3 research outputs found

    The Study of Using the Electrical Resistance Sensors for Monitoring The Corrosion of Rebar in Concrete

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    钢筋腐蚀是目前钢筋混凝土结构所面临的最严重问题之一。钢筋腐蚀不仅带来了社会、经济损失,也对钢筋混凝土结构带来了诸多不利的影响。因此,混凝土结构中的钢筋腐蚀已经成为当今世界的研究热点。 本文在系统在总结了国内外学者对耐久性的研究基础上,介绍了钢筋腐蚀的影响因素、检测方法,并提出了混凝土中钢筋锈蚀的机理。通过分析电阻探针用于混凝土中的腐蚀监测的优势的基础上,设计了电阻探针在腐蚀液以及在钢筋混凝土中的实验。为电阻探针用于钢筋混凝土结构中腐蚀监测提供了理论基础。本文具体研究内容研究包括: 1、介绍了钢筋腐蚀带来的社会、经济损失,以及对结构带来的诸多不利影响。提出了钢筋腐蚀研究的必要性。在分析腐蚀诸...Corrosion of reinforced concrete structures is one of the most serious problems around the world. The corrosion of steel not only brought social and economic losses, but also brought a lot of adverse effects on the reinforced concrete structures. Therefore, the research of corrosion of reinforced concrete structures has become a hotspot around the world In the paper, on the basis of summary of s...学位:工学硕士院系专业:建筑与土木工程学院土木工程系_结构工程学号:2532007115220

    Corrosion environment evaluation and durability design requirements of coastal concrete bridge

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    依据JTg/T b07—01—2006《公路工程混凝土结构防腐技术规范》和gb/T 50476—2008《混凝土结构耐久性设计规范》,结合海南一个沿海混凝土大桥的具体环境条件和工程结构情况,对大桥所处腐蚀环境评价中环境分区、环境作用分级以及耐久性设计要求等问题进行了研究。大桥的环境作用分为一般环境、土中环境、海洋环境和滨海环境四个区域。一般环境处于海南东北部沿海腐蚀偏高范围,腐蚀性较高,分级提高加以考虑。土中环境主要由于砖红壤地质腐蚀加重的影响,在工程详细勘探和耐久性设计时给于关注。海洋环境由于海南炎热地区水温高、盐度高会加重腐蚀,耐久性设计中给于考虑。滨海环境主要考虑海洋大气影响范围扩大、影响程度增高、海水入侵和盐渍化影响会不断扩大范围和程度等,对滨海大气和滨海土壤环境的耐久性加以重视。在大桥的设计、施工的不同阶段贯彻和实施规范的技术措施是保证耐久性的关键,对特殊形式和部位的构件和结构耐久性要给于专门措施。According to JTG/T B07—01—2006"Specification for deterioration prevention of highway concrete structures"and GB/T 50476—2008"Code for durability design of concrete structures",The corrosion environmental classification,environmental action grade and durability design requirements of a coastal concrete bridge in Hainan province are researched combining the bridge environment condition and engineering structure.The environment condition of the bridge is divided into four districts:the general environment,soil environment,ocean environment and coastal environment.The general environment is placed in northeast coast of Hainan and belongs to higher corrosion scope.The corrosion is higher so the grade is exalted.The influence in soil environment mainly is the Latosols geology corrosion.at the detailed investigation and design this must pay attention.because of in the south blazing hot region,the water temperature is high and the salt degree is high so the ocean environment will aggravate corrosion,the durability design must considered.The coastal environment mainly considers the ocean atmosphere spread,increasing corrosion degree,the sea water invading and salinization.The durability of the coastal atmosphere and coastal soil environment should be attached importance to.At the different stage of bridge design and construction the specialized technique measure is the key that promises durability.The special form and the part of bridge must carry out the specialized measure


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