13 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi, Motivasi Dan Komitmen Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan CV.Mustikasari Sragen

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of Organizational Culture, Motivation and Organizational Commitment towards employee performance. This is a quantitative study with a sample of 52 employees CV. Mustikasari. Sampling using random sampling or simple random. Research data collection techniques through questionnaires and documentation. Based on calculations derived variables SPSS 19:00 Organizational Culture, variable Motivation and Organizational Commitment variables significantly influence employee performance partially. Organizational culture has a greater influence than the other variables. Therefore, to improve employee performance picket management needs to realize organizational culture conducive by factors the company can accept the duty, responsibility and trust, fix the error that has been done and, every employee to prepare everything before you start doing the work, organizational management can encourage employees to help addressing consumer issues and involve unions in decision-making, management is concerned with the quantity of service, all employees feel the appreciation in the can by one of the employees who excel, the company stressed to work diligently in order to service the company can compete as well as the company can improve the work already well become more well again. Keywords: Employee Performance, Organizational Culture, and Organizational Commitmen

    Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Dan Komitmen Organisasi Terhadap Disiplin Kerja Dengan Kepuasan Kerja Sebagai Variabel Intervening (Pada Karyawan PT. PLN (Persero) Area Surakarta)

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    The aims of this study is to analyze the factors - factors that can affect the employee job satisfaction and work discipline in the PT. PLN (Persero) AREA Surakarta. Research model that will be used in this research is a tiered structure model and to test the hypothesis used analytical techniques SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) which is run by the application SmartPLS 2.0.M3. Based on the results of the analysis shows that the style of leadership is not a positive influence on work discipline, organizational commitment is a positive influence on work discipline, leadership style has a positive effect on job satisfaction, organizational commitment is a positive influence on job satisfaction, job satisfaction and positive effect on labor discipline. Model of the influence of leadership style, organizational commitment and job satisfaction on work discipline produces the R - square value is to show good models. It means that the variability of labor discipline constructs can be explained by the variability of the construct of leadership style, organizational commitment and job satisfaction. The model of the influence of leadership style and organizational commitment on job satisfaction produces the R-square value indicates a moderate models, it means that the construct of job satisfaction variability can be explained by the variability of the construct of leadership style, and organizational commitmen

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Implementasi Kebijakan Pajak Mineral Bukan Logam Dan Batuan Di Kabupaten Wonogiri

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    The purposed of the research to analyzed the influence of the officials service, the accuracy of tax payer data, the accuracy of object tax data, policy implementation and the facilitation toward tax income the non metal mineral and rock in Wonogiri Regency. This research use 100 tax payer as respondents. The technique of collecting data is using questionnaire with Likert scale. Data analysis using multiple regression analysis and classic assumption test. Result of this research indicate that the service of government officer do not have an effect on the positive to implementation of policy mineral lease non metal and rock. Taxpayer accuration do not have an effect on the positive to implementation of policy mineral loease non metal and rock, while accuration of obyect lease have an effect on positive and significant to implementation of policy mineral Iease non metal and rock. While facilitation do not have an effect on positive to implementation of policy of mineral Iease non metal and rock. Examination by simultan (test F) indicating that government officer service, taxpayer accuration, accuration of obyect Iease, and facilitate by simultant have an effect on the significant to implementation of policy mineral Iease non metal and rock

    Analysis Of Factors Affecting Employees Satisfaction In PT. Wangsa Jatra Lestari

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    The purpose of this study are: 1) To determine there is relationship or not of working environment with satisfaction of employees; 2) To determine there is relationship or not of pay & promotion with satisfaction of employees; 3) To determine there is relationship or not of job security with satisfaction of employees; 4) To determine there is relationship or not of co-workers with satisfaction of employees; 5) To determine there is relationship or not of supervisor with satisfaction of employees; and 6) To determine there is relationship or not of level of fairness with satisfaction of employees. This research is quantitative, by taking samples at PT. Wangsa Jatra Lestari. The study population and sample as many as 181 employees were taken by 150 employees. The technique of collecting data using questionnaires. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results obtained showed that: 1) There exists a positive relationship between working environment and satisfaction of employee; 2) Pay and promotion enhances job satisfaction of employee; 3) Increased job security has a positive impact on job satisfaction of employees; 4) A positive correlation exists between relationship with co-workers & job satisfaction; 5) Supervisor’s supports increase the job satisfaction of employees; and 6) Increased level of fairness has a significant impact on job satisfaction. Keywords: Working Environment, Pay & Promotion, Job Security, Relationships with Co-Workers, Relationship with Supervisor, and the Level of Fairnes

    Remunerasi Sebagai Kebijakan Kompensasi di Rumah Sakit Astrinapura Wonogiri, Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    This study of the remuneration as compensation policy at the Hospital. The purpose of this study is to analyze the process of compensation and to analyze the application of remuneration as compensation policy. The data used in this thesis is the data associated with the implementation of the remuneration obtained from the documentation, interviews, and observations. The data collected was analyzed by qualitative descriptive analysis method. The results of this study indicate more clearly the compensation that is based on the employee's contribution to the work. Compensation in the form of structural policy benefits given equally to all office holders, the incentive is given in the form of incentives do not directly correspond to the index score of employees and direct incentives are given according to the number of services provided. The total income received by the employee in accordance with the increased contribution. With this remuneration it can be arranged in accordance with the teaching that the contribution of work, if the contribution is high then the income is high, if the contribution is low, a low income

    Work Environment And Corporate Culture Influence On The Performance Of Employees Of Pt. Tiga Serangkai Pustaka Mandiri

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    The purpose of this study are: first, to Determine the influence of the work environment on the performance of employees in the company; second, to Determine the influence of corporate culture on the performance of employees in the company; third, to Determine the influence of the working environment and corporate culture on the performance of employees in the company. This research is quantitative, by taking samples at PT. Tiga Serangkai Pustaka Mandiri, Surakarta, Indonesia. The study population and sample as many as 268 employees were taken by 100 employees. The technique of collecting data using questionnaires. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results obtained showed that: first, there is a positive and significant contribution of the work environment on employee performance at PT. Tiga Serangkai Pustaka Mandiri; second, there is a positive and significant contribution of the corporate culture on employee performance at PT. Tiga Serangkai Pustaka Mandiri; third, there is a positive and significant contribution of the work environment and corporate culture on employee performance at PT. Tiga Serangkai Pustaka Mandiri

    Pengaruh Corporate Governance Terhadap Manajemen Laba Riil (Studi Empiris Pada Perusahaan Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia)

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    This research aims to determine the effect of corporate governance on the real earnings management, occured in companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange during 2006-2010 period. Corporate governance measurement used structural approach consist of the percentage of institutional ownership, manajerial ownership, the proportion of the board independent commissioner, the size of board commissioners and the existence of an audit committee. While, earnings management measurement used real approach. This study used purposive sampling method. These samples are 160 companies. Analysis used multiple regression analysis. Research results indicate that corporate governance including institutional ownership, manajerial ownership, the proportion of the board independent commissioner, and the existence of an audit committee have effect on real earnings management. While, the size of board commissioners do not effect on the real earnings management

    Pengaruh Service Quality Terhadap Kepuasan Pasien Rawat Jalan di Rumah Sakit Dr. Hardjolukito Yogyakarta

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    The Customer loyalty is absolutely necessary in this era of increasingly fierce competition, including in the health care business. Because of the absence of customer loyalty, the hospital will not grow well even be left by customers. The purpose of this study was to analyze the affect service quality to customer satisfaction in Clinical of RS. Dr. Hardjolukito Yogyakarta .The total sample of 84 respondents in there with accidental sampling. Based on regression analysis concluded that the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction in Clinical of RS. Dr. Hardjolukito Yogyakarta ; Tangibles, Realibility and empathy effect on customer satisfaction. But the responsiveness and assurance hadn’t impact to the customer satisfactio

    Assessment Of Customer Satisfaction Of Samsung

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the customer satisfaction of using Samsung mobile phone. This research is quantitative, by taking samples of Samsung user especially of Samsung mobile phone. The study population is the entire subject of research is carried out by taking location in around of University Muhammadiyah of Surakarta, Semarang, Wonogiri and Surakarta. The technique of collecting data by using questionnaires. The data analysis technique is used Chi - Square test. The results are obtained showed that: There is difference perception between customer satisfaction to perceived usefulness

    Pengaruh Persepsi Tentang Profesionalisme, Komunikasi Dalam Lingkungan Kerja Dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Perawat Di Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Karanganyar

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis pengaruh persepsi perawat tentang profesionalisme, komunikasi dalam lingkungan kerja dan motivasi kerja baik secara parsial maupun simultan terhadap kinerja perawat di RS PKU Muhammadiyah Karanganyar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan sampel 67 orang. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer berupa jawaban kuesioner dari responden. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda. Berdasarkan analisis data penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa baik secara parsial maupun simultan variabel persepsi perawat tentang profesionalisme, komunikasi dalam lingkungan kerja dan motivasi kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja perawat PKU Muhammadiyah Karanganyar05. Hasil penelitian dapat menjadi pedoman pihak manajemen untuk lebih memperhatikan dan meningkatkan profesionalisme tenaga medis melalui program pendidikan berkelanjutan, sehingga wawasan tenaga medis khususnya perawat dapat terus tumbuh dan berkembang yang pada akhirnya diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kinerja kerja mereka. Manajemen rumah sakit mendengarkan keluhan-keluah pasien maupun keluarganya kemudian ditindaklanjuti dengan tujuan peningkatan kualitas rumah sakit dan memperhatikan kebutuhan-kebutuhan tenaga medis, seperti dengan memenuhi tunjangan dan kesejahteraan tenaga medis