708 research outputs found


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    Baitul Mal wat Tamwil (BMT) Duta Jaya Unit 2 Tulang Bawang dalam kegiatan pembiayaan agar dapat berjalan dengan baik dan sesuai dengan prosedur, maka perlu diterapkan sistem pengendalian intern berdasarkan SOP (Standard Operating Procedure). Pengendalian intern merupakan suatu mekanisme pengawasan yang ditetapkan oleh manajemen dalam guna meningkatkan kepatuhan terhadap ketentuan yang berlaku, mengurangi dampak kerugian, penyimpangan, termasuk kecurangan, dan pelanggaran dengan aspek kehati-hatian, meningkatkan efektivitas organisasi dan efesiensi biaya. Permasalahan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah apakah pengendalian intern telah diterapkan pada BMT Duta Jaya Unit 2 Tulang Bawang, bagaimanakah peranan pengendalian intern dalam menunjang efektivitas pemberian pembiayan pada BMT Duta Jaya Unit 2 Tulang Bawang, bagaimanakah pengendalian intern pada BMT Duta Jaya Unit 2 Tulang Bawang dalam pandangan Islam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengendalian intern dalam menunjang efektivitas sistem pemberian pembiayaan dan penerapan pengendalian intern pada BMT Duta Jaya Unit 2 Tulang Bawang dalam pandangan Islam. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisa data yang bersifat deskriptif-kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah obsevasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Populasi yang menjadi objek penelitian ini adalah BMT Duta Jaya Unit 2 Tulang Bawang. Sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah purposive sampling, sehingga sampling yang menjadi objek penelitian ini adalah 4 orang karyawan dan nasabah yang terkait. Hasil penelitian peranan pengendalian intern dalam menunjang efektivitas sistem pemberian pembiayaan bahwa BMT Duta Jaya Unit 2 Tulang Bawang telah menerapkan pengendalian intern, yaitu peraturan dalam pemisahan tugas dan tanggung jawab atau wewenang yang baik dengan membentuk struktur organisasi baik itu dalam pelaporan keuangan ataupun peraturan kegiatan operasional lainnya, peraturan dalam etika dan kejujuran yang harus dimilki oleh setiap karyawan, peratur kepatuhan kedisplinan, dan peraturan dalam proses pemberian pembiayaan pada calon nasabah yang diatur berdasarkan SOP (Standard Operating Procedur) yang ditetapkan. Meski adanya kekurangan pengendalian intern dalam BMT Duta Jaya Unit 2 Tulang Bawang, kekurangan dalam keterbatasan sumber daya manusia dalam operasional, pengawasan pusat yang tidak teratur, dan sistem pembuatan laporan keuangan yang minim, peranan pengendalian intern dalam menunjang sistem pemberian pembiayaan pada BMT Duta Jaya Unit 2 Tulang Bawang, mendorong efektivitas sistem operasional pembiayaan, mendorong tanggung jawab terhadap laporan keuangan, mendorong kegiatan yang berlangsung sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku, pengendalian Intern pada BMT Duta Jaya Unit 2 Tulang Bawang telah sesuai dengan pandangan Islam yaitu pengendalian yang dilakukan dari diri sendiri dan pengendalian dari luar diri sendiri

    Vulnerable diseases affecting child mortality in Sierra Leone: emerging health issue

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    Child mortality in Sierra Leone is the highest ranked in the world. The main causes for child mortality are maternal factors, environmental factors and health factors. Minimal research has been carried out on health factors in Sierra Leone. The objective of this study is to see how maternal and environmental factors have an effect on health factors, which in turn cause child mortality. The data used were from the 2008 Sierra Leone Demographic and Household Survey (SLDHS). The study showed that child mortality had statistically significant factors associated with it: place of residence, birth number, religion and type of toilet facility. Furthermore, the SLDHS had not given much information regarding the cause of diseases affecting children, so we looked only at the effects they had on children. Acute respiratory infections, diarrhoea and measles each had one variable that was statistically significant. As for pneumonia, there were no variables associated with children contracting the disease

    Implausible states: prevalence of EQ-5D-5L states in the general population and its effect on health state valuation

