1,413 research outputs found

    Balancing for unstable nonlinear systems

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    A previously obtained method of balancing for stable nonlinear systems is extended to unstable nonlinear systems. The similarity invariants obtained by the concept of LQG balancing for an unstable linear system can also be obtained by considering a past and future energy function of the system. By considering a past and future energy function for an unstable nonlinear system, the concept of these similarity invariants for linear systems is extended to nonlinear systems. Furthermore the relation of this balancing method with the previously obtained method of balancing the coprime factorization of an unstable nonlinear system is considered. Both methods are introduced with the aim of using it as a tool for model reductio

    Identification of Non-linear Nonautonomous State Space Systems from Input-Output Measurements

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    This paper presents a method to determine a nonlinear state-space model from a finite number of measurements of the inputs and outputs. The method is based on embedding theory for nonlinear systems, and can be viewed as an extension of the subspace identification method for linear systems. The paper describes the underlying theory and provides some guidelines for using the method in practice. To illustrate the use of the identification method, it was applied to a second-order nonlinear system

    Identification of nonlinear state-space systems using zero-input responses

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    This paper studies the generalization of linear subspace identification techniques to nonlinear systems. The basic idea is to combine nonlinear minimal realization techniques based on the Hankel operator with embedding theory used in time-series modeling. We show that under the assumption of zero-state observability, a collection of several zero-input responses can be used to construct a state sequence of the nonlinear system. This state sequence can then be used to estimate a state-space model via nonlinear regression. We also discuss how the zero-input responses can be obtained. The proposed method is illustrated using a pendulum as an example system.

    Balancing and model reduction for discrete-time nonlinear systems based on Hankel singular value analysis

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    This paper is concerned with balanced realization and model reduction for discrete-time nonlinear systems. Singular perturbation type balanced truncation method is proposed. In this procedure, the Hankel singular values and the related controllability and observability properties are preserved, which is a natural generalization of both the linear discrete-time case and the nonlinear continuous-time case.

    Duality and singular value functions of the nonlinear normalized right and left coprime factorizations

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    This paper considers the nonlinear left coprime factorization (NLCF) of a nonlinear system. In order to study the balanced realization of such NLCF first a dual system notion is introduced. The important energy functions for the original NLCF and their relation with the dual NLCF are studied and relations between these functions are established. These developments can be used for studying a relation between the singular value functions of the NLCF and the normalized right coprime factorization (NRCF) of a nonlinear system. The singular value functions are a useful tool for model reduction of unstable nonlinear systems.

    Lumped Approximation of a Transmission Line with an Alternative Geometric Discretization

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    An electromagnetic one-dimensional transmission line represented in a distributed port-Hamiltonian form is lumped into a chain of subsystems which preserve the port-Hamiltonian structure with inputs and outputs in collocated form. The procedure is essentially an adaptation of the procedure for discretization of Stokes-Dirac structures presented previously, that does not preserve the port-Hamiltonian structure after discretization. With some modifications essentially inspired on the finite difference paradigm, the procedure now results in a system that preserves the collocated port-Hamiltonian structure along with some other desirable conditions for interconnection. The simulation results are compared with those presented previously.

    On Factorization, Interconnection and Reduction of Collocated Port-Hamiltonian Systems

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    Based on a geometric interpretation of nonlinear balanced reduction some implications of this approach are analyzed in the case of collocated port-Hamiltonian systems which have a certain balance in its structure. Furthermore, additional examples of reduction for this class of systems are presented.

    A power-based perspective of mechanical systems

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    This paper is concerned with the construction of a power-based modeling framework for a large class of mechanical systems. Mathematically this is formalized by proving that every standard mechanical system (with or without dissipation) can be written as a gradient vector field with respect to an indefinite metric. The form and existence of the corresponding potential function is shown to be the mechanical analogue of Brayton and Moser's mixed-potential function as originally derived for nonlinear electrical networks in the early sixties. In this way, several recently proposed analysis and control methods that use the mixed-potential function as a starting point can also be applied to mechanical systems.

    An electrical interpretation of mechanical systems via the pseudo-inductor in the Brayton-Moser equations

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    In this paper an analogy between mechanical and electrical systems is presented, where, in contrast to the traditional analogy, position dependence of the mass inertia matrix is allowed. In order to interpret the mechanical system in an electrical manner, a pseudo-inductor element is introduced to cope with inductor elements with voltage-dependent electromagnetic coupling. The starting point of this paper is given by systems described in terms of the Euler-Lagrange equations. Then, via the introduction of the pseudo-inductor, the Brayton-Moser equations are determined for the mechanical system. © 2005 IEEE.