570 research outputs found

    On the Topologies on ind-Varieties and related Irreducibility Questions

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    In the literature there are two ways of endowing an affine ind-variety with a topology. One possibility is due to Shafarevich and the other to Kambayashi. In this paper we specify a large class of affine ind-varieties where these two topologies differ. We give an example of an affine ind-variety that is reducible with respect to Shafarevich's topology, but irreducible with respect to Kambayashi's topology. Moreover, we give a counter-example of a supposed irreducibility criterion of Shafarevich which is different from a counter-example given by Homma. We finish the paper with an irreducibility criterion similar to the one given by Shafarevich.Comment: 11 pages, typos corrected, minor changes, improved expositio

    Construction of Rational Surfaces Yielding Good Codes

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    In the present article, we consider Algebraic Geometry codes on some rational surfaces. The estimate of the minimum distance is translated into a point counting problem on plane curves. This problem is solved by applying the upper bound "\`a la Weil" of Aubry and Perret together with the bound of Homma and Kim for plane curves. The parameters of several codes from rational surfaces are computed. Among them, the codes defined by the evaluation of forms of degree 3 on an elliptic quadric are studied. As far as we know, such codes have never been treated before. Two other rational surfaces are studied and very good codes are found on them. In particular, a [57,12,34] code over F7\mathbf{F}_7 and a [91,18,53] code over F9\mathbf{F}_9 are discovered, these codes beat the best known codes up to now.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Modified Makar-Limanov and Derksen invariants

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    We investigate modified Makar-Limanov and Derksen invariants of an affine algebraic variety. The modified Makar-Limanov invariant is the intersection of kernels of all locally nilpotent derivations with slices and the modified Derksen invariant is the subalgebra generated by these kernels. We prove that modified Makar-Limanov invariant coincide with Makar-Limanov invariant if there exists a locally nilpotent derivation with a slice. Also we construct an example of a variety admitting a locally nilpotent derivation with a slice such that modified Derksen invariant does not coincide with Derksen invariant

    The group of automorphisms of the first weyl algebra in prime characteristic and the restriction map

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    Let K be a perfect field of characteristic p > 0; A(1) := K be the first Weyl algebra; and Z := K[X := x(p), Y := partial derivative(p)] be its centre. It is proved that (1) the restriction map res : Aut(K)(A(1)) -> Aut(K)(Z), sigma bar right arrow sigma vertical bar(Z) is a monomorphism with im(res) = Gamma := (tau is an element of Aut(K)(Z) vertical bar J(tau) = 1), where J(tau) is the Jacobian of tau, (Note that Aut(K)(Z) = K* (sic) Gamma, and if K is not perfect then im(res) not equal Gamma.); (ii) the bijection res : Aut(K)(A(1)) -> Gamma is a monomorphism of infinite dimensional algebraic groups which is not an isomorphism (even if K is algebraically closed); (iii) an explicit formula for res(-1) is found via differential operators D(Z) on Z and negative powers of the Fronenius map F. Proofs are based on the following (non-obvious) equality proved in the paper: (d/dx + f)(p) = (d/dx)(p) + d(p-1)f/dx(p-1) + f(p), f is an element of K[x]

    A PSPACE Construction of a Hitting Set for the Closure of Small Algebraic Circuits

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    In this paper we study the complexity of constructing a hitting set for the closure of VP, the class of polynomials that can be infinitesimally approximated by polynomials that are computed by polynomial sized algebraic circuits, over the real or complex numbers. Specifically, we show that there is a PSPACE algorithm that given n,s,r in unary outputs a set of n-tuples over the rationals of size poly(n,s,r), with poly(n,s,r) bit complexity, that hits all n-variate polynomials of degree-r that are the limit of size-s algebraic circuits. Previously it was known that a random set of this size is a hitting set, but a construction that is certified to work was only known in EXPSPACE (or EXPH assuming the generalized Riemann hypothesis). As a corollary we get that a host of other algebraic problems such as Noether Normalization Lemma, can also be solved in PSPACE deterministically, where earlier only randomized algorithms and EXPSPACE algorithms (or EXPH assuming the generalized Riemann hypothesis) were known. The proof relies on the new notion of a robust hitting set which is a set of inputs such that any nonzero polynomial that can be computed by a polynomial size algebraic circuit, evaluates to a not too small value on at least one element of the set. Proving the existence of such a robust hitting set is the main technical difficulty in the proof. Our proof uses anti-concentration results for polynomials, basic tools from algebraic geometry and the existential theory of the reals

