394 research outputs found

    Il processo di armonizzazione della contabilità pubblica: prime applicazioni e prospettive di attuazione nel contesto locale

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    Questo lavoro di tesi si prefigge di studiare quali cambiamenti, non solo contabili, ma anche organizzativi abbia portato l’approvazione di queste nuove leggi nel processo di programmazione e gestione del bilancio(D.lgs.118/2011). Per analizzare nel dettaglio quali implicazioni hanno portato le innovazioni del processo di armonizzazione nel processo di stesura del bilancio e quali modifiche l’amministrazione pubblica abbia dovuto implementare, si è scelto di utilizzare la metodologia del case study, ovvero si è deciso di analizzare un caso reale. Tale approccio permette di trarre delle conclusioni sull’efficacia del cambiamento tramite l’analisi di come un soggetto ha reagito. Si è optato per questa particolare tecnica di ricerca perché permette di svolgere un'indagine che sia in grado di mantenere le caratteristiche olistiche e significative di eventi di vita reale e sia in grado di studiare come e perché un evento è successo . Ai fini di questo studio si è ritenuto che il case study fosse la tipologia migliore di ricerca poiché si è interessati ad analizzare le implicazioni e gli impatti che le nuove normative hanno sul processo decisionale e di stesura del bilancio delle amministrazioni pubbliche. Inoltre l’utilizzo di questo approccio metodologico ha permesso di ottenere delle informazioni riguardanti uno specifico caso, generalizzabili, poi, a tutti i soggetti interessati

    The Frabotta’s Testimonial Poetry

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze three new poems by Biancamaria Frabotta as testimonial poetry. The triptyque (a preview of Frabotta’s next book, La materia prima) is probably the starting point of a fourth stage in the poet’s career. In these poems senescence confronts adolescence, the subject of Frabotta’s first book, Il rumore bianco (1982), while the poet as witness confronts the present («a mute and chatty time»). The result is the interplay between past and present, between intellect and experience that becomes a meditation about poetry’s role in our age

    IL DE LAUDIBUS DIVINIS DI GIOVANNI GIOVIANO PONTANO Studio storico e filologico, edizione critica e commento

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    Questo lavoro di ricerca consiste in uno studio sulla raccolta poetica De laudibus divinis di Giovanni Gioviano Pontano ed \ue8 suddiviso in tre capitoli. Il primo capitolo presenta una ricostruzione storico letteraria dell\u2019opera attraverso l\u2019indagine sui contesti, la circolazione e la fortuna del testo, soffermandosi, in particolare, sulla ricostruzione della circolazione del testo tra la fine del Quattrocento e i primi anni del Cinquecento. Il secondo capitolo \ue8 dedicato allo studio filologico sulla stratificazione redazionale del testo attraverso l\u2019indagine sulla tradizione manoscritta e a stampa e presenta un\u2019edizione critica del testo. Il terzo capitolo \ue8 dedicato al commento e presenta un\u2019analisi delle principali trasformazioni del testo attraverso i livelli redazionali, l\u2019evoluzione dei temi, gli ipotesti e i rapporti con le tradizioni poetiche classiche, con l\u2019obiettivo di ricostruire il significato dell\u2019opera fin dalle primitive intenzioni dell\u2019autore

    Alzheimer’s Disease: From Immune Homeostasis to Neuroinflammatory Condition

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    Alzheimer’s Disease is the most common cause in the world of progressive cognitive decline. Although many modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors have been proposed, in recent years, neuroinflammation has been hypothesized to be an important contributing factor of Alzheimer’s Disease pathogenesis. Neuroinflammation can occur through the combined action of the Central Nervous System resident immune cells and adaptive peripheral immune system. In the past years, immunotherapies for neurodegenerative diseases have focused wrongly on targeting protein aggregates Aβ plaques and NFT treatment. The role of both innate and adaptive immune cells has not been fully clarified, but several data suggest that immune system dysregulation plays a key role in neuroinflammation. Recent studies have focused especially on the role of the adaptive immune system and have shown that inflammatory markers are characterized by increased CD4+ Teff cells’ activities and reduced circulating CD4+ Treg cells. In this review, we discuss the key role of both innate and adaptive immune systems in the degeneration and regeneration mechanisms in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s Disease, with a focus on how the crosstalk between these two systems is able to sustain brain homeostasis or shift it to a neurodegenerative condition

