatan tarik. Dari pengujian kekerasan diketahui bahwa penambahan Si yang semakin banyak menyebabkan material semakin rapuh

    Pengaruh Temperatur Tuang dan Jumlah Saluran Turun terhadap Sifat Fisis dan Mekanis Coran Besi Cor Nodular

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    The purpose of this research is to know the result of nodular cast iron specimen test on chemical composition, microstructure, hardness, tensile and impact test for 1542 C (drop down 2,3 and 4), 1554C down 2.3 and 4 pcs), and pour temperature 1568C (channel down 2.3 and 4 pieces). The material under study is a nodular cast iron specimen. Variations of specimens include: specimen A = casting temperature 1542C (channel down 2,3 and 4 pieces), specimen B = casting temperature 1554C (channel down 2,3 and 4 pieces), and specimen C = pour temperature 1568 C (channel down 2.3 and 4 pieces). Tests performed: chemical composition test (Spectrometer-ASTM E 415), microstructure test (Olympus Metallurgical Microscope and Olympus Photomicrographic System-ASTM E 7), hardness test (Macrohardness Vickers Tester-ASTM E 92) tensile test (Universal servohydraulic-servopulser-ASTM E 8M test device) and impact test (Charpy Impact Tester-ASTM E 32). From the results of testing the chemical composition can be known that the specimens used are nodular cast iron (round graphite). With the chemical composition of the main elements: iron (Fe) = 92.54%; carbon (C) = 3.7727%, silicon (Si) = 3.0761% and Manganese (Mn) = 0.3663%. From the observation of microstructure on each specimen temperature 1542 C, 1554 C and 1568 C obtained graphite phase, perlite and ferrite. From the hardness test, the average hardness of consecutive samples of 1542 ° C was highest on 2 drops (271,3 VHN), 4 drops (253,9 VHN) and 3 channels down (240,1 VHN ). Temperatures of 1554 C were found to be the highest successive mean hardness in 2 downhill lines (265.9 VHN), 4 dropped channels (256.1 VHN) and the lowest of 3 drops (253.9 VHN). Temperature 1568 C obtained the highest successive average hardness on 2 down channels (270,6 VHN). The following channels dropped 4 pieces (253.9 VHN) and the lowest on 3 down channels (231.9 VHN). The highest tensile strength to the lowest for all successive pour temperatures is found in 2 downlets, 4 pieces and 3 pieces. The highest impact price to the lowest occurred at higher casting temperature to lower consecutive temperature obtained in the channel down 4 pieces, 2 pieces and 3 pieces

    Pengaruh Lapisan Karbon Terhadap Sifat Fisis dan Mekanis Pada Solidifikasi Besi Cor Kelabu Dalam Cetakan Permanen Untuk Tapping Akhir

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the carbon coating on the physical and mechanical properties of the gray cast iron solidification in permanent mold for tapping end. The material used to make the specimen is turning lathe the former scrap in the melt in an induction furnace and poured in permanent mold is coated with carbon which is done at the tapping end, then specimen tested in physical and mechanical properties. This testing is CE meter which in this test the iron is still in liquid form, testing the chemical composition then hardness testing and microstructure testing on parts that direct contact with the air and on the direct contact with the mold. Test results CE meter at the end of the tapping obtained the highest temperature of 1286.2 °C, began to condense at temperatures of liquid (1164,1 oC), and is solid at a temperature solid (1113,8 oC). Chemical composition testing of specimens without the carbon coating is Fe (93.46%), C (3.52%), Si (1.95%), a specimen with a carbon coating Fe (93.36%), C (3.69% ), Si (1.95%). The test results of micro picture looks graphite and cementite, for direct contact with the mold coated carbon dominated by graphite, while for direct contact with the air is dominated by cementite. The test results hardness specimens without the coating carbon obtained hardness HRB 97.79 and for coated the carbon obtained HRB 91.97 on the sides and HRC 18.79 on the top. From the data it can be concluded that the addition of the elements carbon (C) on the specimens with a carbon layer by 0.17%, hardness the specimens with coating the carbon more soft because it is dominated graphite, for parts in direct contact with the air is dominated by cementite because in this case freezing faster

    Analisis Sifat Fisik Dan Mekanik Akibat Variasi Temperatur Uji Pada Komposit Serat Batang Pohon Pisang Yang Disusun 5 Lapis Dengan Orientasi Serat (-30/60/0/-30/60)

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    This study aimed to describe the tensile strength and bending strength of the composite fibers are arranged banana trees 5 layers with fiber arrangement -30 / 60/0 / -30 / 60 and describe macro picture after the tensile test and bending due to changes temperature. The initial process pelupasan and cutting tree bark pisang.Proses immersion for 1 month followed pengerokan and brushing using a metal plate to exit seratnya.Penjemuran cool, dry place until the next washing process using a chemical solution of 5% potassium permangant per 1 liter of distilled water for 2 jam.penjemuran under the sun to dry resumed process oven until the moisture content is constant. Composite manufacturing methods Hand Lay-up, using fiber weight fraction ratio of 30% and fiber orientation -30 / 60/0 / -30 / 60. Using a tensile test ASTM D 3039 standard and bending tests using standard ASTM D7269 with a temperature variation of 29 0C and temperature test 350C, 450C and 55 0C, and describes the tensile strength and bending as well as macro image of composite polyester fiber banana trees due changes in temperature. The test results concluded that the higher the temperature test the tensile strength is getting weaker or down, this proved to be the tensile strength decreased from 26.4 N / mm2 to 20.3 N / mm2 and the temperaruji higher bending test, the test voltage values the higher the bending is evident that the increase in value of the voltage dari0,278 N / mm2 to 7.08 N / mm2 .At visible results macro photo fault structure has the properties of clay composite specimens

    Analisis Hasil Pengecoran Kuningan (CuZn) dengan Variasi Media Pendinginan (Air sumur, Oli SAE 40 dan Udara) Menggunakan Cetakan Pasir CO2

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    This research used brass material or rubbing in remelting in induction kitchen, using CO2 sand mold with variation of cooling water of well water, SAE 40 oil and room temperature air. During the cooling process using different variations of cooling medium it can produce brass casting products with their own character and character. These properties are very influential on the quality of brass castings products. The purpose of this study was to compare the physical and mechanical properties of brass casting with different cooling media. Data analysis showed that from the test of chemical composition found some elements such as (Cu) 66,4%, (Zn) 27,9%, (Pb) 2,22%, (Sn) 1,38%, (Fe) 0,727 %, and (Ni) 0.401%. From HRB hardness test result obtained for variation of well water refrigeration media equal to 33,08 HRB, room temperature air cooling medium equal to 28,31 HRB, and SAE 40 oil refrigeration media equal to 27,98 HRB