171 research outputs found

    The Failures of of a Twenty-Second-Century Historical Musicologist

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    My paper explores the hypothetical work of a musicologist of the future interested in church music sung in Bucharest in 2019. What evidence would such an musicologist find in manuscripts and printed books in order to reconstruct the repertoire chanted? What would he think about the repertories in use? What would he be likely to miss

    The Modes of the Orthodox Church Chant in South Transylvania

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    The Orthodox church chant from South Transylvania is a variant of the Byzantine chant. It was transmitted almost exclusively orally until 1890, when priest Dimitrie Cunțan published a volume in Western notation containing the most used pieces. The volume was used as a handbook for the cantors ever since, but oral tradition has continued to play a very important role even today.In this paper, I present the main issues to be investigated in order to achieve a theory of modes for the South Transylvania chant, pointing to a few particular aspects of this music. Research has to take into account both written sources and audio recordings. For the latter, one can use the database including recordings from about 100 cantors (age 29 to 87) made in 2002–2005 by Rev. Vasile Grăjdian and his assistants.The theory of modes should not confine only to the description of scales, dominant degrees, cadences, unstable degrees etc. It would be useful for such a theory to also list the formulas of every mode and reveal the rules of concatenating the formulas in a performance, and to describe the significant variations of tempo that are embedded in these formulas and modes as well

    Rumunsko i grčko-tursko-persijsko-arapsko nasleđe - osobenosti rumunskog crkvenog pojanja

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    Romanian cantors, clergymen and musicologists debated the problem of a national church chant from the late 19th century onwards. Amongst other things, they tried to define the specific traits of Romanian chant, to place these traits in opposition with Turkish and Oriental ones, and to show that traits of Romanian chant bore witness to a European and not an Oriental identity. This paper discusses various views on the traits of Romanian chant and the composing techniques of the 'Romanianization' of Greek pieces, and points to the connections between these traits and national myths and symbols shared by Romanians.U radu su predstavljena najuticajnija mišljenja o karakterističnim crtama rumunskog pravoslavnog pojanja i ukazano je na pravac i uslove u kojima su se ona menjala tokom XIX i XX veka. Analizirani su napisi osmorice pojaca, klirika i muzikologa, po dvojica za svaku polovinu pomenutih stoleća. Istraživanje je ograničeno na teritoriju Vlaške i Moldavije, a po strani je ostala crkvena muzika Transilvanije i Banata koja ima različitu istoriju, zbog čega je tek sporadično u radu pominjana. Ideja o specifičnom karakteru rumunskog pojanja pojavila se pod uticajem nacionalne ideologije tokom druge polovine XIX veka. Nacionalne osobine opisane su u reinterpretacijama stavova pojaca s početka stoleća, a doživele su promene shodno političkom i ideološkom kontekstu epohe. Neke od osobenih odlika pripisanih rumunskoj pojačkoj tradiciji pripadaju polju estetike (jednostavnost, ujednačenost, pobožnost itd.). Druge, pak, isključivo muzičke prirode, označene su kao specifično rumunske, budući da su prisutne u rumunskom folkloru, pre svega u njegovom lestvičnom ustrojstvu i neobičnim melodijskim intervalima. Međutim, među nacionalnim elementima u vezi sa kojima se najviše diskutovalo nije bilo onih koji su važili za 'orijentalne': tzv. konstantinopoljski stil koji je izjednačavan sa turskim, azijatske i kasnije, grčko turske svetovne melodije, persijski ritam i, u kasnim decenijama XX veka, ornamenti i lestvice čije je poreklo, kako se verovalo, bilo grčko-tursko-persijsko-arapsko. Brojni autori napisa smatrali su da eliminisanje orijentalnih muzičkih elemenata u prilagođavanju grčkih napeva rumunskom jeziku vodi ka oblikovanju nacionalnog pojačkog stila. Prema stepenu izostanka ovih elemenata procenjivali su postojeće adaptacije napeva. Hijerarhija pojaca izmenila se nakon Prvog svetskog rata. U XIX stoleću, jeromonah Makarije je cenjen kao onaj koji je rumunsko pojanje 'očistio' od turskih elemenata, dok je Anton Pan kritikovan zbog očuvanja svetovnih melodija. U narednom veku je on, međutim, cenjen upravo zbog eliminisanja svetovnog zvuka, dok se za Makarija govorilo da je u svojim adaptacijama sledio i sačuvao grčke pojačke karakteristike. Ovakve i slične procene muzikologa zasnivale su se prevashodno na postojećim diskursima o datoj temi, a ne na analizama samih adaptiranih napeva

