64 research outputs found

    A finitely presented subgroup of the automorphism group of a right-angled Artin group

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    Let G be a right-angled Artin group. We use geometric methods to compute a presentation of the subgroup H of Aut(G) consisting of the automorphisms that send each generator to a conjugate of itself. This generalizes a result of McCool on basis-conjugating automorphisms of free groups

    De Carter à Reagan : La politique salvadorienne des États-Unis

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    Ever since Monroe's doctrine and up to President Carter, the American foreign policy in Latin America has been remarkably continuous both from the point of view of objectives - the maintenance and extension of American influence and domination - and that of the pressures required to attain them - from direct military intervention to economic sanctions, including clandestine activities of destabilization. Carter came to power and from then on that policy rested on different principles which became expressed, particularly in the case of El Salvador, in pressures for the respect of human rights, a temporary suspension of aid from the Interamerican Development Bank and in the immediate recognition of the regime which followed the coup d'État of october 1979 and which made possible a third option between a reactionary dictatorship and a takeover by the Marxists. The principles were once again altered under President Reagan for whom the fight against communism and international terrorism is a priority.Latin America acquired a new strategic importance and El Salvador became the scene of the East-West conflict, the symbol of American determination to contain Soviet expansionism. But Reagan's policy in El Salvador had to be restrained confronted as it was by opposition both internal, from the public, and external through the stand taken by the Allies. In spite of starting doctrinal differences, Carter's and Reagan's policies in El Salvador are very similar, both showing incoherence and inefficiency. They are heirs to a situation and an intellectual tradition which they perpetuate, one clumsily, the other cheerfully. But the failure of the Reagan administration is even more patent than that of its predecessor. The United States have only one alternative left, military intervention or negotiations with the guerilla, and furthermore they risk "losing" El Salvador the Vietnam or the Nicaragua way

    Les États-Unis au miroir français

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    A l'initiative du Centre d'études et de recherches internationales (Fondation nationale des sciences politiques), et avec le concours du Sterling Currier Fund (Columbia University)/, un colloque s'est tenu à Paris les 11 et' 12 décembre 1984 autour du thème « De l' antiaméricanisme à l'américanophilie. Rejet et fascination d'un modèle ». Le premier objectif de ce colloque était évidemment de parvenir à une définition de ce qu'est l'antiamérincanisme ' et, par opposition, de ce qu'est l'américanophilie (...)

    Hermenéutica y Teología.

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    On conjugacy separability of fibre products

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    In this paper we study conjugacy separability of subdirect products of two free (or hyperbolic) groups. We establish necessary and sufficient criteria and apply them to fibre products to produce a finitely presented group G1G_1 in which all finite index subgroups are conjugacy separable, but which has an index 22 overgroup that is not conjugacy separable. Conversely, we construct a finitely presented group G2G_2 which has a non-conjugacy separable subgroup of index 22 such that every finite index normal overgroup of G2G_2 is conjugacy separable. The normality of the overgroup is essential in the last example, as such a group G2G_2 will always posses an index 33 overgroup that is not conjugacy separable. Finally, we characterize pp-conjugacy separable subdirect products of two free groups, where pp is a prime. We show that fibre products provide a natural correspondence between residually finite pp-groups and pp-conjugacy separable subdirect products of two non-abelian free groups. As a consequence, we deduce that the open question about the existence of an infinite finitely presented residually finite pp-group is equivalent to the question about the existence of a finitely generated pp-conjugacy separable full subdirect product of infinite index in the direct product of two free groups.Comment: v2: 38 pages; this is the version accepted for publicatio

    Les hispano-américains. Succès et limites d'un autre creuset

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    Success and limits of another melting pot : the Hispanic Americans, Marie-France et Marileine Toinet. The Hispanic minority (Mexicans, Puerto-Ricans, and more recently Cubans and other Latin Americans), although it represents nearly 20 million people, is less taken into account and less well understood than the black minority. Its members came looking for work and pose a problem of integration. Some accept this cheap labor but others worry about its weight on the economy and on American society. Better educated in the last decade, this minority remains under-represented politically, which enlarges the gap between it, the other minorities and the white " Anglos ".Toinet Marie-France, Toinet Marileine. Les hispano-américains. Succès et limites d'un autre creuset. In: Vingtième Siècle, revue d'histoire, n°7, juillet-septembre 1985. Étrangers, immigres, français, sous la direction de Louis Bodin . pp. 85-102

