488 research outputs found

    Hepatitis C and Thalassemia: A Story with (Almost) a Happy Ending

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    Donor screening has nearly eliminated the risk of hepatitis C virus post-transfusion transmission in resource-rich settings. Moreover, the use of direct antiviral agents made it possible to treat the majority of patients with thalassemia and hepatitis C. However, this achievement, while extremely significant, does not erase the effects of the virus in terms of fibrogenesis and mutagenic risk, and adult patients with thalassemia are facing the long-term consequences of the chronic infection both on the liver and extrahepatically. As in the general population, it is in mainly patients with cirrhosis who are increasing in age, even though they are now HCV RNA-negative, who are at risk of hepatocellular carcinoma, which continues to be statistically much more frequent in individuals with than without thalassemia. In certain resource-limited settings, the World Health Organization has estimated that up to 25 percent of blood donations do not undergo screening. It is therefore not surprising that hepatitis virus infection is still the most prevalent in patients with thalassemia worldwide


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    RINGKASAN Laporan kerja praktek ini merupakan tugas akhir bagi mahasiswa Program Studi Diploma III Akuntansi Universitas Syiah Kuala yang telah menyelesaikan Praktek Kerja Lapangan selama dua bulan di kantor Perwakilan BPKP Provinsi Aceh. Tujuan Laporan Kerja Praktek ini adalah untuk mengetahui Prosedur Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Pengendalian Pada Unsur SPIP Di BPKP Perwakilan Aceh.Di provinsi Aceh, badan pengawasan ini (BPKP) dibentuk sejak tahun 1970-1972 dengan nama Direktorat Pengawasan Anggaran Negara (DPAN) yang selanjutnya menjadi Kantor Pengawasan Anggaran Negara (KPAN) yang berada dibawah DJPKN yaitu tahun 1972-1983. Berdasarkan surat keputusan kepala Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan (BPKP) dengan Nomor Kep-213/K/1983 tanggal 10 Desember 1983, KPAN diubah menjadi Kantor Perwakilan BPKP Provinsi Aceh yang bertugas melakukan pengawasan secara langsung, dan sebagai wujud perpanjangan tangan BPKP pusat yang diatur dengan keputusan kepala BPKP Nomor Kep-06.00.08-286/K/2001 tanggal 30 Mei 2001, tentang organisasi dan tata kerja perwakilan badan pengawasan keuangan dan pembangunan.Kegiatan pengendalian merupakan tindakan yang diperlukan untuk mengatasi risiko, penetapan dan pelaksanaan kebijakan serta prosedur, untuk memastikan bahwa tindakan mengatasi risiko telah dilaksanakan secara efektif. Kebijakan dibuat untuk mengarahkan apa yang seharusnya dikerjakan dan berfungsi sebagai dasar bagi penyusunan prosedur.Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengendalian terbagi kedalam 11 tahapan, yaitu :1. Reviu kinerja instansi pemerintahJajaran pimpinan instansi pemerintah harus melakukan reviu atas pencapaian kinerja utama instansi yang dipimpinnya. Reviu dilakukan dengan membandingkan pencapaian kinerja dengan tolak ukur kinerja seperti target, anggaran, prakiraan dan hasil yang dicapai pada periode sebelumnya secara periodik.2. Pembinaan sumber daya manusiaInstansi pemerintah harus mempunyai strategis manajemen SDM secara keseluruhan dan terpadu, yang meliputi kebijakan SDM, program, dan praktik yang akan menjadi panduan organisasi dalam melakukan pengelolaan SDM.3. Pengendalian pengelolaan sistim informasi Perkembangan teknologi informasi memudahkan instansi pemerintah melaksanakan tugas dan fungsinya. Akurasi dan ketepatan waktu pengambilan keputusan dapat ditingkatkan dengan bantuan teknologi komputer.4. Pengendalian fisik asetUntuk mencapai salah satu tujuan pengendalian berupa pengamanan aset yang dimiliki instansi pemerintah, pimpinan harus menetapkan dan mengimplementasikan rencana identifikasi, kebijakan, dan prosedur pengamanan fisik terutama untuk aset yang rawan terhadap risiko kecurian, kerusakan atau penggunaan yang tidak sah.5. Penetapan dan reviu indikator dan ukuran kinerjaPeningkatan kinerja individu dan unit-unit kerja akan berpengaruh pada kinerja instansi pemerintah secara keseluruhan. Terdapat risiko yang dapat mengganggu pencapaian target kinerja organisasi yaitu terkait dengan penetapan indikator dan ukuran kinerja kegiatan serta individu yang tidak selaras dengan indikator kinerja tingkat organisasi secara keseluruhan.6. Pemisahan fungsiPimpinan instansi pemerintah menjamin bahwa seluruh transaksi atau kejadian utama tidak dikendalikan oleh 1 (satu) orang. Tidak boleh satu orang pegawai ditugaskan untuk mengendalikan semua aspek kunci atas suatu transaksi atau kegiatan. Pimpinan harus menetapkan tugas dan tanggung jawab penting diantara pegawai yang berbeda untuk mengurangi risiko kesalahan, pemborosan atau kecurangan.7. Otorisasi transaksi dan kejadian pentingInstansi pemerintah harus membangun kegiatan pengendalian yang dapat memberikan keyakinan memadai bahwa hanya transaksi atau kejadian yang sah yang dikerjakan sesuai dengan keputusan dan arahan pimpinan instansi pernerintah8. Pencatatan yang akurat dan tepat waktuTransaksi dan kejadian diklasifikasikan dengan layak dan segera dicatat sehingga tetap terjaga relevansi, nilai-nilai serta kegunaannya bagi manajemen dalarn mengendalikan operasi dan mengambil keputusan.9. Pembatasan akses sumber dayaPimpinan instansi pemerintah harus mengembangkan kebijakan dan prosedur yang memastikan bahwa sumber daya dan pencatatan telah digunakan dengan baik. Risiko atas penggunaan tanpa otorisasi atau kehilangan dikendalikan dengan pembatasan akses ke sumber daya dan catatan hanya untuk pegawai yang mempunyai wewenang.10. Akuntabilitas sumber dayaPimpinan instansi pemerintah menugaskan pegawai yang bertanggung jawab terhadap penyimpanan sumber daya dan pencatatannya, serta melakukan reviu atas penugasan tersebut secara berkala. Pertanggungjawaban atas penyimpanan, penggunaan, dan pencatatan sumber daya ditugaskan pegawai khusus. Sesuai ketentuan Menteri Keuangan tersebut diatas, untuk instansi dilingkungan pemerintah pusat, hal ini dilaksanakan oleh penanggung jawab dan petugas akuntansi BMN.11. Dokumentasi sistem pengendalian internPimpinan instansi pemerintah memiliki, mengelola, memelihara, dan secara berkala memutakhirkan dokumentasi yang mencakup seluruh sistem pengendalian intern serta traksaksi dan kejadian penting

