138 research outputs found

    On Soliton Automorphisms in Massive and Conformal Theories

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    For massive and conformal quantum field theories in 1+1 dimensions with a global gauge group we consider soliton automorphisms, viz. automorphisms of the quasilocal algebra which act like two different global symmetry transformations on the left and right spacelike complements of a bounded region. We give a unified treatment by providing a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence and Poincare' covariance of soliton automorphisms which is applicable to a large class of theories. In particular, our construction applies to the QFT models with the local Fock property -- in which case the latter property is the only input from constructive QFT we need -- and to holomorphic conformal field theories. In conformal QFT soliton representations appear as twisted sectors, and in a subsequent paper our results will be used to give a rigorous analysis of the superselection structure of orbifolds of holomorphic theories.Comment: latex2e, 20 pages. Proof of Thm. 3.14 corrected, 2 references added. Final version as to appear in Rev. Math. Phy

    Galois extensions of braided tensor categories and braided crossed G-categories

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    We show that the author's notion of Galois extensions of braided tensor categories [22], see also [3], gives rise to braided crossed G-categories, recently introduced for the purposes of 3-manifold topology [31]. The Galois extensions C \rtimes S are studied in detail, and we determine for which g in G non-trivial objects of grade g exist in C \rtimes S.Comment: Some comments and references added. Final version, to appear in J. Alg. latex2e, ca. 25 p., requires diagrams.te

    Orbifold aspects of the Longo-Rehren subfactors

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    In this article, we will prove that the subsectors of α\alpha-induced sectors for MG^MM \rtimes \hat{G} \supset M forms a modular category, where MG^M \rtimes \hat{G} is the crossed product of MM by the group dual G^\hat{G} of a finite group GG. In fact, we will prove that it is equivalent to M\"uger's crossed product. By using this identification, we will exhibit an orbifold aspect of the quantum double of Δ\Delta(not necessarily non-degenerate) obtained from a Longo-Rehren inclusion ABΔA \supset B_\Delta under certain assumptions. We will apply the above description of the quantum double of Δ\Delta to the Reshetikhin-Turaev topological invariant of closed 3-manifolds, and we obtain a simpler formula, which is a degenerate version of Turaev's theorem that the Reshetikhin-Turaev invariant for the quantum double of a modular category Δ^\hat{\Delta} is the product of Reshetikhin-Turaev invariant of Δ^\hat{\Delta} and its complex conjugate.Comment: 19 page

    Superselection Structure of Massive Quantum Field Theories in 1+1 Dimensions

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    We show that a large class of massive quantum field theories in 1+1 dimensions, characterized by Haag duality and the split property for wedges, does not admit locally generated superselection sectors in the sense of Doplicher, Haag and Roberts. Thereby the extension of DHR theory to 1+1 dimensions due to Fredenhagen, Rehren and Schroer is vacuous for such theories. Even charged representations which are localizable only in wedge regions are ruled out. Furthermore, Haag duality holds in all locally normal representations. These results are applied to the theory of soliton sectors. Furthermore, the extension of localized representations of a non-Haag dual net to the dual net is reconsidered. It must be emphasized that these statements do not apply to massless theories since they do not satisfy the above split property. In particular, it is known that positive energy representations of conformally invariant theories are DHR representations.Comment: latex2e, 21 pages. Final version, to appear in Rev. Math. Phys. Some improvements of the presentation, but no essential change

    Monoids, Embedding Functors and Quantum Groups

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    We show that the left regular representation \pi_l of a discrete quantum group (A,\Delta) has the absorbing property and forms a monoid (\pi_l,\tilde{m},\tilde{\eta}) in the representation category Rep(A,\Delta). Next we show that an absorbing monoid in an abstract tensor *-category C gives rise to an embedding functor E:C->Vect_C, and we identify conditions on the monoid, satisfied by (\pi_l,\tilde{m},\tilde{\eta}), implying that E is *-preserving. As is well-known, from an embedding functor E: C->\mathrm{Hilb} the generalized Tannaka theorem produces a discrete quantum group (A,\Delta) such that C is equivalent to Rep_f(A,\Delta). Thus, for a C^*-tensor category C with conjugates and irreducible unit the following are equivalent: (1) C is equivalent to the representation category of a discrete quantum group (A,\Delta), (2) C admits an absorbing monoid, (3) there exists a *-preserving embedding functor E: C->\mathrm{Hilb}.Comment: Final version, to appear in Int. Journ. Math. (Added some references and Subsection 1.2.) Latex2e, 21 page

    Weakly group-theoretical and solvable fusion categories

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    We introduce two new classes of fusion categories which are obtained by a certain procedure from finite groups - weakly group-theoretical categories and solvable categories. These are fusion categories that are Morita equivalent to iterated extensions (in the world of fusion categories) of arbitrary, respectively solvable finite groups. Weakly group-theoretical categories have integer dimension, and all known fusion categories of integer dimension are weakly group theoretical. Our main results are that a weakly group-theoretical category C has the strong Frobenius property (i.e., the dimension of any simple object in an indecomposable C-module category divides the dimension of C), and that any fusion category whose dimension has at most two prime divisors is solvable (a categorical analog of Burnside's theorem for finite groups). This has powerful applications to classification of fusion categories and semsisimple Hopf algebras of a given dimension. In particular, we show that any fusion category of integer dimension <84 is weakly group-theoretical (i.e. comes from finite group theory), and give a full classification of semisimple Hopf algebras of dimensions pqr and pq^2, where p,q,r are distinct primes.Comment: 28 pages, latex; added many references and details in proof

    The Mathieu conjecture for SU(2)SU(2) reduced to an abelian conjecture

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    We reduce the Mathieu conjecture for SU(2)SU(2) to a conjecture about moments of Laurent polynomials in two variables with single variable polynomial coefficients.Comment: Considerably revised and simplified. Now 5 pages. To appear in Indagationes Mathematica

    On the moments of a polynomial in one variable

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    Let ff be a non-zero polynomial with complex coefficients and define Mn(f)=01f(x)ndxM_n(f)=\int_0^1f(x)^n\,dx. We use ideas of Duistermaat and van der Kallen to prove lim supnMn(f)1/n>0\limsup_{n\rightarrow\infty}|M_n(f)|^{1/n}>0. In particular, Mn(f)0M_n(f)\ne 0 for infinitely many nNn\in{\mathbb N}.Comment: 4 pages, no figure