    Évolution rénale dans la transplantation combinée rein-coeur

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    Introduction : simultaneous heart-kidney transplant (HKTx) is a valid treatment for patients with coexisting heart and renal failure. Preventing postoperative renal failure increases survival after heart transplantation (HTx). The aim of this study was to assess renal outcome in HKTx and to identify predictive factors for renal loss.Methods : a retrospective study was conducted among HKTx recipients at 8 French centers from 1988 to 2017. Donors’ and recipients' medical records were reviewed to evaluate patients’ and renal transplants’ survival and their prognostic factors.Results : 73 recipients were included with a mean follow-up of 5.36 years. Mean ischemia time was 189 and 710 minutes for HTx and renal transplantation (KTx). Renal primary non-function occurred in 2.7%, complications Clavien IIIb or higher were observed in 67.1% including 16 postoperative deaths (22%). Mean 1-year CKD-EPI was 57.4 ml/min. 5-year overall and renal survival were 74.5% and 69.4%. Among survivors, 7 returned to dialysis during follow-up. In multivariate analysis, the use of ECMO (HR=6.04, p=0.006), dialysis (HR=1.04/day, p=0.022) and occurrence of postoperative complications (HR=31.79, p=0.022) were independent predictors of mortality but not the history of previous HTx or KTx nor renal function prior to Tx. History of KTx (HR=2.52, p=0.026) and increased delay between the two Tx (HR=1.25/hour, p=0.018) were associated with renal transplant failure.Conclusion : HKTx provides good renal transplant survival and function among survivors. Early mortality rate of 22% underlines the need for identifying high risk patients who will not benefit from HKTx in order to allocate the renal graft to another recipient.Introduction : la transplantation (Tx) combinée rein-coeur (TxRC) est un traitement rare de l’insuffisance cardiaque (IC) et rénale (IR) concomitante. La prévention de l’IR en postopératoire augmente la survie après une Tx cardiaque. L’objectif était d’évaluer l’évolution rénale après TxRC et d’identifier les facteurs prédictifs de perte du greffon rénal.Méthodes : les receveurs d’une TxRC parmi 8 centres entre 1988 et 2017 ont été inclus rétrospectivement. Les données des donneurs et des receveurs ont été analysées pour chercher des facteurs prédictifs de mortalité et de perte du greffon.Résultats : 73 patients ont été inclus avec un suivi moyen de 5,36 ans. 39,7% étaient dialysés en préopératoire. L’ischémie moyenne était de 189 et 710 minutes pour le coeur et le rein. Il y a eu 2,7% de non fonctions primaires, des complications Clavien IIIb ou plus pour 67,1% dont 16 décès (21,9%) postopératoires. La clairance rénale (DFG) à 1 an était de 57,4 ml/min. La survie globale et du greffon à 5 ans était de 74,5 et 69,4%. Parmi les survivants, 7 sont retournés en dialyse pendant le suivi. En multivariée l’ECMO postopératoire (HR=6,04, p=0,006), la dialyse (HR=1,04/jour, p=0,022) et les complications postopératoires (HR=31,79, p=0,022) étaient indépendamment prédictifs de mortalité mais pas l’antécédent de Tx rénale ou cardiaque ni le DFG préopératoire. L’antécédent de Tx rénale (HR=2,52, p=0,026) et un délai majoré entre les deux Tx (HR=1,25/heure, p=0,018) étaient associés à une perte du greffon rénal.Conclusion : la TxRC a de bons résultats rénaux, mais sa mortalité postopératoire impose d’identifier les patients à risques qui n’en bénéficieraient pas, pour réallouer ces greffons

    Etat et droit aux Etats-Unis

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    There has been a « state » in the United States, powerful and strong, since Americans built a second constitution in 1787. The judiciary, at all levels, is part and parcel of the state, as much as the other branches of government. Those branches of government are not independent but separate, with mutual checks : they all produce « law », through its making and its interpretation. Citizens, often hard-put to he beard by judges, were long deprived of their rights and a balance has still not been achieved between civil society and a dominant state.II y a de l'Etat aux Etats-Unis, puissant et fort, depuis que les Américains se sont dotés d'une deuxième Constitution en 1787. Le judiciaire, à tous les niveaux, en fait partie, au même titre que les autres pouvoirs. Les pouvoirs ne sont pas indépendants mais séparés et se contrôlent réciproquement : ils sont tous producteurs de droit, par la fabrication et l'interprétation de la loi. Les citoyens, qui n'ont pas toujours les moyens de se faire entendre du juge, ont été longtemps largement privés de leurs droits et l'équilibre est encore loin d'être réalisé entre la société civile et l'Etat qui demeure dominant.Toinet Marie-France. Etat et droit aux Etats-Unis. In: Revue Française d'Etudes Américaines, N°35, février 1988. Droit et affaires aux Etats-Unis. pp. 37-48

    Le président Nixon et sa majorité : une stratégie sudiste ?

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    Nixon and his majority: a south-bound strategy? by Marie-France Toinet If President Nixon wants to make the Republican Party a real majority party, what strategy should he adopt? The most "Southern" aspect of his policy aims at destroying the fragile dominant position of the Democrats in the South. But although the South is essential, it cannot make up a conservative majority alone, for the President's strategy is more conservative than "south-bound". He aims at making the Republican Party into a more diversified organisation which would no longer be the refuge of the poverty-stricken minorities but that of the "haves" who want to safeguard their relative prosperity against the attacks of the "have-nots". This infers a belief in the hypothesis that the political behaviour of the workers is now similar to that of the "haves", but neither the opinion polls nor the recent by-elections confirm this. The electorate is undecided, but the question remains: is it inclined to follow Nixon?Nixon et sa majorite : une strategie sudiste ? par Marie-France Toinet Quelle stratégie électorale le président Nixon doit-il adopter pour faire du Parti républicain un parti réellement majoritaire ? Dans l'aspect le plus "sudiste" de cette politique, il s'agit de détruire la domination, déjà ébranlée, des Démocrates dans le Sud. Quoique indispensable, le Sud ne suffit pas à constituer une majorité conservatrice car la stratégie du Président, plus que sudiste, est conservatrice. Il vise à faire du Parti républicain une organisation plus diversifiée, qui ne serait plus le regroupement des minorités dépourvues mais des "nantis" défendant une prospérité relative contre les assauts des "ratés". C'est partir de l'hypothèse que les ouvriers ont dorénavant un comportement politique de "nantis", ce que ni les sondages ni les élections partielles ne confirment : l'électorat est disponible. Est-il pour autant nixonien ?Toinet Marie-France. Le président Nixon et sa majorité : une stratégie sudiste ?. In: Revue française de science politique, 20ᵉ année, n°5, 1970. pp. 926-950
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