84 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Tegangan Listrik dan Waktu Deposisi Pelapisan Hidroksiapatit pada Titanium Murni (CPTi) dengan Metode Electrophoretic Deposition terhadap Nilai Kekasaran dan Kekuatan Lapisan

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    Karies gigi pemyebab penyebab kehilangan gigi sudah menjadi masalah yang sering kali terjadi dikalangan masyarakat. Dibutuhkan solusi alternatif yaitu implan gigi. Material yang digunakan untuk implan gigi adalah titanium murni (CPTi grade 2) yang bersifat biocompability, mampu menahan beban tinggi saat pengunyahan, tahan korosi, tetapi kurang aktif dengan jaringan sekitar. Untuk meningkatkan bioaktif dari titanium, maka dilakukan pelapisan menggunakan hidroksiapatit. Struktur HA yang mirip dengan jaringan pembentukan tulang dan gigi menjadi alasan digunakannya HA sebagai media pelapis pada titanium. Metoda yang digunakan pada pelapisan adalah Electrophoretic Deposition (EPD). Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan pengujian kekasaran permukaan dan kekuatan lapisan dengan memvariasikan tegangan listrik dan waktu yang berguna pada saat pemasangan implan. pelapisan menggunakan variasi waktu 3 menit sampai 7 menit dengan voltase konstan 5 volt dan variasi voltase 3 volt sampai 7 volt dengan waktu konstan 5 menit. Didapatkan hasil bahwa semakin lama waktu pelapisan dan semakin tinggi tegangan listrik kekuatan adhesi lapisan semakin menurun, dikarenakan partikel HA yang semakin banyak terdeposisi ke permukaan material, sehingga ikatan HA terhadap material melemah. Untuk kekasaran permukaan lapisan, semakin besar tegangan listrik dan waktu pada saat pelapisan, maka nilai kekasaran permukaannya juga semakin besar. Kata kunci : CPTi Grade 2, hidroksiapatit, electrophoretic deposition, kekuatan adhesi, kekasaran permukaa

    Distributed Architecture to Integrate Sensor Information: Object Recognition for Smart Cities

