21 research outputs found

    On access pricing problems in telecom industry

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    本文主要研究电信产业的接入定价问题。各瓶颈网络运营商之间以及瓶颈网络运营商与非瓶颈网络运营商之间的接入问题是电信产业形成有序、有效竞争格局最为关键的一环。接入问题主要包括技术上的可行性和经济上的有效性两个方面。前者已基本得以解决。但后者还在探索之中。就我国而言,接入定价引发出来的联而不通、通而不畅、人为的蓄意破坏(sabotage)等行为已成为阻碍我国电信产业有序、有效竞争格局形成的重要因素。本文旨在从接入定价的角度来探讨在不同市场结构下的接入定价行为及其对电信竞争和相应福利结果的影响。电信产业的接入定价问题主要包含三方面:一是对接入类型的界定。本文将接入划分为单向接入与双向接入。接入类型与市...This dissertation is on access pricing problems in telecom industry. To form an ordered and effectively competitive structure in telecom industry, the key problem is that all bottled-net operators should provide access services to each other impartially and to non-bottled-net operators equally. There are two aspects of access problems: the feasibility of accessing technologically and economically....学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院经济研究所_产业经济学学号:20021600

    The Impact of Cost Reduction Approaches on Product Innovation Speed: A Study Based on Specific Strategy Theory

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    随着市场日益表现出超竞争的特点,产品创新速度已成为与成本、质量具有同等重要性的业务层战略维度之一,那么,澄清产品创新速度与其他战略维度之间的关系便是非常有意义的理论议题。但是,波特对通用战略的划分由于过于笼统而失去有效性,当前的竞争环境要求必须从精准层次上对其进行考察。本文主要考察各精准成本领先战略是如何对产品创新速度产生影响的,并指出各精准成本领先战略与提高产品创新速度进行组合的条件。具体地,本文首先在理论上论证了产品创新速度应被纳入业务层战略分析框架的必要性,阐明了产品创新速度和各精准成本领先战略的内涵,并在此基础上提出本文的研究假设。然后,本文通过内容分析法对各相关变量进行度量并对研究假...In hypercompetitive environment, product innovation speed has become one business-level strategy as important as cost and product quality. Therefore, it is of theoretical significance to clarify the relationship between product innovation speed and the other two strategies. Porter’s typology on business-level strategy has proved to be too general to be effective. Today’s highly competitive environ...学位:管理学博士院系专业:管理学院企业管理系_企业管理(含财务管理、市场营销、人力资源管理)学号:1522005140298


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    速度竞争战略理论是基于产品生命周期不断缩短和消费者偏好日趋个性化的趋势而提出的,认为产品创新速度和交货速度的加快通过使消费者效用增加和企业成本降低而提高企业的盈利水平。本文在对速度竞争战略内涵进行明确界定的基础上,将速度竞争战略的作用机理分为需求效应和成本效应两种情形,并通过一个经济学分析框架探讨了这两种效应对企业盈利的决定过程。同时,本文还分析了产品特征、消费者偏好特征、速度竞争策略的实施难易程度及其利用程度等因素对这两种效应的调节作用。本文为速度竞争战略及相关的实证研究提供了理论基础。国家自然科学基金资助项目(批准号:70672099);; 厦门大学创新团队发展计划项

    Influences of Competitive Strategy Elements and their Combinations on Firms' Profitability——The Research Based on China's Manufacturing Industry Enterprise Data

