29 research outputs found

    Mexican Trade with the US - A Study of the Impact of Chinese Competition

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    The world market changed quite dramatically when China joined the WTO in 2001 and fully entered the world market. It had implications for both importing and exporting countries, as China’s entrance on the world market increased the supply of cheap manufactured goods. This is thought to have caused US consumers to replace Mexican products with Chinese, and to have slowed down or decreased Mexican exports to the US. The aim of this essay is to investigate whether US imports from Mexico have changed due to increased Chinese competition. This is done by reviewing previous research and supplementing it with correlation and regression analysis built on OECD data. The results from these analyses show that the decrease of US imports from Mexico does not depend as much on Chinese competition as previously thought. Some Mexican industries, such as the textile sector, does seem to have been negatively affected by Chinas entrance at the market, but the general conclusion is that the slow, or negative, Mexican growth cannot be explained by Chinese competition

    Promoter Methylation in the Genesis of Gastrointestinal Cancer

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    Colorectal cancers (CRC)-and probably all cancers-are caused by alterations in genes. This includes activation of oncogenes and inactivation of tumor suppressor genes (TSGs). There are many ways to achieve these alterations. Oncogenes are frequently activated by point mutation, gene amplification, or changes in the promoter (typically caused by chromosomal rearrangements). TSGs are typically inactivated by mutation, deletion, or promoter methylation, which silences gene expression. About 15% of CRC is associated with loss of the DNA mismatch repair system, and the resulting CRCs have a unique phenotype that is called microsatellite instability, or MSI. This paper reviews the types of genetic alterations that can be found in CRCs and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), and focuses upon the epigenetic alterations that result in promoter methylation and the CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP). The challenge facing CRC research and clinical care at this time is to deal with the heterogeneity and complexity of these genetic and epigenetic alterations, and to use this information to direct rational prevention and treatment strategies

    Molecular genetics of hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer

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    Molecular Genetics of Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colorectal Cancer Pia TannergÄrd Department of Molecular Medicine, Karolinska Institute Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most prevalent malignancies in the Western World and one of the most predominant causes of death by cancer. There is a subgroup of syndromes with a high incidence of CRC which is transmitted in an autosomal dominant fashion. The most common of these syndromes is hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) which has an estimated incidence of 5%. Families with HNPCC are also at risk of developing extracolonic tumors of the endometrium, stomach, ovary, small intestine, kidney and ureter. To identify genes predisposing to HNPCC, linkage studies were performed using RFLP marker from all chromosomes and microsatellite markers chromosome 3p. Linkage was found in one Swedish family with the marker D3S1029 on chromosome 3p (paper I). The calculated lod score for the particular family was 3.01. We also observed that tumor DNA tested with microsatellite markers frequently showed gain of extra alleles, not present in the constitutional DNA. The instability phenomenon, later called RER, for replication error, gave a clue to the function of the localized gene (paper I). The candidate locus on the short arm of chromosome 3 was further sublocalized using 19 microsatellite markers. The markers were mapped in relation to each other by the use of rodent cell hybrids containing the human chromosome 3 with various deletions. Using two families linked to the 3p locus for haplotype analysis, the putative disease gene location was mapped to 3p21.3-23 (paper II). The hMLHl gene, involved in DNA mismatch repair, was located to chromosome 3p and identified to cause HNPCC. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) was used to screen 39 Swedish HNPCC families for disease causing mutations in the hMLHl gene. Eight germline mutations and 3 polymorphisms were identified. Two of the mutations were splice mutations resulting in a deletion of an exon in the hMLH1 transcript and 6 were missense mutations, changing one amino acid for another in the protein (paper III). The same set of 39 families, as well as 22 new families, were tested for the most common Finnish founder mutation. Three families, all of Finnish origin, were shown to have this large genomic deletion of hMLHl (paper IV). Colorectal tumors from patients with HNPCC were shown to have the same frequency of APC and K-RAS mutations as sporadic CRC. RER was shown to be very frequent, 96%, and TGFB type II receptor (T,BRII) mutations occur in 56% of the CRC. Tumors from patients with known hMLHl gerrnline mutations had lost one allele, indicating that inactivation of both alleles is necessary for defective mismatch repair (paper V). Extracolonic cancers, breast and other tumors, from HNPCC also display a high frequency (69%) of RER, suggesting that these cancers belong to the HNPCC syndrome. One woman with breast cancer, has a constitutional missense mutation in exon 2 of the hMLH1 gene and also a missense mutation in exon 12, which was inherited from her father who also developed breast cancer. To further study this genotype-phenotype correlation we screened 218 breast cancer families for mutations in exon 12 of hMLHl. However none of the families presented such a mutation (paper VI). ISBN 91-628-2505-4 Stockholm 199

