382 research outputs found

    A preliminary study on the sliding mechanism of Bacillaria paradoxa

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    奇异棍形藻(BacillariaparadoxaGmelin)为第一个正定名的硅藻[1],定名于1788年,它是一种由多个细胞连接成竹排状,并进行细胞间相互滑动的硅藻,其藻细胞长51-137μm,宽5-9μm,而微流控芯片中微通道的宽度多在20-100μm,深度多在10-30μm[2],两者尺寸相互符合,可以考虑奇异棍形藻作为微流控芯片的开关。早在1967年,Harper等人[3,4]便提出了一种硅藻运动机制的推论,但至今为止,硅藻运动的机制都不明确。本文便对奇异棍形藻进行了探索性研究,从仿生学角度出发,期望能够得出其运动机制或者找出一种控制方法,可人为的控制奇异棍形藻的运动,使其在仿生学的微...Bacillaria paradoxa Gmelin is the first diatom to be named in 1788[1]. It can mutual sliding between cells. The algal cell long 51-137 μm , width to 5-9 μm . It can be used as the chip switch because of its movement type and aspect value. This article has carried on the fundamental research to it. The purpose is to understand its movement mechanism and find a way to control its movement. At the sa...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院_水生生物学学号:2162012115237

    Risk Management of Exhibition Enterprise-Reed Sinopharm Case Study

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    20世纪90年代以来,会展业在我国迅速发展起来,已然成为了我国当代国民经济发展的重要驱动力量,作为21世纪的朝阳产业,有着巨大的发展潜力。会展业通常采取预收展位费的销售模式,较少存在普遍困扰商品生产和销售企业的两大风险——应收账款和存货风险,现金流充沛,财务核算也相对简单。但随着会展业的快速发展和市场竞争的加剧,会展企业面临的风险也日益增长。从总体上看,我国会展业风险管理水平较低,风险管理理念不强,风险管理理论滞后,风险管理人才不足。而企业要持续健康发展,就必须不断完善内部控制体系,通过制度规避风险,机制控制风险,责任降低风险,努力实现“速度、效益与风险”的平衡,提高企业的经营效率和效果,从而...From 1990s, the exhibition industry developed rapidly in China. It is a key driver of our growing national economy in 21 century. As our collection model is receipt in advances, we infrequently have credit risk and slow moving inventory risk, which are subject to manufacture and sales companies. We have sufficient cash flow and our book keeping is straightforward. However, along with the rapid gr...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(高级管理人员工商管理硕士)学号:X201215617

    Research on the system of civil protection orders against domestic violence in China

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    家庭暴力是一个日益严峻的全球性问题,其危害家庭稳定、影响社会和谐,对社会发展造成的影响不可估量。国际上对家庭暴力防治工作的重视程度日益加深,各国纷纷设立防治家庭暴力的法律制度。其中,民事保护令作为一种事前干预家庭暴力的制度,可以针对家庭暴力行为的隐蔽性、连续性和复杂性等特点做出有效反应,被国际上很多国家和地区认可,已经成为许多国家和地区防治家庭暴力所依托的最重要、最有效的制度之一。 本文试图通过分析研究我国在反家庭暴力领域司法实践中的应用情况及存在的主要问题,找出其在实体和程序规定上的不足,结合我国国情,并提出引入家庭暴力民事保护令制度的具体建议,以期对完善我国家庭暴力防治体系有所裨益。 ...Domestic violence is an increasingly serious global problem, which endangers the stability of the family and the social harmony. International attention to the prevention and control of domestic violence has become increasingly serious, countries have set up a legal system to prevent domestic violence. Among them, the system of civil protection order as a prior intervention of domestic violence, a...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院_法律硕士学号:X200512016

    Feasibility Study of Investment Project Based on the Report of A Group - Shenyang Modern Comprehensive Logistics Park