    Influential factors to the Consumptions of Edible Wild Fruits and Products in the Post Conflict District of Gulu, Uganda

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    Edible wild fruits are of great importance to many rural communities around the world. However, factors that influence the communities’ to consume their fruits/products are in adequately documented. The objectives of this study were to document factors that influence the consumptions of the edible wild fruits/ products in Gulu District; establish community’s’ motivations to eating of the edible wild fruits; daily frequency of wild fruits consumption, and to establish the willingness of the community to include the wild fruits as part of daily meals. The edible wild fruit trees of interest were Vitex doniana Sweet, Vitellaria paradoxa Gaertn, Borassus aethiopum Mart., Tamarindus indica L. and Annona senegalensis Oliv. Data were collected using structured questionnaires and in-depth interviews among 350 respondents selected in a cluster sampling procedure from the sub-counties of Awach, Paicho, Patiko, Ongako, Lalogi and Bobi Sub-Counties. The main influential factors to community’s fruit consumptions included sensory responses (55%); availability and accessibility of the fruits (16%), social factors (13%) and least was cultural values. Only 23.7% of the respondents showed willingness to include wild fruits into their daily meals.  In conclusion, many factors influence the consumption of the edible wild fruits; hence there is need to develop studies that can mitigate the factors that influence negatively and develop ways to enhance community’s’ consumptions. The impact of consumptions of the fruits on the community’s wellbeing needs also to be investigated. Key words: Multipurpose trees, Non-Timber Forest and Natural Tree Product

    Documentation and Nutritional profile of some selected food plants of Otwal and Ngai sun counties Oyam District, Northern Uganda