    On the automorphism group of a toral variety

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    Let K\mathbb{K} be an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. An affine algebraic variety XX over K\mathbb{K} is toral if it is isomorphic to a closed subvariety of a torus (K∗)d(\mathbb{K}^*)^d. We study the group Aut(X)\mathrm{Aut}(X) of regular automorpshims of a toral variety XX. We prove that if TT is a maximal torus in Aut(X)\mathrm{Aut}(X), then XX is a direct product Y×TY\times T, where YY is a toral variety with a trivial maximal torus in the automorphism group. We show that knowing Aut(Y)\mathrm{Aut}(Y), one can compute Aut(X)\mathrm{Aut}(X). In the case when the rank of the group K[Y]∗/K∗\mathbb{K}[Y]^*/\mathbb{K}^* is dim⁡Y+1\dim Y + 1, the group Aut(Y)\mathrm{Aut}(Y) can be described explicitly

    Computing Small Certificates of Inconsistency of Quadratic Fewnomial Systems

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    B{\'e}zout 's theorem states that dense generic systems of n multivariate quadratic equations in n variables have 2 n solutions over algebraically closed fields. When only a small subset M of monomials appear in the equations (fewnomial systems), the number of solutions may decrease dramatically. We focus in this work on subsets of quadratic monomials M such that generic systems with support M do not admit any solution at all. For these systems, Hilbert's Nullstellensatz ensures the existence of algebraic certificates of inconsistency. However, up to our knowledge all known bounds on the sizes of such certificates -including those which take into account the Newton polytopes of the polynomials- are exponential in n. Our main results show that if the inequality 2|M| -- 2n ≀\le \sqrt 1 + 8{\nu} -- 1 holds for a quadratic fewnomial system -- where {\nu} is the matching number of a graph associated with M, and |M| is the cardinality of M -- then there exists generically a certificate of inconsistency of linear size (measured as the number of coefficients in the ground field K). Moreover this certificate can be computed within a polynomial number of arithmetic operations. Next, we evaluate how often this inequality holds, and we give evidence that the probability that the inequality is satisfied depends strongly on the number of squares. More precisely, we show that if M is picked uniformly at random among the subsets of n + k + 1 quadratic monomials containing at least Ω\Omega(n 1/2+Ï”\epsilon) squares, then the probability that the inequality holds tends to 1 as n grows. Interestingly, this phenomenon is related with the matching number of random graphs in the Erd{\"o}s-Renyi model. Finally, we provide experimental results showing that certificates in inconsistency can be computed for systems with more than 10000 variables and equations.Comment: ISSAC 2016, Jul 2016, Waterloo, Canada. Proceedings of ISSAC 201


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    This paper reports a study of the semiclassical asymptotic behavior of the eigenvalues of some nonself-adjoint operators that are important for applications. These operators are the Schrödinger operator with complex periodic potential and the operator of induction. It turns out that the asymptotics of the spectrum can be calculated using the quantization conditions. These can be represented as the condition that the integrals of a holomorphic form over the cycles on the corresponding complex Lagrangian manifold, which is a Riemann surface of constant energy, are integers. In contrast to the real case (the Bohr–Sommerfeld–Maslov formulas), in order to calculate a chosen spectral series, it is sufficient to assume that the integral over only one of the cycles takes integer values, and different cycles determine different parts of the spectrum
