474 research outputs found
Pengaruh Strategi Learning Starts With A Question Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Standar Kompetensi Memahami Sifat Dasar Sinyal Audio di SMK Negeri 2 Surabaya
Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) hasil belajar siswa kelas X TAV yang menggunakan strategi learning starts with a question, (2) hasil belajar siswa kelas X TAV yang menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional, (3) membandingkan hasil belajar siswa yang dibelajarkan menggunakan strategi learning starts with a question dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional. Sasaran penelitian yaitu kelas X TAV di SMKN 2 Surabaya tahun ajaran 2012/2013. Metodologi penelitian ini adalah eksperimen dengan rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah “ Nonequivalent Control Group Design ”. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan angket, hasilnya dianalisis secara deskriptif dan t-tes. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) hasil belajar kelas eksperimen termasuk dalam kriteria tinggi, hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai Ttest lebih besar Ttabel (32,82>1,71) dan nilai rata-rata observasi lebih tinggi dari nilai rata-rata ideal (50). (2) hasil belajar kelas kontrol termasuk dalam kriteria tinggi, hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai Ttest lebih besar Ttabel (23,48>1,71) dan nilai rata-rata observasi lebih tinggi dari nilai rata-rata ideal (50). (3) hasil belajar siswa yang didapatkan menggunakan strategi learning starts with a question lebih tinggi dari pada hasil belajar siswa menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional, hal ini dibuktikan dengan nilai Ttest lebih besar Ttabel (9,529>1,67). Kata Kunci: Strategi learning starts with a question, model konvensional dan hasil belajar siswa. Abstract This study aims to: (1) learning outcomes of class X TAV students who use learning strategies starts with a question, (2) learning outcomes of class X TAV students who use models conventional learning, (3) compare student learning outcomes to learn use learning strategies starts with a question by using conventional learning models. Objective research is a class X TAV in SMKN 2 Surabaya academic year 2012/2013. The methodology of this research is experimental research design used is “ Nonequivalent Control Group Design ”. Methods for collecting data using questionnaires, the results were analyzed by descriptive and t-test. The results showed that: (1) learning outcomes in the classroom experiments, including high criteria, it is indicated by the value Ttest more Ttabel (32.82> 1.71) and the average value of observations is higher than average ideal (50). (2) learning outcomes in the classroom control, including high criteria, it is indicated by the value Ttest more Ttabel (23.48> 1.71) and the average value of observations is higher than average ideal (50). (3) learning outcomes student obtained using learning strategy starts with a question higher than on student learning outcomes using conventional learning models, this is evidenced by the value of Ttest more Ttabel (9.529> 1.67). Keywords: Learning strategy starts with a question, the conventional model and student learning outcomes
Ramalan (ke)Nabi(an) Terbayangkan untuk Indonesia Masa Kini
Prophecy used to be understood as something of the future or of the past, whether it is about something good or not good. On the other hand, prophecy is often explained as a coming event or a prediction of something that might happen. That explanation could be considered as of mystical aspect of a prophecy, or something about a future of tomorrow. In our modern or postmodern era, our question is what could be the role of mass-media in relation to that prophecy and the prophet of today? Indeed, todays prophet could make use of mass-media, printed or virtually printed, to publish or distribute his or her message. Presumably, this kind of prophecy would generate similar social-religious movement and action that eventually would have impact on the social-political and cultural life of a society and nation
Persepsi Petani Muda Terhadap Profesi Sebagai Petani di Kecamatan Bancak Kabupaten Semarang
