4,862 research outputs found

    El suelo en duelo

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    This is a thesis about colonialism. When I was seven years old I interrogated my mom about the consequences of Puerto Rico achieving its independence from the United States. I remember asking her “If Puerto Rico gains its independence, would that mean that we would no longer be able to purchase apples at the store?” The warm climate prohibits apples from growing in Puerto Rico. I never liked apples, and would much rather have had oranges, but I guess that concerned me at that time. She looked at me with a funny look. With that funny look that any parent has on their face when they’re trying to explain to their seven-year old how the United States occupied colonized their country. Maybe you don’t know the look. She proceeded to kindly explain that we would most likely not run out of apples, and that gaining independence would actually mean that we could freely choose what apples we wanted to have, rather than have others govern our apple negotiations. Of course, this is a simplified version of what it means to live in a colony, but this memory always stayed with me, it guides the making outlined in this thesis. “El suelo en duelo” is a series of writings and visual works that outline resistance tactics against colonialism in the context of the United State’s occupation over Puerto Rico. Using sand as my weapon of choice, I consider its potential to refuse legibility and transform our lived experiences through the act of play. The ground becomes an active agent, a space of resistance, and a place for mourning our historie

    Prevalencia de hiperlipidemia en ponis de los criaderos de Pereira

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    La hiperlipidemia es una alteración metabólica de las grasas, se manifiesta con la alteración de concentraciones de colesterol de baja densidad (LDL) y triglicéridos acompañado de otros factores negativos. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo fue estimar la prevalencia y los factores de riesgo asociados a la presentación de hiperlipidemia en los ponis de la ciudad de Pereira. Se estudió una muestra de 10 ponis de la raza Falabella ubicados en diferentes criaderos en Pereira, Risaralda, se realizaron examen clínico, pruebas de hemograma, colesterol total, colesterol LDL y triglicéridos. A partir de los resultados recolectados fueron encontrados 2 ponis que presentaban concentraciones séricas de triglicéridos de 100 mg/dl a 500 mg/dl. pero no se clasifican como positivos puesto que no presentaron aumento de frecuencia cardiaca, respiratoria y mucosas ictéricas, por lo cual no son positivos a hiperlipidemia, lo que significa que hay una prevalencia de triglicéridos superiores a 100 mg/dl en los criaderos de Pereira del 20% (IC95%: 0.3%-39.7%) el valor promedio de colesterol total, colesterol LDL 32,53 mg/dl y triglicéridos fue de 90,06 mg/dl y posteriormente se determinó la relación de los factores de riesgos asociados a la presentación de la enfermedad. Se encontró que no se presenta hiperlipemia en los ponis de la región

    Third-order optical autocorrelator for time-domain operation at telecommunication wavelengths

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    We report on amorphous organic thin films that exhibit efficient third-harmonic generation at telecommunication wavelengths. At 1550 nm, micrometer-thick samples generate up to 17 µW of green light with input power of 250 mW delivered by an optical parametric oscillator. This high conversion efficiency is achieved without phase matching or cascading of quadratic nonlinear effects. With these films, we demonstrate a low-cost, sensitive third-order autocorrelator that can be used in the time-frequency domain

    Editorial status of the Journal

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    Description of the Journal, its essence and history…Grupo de Investigación HUM-672 AREA (Análisis de la Realidad EducativA

    Violencia del crimen organizado relacionada a los sectores económicos en México. Una propuesta de categorización

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    La violencia ocasionada por el crimen organizado se ha constituido como uno de los principales problemas en México en los últimos años; adicionalmente a las pérdidas humanas que ocasiona, afecta a las actividades económicas, lo cual disminuye la calidad de vida de la población. En el presente documento se presenta una clasificación de las conductas violentas que el crimen organizado realiza y que afectan a los sectores económicos en México, la cual se elaboró mediante un análisis de contenido con la ayuda del software MaxQDA. La clasificación final consiste en 17 conductas, las que son descritas identificándose el sector gubernamental que resulta ser el más afectado

    Editorial status of the journal

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    Information about the history and functioningGrupo de Investigación HUM-672 AREA (Análisis de la Realidad EducativA

    Ultrafast-pulse diagnostic using third-order frequency-resolved optical gating in organic films

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    We report on the diagnostic of ultrafast pulses by frequency-resolved optical gating (FROG) based on strong third-harmonic generation (THG) in amorphous organic thin films. The high THG conversion efficiency of these films allows for the characterization of sub-nanojoule short pulses emitting at telecommunication wavelengths using a low cost portable fiber spectrometer

    Temperature dependent charge transport mechanisms in carbon sphere/polymer composites

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    Carbon spheres (CS) with diameters in the range 210μm2 - 10 \mu m were prepared via hydrolysis of a sucrose solution at 200oC,200^o C, and later annealed in N2N_2 at 800oC.800^o C. The spheres were highly conducting but difficult to process into thin films or pressed pellets. In our previous work, composite samples of CS and the insulating polymer polyethylene oxide (PEO) were prepared and their charge transport was analyzed in the temperature range 80K<T<300K. 80 K < T < 300 K. Here, we analyze charge transport in CS coated with a thin polyaniline (PANi) film doped with hydrochloric acid (HCl), in the same temperature range. The goal is to study charge transport in the CS using a conducting polymer (PANi) as a binder and compare with that occurring at CS/PEO. A conductivity maxima was observed in the CS/PEO composite but was absent in CS/PANi. Our data analysis shows that variable range hopping of electrons between polymeric chains in PANi-filled gaps between CS takes on a predominant part in transport through CS/PANi composites, whereas in CS/PEO composites, electrons travel through gaps between CS solely by means of direct tunneling. This difference in transport mechanisms results in different temperature dependences of the conductivity.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure