642 research outputs found

    Love as an Act of Resistance

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    NASA wind shear flight test in situ results

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    The main objectives in developing the NASA in situ windshear detection algorithm were to provide a measurement standard for validation of forward-look sensors under development, and to demonstrate the algorithm's ability to operate with a suitably low nuisance alert rate. It was necessary to know exactly how the algorithm was implemented and what parameters and filtering were used, in order to be able to fully test its effectiveness and correlate in situ results with forward-look sensor data

    A simple, analytic 3-dimensional downburst model based on boundary layer stagnation flow

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    A simple downburst model is developed for use in batch and real-time piloted simulation studies of guidance strategies for terminal area transport aircraft operations in wind shear conditions. The model represents an axisymmetric stagnation point flow, based on velocity profiles from the Terminal Area Simulation System (TASS) model developed by Proctor and satisfies the mass continuity equation in cylindrical coordinates. Altitude dependence, including boundary layer effects near the ground, closely matches real-world measurements, as do the increase, peak, and decay of outflow and downflow with increasing distance from the downburst center. Equations for horizontal and vertical winds were derived, and found to be infinitely differentiable, with no singular points existent in the flow field. In addition, a simple relationship exists among the ratio of maximum horizontal to vertical velocities, the downdraft radius, depth of outflow, and altitude of maximum outflow. In use, a microburst can be modeled by specifying four characteristic parameters, velocity components in the x, y and z directions, and the corresponding nine partial derivatives are obtained easily from the velocity equations

    Transitioning College Media from Print Focused Business Models to Digitally Focused Business Models

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    The noticeable downturn in print advertising indicates a need for change in the news industry business model. College media is not immune to this decline and need for change. A change in business model calls for transitioning to an alternative system that does not primarily rely on print products and advertising — a digitally focused business model. Many college media organizations around the United States have started to pursue this type of model, changing the way they produce and present news in the process. Taking into account the state of print focused business models in the general and collegiate news industry and what some college media organizations have done to transition to a digitally focused business model, this study presents best practices for college media attempting to make this change in their own organizations

    El humanismo en la educación médica

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    En los últimos 30 años se ha considerado, de forma creciente, el enfatizar el retorno al humanismo en medicina como una medida para contrarrestar el corporativismo que rodea a los sistemas de salud, ya que parece ser el responsable de la deshumanización en la atención médica que hoy se proporciona. Como médicos educadores, nos encontramos preocupados por el impacto que las conductas profesionales de los médicos ejercen sobre el desarrollo de las actitudes y conductas humanistas de los estudiantes y residentes médicos, sin embargo, aún parece existir cierta confusión de lo que implica el término humanista en este ámbito. De esto se deriva la necesidad de aclarar lo que entendemos por humanismo médico para lograr un acuerdo general que sustente la evaluación del humanismo en los médicos y estar en la posibilidad de plantear estrategias pedagógicas explícitas que permitan impulsarlo y fortalecerlo en el ámbito de la educación y la práctica médica. En este documento se revisa el concepto clásico de humanismo y su evolución dentro de la Medicina hasta considerarse como una forma de vida en la que se estima y se hace énfasis en el bienestar del ser humano y se posibilita la construcción de valores y normas

    cmvIL-10 Stimulates the Invasive Potential of MDA-MB-231 Breast Cancer Cells

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    Cancer is the result of unregulated cell growth that leads to tumor formation, and in many cases, metastases. Although there are several risk factors associated with cancer, one area that remains poorly understood is the impact of infectious disease. Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is a member of the herpesvirus family that is highly prevalent in the population. HCMV usually causes clinical disease only in immune compromised individuals, but recent evidence suggests that HCMV may be strongly associated with some forms of cancer, particularly glioblastoma and breast cancer. We investigated the possibility that cmvIL-10, a viral cytokine with homology to human IL-10 that is secreted from infected cells, could act in a paracrine manner to alter the tumor microenvironment, induce cell signaling, and increase the invasive potential of cancer cells. We found that human MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells express the IL-10 receptor and that exposure to cmvIL-10 results in activation of Stat3, a transcription factor strongly associated with enhanced metastatic potential and chemo- resistance. In addition, cmvIL-10 stimulated an increase in DNA synthesis and cell proliferation, protected MDA-MB-231 cells from etoposide-induced apoptosis, and also greatly enhanced chemotaxis toward epidermal growth factor (EGF). These results suggest a significant and wide-ranging role for cmvIL-10 in the progression of breast cancer and could have broad implications for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer in HCMV-positive patients


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    Antecedentes: La hemofilia A y la hemofilia B son los trastornos hemorrágicos hereditarios más comunes y graves. La hemofilia A es una enfermedad hereditaria, caracterizada por la deficiencia de factor VIII de la coagulación, y que presenta como principal morbilidad el sangrado a nivel articular (hemartrosis). Objetivo: evaluar la eficacia de la profilaxis de hemartrosis en pacientes pediátricos con hemofilia A con factor VIII liofilizado en el hospital Materno Infantil del ISSEMyM. Material y Método: Se diseñó un estudio cuasiexperimental, reclutados en el Hospital Materno Infantil del ISSEMyM durante el periodo de Julio de 2008 a Diciembre de 2011. Donde fueron incluidos pacientes con diagnóstico de hemofilia A, a los cuales se administró profilaxis de hemartrosis con liofilizado de Factor VIII a razón de 25 UI/kg peso, intravenoso 3 veces por semana, durante un periodo no menor a 6 meses. Resultados: Ingresaron al estudio 8 pacientes, los cuales cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. La edad mínima fue de 2 años 8 meses y la máxima de 17 años. El 62.5% de los pacientes fueron hemofilia grave y el 37.5% fueron hemofilia moderada. Dosis administrada promedio fue de 25 UI/Kg. El seguimiento fue de mínimo 6 meses y máximo de 12 meses. Dos pacientes no presentaron eventos de hemartrosis durante el periodo de estudio Conclusiónes: A pesar de que fue un estudio piloto se encontró eficacia del tratamiento profiláctico en el 25% donde se evito el evento hemartrósico. La profilaxis disminuye los costos en cuanto a discapacidad y dependencia económica ya que un paciente puede entrar a la vida económicamente activa
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