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    本研究以中国工业企业数据库中的制造企业数据为样本,研究不同竞争战略要素、基于这些战略要素的不同竞争战略以及战略中包含的竞争战略要素数量对企业盈利能力的影响。研究发现:第一,当前,低成本仍然是我国制造企业最重要的竞争优势来源,基于低成本战略要素的纯战略或组合战略均能给企业带来高于平均水平的盈利;第二,单纯的市场差异化战略和创新差异化战略以及二者的组合带给企业的盈利均低于行业平均水平。上述两个结论可以部分佐证为什么我国大部分制造企业依然选择低成本战略而不是差异化战略;第三,如果能够同时提高市场差异化和(或)创新差异化能力,企业的低成本优势可以得到进一步强化;第四,在包含低成本战略要素的前提下,竞争战略中所包含的战略要素越多,企业越能够获得高于平均水平的盈利。上述两个结论可能的解释是,随着竞争的加剧,那些能够在保持已有低成本优势的基础上建立起多种优势的企业能够获得更高盈利水平,相应地也能够满足消费者日趋多样化和个性化的需求。本文的管理与政策含义:微观层面,企业需要在低成本的基础上建立多种竞争优势;政策层面,应建立一种机制保障企业能够通过创新或市场形象塑造获益。How to upgrade their competitive strategies from low cost strategy to marketing differentiation strategy and/or innovation differentiation strategy in the transition period is one of the most important issues facing China's manufacturing industry enterprise currently.However,relevant data show that a great number of manufacturing enterprises in China either haven't any strategies at all or select and implement strategies that focus on only low cost.Some scholars argued that it still have a long way for China's manufacturing enterprises to go.The existing research examined this issue from strategy-implementing conditions aspects such as institutional environment,resources environment,corporate culture and so on.These conditions are mainly about the question whether firms have relevant abilities to upgrade their strategies or not.The literatures overall suggested that China's manufacturing enterprises lack conditions and abilities to upgrade their competitive strategies.Actually,this is one of the main reasons to China's manufacturing firms' lack of competitive advantages.But another important issue about strategy upgrading is whether firms have enough motivations to upgrade or not.The existing research didn't give satisfactory answers to this question.On one hand,domestic researches are mostly conduct conceptual analysis or anecdotal description,and few large-sample empirical researches have been done;on the other hand,foreign empirical studies basically focus on foreign enterprises,and dwell little on the issue about Chinese enterprises.The present study sheds some light on this question.Firstly,this research does a large-sample empirical study using China's industrial enterprises database.Secondly,based on "dimensional" perspective,we treat low cost,market differentiation and innovation differentiation as three different strategy elements or dimensions.Then we investigate the importance of each strategy dimension and effects of different pure strategies and combination strategies consisting of different dimensions on manufacturing enterprises' profitability.The results provide some important insights on the issue.First,low cost is still the most important source of competitive advantage to manufacturing enterprises in current China context.Pure low cost strategy and combination strategies including low cost dimension are all yielding above-average profitability significantly.It is to be emphasized particularly that firms focusing on low cost will benefit significantly by combining it with innovation differentiation and/or market differentiation,although pure low cost strategy also is a feasible competitive strategy.However,pure market differentiation strategy,pure innovation differentiation strategy and combination strategy only simultaneously considering these two differentiation dimension cannot bring competitive advantages to enterprises.Second,the specific results demonstrate that the more generic strategy elements are contained in competitive strategy,the more profitable the firm is provided low cost dimension is included.The results also support the hypothesis that combination strategies on the whole are more preferable and feasible than pure forms of competitive advantage.The possible explanation is that China is in transition period.During this period,for one thing,customers are more sensitive to price,firms still benefit of demographic dividend and cheap resources;for another,customers have become progressively sophisticated and increasingly emphasize product quality,service and image.Overall,our findings provide some empirical evidences and interesting managerial implications about the strategy choice behavior of Chinese manufacturing enterprises.In summary,combination strategies are more successful than pure strategies only when low cost dimension is included in the combinations.This is one of the most important reasons why Chinese manufacturing enterprises do not transform and upgrade their strategies so obviously to people usually expected.国家自然科学基金青年项目“中国海外子公司投资权限管理研究”(71002039); 国家社会科学基金青年项目“知识产权保护对我国对外贸易的影响及政策研究”(11CJY073); 教育部人文社会科学研究基金青年项目“城市产业生态化的适应性选择研究——以海峡西岸经济区城市群为例”(10YJCZH130

    How the Strategies of Specific Cost Leadership Impacts the Product Innovation Speed

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    在内容分析法的基础上,本文以手机行业为例实证分析了精准成本领先战略的实施对产品创新速度的影响。结论显示,企业采取的精明经济成本领先战略措施以及苗条经济成本领先战略措施越多,企业的产品创新速度越快,这两种成本战略与产品创新速度的提高并行不悖,企业可以通过这两种方式实现成本的节约并加快产品创新速度。而规模经济成本领先战略、简朴经济成本领先战略以及延展经济成本领先战略对产品创新速度的影响并不明显。This research empirically tests the impact of specific cost leadership strategies on product innovation speed with content-analysis.Results indicate that economy of smartness and economy of slimness have positive impacts on product innovation speed.It means that the two specific cost leadership strategies and product innovation speed strategy can be conbined with each other.In the intense competitive environment where product life cycle increasingly become shorter and shorter,firms can use appropriately measures to speed up product innovation and lower cost simutaneously.However,results show that economy of scale,economy of simplicity and economy of spread have no significant effect on product innovation speed.国家自然科学基金面上项目(基金号:70972112);国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(基金号:71002039)资