Farmers' work is carried out in rice fields, fields, fields, and gardens which are usually the livelihoods of the villagers. Currently, most of the farmers' work force is managed by older farmers. Meanwhile, the younger generation is less interested in continuing their parents' farming. Youth prefer to try their luck in the city because agriculture is less promising for economic improvement, and agricultural land is decreasing. This causes the youth's view of agriculture to be increasingly limited and it becomes difficult for them to stay on the farm. This study aims to examine the perception of young farmers towards farmer's work, to examine the perception-forming factors and to assess the relationship between the perception-forming factors and the perception of young farmers to the farmer's work. The basic method used is descriptive analysis with survey techniques. The research location was determined purposively, namely Bancak District, Semarang Regency. The sample was determined using a multistage cluster random sampling technique, as many as 60 young farmers spread over three villages, namely Pacekelan Village, Ganggeng Village, and Paduroso Village. The data used are primary data and secondary data. The data analysis used category classes to determine the perception of young farmers towards work as farmers and Rank Spearman (rs) to determine the relationship between the factors that shape perceptions and perceptions of young farmers towards work as farmers. The results showed that there was a very significant relationship between the family environment and socio-culture with youth perceptions of farmer work at the 99% confidence level, at the 95% level there was a significant relationship between work interactions and the primary social environment with youth perceptions of farmer work, while Formal education, non-formal education, secondary social environment, and cosmopolitan have no significant relationship with youth perceptions of farmer wor
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: 1) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh lingkungan belajar terhadap prestasi belajar ekonomi siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 3 Colomadu;2) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh minat belajar terhadap prestasi belajar ekonomi siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 3 Colomadu;3) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh lingkungan belajar dan minat belajar terhadap prestasi belajar ekonomi
siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 3 Colomadu. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan
penarikan kesimpulan melalui analisis statistik. Penelitian ini mengambil lokasi di SMP Negeri 3 Colomadu. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 3 Colomadu sejumlah 280 siswa. Sampel diambil sebanyak adalah 155 orang siswa dengan teknik random sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik angket dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda, uji F, uji t, uji R2, dan sumbangan relatif dan efektif. Hasil analisis regresi memperoleh persamaan garis regresi: Y = 51,467 + 0,346X1 + 0,226X2. Persamaan tersebut menunjukkan bahwa koefisien regresi dari
masing-masing variabel independen bernilai positif, artinya variabel Lingkungan Belajar dan Minat Belajar secara bersama-sama berpengaruh positif terhadap Prestasi Belajar siswa.Kesimpulan yang diambil adalah: 1) Ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara lingkungan belajar terhadap prestasi belajar ekonomi pada siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 3 Colomadu tahun ajaran 2010/2011 dapat diterima. Hal ini berdasarkan
analisis regresi linier ganda (uji t) diketahui bahwa thitung > ttabel, yaitu 6,292 > 1,976 dan nilai signifikansi < 0,05, yaitu 0,000 dengan sumbangan relatif sebesar 69,8 % dan sumbangan efektif 22,1%; 2) Ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara minat belajar terhadap prestasi belajar ekonomi pada siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 3 Colomadu
tahun ajaran 2010/2011 dapat diterima. Hal ini berdasarkan analisis regresi linier ganda (uji t) diketahui bahwa thitung > ttabel, yaitu 3,685 > 1,976 dan nilai signifikansi
Ftabel, yaitu 35,293 > 3,056 dan nilai signifikansi < 0,05, yaitu 0,000. 4) Hasil uji koefisien determinasi (R2) sebesar 0,317 menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh yang diberikan oleh kombinasi variabel Lingkungan
Belajar dan Minat Belajar terhadap Prestasi Belajar siswa adalah sebesar 31,7% sedangkan 68,3% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain
Abstract ; The learning science result of autism student was still low. It appeared the student’s ability mentioning and recognizing human absorbtion and also the function still low. in mentioning the absorption orderly the student found difficulty and in explaining the function of each human absorption the student were not perfect especially autism student of class V In SDLB Putra Harapan Bojonegoro. Based on the background above, the purpose of this research was to know the influence of discussion method with torso media toward learning science result to autism students of class V in SDLB Putra Harapan Bojonegoro.This research used quantitative approach with pre experiment arrangement and the design was “one group pre test post test”. The data collection method used test to obtain the data of learning result before and after giving intervention. The data analysis used statistic non parametric with sign test formula.The research result indicated there was enhancement of learning science result value of human absorption material in pre test it was 29,6 becoming 86,9 in post test. The data analysis using sign test formula about the influence of using discussion method with torso media toward learning science result to autism student was that Z Table 5% to two sides that was 1,96. Zh value obtained was 2,05. It proved that null hypothesis was refused and work hypothesis was accepted.The research conclusion was “there was significant influence of using discussion method with torso media toward learning science result to autism student of class V in SDLB Putra Harapan Bojonegoro”.Keyword : Discussion method, Torso Medi