    Goal-based automatic scheduling of joint activities

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    Users often skip activities that they have scheduled, e.g., workouts, training goals, etc. due to boredom or laziness. One mechanism to encourage users to complete activities is by adding a partner for the activity, e.g., a running partner, a gym buddy, etc. This disclosure describes techniques that enable a user to select and invite a partner when scheduling an activity. The activity can be scheduled based on user preferences, including availability, as indicated by the user’s calendar. Scheduling can be performed in an intelligent manner, e.g., by taking into account each user’s availability, each user’s activity goals, a virtual coach that sets goals for the user, etc. The techniques are implemented with user permission to access user data such as calendar, activity goals, workout history, user’s contacts, location, etc. for the purpose of scheduling an activity together with a contact. Activity invitations are provided to the selected contacts who may accept, decline, or reschedule the activity

    The Danube Limes and the Barbaricum (294-498 A.D.)

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    Le limes danubien et le Barbaricum. (294-498) Étude de la circulation monétaire.Cette étude s’intéresse au territoire de l’actuelle Roumanie. Un certain nombre de travaux ont pu mettre en évidence les spécificités de la circulation monétaire, par exemple une préférence pour la thésaurisation des monnaies d’argent impériales au ive siècle en Transylvanie et en Banat ; une abondance relative des découvertes de monnaies siliques d’argent dans la zone correspondant à la culture de Mures-Tchernjakov, en relation avec les tributs donnés aux Goths par les Romains ; une concentration des plus importants trésors de monnaies d’argent dans une petite zone d’Olténie. Le ve siècle est principalement représenté par les monnaies d’or de Théodose ii, sans doute offertes aux Huns. Les monnaies de bronze du ive siècle sont très courantes jusqu’en 378, mais rares pour le ve siècle (avec des exceptions dans les zones situées près du limes romain). Nous remarquons une persistance des monnaies du type Fel temp reparatio dans les trésors et les sites de la région du Banat, tout comme une pénurie de monnaies d’argent. Les imitations restent marginales et le phénomène reste principalement limité à l’Empire et à la fin du ive siècle ou au ve siècle. Les monnaies arrivaient en Transylvanie et dans le Banat par une voie occidentale et en Petite Valachie et en Moldavie par une route méridionale.The area which this study treats is the current territory of Romania. Some features of the currency in these regions include: a preference for silver coin hoarding during the 4th c. A.D. drawn from the silver issues from the imperial period for Transylvania and Banat; a relative abundance of the siliquae single discoveries in the area of the Sântana de Mures-Tchernjakov culture, related to the stipends given to the Goths by the Romans; a concentration of the most important siliquae hoards in a small area in Oltenia. The 5th century is represented mainly by the gold issues of Theodosius ii, probably received by the Huns as stipends. The bronze coins from the 4th century A.D. were quite abundant until 378 A.D. but almost absent in the 5th c. (with some exceptions in the area nearby the Roman Limes). In Banat, one finds very consistent presence of the Fel Temp Reparatio issues, in both hoards and single discoveries and a lack of precious coin. The imitation using bronze and lead is a “boundary” one which is found mainly in the Empire of the last quarter of the 4th and to the 5th c. A.D. The coins took a western road to arrive in Transylvania and Banat and a southern one in Walachia and Moldavia

    On Some Geometric Properties of Slice Regular Functions of a Quaternion Variable

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    The goal of this paper is to introduce and study some geometric properties of slice regular functions of quaternion variable like univalence, subordination, starlikeness, convexity and spirallikeness in the unit ball. We prove a number of results, among which an Area-type Theorem, Rogosinski inequality, and a Bieberbach-de Branges Theorem for a subclass of slice regular functions. We also discuss some geometric and algebraic interpretations of our results in terms of maps from R4\mathbb R^4 to itself. As a tool for subordination we define a suitable notion of composition of slice regular functions which is of independent interest

    Raising Energy Saving Awareness Through Educational Software

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    A study that I have conducted on a sample of 395 children aged 6 to 12, from both the urban and the rural environments, shows that an increasing number of them use computer related technologies. Today there are an increasing number of web sites that inform the user of different ways to save energy and to reduce energy consumption because it is only natural that the modern information society would go online to research such topics. The development of an educational application that is focused on teaching the children about energy saving is represented on a timeline. We conducted a study in which a number of 29 children, aged between 8 and 10, use this educational application and a questionnaire. We describe the methodology used in the process of data gathering and then the results are interpreted. The state of happiness and fatigue of the child user has a great potential of influencing the way in which he or she uses the application, and implicitly it’s educational impact. Because we want to be able to reform these concepts, we will base our work on a series of Markov models and we will define some measures that are relevant to our goal