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    [EN] Object recognition, which can be used in processes such as reconstruction of the environment map or the intelligent navigation of vehicles, is a necessary task in smart city environments. In this paper, we propose an architecture that integrates heterogeneously distributed information to recognize objects in intelligent environments. The architecture is based on the IoT/Industry 4.0 model to interconnect the devices, which are called smart resources. Smart resources can process local sensor data and offer information to other devices as a service. These other devices can be located in the same operating range (the edge), in the same intranet (the fog), or on the Internet (the cloud). Smart resources must have an intelligent layer in order to be able to process the information. A system with two smart resources equipped with different image sensors is implemented to validate the architecture. Our experiments show that the integration of information increases the certainty in the recognition of objects by 2-4%. Consequently, in intelligent environments, it seems appropriate to provide the devices with not only intelligence, but also capabilities to collaborate closely with other devices.This research was funded by the Spanish Science and Innovation Ministry grant number MICINN: CICYT project PRECON-I4: "Predictable and dependable computer systems for Industry 4.0" TIN2017-86520-C3-1-R.Poza-Lujan, J.; Posadas-Yagüe, J.; Simó Ten, JE.; Blanes Noguera, F. (2020). Distributed Architecture to Integrate Sensor Information: Object Recognition for Smart Cities. Sensors. 20(1):1-18. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20010112S118201Munera, E., Poza-Lujan, J.-L., Posadas-Yagüe, J.-L., Simó-Ten, J.-E., & Noguera, J. (2015). Dynamic Reconfiguration of a RGBD Sensor Based on QoS and QoC Requirements in Distributed Systems. Sensors, 15(8), 18080-18101. doi:10.3390/s150818080Cao, J., Song, C., Peng, S., Xiao, F., & Song, S. (2019). Improved Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition Algorithm for Intelligent Vehicles. Sensors, 19(18), 4021. doi:10.3390/s19184021González García, C., Meana-Llorián, D., Pelayo G-Bustelo, B. C., Cueva Lovelle, J. M., & Garcia-Fernandez, N. (2017). Midgar: Detection of people through computer vision in the Internet of Things scenarios to improve the security in Smart Cities, Smart Towns, and Smart Homes. Future Generation Computer Systems, 76, 301-313. doi:10.1016/j.future.2016.12.033Lu, Y. (2017). Industry 4.0: A survey on technologies, applications and open research issues. Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 6, 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.jii.2017.04.005Li, S., Xu, L. D., & Zhao, S. (2014). The internet of things: a survey. Information Systems Frontiers, 17(2), 243-259. doi:10.1007/s10796-014-9492-7Zdraveski, V., Mishev, K., Trajanov, D., & Kocarev, L. (2017). ISO-Standardized Smart City Platform Architecture and Dashboard. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 16(2), 35-43. doi:10.1109/mprv.2017.31Dastjerdi, A. V., & Buyya, R. (2016). Fog Computing: Helping the Internet of Things Realize Its Potential. Computer, 49(8), 112-116. doi:10.1109/mc.2016.245Zanella, A., Bui, N., Castellani, A., Vangelista, L., & Zorzi, M. (2014). Internet of Things for Smart Cities. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 1(1), 22-32. doi:10.1109/jiot.2014.2306328Hancke, G., Silva, B., & Hancke, Jr., G. (2012). The Role of Advanced Sensing in Smart Cities. Sensors, 13(1), 393-425. doi:10.3390/s130100393Chen, Y. (2016). Industrial information integration—A literature review 2006–2015. Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 2, 30-64. doi:10.1016/j.jii.2016.04.004Lim, G. H., Suh, I. H., & Suh, H. (2011). Ontology-Based Unified Robot Knowledge for Service Robots in Indoor Environments. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans, 41(3), 492-509. doi:10.1109/tsmca.2010.2076404Zhang, J. (2010). Multi-source remote sensing data fusion: status and trends. International Journal of Image and Data Fusion, 1(1), 5-24. doi:10.1080/19479830903561035Deng, X., Jiang, Y., Yang, L. T., Lin, M., Yi, L., & Wang, M. (2019). Data fusion based coverage optimization in heterogeneous sensor networks: A survey. Information Fusion, 52, 90-105. doi:10.1016/j.inffus.2018.11.020Jain, A. K., Duin, P. W., & Jianchang Mao. (2000). Statistical pattern recognition: a review. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 22(1), 4-37. doi:10.1109/34.824819Eugster, P. T., Felber, P. A., Guerraoui, R., & Kermarrec, A.-M. (2003). The many faces of publish/subscribe. ACM Computing Surveys, 35(2), 114-131. doi:10.1145/857076.857078Adam, M. S., Anisi, M. H., & Ali, I. (2020). Object tracking sensor networks in smart cities: Taxonomy, architecture, applications, research challenges and future directions. Future Generation Computer Systems, 107, 909-923. doi:10.1016/j.future.2017.12.011Gaur, A., Scotney, B., Parr, G., & McClean, S. (2015). Smart City Architecture and its Applications Based on IoT. Procedia Computer Science, 52, 1089-1094. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2015.05.122Byers, C. C. (2017). Architectural Imperatives for Fog Computing: Use Cases, Requirements, and Architectural Techniques for Fog-Enabled IoT Networks. IEEE Communications Magazine, 55(8), 14-20. doi:10.1109/mcom.2017.1600885Dautov, R., Distefano, S., Bruneo, D., Longo, F., Merlino, G., Puliafito, A., & Buyya, R. (2018). Metropolitan intelligent surveillance systems for urban areas by harnessing IoT and edge computing paradigms. Software: Practice and Experience, 48(8), 1475-1492. doi:10.1002/spe.2586Rincon, J. A., Poza-Lujan, J.-L., Julian, V., Posadas-Yagüe, J.-L., & Carrascosa, C. (2016). Extending MAM5 Meta-Model and JaCalIV E Framework to Integrate Smart Devices from Real Environments. PLOS ONE, 11(2), e0149665. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0149665Pérez Tijero, H., & Gutiérrez, J. J. (2018). Desarrollo de Sistemas Distribuidos de Tiempo Real y de Criticidad Mixta a través del Estándar DDS. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial, 15(4), 439. doi:10.4995/riai.2017.9000Amurrio, A., Azketa, E., Gutiérrez, J. J., Aldea, M., & Parra, J. (2019). Una revisión de técnicas para la optimización del despliegue y planificación de sistemas de tiempo real distribuidos. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial, 16(3), 249. doi:10.4995/riai.2019.10997Turtlebot http://turtlebot.comChen, L., Wei, H., & Ferryman, J. (2013). A survey of human motion analysis using depth imagery. Pattern Recognition Letters, 34(15), 1995-2006. doi:10.1016/j.patrec.2013.02.006Munera Sánchez, E., Muñoz Alcobendas, M., Blanes Noguera, J., Benet Gilabert, G., & Simó Ten, J. (2013). A Reliability-Based Particle Filter for Humanoid Robot Self-Localization in RoboCup Standard Platform League. Sensors, 13(11), 14954-14983. doi:10.3390/s131114954Adams, R., & Bischof, L. (1994). Seeded region growing. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 16(6), 641-647. doi:10.1109/34.295913Chow, J., Lichti, D., Hol, J., Bellusci, G., & Luinge, H. (2014). IMU and Multiple RGB-D Camera Fusion for Assisting Indoor Stop-and-Go 3D Terrestrial Laser Scanning. Robotics, 3(3), 247-280. doi:10.3390/robotics303024