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    根据国家规定,可行性研究报告是从事一种经济活动(投资)之前,从经济、技术、生产、供销直到社会各种环境、法律等各种因素进行具体调查、研究、分析,确定有利和不利的因素、项目是否可行,估计成功率大小、经济效益和社会效果程度,为决策者和主管机关审批的上报文件。 A集团做为投资方认为物流地产发展前景可观,加之政府大力扶持基础设施建设。针对此种情况,A集团沈阳项目一期开始建设前曾委托专业机构出具权威可行性研究报告。但是该机构为迎合投资方想法,低估建造成本,高估物流市场前景,导致项目建设过半发现需要再次注入大量资金,且建成后物流市场接近饱和状态,加之铁路货运冲击,导致A集团沈阳一期项目招商、销售状况较预期...According to state regulations, the feasibility study report is engaged in an economic activity (investment) before,both sides must from the economic, technical, production, supply and marketing of all kinds of social environment, until the law of the specific investigation, research, analysis, determine the favorable and unfavorable factors,whether the project is feasible, the estimated size, ec...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(高级管理人员工商管理硕士)学号:X201315601

    Multi-objective Topology Optimization and Design for Industrial Robot

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    为了综合提高工业机器人的结构刚度、振动频率,降低结构质量,从而提高机器人整体的静动态性能,提出了一种基于多目标拓扑优化的机器人结构优化方法.该方法首先对机器人整机和部件进行分析,寻找机器人薄弱的零部件;然后对其进行多目标拓扑优化和模型重建,从而获得最佳的结构.将该方法成功应用于一款3kg装配、搬运等多功能机器 人的分析优化中,结果验证了该分析优化方法的可用性和有效性.In order to comprehensively improve the structure of industrial robots stiffness, vibration frequency, reduce the struc-ture mass so as to improve the static and dynamic performance quality of the robot overall, a robot structure optimization method based on multi-objective topology optimization was presented. In this method, first, the overall and its parts were analyzed, so as to find out its weak parts and weak positions of its main parts. Then the weak parts and weak positions of its main parts were multi-objective topolo-gically optimized and reconstructed, thus obtained an best structure. Finally, the method was applied to an multi-functional 3kg indus-trial robot used on assembly and handling, which verified that the method is available and effective

    Materials Design of Teaching Ideology of the Mencius for Overseas Learners

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    在对外汉语教学过程中,科学而系统地导入中国文化已经成为了对外汉语教学界的共识。随着全球“汉语热”的持续升温,孔子学院和孔子课堂在海外的事业也越办越好。国际上的许多有为之士在接触了孔孟思想之后,觉得当今世界出现的许多精神上的问题可以通过孔孟思想中的智慧加以化解。所以把孔孟思想以恰当的形式引入对外汉语教学中变得势在必行。因此,本篇论文旨在探究:针对海外学生的《孟子》伦理思想教学。论文由五部分组成。 第一部分,论述选题的缘由,综述目前学术界对本问题的研究情况,指出《孟子》伦理思想是海外传播的中国文化中不可或缺的一部分。 第二部分,分条目阐述《孟子》主要的伦理思想。要生活得好,应对自己、亲人、他人...It has already become the consensus of the academic that the TCSL must import the Chinese culture in the teaching. Chinese language fever is constantly on the rise since the Confucius Institutes and Confucius Classrooms were established more and more abroad.After refer to the Confucianism, Many able men point out that Confucian thoughts can help solve a lot of mental problems of human beings.To im...学位:汉语国际教育硕士院系专业:海外教育学院_汉语国际教育硕士学号:2652011115131

    The research of DSP digital compensation technology application for MEMS piezoresistive pressure sensor

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    传感器技术是当今世界令人瞩目且发展迅猛的高新技术之一,也是当代科学技术发展的一个重要标志。无论是在工业生产领域,还是在日常的生活当中,每一项技术都离不开传感器。 设计和制造一个高精度、高稳定性的压力传感器,主要在两方面进行考虑,一是原理和结构的设计,涉及弹性体材料、应变合金材料的选取,应变结构的设计,镀膜、光刻、热处理等工艺的研究。另一方面是传感器探头的信号调理,主要是对传感器探头的输出信号进行放大、有效信号转换,并对零点、线性、温漂等误差进行补偿,进一步提高产品性能。特别在环境温度变化较大的场合,带来的测量误差较大,一般需要进行综合技术补偿。 如今经过MEMS(微机电系统)制作的压力传感...Sensor technology is one of the impressive and rapidly developing new technology in the world, is an important symbol of development of contemporary science and technology. Both in the field of industrial production, and in daily life, every technology are inseparable from the sensor. To design and manufacture a highly precise and stable pressure sensor, we should mainly consider in two aspects: ...学位:工学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院_机械工程学号:1992011115279