    Adaptive Web Applications for Citizens’ Education. Case Study: Teaching Children the Value of Electrical Energy

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    Long-term energy saving and reduction of environmental consequences of energy consuming are among the most challenging objectives of our time. People are prone to routine and habit. To change these habits is almost a Sisif’s work. In spite of continuous efforts from environmental specialists, we are witnessing an increase in electricity (and gas) consumption, at least at the level of households. Studies carried on have shown that consumers have in many cases an irrational behaviour. To correct that, researchers are studying consumers’ decision making behaviour and try several intervention measures. In our paper we are presenting the design and development of a web based adaptive system aimed to educate citizens for an electrical energy saving behaviour. The system is composed of three subsystems: adaptation system, user’s profile and knowledge base. We have used a user-centered design approach. For adults, users’ profiles are build taking into account age group, educational level, gender, income, professional aspects, consuming behaviour. A set of questionnaires have been designed in order to collect users’ data. For children, the standard profiles are more complicated and, in function of the age group, can be obtained off line through interviews or/and through online activities (games, quizzes etc.). The knowledge base is build for the electrical energy domain. The adaptation sub-system will present information to the user based on s/he profile. The system is populated with data for users of 6 to 10 years of age. For this users group a social and affective interaction design approach was used

    Measurements, Medications, and Symptoms Logging Using a Virtual Assistant

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    This disclosure describes virtual assistant based techniques that, with user permission, log medications, symptoms, and measures of health. The techniques offer an easy mechanism for users to document their symptoms, vital signs, health data, etc. For example, a user simply speaks out their symptoms to their virtual assistant to create a log. Vital signs are automatically logged by the virtual assistant (with user permission) using, e.g., sensors and mobile/wearable devices. The techniques enable users to develop a personal health journal that frictionlessly logs activity, sleep, nutrition, heart rate, etc. When enabled, the virtual assistant reminds users of medications to be taken and also prevents accidental doubling of dosages. The automatically generated and curated personal health journal enables users to focus on a healthier lifestyle, provides valuable clues to pathologies, enables querying of health history, helps understand trends, and helps caregivers and doctors better deliver healthcare. The techniques are implemented with specific user permissions and in compliance with regulations related to health information

    El proceso del despido colectivo tras la reforma laboral de 2012

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    El presente trabajo de grado, tiene por finalidad el análisis del Real Decreto 1483/2012, de 29 de octubre, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de los procedimientos de despido colectivo y de suspensión de contratos y reducción de jornada, aprobado tras la reforma laboral de 3/2012 de 6 de julio. La inquietud principal es conocer los nuevos cambios normativos y el porqué de los mismos para conocer en qué situación quedan los trabajadores. Debido a los recientes cambios legislativos, la información bibliográfica no es muy extensa, por ello la metodología se basa en la comparación de la nueva legislación con la anterior todo ello complementado con opiniones jurisprudenciales y de distintos autores y conclusiones de la propia autora.El present treball de grau, té com a finalitat l'anàlisi del Real Decret 1483/2012, de 29 d'octubre, pel qual s'aprova el Reglament dels procediments d'acomiadaments col·lectius i de suspensió de contractes i reducció de jornada, aprovat després de la reforma laboral de 3/2012 de 6 de juliol. La inquietud principal es conèixer els nous canvis normatius així com la seva justificació per tal de conèixer quina es la situació dels treballadors desprès d'aquests canvis. Degut als recents canvis legislatius, la informació bibliogràfica no és molt extensa, per això la metodologia es basa en la comparació de la nova legislació amb l'anterior tot complementat amb opinions jurisprudencials i d'altres autors juntament amb les conclusions de la pròpia autora.The present grade study aims at the analysis of the Royal Decree 1483/2012 of october 29, 2012, approving the regulations on procedures for collectve redundancies and for temporary interruptions of contracts and short.time working, which are primarily aimed at adapting these procedures to the sweeping changes implemented by labor reform of 6th july,2012. The main concern is focusing to know the new legislation or changes and their reasons, also to know about the situation of workers after the labor reform. Due to recent changes, bibliographic research is not very extensive and the methodology used is based on the comparison of the new legislation with the previous altogether supplemented by jurisprudential opinions and of various authors and conclusions of herself author