    Pressure and Temperature Spin Crossover Sensors with Optical Detection

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    Iron(II) spin crossover molecular materials are made of coordination centres switchable between two states by temperature, pressure or a visible light irradiation. The relevant macroscopic parameter which monitors the magnetic state of a given solid is the high-spin (HS) fraction denoted nHS, i.e., the relative population of HS molecules. Each spin crossover material is distinguished by a transition temperature T1/2 where 50% of active molecules have switched to the low-spin (LS) state. In strongly interacting systems, the thermal spin switching occurs abruptly at T1/2. Applying pressure induces a shift from HS to LS states, which is the direct consequence of the lower volume for the LS molecule. Each material has thus a well defined pressure value P1/2. In both cases the spin state change is easily detectable by optical means thanks to a thermo/piezochromic effect that is often encountered in these materials. In this contribution, we discuss potential use of spin crossover molecular materials as temperature and pressure sensors with optical detection. The ones presenting smooth transitions behaviour, which have not been seriously considered for any application, are spotlighted as potential sensors which should stimulate a large interest on this well investigated class of materials

    Precise Frequency and Period Measurements for Slow Slew Rate Signals Based on the Modified Method of the Dependent Count

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    This paper describes an application of novel modified method of the dependent count for measuring the frequency (period) of slow slew rate signals (common for the conversion-to-digital of resistance, capacitance, inductance or resistive-sensor–bridge signals based on direct connection to a microcontroller). The AVR 8-bit ATmega168-20PI microcontroller (Atmel), based on advanced reduced instruction set computing architecture, was used. The modified method of the dependent count improves the accuracy of period measurements for the slow slew rate signals of triangular, sine, exponential rise and fall, as well as rectangular waveforms, by 2-to-3 orders in comparison with the accuracy achieved with classical indirect counting in all frequency ranges. The error is evaluated from the statistical characteristics and histograms of measured pulse periods, quantitatively confirming the advantages of the modified method for frequency (period) measurements for non-square pulse signals. Measurements are further improved (becoming about 1.5 times more accurate) for some waveforms when an external Schmitt trigger is used

    A Simple and Universal Resistive-Bridge Sensors Interface

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    Resistive-bridge sensors are widely used in various sensor systems. There are many sensor signal conditioners from different manufacturers for such sensing elements. However, no one existing on the modern market integrated converter for resistive bridge sensors can work with both: resistive-bridge sensing elements and resistive-to-frequency and -duty-cycle converters’ outputs. A proposed and described in the article universal interface for resistive-bridge sensing elements and bridge-output-to-frequency and/or duty cycle converters based on the designed Universal Sensors and Transducers Interface (USTI) integrated. It is based on a simple, cost effective three-point measuring technique and does not require any additional active components. The USTI IC is realized in a standard CMOS technology. The active supply current at operating voltage +4.5 V and clock frequency 20 MHz is not more than 9.5 mA This paper reports experimental results with a strain gauges bridge emulator and differential pressure resistive bridge sensor SX30GD2

    Integrated-optics Solutions for Biomedical Optical Imaging

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    Low-Power, Low-Voltage Resistance-to-Digital Converter for Sensing Applications

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    IC (ASIP) of Universal Sensors and Transducers Interface (USTI-MOB) with low power consumption, working in the resistive measurement mode (one of 26 possible measuring modes) is described in the article. The proposed IC has 20 W to 4.5 M W range of measurement, relative error< ±0.04 %, 0.85 mA supply current and 1.2 V supply voltage. The worst-case error of about< ±1.54 % is observed. IC has three popular serial interfaces: I2C, SPI and RS232/USB. Due to high metrological performance and technical characteristics the USTI- MOB is well suitable for such application as: sensor systems for IoT, wearable and mobile devices, and digital multimeters. The ICs can also work with any quasi-digital resistive converters, in which the resistance is converted to frequency, period, duty-cycle or pulse width

    Self-Adaptive Smart Sensors and Sensor Systems

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    Novel adaptive algorithms and practical examples of its realizations in various self-adaptive smart sensors and sensor systems with parametric adaptation are described in this article. The adaptive algorithms are based on novel methods of measurements such as modified method of the dependent count with programmable relative error and non-redundant time of measurement, and the method with non-redundant reference frequency. Equations of measurements for these methods are given and decision rules formulated. Some practical examples of self-adaptive smart sensor systems based on the Universal Frequency-to-Digital Converter (UFDC), Universal Sensors and Transducers Interface (USTI) integrated circuits, and ultra-low-power microcontroller are described in the paper

    Multichannel Data Acquisition System for Smart Sensors and Transducers

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    An intelligent multichannel data acquisition (DAQ) system based on the novel integrated circuit of Universal Sensors and Transducers Interface (USTI) or USTI-1M-20 with high metrological performances and wide functionality is described in the paper. It can be used with any existing quasi-digital as well as analog sensors and transducers. A parallelism in such systems was realized as time-division channeling and combined channeling, included both: the time- and space- division channeling. The new modified method of the dependent count for frequency (period) measurements lets introduce adaptive features in such DAQ systems. In addition to the self-adaptation capability the sensors in such systems will have self-identification capability due to the TEDS according to the IEEE 1451 standard in the ICs’ memory. The described design approach can be used also for creation low cost, high performances multichannel, multifunctional DAQ systems for basic environmental sensing parameters as well as many other custom sensing applications