163 research outputs found

    Validation of massively-parallel adaptive testing using dynamic control matching

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    A/B testing is a widely-used paradigm within marketing optimization because it promises identification of causal effects and because it is implemented out of the box in most messaging delivery software platforms. Modern businesses, however, often run many A/B/n tests at the same time and in parallel, and package many content variations into the same messages, not all of which are part of an explicit test. Whether as the result of many teams testing at the same time, or as part of a more sophisticated reinforcement learning (RL) approach that continuously adapts tests and test condition assignment based on previous results, dynamic parallel testing cannot be evaluated the same way traditional A/B tests are evaluated. This paper presents a method for disentangling the causal effects of the various tests under conditions of continuous test adaptation, using a matched-synthetic control group that adapts alongside the tests

    An Interdisciplinary Analysis of Core Competencies in Pain Management for Prelicensure Education: Curriculum Application for Physical and Music Therapy

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    Core competencies in pain management were recently established for prelicensure health professional education and assessed for ways that they could be integrated into professional physical therapy practice. The competencies present the expected minimal capabilities for graduating health care students for the subject of pain management. The pain competencies include 4 domains: multidimensional nature of pain, pain assessment and measurement, management of pain, and context of pain. The proposed competencies are recommended for educational programs and could be implemented for other health professions. The purpose of this study is to assess the implementation of the pain competencies in physical therapy and music therapy by surveying current licensed or board certified professionals. Background and Purpose: Music Therapy is defined as the clinical and evidence-based use of music interventions to accomplish individualized goals within a therapeutic relationship by a credentialed professional who has completed an approved music therapy program. The goals of music therapy in pain management are to assist the patient in regaining self-control and become actively involved in the management of his/her pain. Recently, core competencies in pain management were established for prelicensure health professional education and postulated as to how they could be implemented into professional physical therapy practice. The purpose of this study is to address where these newly established competencies are applied to the professional music therapy\u27s curriculum and physical therapy curriculums Subjects: The subjects of the study included (200) board-certified or licensed music and physical therapy clinician\u27s within the Midwest tri-state area of North Dakota, Minnesota, and South Dakota. Methods: Using a web-based survey, professional music therapy and physical therapy clinician\u27s completed an electronic survey, rated on a 6 point Likert-type scale. The survey examined the clinician\u27s impressions of the core competencies in pain management established for prelicensed healthcare professional education and the feasibility of integration of the competencies into professional practice

    The effect of typewriting vs. handwriting lecture notes on learning: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    This study is a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies examining the effect of note-taking modality during lecture, that is, taking notes by hand using pen and paper vs. taking notes using a keyboard and computer, on learning among secondary and postsecondary students. I begin with a review of the literature and theoretical introduction to the theories and terms used. From a theoretical standpoint, there are strong reasons to believe that taking notes by hand might offer recall benefits relative to taking notes using a computer and keyboard. At the same time, I point out that one problem, which I term the “fundamental problem of modality research”, is that when researchers randomly assign participants to a note-taking modality they are also, indirectly, assigning them to a note-taking style. Furthermore, most studies do not consider factors such as participant transcription capacity that might serve as theoretically important moderators. I then describe the methods used for the systematic review and meta-analysis. These included a robust literature search, double screening of all potentially eligible studies, and double coding of all eligible studies. The meta-analytic methods involved multilevel applications of standard meta-analytic methods. The systematic review resulted in identification of 33 eligible reports containing 42 independent samples and 88 effect sizes, all evaluating whether there are recall differences — almost always operationalized as scores on a quiz given after exposure to lecture material — between participants taking notes by handwriting vs. typewriting, that is, the modality effect. A statistically significant overall meta-analytic average was found g = +0.144 [0.023, 0.265], p = .021, benefiting handwriters over typewriters. This is a small effect; on average, in the typical study typewriters scored about 50% on the recall quiz. The effect size of g = +0.14 translates into an average percent correct of about 57% in the handwriting group. There is some evidence that providing participants with an opportunity to review their notes might substantially reduce the observed advantage for handwriters

    Difusão de tecnologia no Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Milho e Sorgo.

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    Pesquisa-ação: fundamentos do planejamento e do diagnóstico em comunidades rurais.