    Little Ghost Laban

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    Detta Ă€r slutreflektionen över ett kandidatarbete gjort av Karl TannergĂ„rd och Per Thulin. Arbetet har gĂ„tt ut pĂ„ att skapa en prototyp av en barnspel baserat pĂ„ Inger och Lasse Sandbergs böcker om Lilla Spöket Laban och hans familj. Spelet Ă€r tvĂ„dimensionellt och vĂ€nder sig till barn i Ă„ldern fyra till sju Ă„r. Det Ă€r skrivet i programmeringssprĂ„ket Python och anvĂ€nder multimediabiblioteket pygame. Utvecklingen har skett i samarbete med animationsstudion PennFilm AB.Prototyp av ett barnspel baserat pĂ„ historien om Lilla Spöket Laban av Inger och Lasse Sandberg.Per Thulin: [email protected] Karl TannergĂ„rd: [email protected] ‱ Detta Ă€r en reflektionsdel till en digital medieproduktion

    Ursprungsbefolkningens mobilisering i Latinamerika : En komparativ studie över Bolivia och Peru

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    Det gÄr en mobiliseringsvÄg över Latinamerika dÀr ursprungsbefolkningar krÀver att deras rÀttigheter respekteras och att de ska fÄ fortsÀtta utöva sin kultur. Bolivia Àr det ledande exemplet pÄ detta, dÀr en vÀxande indianrörelse har lett fram till att landet idag har en president frÄn ursprungsbefolkningen. Trots att det finns mÄnga liknande historiska, demografiska och kulturella förutsÀttningar i Peru har indianrörelserna dÀr varit betydligt mindre framgÄngsrika. I uppsatsen kombinerar vi tre skolbildningar som vi benÀmner kapacitet, politiska möjligheter och gemensam identitet i syfte att undersöka varför framgÄngsgraden i mobilisering skiljer sig Ät mellan lÀnderna. Vi finner att politisk frihet och motiv Àr nödvÀndiga faktorer för mobilisering, men det krÀvs Àven att gruppen identifierar sig med sin etnicitet, att det finns existerande nÀtverk att organisera sig genom, att gruppen fÄr extern hjÀlp samt att gruppen Àr urbaniserad och har god tillgÄng till teknologi

    Dyslexi och matematiksvÄrigheter - En kvalitativ studie om hur elever med dyslexi upplever skolarbetet

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    Andersson TannergÄrd, Marie & Löfkvist, Birgitta (2011). Dyslexi och matematiksvÄrigheter - En kvalitativ studie om hur elever med dyslexi upplever skolarbetet. [Dyslexia and difficulties in mathematics - A qualitative study how students with dyslexia are experiencing schoolwork]. Skolutveckling och ledarskap, Specialpedagogik, LÀrarutbildningen, Malmö Högskola. Syftet Àr att undersöka hur en grupp elever med dyslexi upplever skolan. Fokus ligger pÄ hur eleverna upplever undervisningen och sina svÄrigheter i skolÀmnena, frÀmst i matematik, samt vilka faktorer som leder till framgÄng i skolarbetet.Studien har en hermeneutisk ansats. Metoden Àr kvalitativ i form av intervjuer med elever som gÄr pÄ högstadiet eller i gymnasiet.Resultaten av undersökningen visar att eleverna inte upplever sig ha nÄgra större svÄrigheter i matematik, att tidiga misslyckanden och elevernas egna instÀllningar spelar stor roll för deras framgÄngar respektive motgÄngar i skolarbetet. De svÄrigheter som vi anser finnas Àr först och frÀmst sekundÀra som en följd av elevernas dyslexi

    Dyslexi och matematiksvÄrigheter - En kvalitativ studie om hur elever med dyslexi upplever skolarbetet

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    Andersson TannergÄrd, Marie & Löfkvist, Birgitta (2011). Dyslexi och matematiksvÄrigheter - En kvalitativ studie om hur elever med dyslexi upplever skolarbetet. [Dyslexia and difficulties in mathematics - A qualitative study how students with dyslexia are experiencing schoolwork]. Skolutveckling och ledarskap, Specialpedagogik, LÀrarutbildningen, Malmö Högskola. Syftet Àr att undersöka hur en grupp elever med dyslexi upplever skolan. Fokus ligger pÄ hur eleverna upplever undervisningen och sina svÄrigheter i skolÀmnena, frÀmst i matematik, samt vilka faktorer som leder till framgÄng i skolarbetet. Studien har en hermeneutisk ansats. Metoden Àr kvalitativ i form av intervjuer med elever som gÄr pÄ högstadiet eller i gymnasiet. Resultaten av undersökningen visar att eleverna inte upplever sig ha nÄgra större svÄrigheter i matematik, att tidiga misslyckanden och elevernas egna instÀllningar spelar stor roll för deras framgÄngar respektive motgÄngar i skolarbetet. De svÄrigheter som vi anser finnas Àr först och frÀmst sekundÀra som en följd av elevernas dyslexi