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    Wild food plants play an important role in the diet of inhabitants of Oyam District. Some of these plants are drought-resistant and gathered throughout the season. These foods are an important source of nutrients. However, there is a lack of comprehensive data regarding the nutrient content of these indigenous plants. The purpose of this study was to document and assess the nutrient and mineral content of some of these plants. Ethnobotanical surveys were used to collect data through formal and informal interviews and focused group discussions. Voucher specimens were collected during field excursions and deposited at Makerere Herbarium. Nutrients and mineral analyses were carried out through known laid down procedures. Wild and cultivated fruits, seeds, underground organs and vegetables from Ngai and Otwal Sub counties were analysed for mineral elements that is; calcium, iron, potassium, and phosphorus concentrations. Also nutrients such proteins, beta carotene, vitamin C and dietary fibre were determined. A total of 20 plant samples were analysed comprising both wild and domesticated food plant species so as to give a basis in comparison in nutrient and nutrient element. On average, vegetables were found to be rich in nutrients and minerals compared to seeds, fruits and roots. The wild food plant species were rich sources of nutrient element for example the highest concentration of calcium was found in copper leaves 867.59 mg/100g compared to 47 mg in broccoli or 77 mg in okra. Plant species that showed high iron contents [>30%] were leaves of swamp hibiscus, African spider flower, fruit of Tamarind, Black night shade and Jews mallow. It was also noted that among the food plant species analysed, fruits were low in nutrients and mineral elements. Some of these food plants were also considered to have medicinal properties by the locals such as African spider flower, Rattle pod among others. However, it should be noted that there is a general decline in the consumption of wild plants, despite the apparent high nutritional values. The conservation of wild food plants is not taking place among the communities in the study area, thus the poor rural communities who are limited on balancing their diet could be faced with diseases associated with nutrient deficiencies.Keywords: Wild food plants; Nutrient; MineralAfrican Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, Volume 13 No. 2 April 201

    Proximate nutrient composition of some wild edible medicinal plants from Uganda

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    There are high levels of malnutrition especially among children in Africa. In Uganda,this is compounded by widespread food insecurity. There are various wild edible plantspecies in Uganda. However, little research has been carried out to document andvalidate the claims associated with their use. A study was, therefore, carried out toanalyse the nutritional contents of six commonly used wild edible medicinal plantspecies from Nebbi district in Northwestern Uganda. These plants were Erythrococcabongensis, Grewia trichocarpa, Leptadenia hastata, Nymphaea lotus, Oxygonumsinuatum and Talinum portulacifolium. The plants were selected mainly because oftheir use as both food and medicine. All the selected plant species have documentedmedicinal uses among the local communities in Nebbi district where they are used.However, many of them are often neglected and underutilized, despite their potentialtherapeutic and nutritional benefits. The vitamin C, β-carotene, macronutrient, calcium,iron, magnesium, phosphorous and sodium compositions of the selected edible parts ofthe plant species were analysed. With the exception of Grewia trichocarpa fruits andNymphaea lotus seeds, the leaves of Talinum portulacifolium had higher Fe (4.54±0.07mg/100g), P (0.31±0.01 mg/100g), Mg (0.3±0.3 mg/100g), β-carotene (0.275±0.00μg/100g) and crude ash (22.13±0.19%) contents than the rest of the plant species. Theleaves of Leptadenia hastata had higher levels of vitamin C (17.93±2.01 mg/100g) thanthe leaves of other plant species. All the plant species analysed were richer in iron thanthe common cabbage Brassica oleracea var capitata. There were significantdifferences in the nutritional contents of the plant species analysed (p<0.05). However,the nutrient values of the plant extracts were generally much lower, providing a smallpercentage of Recommended Dietary Allowance or Recommended Nutrient Intakes(RNI) values. The vitamin C, β-carotene and other nutrient contents of most of theplant species analysed were generally comparable or even higher than those of thecommon cabbage in some instances. Consumption and conservation of these plantspecies should be encouraged by local authorities because they not only supplement thelocal staples with the much needed nutrients, but they could also have medicinalproperties.Key words: Wild, edible, Medicinal plants, Nutrient, Food-security, food,underutilized, Ugand

    Medicinal plants of Otwal and Ngai Sub Counties in Oyam District, Northern Uganda

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>An ethnobotanical study was carried out in four parishes in the Ngai and Otwal Sub Counties in Oyam district, Northern Uganda, where insurgency has been prevalent for the past 20 years. Documenting medicinal plant species used in treating various health conditions among the local people.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Information was obtained from mainly the local population, the traditional healers and other experienced persons through interviews, formal and informal discussions and field excursions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Seventy one plant species were reported for use in the treatment of various diseases in the study area. These plant species belongs to 41 families, with Asteraceae being the most represented. Roots were ranked the commonest plant part used. Oral administration was the most frequently used route of administration. A total of 41 different health conditions were reported to be treated by use of medicinal plant species. Thirty nine percent of the recorded plant species were reported for treating stomach related ailments.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The use of medicinal plants in primary healthcare is still a common practice in Ngai and Otwal Sub Counties. The trust they have is built on the curative outcome properties claimed, poverty and armed conflict that lead to inadequate healthcare facilities. The generation gap caused by the over 20 years of insurgency in the area has brought about knowledge gap on the usage of medicinal plant species between the young and the older generation.</p

    The Efficacy of compost, limestone and growth of Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de wit, Senna siamea (Lam.) and Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maid. for the restoration of bacterial functional diversity in the rhizosphere in copper tailings and pyrite soils