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    O presente trabalho nasceu da necessidade de divulgar um aspecto operacional da metodologia da pesquisa-ação chamada de diagnóstico. O estudo tem sido realizado por uma equipe de pesquisadores, extensionistas e agricultores nos Estados da Bahia, Pernambuco e Paraíba através da Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura, EMATER-PB, EBDA, EMATER-PE. No Brasil, as comunidades, municípios e regiões apresentam-se de forma diferenciada, com menor ou maior complexidade. Logo, para se intervir em determinada área para promover um processo de mudanças e necessário compreender primeiro sua realidade.bitstream/item/81305/1/Pesquisa-Acao-Jose-Cerqueira-Documentos-93-2000.pd

    Técnicas adjuvantes para o tratamento de feridas cutâneas em animais domésticos

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    A pele é considerada uma barreira fisiológica que promove proteção contra lesões físicas, químicas e microbiológicas, sendo comum o aparecimento de animais com feridas cutâneas na rotina de clínica veterinária. Após a ocorrência dessas lesões, diversos fatores são desencadeados para restabelecer a homeostase tecidual, por meio do processo de cicatrização. No entanto, alguns fatores ambientais, metabólicos, nutricionais ou farmacológicos podem interferir no processo cicatricial e mesmo que haja diversos meios para auxiliar, às vezes o uso do tratamento farmacológico não é viável ou eficaz. Na reabilitação animal há recursos alternativos e não-invasivos que agem nos mecanismos e sequências de eventos fisiológicos e bioquímicos, como na inflamação, na síntese de colágeno, na neovascularização, na formação de tecidos de granulação e na reepitalização, podendo ser usados, portanto, para acelerar e melhorar a qualidade do processo de cicatrização. Por isso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o uso de técnicas adjuvantes no tratamento de feridas cutâneas que estão disponíveis na área da reabilitação animal, como também elucidar a função e benefícios de cada uma dessas modalidades.The skin is considered a physiological barrier that promotes protection against physical, chemical and microbiological injuries, being common the incidence of animals with cutaneous wounds in the routine of the veterinary clinic. After the occurrence of these lesions, several factors are triggered to restore tissue homeostasis through the healing process. However, some environmental, metabolic, nutritional or pharmacological factors may interfere with the wound healing process and, even though there are several ways to assist in this process, sometimes the use of pharmacological treatment is not feasible or effective. In animal rehabilitation there are alternative and non-invasive features that act on the mechanisms and sequences of physiological and biochemical events, such as inflammation, collagen synthesis, neovascularization, granulation tissue formation and reepitalization, and therefore can be used as to speed up and improve the quality of the healing process. Therefore, the aim of this study was to perform a literature review on the use of adjuvant techniques in the treatment of skin wounds that are available in the area of animal rehabilitation, as well as to elucidate the function and benefits of each of these modalities


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    Esse ensaio discute como as notícias sobre as catástrofes ecológicas globais passaram a ter amplo destaque na mídia e demonstra de que modo esses discursos jornalísticos vinculam a crise do meio ambiente a uma heurística do medo, na qual o signo da negatividade esvazia a possibilidade da ação política. Essa pesquisa foi realizada a partir do mapeamento das formações discursivas sobre a crise ambiental enunciada nas primeiras páginas de dois jornais diários de circulação no Rio de Janeiro (O Globo e Jornal do Brasil). O trabalho conclui que as formações discursivas presentes nos jornais pesquisados são reforçadas pelo contexto social de fruição das mensagens, já que o público-receptor encontra-se imerso em uma sociedade marcada pelos riscos globais

    Relationship between oxygen uptake, heart rate, and perceived effort in an aquatic incremental test in older women

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    Different parameters can be used to control the intensity of aerobic exercises, a choice that should consider the population and exercise environment targeted. Therefore, our study aimed to verify the relationship between oxygen uptake (VO2), heart rate (HR), rating of perceived exertion (RPE), and cadence during an aquatic incremental test in older women. Nine older women (64.3 ± 4.4 years) engaged in a water-based aerobic training performed an aquatic incremental test using the stationary running exercise (cadence increases of 15 b·min−1 every 2 min) until participants’ volitional exhaustion. VO2, HR, and RPE data were measured, and the percentage of peak VO2 (%VO2peak) and percentage of maximal HR (%HRmax) were calculated. Linear and polynomial regression analyses were performed (α = 0.05). Polynomial regressions revealed the best adjustments for all analyses. Data showed a significant relationship (p < 0.001) between %VO2peak and %HRmax (r = 0.921), %VO2peak and RPE (r = 0.870), and %HRmax and RPE (r = 0.878). Likewise, significant relationships between cadence (p < 0.001) and %VO2peak (r = 0.873), %HRmax (r = 0.874), and RPE (r = 0.910) were also observed. In summary, the physiological, subjective, and mechanical variables investigated were highly associated during an aquatic incremental test to exhaustion in older women. Therefore, these different parameters can be employed to adequately prescribe water-based programs according to preference and availability