    Preparation and Electrochemical Performance of Sn-based Materials as Anode Material for Lithium-ion Battery

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    锡基材料具有安全性好、比容量高的优点,是下一代锂离子电池理想的负极材料之一。但锡基材料在充放电过程中的剧烈体积变化导致的循环寿命问题制约了其商品化进程。本课题从锡基材料的纳米化以及与石墨烯材料复合两方面入手,通过化学还原法和回流法分别制备了Sn/石墨烯和SnO2/石墨烯复合材料,以改善锡基材料的循环稳定性。主要内容如下: 1.采用化学还原法制备了Sn/石墨烯复合材料,通过XRD、SEM进行材料结构形貌表征和恒流充放电测试进行电化学性能测试,重点考察了表面活性剂、锡负载量对Sn与石墨烯复合状态以及复合材料的电化学性能的影响。结果表明通过化学还原法制备的Sn/GNS复合材料为纳米Sn颗粒均匀分散...Tin-based materials are considered as alternative anode materials for lithium ion batteries because of their safety, relatively high theoretical capacity (790mAh/g), high lithium packing density, and proper operating voltage. However, the commercial use of Sn-based anode materials are greatly hindered by their poor cyclability, which results from its severe volume changing during alloy/dealloy pro...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_物理化学(含化学物理)学号:2052009115133

    Research on the Legal Protection of Minority Shareholders of the Listed Company

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    随着我国资本市场的快速发展,上市公司的规模也在不断扩大,上市公 司已经从注重量的增长转变为侧重质的提升。重大资产重组是上市公司提升 “质”的重要手段之一。上市公司重大资产重组在深化企业改革,优化社会 资源配置,消除产能过剩等方面起着不可磨灭的作用。重大资产重组已经成 为上市公司整合资源,改善经营,快速提高企业竞争力的重要途径。但纵观 我国上市公司重大资产重组,信息披露不健全、内幕交易、虚假重组、非公 允关联交易等违规行为频繁发生,重大资产重组很大程度上已沦落为大股东 操纵利润,输送利益的工具。虽然,我国已经初步建立起以《公司法》、《证 券法》、《上市公司重大资产重组管理办法》、...With the rapid development of China's capital market, the scale of the listed company is also constantly expanding, listed company has transformed from the fast-growing amounts to a new stage pursuit of quality. Asset restructuring is an important means to enhance the quality of listed companies. Asset restructuring of listed companies played an indelible role in the deepening of enterprise re...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院_法律硕士学号:1302012115023

    Design and Implementation of ATSC TV With X240 Chip

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    为了满足美国市场需求,我们开发了一款基于X240芯片的ATSC一体机,这款电视实现数字信号和模拟信号的一体化接收。本人的主要工作是: 1确定系统的硬件平台、信号处理流程,使之符合数字一体机的要求,同时兼容模拟制式接收。 2配置和移植嵌入式Linux操作系统使其符合硬件平台。 3设计一致的操作界面,实现一体化的应用来实现数字功能和模拟功能的无缝连接。 4实现节目与系统信息协议以构建节目数据库,提供子节目解复用需要的信息及用户与电视交互操作提供的信息。 机型经过近9个月的开发,通过了厦华及ODM客户的性能测试和杜比实验室的测试,基于该平台的多个产品稳定出口北美市场,产...To meet the strong market demands of North America, an ATSC TV development platform with X240 Chip was designed and developed to support the integrated receiver of both digital and analog signals.The work corresponding to this thesis includes: 1. System architecture and signal processing flow verification and confirmation to meet the requirements of digital integrated TV, together with compati...学位:工程硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院电子工程系_仪器仪表工程学号:X20032902