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    The potential of compost, limestone and growth of Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de wit, Senna siamea (Lam.) H.S Irwin &amp; Barneby, and Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maid for the restoration of rhizospheric bacterial functional diversity of pyrite soil and copper tailings was assessed in the field. Pyrite soil and copper tailings were amended with limestone, compost followed by planting of experimental trees after homogenisation. The experimental setup was of split block design with site as a blocking factor; amendment application and growth of trees as the treatment factors. After 12 months of growth, background and rhizospheric pyrite and copper tailings were sampled and their physico-chemical characteristics analysed. The Community Level Physiological Profiles (CLPP) of the same samples were determined using Biolog EcoPlate™. The functional diversity was assessed from the Biolog data using various indices including Average Well Colour Development (AWCD), substrate richness (S) and Shannon-Wiener index (H). Background and rhizospheric untreated pyrite and copper tailings were extremely acidic, with low organic matter content, available phosphorous, total nitrogen, and relatively higher concentrations of available heavy metals and low bacterial functional diversity. Application of amendments and growth of the tree species effectively increased the pH, organic matter content, available phosphorous, total nitrogen, growth of understory plant species, bacterial functional diversity and lowered the available concentrations of heavy metals. AWCD, bacterial species diversity and richness were higher in rhizospheres of leguminous tree species than the non leguminous Eucalyptus grandis, suggesting the suitability of the former for remediation of pyrite and copper tailings. Keywords: efficacy, compost, restoration, bacterial functional diversity, rhizosphere, Biolog Ecoplate

    Desdemocratização: fake news, o povo e as instituições democráticas no Brasil

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    The present research aims to present an overview of the challenges of brazilian democracy in a context of a deep democratic regression, or de-democratization. For this, it seeks to make a bibliographic review of the post-democracy theory to elucidate the problem. Then, it discusses the influence of algorithms, polarization and fake news in brazilian politics, using data analysis collected by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and DataSenado. Finally, it is intended to analyze the confrontation of this perspective by democratic institutions, in search of retaking the foundations of democracy.Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)O presente trabalho tem por finalidade apresentar um panorama geral dos desafios da democracia brasileira em um contexto de profunda regressão democrática, ou desdemocratização. Para isso, busca fazer uma revisão bibliográfica da teoria da pós democracia para elucidar a problemática. Em seguida, discorre sobre a influência dos algoritmos, polarização e fake news na política brasileira, valendo-se de análise de dados levantados pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) e DataSenado. Por fim, destina-se a analisar o enfrentamento desse panorama pelas instituições democráticas, em busca de retomar as bases da democracia

    Effectiveness of the maintenance practices of service providers on the functionality of rural water supply facilities in Turkana County

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    A Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Masters in Public Policy and Management at Strathmore UniversityThe purpose of this study was to assess the effects of post-eonstruction infrastructure maintenance practices of rural water service providers in Turkana County on the functionality of the facilities. Data on prevalent maintenance practises and attendant revenue mobilisation and management practises was collected from ten sampled sites within Turkana county through quantitative household questionnaires. Focused group discussions with the service providers and key informant interviews with county government officials and other water sector partners was also carried out to validate the quantitative data The data was analysed using descriptive statistics and instrumental variables regression analysis. The study findings showed endogeneity in the independent variables with the time taken to repair broken down water facilities emerging as the main predictor of functionality. The regression results indicate that a rural water system in Turkana is likely to be functional if it takes less time to repair compared to the base category of less than 24 hours. Affordability of water by the households emerged as another key factor that determines functionality since it influences sufficiency of revenues needed to respond to a break down. The results demonstrate a cyclic relationship in which affordability increases functionality as more households are able to and willing to contribute towards repair costs, hence making funds available for repairs and increasing prompt response to break downs. In tum, functionality increases household's willingness to pay since the system is well maintained thus available when needed

    Mobile technology, farmer education and performance of agricultural projects: A case of the digifarm sunflower project in Makueni County, Kenya.

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    Mobile technology in agriculture offers an effective and economical means of expanding knowledge sharing and exchange. The purpose of this study was, therefore, to establish the influence of mobile technology on the performance of agricultural projects in Makueni County, Kenya. Specifically, the study remit was mobile applications and mobile money transfers. This study adopted a mixed-methods approach to ensure a comprehensive assembly and triangulation of requisite data to respond to the survey objectives. The target population for this study was all sunflower farmers in Makueni County who subscribed to the DigiFarm platform. The sample size for this study was 208. The results were presented using descriptive statistics and correlations between the variables studied. Mobile applications presented weak positive correlations with the performance of agricultural projects, while Mobile money presented a strong positive correlation with agricultural projects