    Follow-Up Assessment of Intracranial Aneurysms Treated with Endovascular Coiling: Comparison of Compressed Sensing and Parallel Imaging Time-of-Flight Magnetic Resonance Angiography

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    The aim of our study was to compare compressed sensing (CS) time-of-flight (TOF) magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) with parallel imaging (PI) TOF MRA in the evaluation of patients with intracranial aneurysms treated with coil embolization or stent-assisted coiling. We enrolled 22 patients who underwent follow-up imaging after intracranial aneurysm coil embolization. All patients underwent both PI TOF and CS TOF MRA during the same examination. Image evaluation aimed to compare the performance of CS to PI TOF MRA in determining the degree of aneurysm occlusion, as well as the depiction of parent vessel and vessels adjacent to the aneurysm dome. The reference standard for the evaluation of aneurysm occlusion was PI TOF MRA. The inter-modality agreement between CS and PI TOF MRA in the evaluation of aneurysm occlusion was almost perfect (κ = 0.98, p < 0.001) and the overall inter-rater agreement was substantial (κ = 0.70, p < 0.001). The visualization of aneurysm parent vessel in CS TOF images compared with PI TOF images was evaluated to be better in 11.4%, equal in 86.4%, and worse in 2.3%. CS TOF MRA, with almost 70% scan time reduction with respect to PI TOF MRA, yields comparable results for assessing the occlusion status of coiled intracranial aneurysms. Short scan times increase patient comfort, reduce the risk of motion artifacts, and increase patient throughput, with a resulting reduction in costs. CS TOF MRA may therefore be a potential replacement for PI TOF MRA as a first-line follow-up examination in patients with intracranial aneurysms treated with coil embolization

    Acute ischemic stroke with cervical internal carotid artery steno-occlusive lesion: multicenter analysis of endovascular approaches

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    open14noBackground Occlusions of internal carotid artery (ICA), whether isolated or in tandem lesions (TL) have a poor response to treatment with intravenous thrombolysis. Previous studies ​​have demonstrated the superiority of mechanical thrombectomy in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke (AIS) following large vessel occlusion, compared to standard intravenous fibrinolysis. The aim of our study was to describe endovascular treatment (EVT) in AIS due to ICA occlusion, whether isolated or in TL. Methods we assessed the association between 90-day outcome and clinical, demographic, imaging and procedure data in 51 consecutive patients with acute isolated ICA or TL occlusion who underwent endovascular treatment (EVT). We evaluated baseline NIHSS and mRS, ASPECTS, type of occlusion, stent placement, use of stent retrievers and/or thromboaspiration, duration of the procedure, mTICI, procedural therapy and complications. Results A favorable 90-day outcome (mRS 0–2) was achieved in 34 patients (67%) and was significantly associated with the use of dual antiplatelet therapy after the procedure (p = 0.008), shorter procedure duration (p = 0.031), TICI 2b-3 (p < 0.001) and lack of post-procedural hemorrhagic transformation (p = 0.001). Four patients did not survive, resulting in a mortality rate of 8% Conclusions EVT in the treatment of AIS due to ICA occlusion is safe and effective; mortality rates are in agreement with the current literature. The use of the stent is safe and promotes good angiographic results, as well as therapy with a GpIIb / IIIa inhibitor immediately after stent release which is also associated with better 3-month outcome and good revascularization.openLuigi Cirillo, Daniele Giuseppe Romano, Gianfranco Vornetti, Giulia Frauenfelder, Chiara Tamburrano, Francesco Taglialatela, Salvatore Isceri, Renato Saponiero, Rosa Napoletano, Mauro Gentile, Michele Romoli, Ciro Princiotta, Luigi Simonetti, Andrea ZiniLuigi Cirillo, Daniele Giuseppe Romano, Gianfranco Vornetti, Giulia Frauenfelder, Chiara Tamburrano, Francesco Taglialatela, Salvatore Isceri, Renato Saponiero, Rosa Napoletano, Mauro Gentile, Michele Romoli, Ciro Princiotta, Luigi Simonetti, Andrea Zin