Batik Originality Marker As a Protection Model To The Manufacturer And Batik's Consumer
Such way from Pekalongan City Government in protecting the existence of crafstmen/batik seller and its consumer is by publishing region regulation of Pekalongan City Number 6 in year 2014. By that regulation, Pekalongan city government obligue all manufacturer/batik seller that produce and sell batik product in/from Pekalongan city should label their product with “ Batik Pekalongan”, hence it is not only functioned as a marker for consumer that is not able to identify the kinds of batik nor differentiate with printing batik, but also functioned as a protection model for the manufacturer/batik seller in Pekalongan. Nevertheless the absence of monitoring in the usage of label “Batik Pekalongan”, has been absorbed by certain manufacturer/batik seller to make fraud, thus the effort of Pekalongan city governmnt in giving protection to the manufacturer/batik seller and also their consumer hasn’t been well realized. The research resulted an e-label batik application that supports the effort of Pekalongan city government, by augmented reality technology utilization will make the label of “Batik Pekalongan” displaying such information about the kinds of batik, batik pattern/motif, the profile of the manufacturer/batik seller and other related information, if consumer scans that label by their smartphone, the information will be just displayed, and when the Pekalongan city government as the observer of the usage of batik label has done the validation based on the sustainability of the label certainty with the kinds of batik sold by the manufacturer/seller, the label of “Batik Pekalongan” will be functioned as the trusted mar
Sebagai pengurus OSIS (Organsasi Siswa Intra Sekolah) harus mempunyai motivasi untuk dapat berkolaborasi dengan pihak sekolah dengan tujuan Bersama mencapai tujuan sekolah. Pengurus OSIS harus mempunyai mental dan pengetahuan yang baik, guna mnyeleraskan pengetahuan, kegiatan dan tujaun sekolah. Oleh karena itu pihak sekolah mampu membimbing, membina dan menuntun pengurus OSIS agar menjadi sumber daya yang siap berdaya saing
This research is motivated by the increasing number of service English educational business in major cities in Indonesia. The one is ILP Semarang, a business unit engaged in education in particular areas of language. Although ILP is not the only one language educational company in Semarang, it is able to maintain its presence in the encompetition in Indonesia, especially in business educational institution oriented in teaching english in Semarang. It can be seen from the number of students who study in ILP Semarang for studying there to crease their english ability. Therefore, the research is conducted to determine how the influence of brand image which include of corporate image, consumer image, and product image variables participate of the other variabel which is promotional mix to the purchasing decision.
After doing a literature review and hypothesis formulation, data are collected through questionnaire method of 100 respondents of ILP in Semarang, which is obtained by using non-probability sampling technique. Then, we analyze the data that is obtained by using multiple regression analysis. This analysis includes validity and reliability, classical assumption test, multiple regression analysis, hypothesis testing by T-test and F-test, and analysis of determination coefficien (R2).
Hypothesis trial by T-test show that the three examined independent variables (corporate image, consumer image, product image, and promotional mix) are proven having positive and significant impact toward the dependent variables of purchasing decisions. Then, from F-test can be seen that the three independent variables are proper to exmine the dependent variables of purchasing decision. Adjusted R Square of 0.512 indicates that 51.2 % of the purchasing decision variables can be explained by the four independent variables in the regression equation. While the rest 48.8 % can be explained by other variables outside of the four variables used in this study
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