338 research outputs found

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    Pengaruh pemberian Aras Urea Yang Berbeda dan Lama Fermentasi Pupuk Organik Cair Limbah Rumen Terhadap Kandungan Fisik dan Kimia (P2O5 dan K2O)

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    Pupuk organik cair dapat berasal dari limbah pertanian  tidak tidak memiliki nilai jual, dapat berdampak pada pencermaran lingkungan  dan belum dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat setempat. Sedangkan limbah peternakan berasal dari limbah rumah potong hewan (RPH) seperti cairan rumen dan bolus yang belum dimanfaatkan dengan baik, sehingga berdampak pada pencemaran lingkungan dan kesehatan masyarakat.  Limbah pertanian dan peternakan dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pupuk organik cair. Tujuan dari penelitian ini mengetahui perbandingan komposisi dan lama fermenatsi cairan rumen dan limbah pertanian terhadap kandungan POC. Urgensi dari penelitian yang dilakukan sebagai bahan informasi dasar yang berkaitan dengan pemanfaatan limbah pertanian dan cairan rumen sapi sebagai pupuk organik cair (POC) yang dapat digunakan oleh petani untuk mendukung pertanian organik dikabupetan Merauke. Penelitian ini bersifat  eksperimental dengan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap  faktorial (RAL) dengan 3 Perlakuan dan 3 Ulangan  yang terdiri dari yaitu, Perlakuan I 5%, Perlakuan II 10% dan Perlakuan III  15% yang akan dilakukan dengan fermentasi.  Perlakuan  waktu selama 1 minggu, 2 minggu dan 3 minggi. Sampel penelitian kemudian akan dianalisis dengan pengiriman sampel ke laboraturium UNHAS. Parameter pengataman yaitu pH dan analisis kualitas pupuk organik cair meliputi  P2O5 dan K2O. Dari hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa nilai P2O5 tertinggi teradap pada PIII (urea 15%) yaitu 0,640 pada minggu ke 2 dan K2O pada perlakuan PIII (15%) yaitu 0,063 minggu ke 3. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pupuk organik cair limbah pertanian dan cairan rumen belum memenuhi standar Kementerian Pertanian

    Thirty Years of Global Literature on Bioleaching: A Scientometric Analysis

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    The study deals with the Scientometric analysis of thirty years publication on ‘Bioleaching’ collected from Web of Science Databases for the period of 1989 – 2018. A total of 2477 papers were identified. The study reveals that most of the researchers preferred to publish their research results in the form of journal articles. 2050 (82.8%) articles were published in journals. The authorship trend shows, 95% of the publications were published under the joint authorship. Central South University with 268 (10.8%) publication tops in the institutional wise publications. This study also identifies Relative growth rate, Doubling Time, Degree of Collaboration, the Bibliographic Coupling of the institution, document-wise distribution and prominent keyword

    Mapping of Bioremediation Research Output in India: A Scientometric Study

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    An analysis of 1981 publications published by Indian scientists during 1994 to 2018 indexed by Web of Science online Database indicates the Bioremediation Research Publication. This study tries to map the number of publications, growth rate and doubling time, scattering of publication over journals, and its impact on publication output, authorship patterns and Global citation score of bioremediation research publication in India using the HistCite, VOSviewer software. Indian Institute of technology, Baba atomic research centre and CSIR are the major producers of research output in the area of bioremediation

    Annex 2.12 : Research initiatives for addressing the technology gaps in primary processing of small millets

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    This work was carried out with the aid of a grant from Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC), and with financial support from the Government of Canada, provided through Global Affairs Canada (GAC)Benchmark design features are provided to guide new designs of hulling machines for small millets. This Annex is part of a larger project “Scaling Up Small Millet Post-Harvest and Nutritious Food Products.” Details of the development of new hullers are given in this report. Trials were conducted on several varieties of millets. More trials with different specific gravity separators are necessary, so that suitable models can be recommended to small millet processors. Prototypes and methods of grain processing are described and discussed, illustrated with clear photographs. Machine performance and efficiencies are presented, as well as improved storage innovations

    Does Educational Disaster Mitigation Need To Be Introduced In School?

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    A corporate is an entity that is established with the help of registration and legislation. Apart from the shareholders in such a company, even the company that so is under consideration has separate rights and liabilities. There are some corporations that have their establishments in other countries other than that of their home country and they are known as Multi-National Corporations. They indeed play a vital role in a layman’s life from time to time and have evolved as a powerhouse in comparison to various nations as such. Therefore it is imperative that there is some control or rather a cap on the activities that so are performed by these corporations. This is exactly why the Doctrine of Corporate Criminal Liability came into consideration and as per this doctrine, a corporate is liable and can be penalized for any unlawful act of its agents provided that the unlawful act that so is performed is under the scope of the agent’s work in that corporation. The authority that so Is presumed by the agents which takes into consideration the authority by an average reasonable person refers to the apparent authority, while on the other hand, the authority that the corporation assigns to the agents refers to the actual authority. Taking into consideration that the corporations have their own entity it is imperative to note that they can very well be held liable. Adding the criminal liability to the term corporate gives it a conclusion that the Corporate Criminal Liability is a doctrine under which a corporate can be held liable for its acts or omissions for such an act or omission that is performed by it, i.e, the agents