392 research outputs found

    A method for interactive satellite failure diagnosis: Towards a connectionist solution

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    Various kinds of processes which allow one to make a diagnosis are analyzed. The analyses then focuses on one of these processes used for satellite failure diagnosis. This process consists of sending the satellite instructions about system status alterations: to mask the effects of one possible component failure or to look for additional abnormal measures. A formal model of this process is given. This model is an extension of a previously defined connectionist model which allows computation of ratios between the likelihoods of observed manifestations according to various diagnostic hypotheses. The expected mean value of these likelihood measures for each possible status of the satellite can be computed in a similar way. Therefore, it is possible to select the most appropriate status according to three different purposes: to confirm an hypothesis, to eliminate an hypothesis, or to choose between two hypotheses. Finally, a first connectionist schema of computation of these expected mean values is given

    Parallel plan execution with self-processing networks

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    A critical issue for space operations is how to develop and apply advanced automation techniques to reduce the cost and complexity of working in space. In this context, it is important to examine how recent advances in self-processing networks can be applied for planning and scheduling tasks. For this reason, the feasibility of applying self-processing network models to a variety of planning and control problems relevant to spacecraft activities is being explored. Goals are to demonstrate that self-processing methods are applicable to these problems, and that MIRRORS/II, a general purpose software environment for implementing self-processing models, is sufficiently robust to support development of a wide range of application prototypes. Using MIRRORS/II and marker passing modelling techniques, a model of the execution of a Spaceworld plan was implemented. This is a simplified model of the Voyager spacecraft which photographed Jupiter, Saturn, and their satellites. It is shown that plan execution, a task usually solved using traditional artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, can be accomplished using a self-processing network. The fact that self-processing networks were applied to other space-related tasks, in addition to the one discussed here, demonstrates the general applicability of this approach to planning and control problems relevant to spacecraft activities. It is also demonstrated that MIRRORS/II is a powerful environment for the development and evaluation of self-processing systems

    Autoplan: A self-processing network model for an extended blocks world planning environment

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    Self-processing network models (neural/connectionist models, marker passing/message passing networks, etc.) are currently undergoing intense investigation for a variety of information processing applications. These models are potentially very powerful in that they support a large amount of explicit parallel processing, and they cleanly integrate high level and low level information processing. However they are currently limited by a lack of understanding of how to apply them effectively in many application areas. The formulation of self-processing network methods for dynamic, reactive planning is studied. The long-term goal is to formulate robust, computationally effective information processing methods for the distributed control of semiautonomous exploration systems, e.g., the Mars Rover. The current research effort is focusing on hierarchical plan generation, execution and revision through local operations in an extended blocks world environment. This scenario involves many challenging features that would be encountered in a real planning and control environment: multiple simultaneous goals, parallel as well as sequential action execution, action sequencing determined not only by goals and their interactions but also by limited resources (e.g., three tasks, two acting agents), need to interpret unanticipated events and react appropriately through replanning, etc

    Tindak Tutur Ilokusi dalam Novel Daun yang Jatuh Tak Pernah Membenci Angin Karya Tere Liye

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    Artikel ini mengkaji tindak tutur ilokusi dalam novel Daun yang Jatuh Tak Pernah Membenci Angin yang ditulis oleh Tere Liye. Tindak tutur adalah tindakan yang dilakukan seseorang dalam berbicara. Artinya, ketika berbicara, seseorang tersebut juga melakukan tindakan, misalnya meminta maaf, memberi selamat, menasihati, memerintah, menawarkan sesuatu, atau berjanji. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan tindak tutur ilokusi yang terdapat dalam novel dengan pisau bedah teori Searle. Hal tersebut bertujuan agar para pembaca dapat memahami dan mengilustrasikan suasana yang dibangun dalam cerita melalui interaksi para tokoh. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi ujaran yang mengandung tindak tutur ilokusi dalam novel Daun yang Jatuh Tak Pernah Membenci Angin dan mengklasifikasikannya ke dalam gologan tindak ilokusi berdasarkan berdasarkan fungsinya menurut teori Searle

    A connectionist model for dynamic control

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    The application of a connectionist modeling method known as competition-based spreading activation to a camera tracking task is described. The potential is explored for automation of control and planning applications using connectionist technology. The emphasis is on applications suitable for use in the NASA Space Station and in related space activities. The results are quite general and could be applicable to control systems in general


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    Fraud is a act of cheating by a person for personal gain or groups. Fraud occurs because of someone planned action by taking advantage of other parties such as a fake, impersonation, stealing so that the party feels aggrieved. This study aimed to determine differences in accounting students perceptions of fraud by using the questionnaire as a research instrument. Questions within the questionnaire contains the factors that cause someone to do fraud that is Pressure, Opportunity and Rationalization. After that the data processed by using SPSS 20 software. Respondents in this study is students majoring in accounting class of 2009 and 2012.In consideration the students in 2009 is the final semester students who have exhausted all subjects, especially Business Ethics and Professional Accountants so that they understand the issues considered fraud. While the student of class 2012 is a new student who had just had lectures at the college level, and understands only general fraud issues. The results of this survey indicate that many of the respondents are still not sensitive to the problems of fraud in the surrounding environment. There was an effort to sharpen the accounting course is one way to increase the effectiveness of the accounting curriculum in shaping accounting students perceptions of fraud. Keywords : accounting students perception, fraud, pressure, opportunity, rationalizatio

    Fiber reinforced mortar and concrete for seismic retrofitting of masonry and RC structures

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    Many countries are currently facing the problem of the evaluation and retrofitting of existing buildings and infrastructures, due to structural deficiencies and durability issues. With the aim of avoiding expensive demolition and reconstruction interventions, excellent retrofitting techniques have been developed over the years, using new composite materials like fibre reinforced mortar (FRM) and ultra-high performance fibre reinforced concrete (UHPFRC). The present paper describes the most significant experiences carried out at the University of Brescia, leading to the development of innovative retrofitting techniques for masonry buildings and RC bridges, including characterization tests of materials, tests on full-scale elements and experimental investigations performed on full-scale structures

    An External Tabletop Environment for an Interactive Brain Model

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    As an important step towards creating a biologically-inspired model of language learning in the human brain, we have created an external environment in which to embody such a model. It is our hope that the learning in such a model will be enhanced and accelerated by the grounding effects that such an environment can provide. The environment can be easily configured to approximate common tabletop testing environments used in clinical studies of human aphasia patients, which will allow us to draw parallels between said studies and similar computational experiments to be conducted by artificially lesioning our language-learning brain model. This document describes the capabilities and programming interfaces of the external environment and how a computational agent might interact with it
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