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    The EQ-5D is made up of health state dimensions and levels, in which some combinations seem less “plausible” than others. If “implausible” states are used in health state valuation exercises, then respondents may have difficulty imagining them, causing measurement error. There is currently no standard solution: some valuation studies exclude such states, whereas others leave them in. This study aims to address 2 gaps in the literature: 1) to propose an evidence-based set of the least prevalent two-way combinations of EQ-5D-5L dimension levels and 2) to quantify the impact of removing perceived implausible states from valuation designs. For the first aim, we use data from 2 waves of the English General Practitioner Patient Survey (n = 1,639,453). For the second aim, we remodel a secondary data set of a Discrete Choice Experiment (DCE) with duration that valued EQ-5D-5L and compare across models that drop observations involving different health states: 1) implausible states as defined in the literature, 2) the least prevalent states identified in stage 1, and 3) randomly select states, alongside 4) a model that does not drop any observations. The results indicate that two-way combinations previously thought to be implausible actually exist among the general population; there are other combinations that are rarer, and removing implausible states from an experimental design of a DCE with duration leads to value sets with potentially different characteristics depending on the criterion of implausible states. We advise against the routine removal of implausible states from health state valuation studies

    Using Discrete Choice Experiment with duration to model EQ-5D-5L health state preferences: Testing experimental design strategies

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    Background: Discrete choice experiments incorporating duration can be used to derive health state values for EQ-5D-5L. Yet, methodological issues relating to the duration attribute and the optimal way to select health states remain. The aims of this study were to: test increasing the number of duration levels and choice sets where duration varies (aim 1); compare designs with zero and non-zero prior values (aim 2); and investigate a novel, two-stage design to incorporate prior values (aim 3). Methods: Informed by zero and non-zero prior values, two efficient designs were developed, each consisting of 120 EQ-5D-5L health profile pairs with one of six duration levels (aims 1 and 2). Another 120 health state pairs were selected, with one of six duration levels allocated in a second stage based on existing estimated utility of the states (aim 3). An online sample of 2,002 members of the UK general population completed 10 choice sets each. Differences across the regression coefficients from the three designs were assessed. Results: The zero prior value design produced a model with coefficients that were generally logically ordered, but the non-zero prior value design resulted in a set of less ordered coefficients where some differed significantly. The two-stage design resulted in ordered and significant coefficients. The non-zero prior value design may include more “difficult” choice sets, based on the proportions choosing each profile. Conclusions: There is some indication of compromised “respondent efficiency”, suggesting that the use of non-zero prior values will not necessarily result in better overall precision. It is feasible to design discrete choice experiments in two stages by allocating duration values to EQ-5D-5L health state pairs based on estimates from prior studies

    Development of a Parsimonious Set of City-level Environmental Performance

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    Abstract The potential tradeoff between the twin goals of reducing environmental impact while maintaining growth will require China's cities to evaluate the economic impact of urban pollution at the local level. Using economic input-output analysis, city level indicators of economic activity and environmental impact and available estimates of the benchmark relationships between output and pollution by sector, we outline a method to quantify in monetary terms the marginal damages of air pollution by sector at the city level. By applying the framework of environmental accounting to the pilot case of Jiyuan, a small city in Henan province, we demonstrate a method for local public agencies to facilitate administrative tracking of monetized air pollution based on underlying economic activity, and outline a minimum set of metrics which a small city in China must track in order to estimate the monetized damage of air pollution by sector. Our methodology leverages economy-wide aggregate models Nielsen 2007, The World Bank 2007) to significantly reduce the metrics required for a simple approximation of the relative value added per unit of emission by sector for medium-sized cities in China.

    Posture Measurement and Data Logging System

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    microSense metrics is developing an affordable and functional posture measurement and data logging system that will aid researchers in preventing injuries in construction workers and the elderly. Our system will track the angle of inclination of the subject’s body as it moves through a range of motions. The system’s data logging capabilities will enable us to capture this dynamic data and retrace the subject’s movement for further analysis.&nbsp

    An overview of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 Results

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    This report explores the progress Portugal has experienced over the last 26 years, in terms of health, well-being, and development, and the new challenges it faces as its population grows and ages. This report provides information about the diseases and injuries that prevent Portuguese from living long and healthy lives. It also sheds light on risk factors that contribute to poor health. Finally, the report presents a country view with regard to the Sustainable Development Goals in 1990 and prospectively in 2030, and compares Portugal’s health performance to that of peer countries.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    African emergency nursing curriculum: : Development of a curriculum model

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    © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/The African Emergency Nursing Curriculum (AENC) provides a consensus document to guide the development of harmonised standards of emergency nursing theory and practice across Africa for the benefit of the emergency patient population. The need to strengthen emergency care systems to address the global burden of disease is increasingly recognised (Wolf et al., 2012). Most low-income countries lack organised emergency care systems and therefore suffer the highest rates of injury, from primary health burdens such as maternal death due to complications of pregnancy, and acute medical complications of communicable diseases involving tuberculosis, malaria and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (Reynolds et al., 2014). Conditions requiring surgical intervention inevitably add to this growing challenge to emergency care systems. Annually, worldwide injuries contribute to a leading public health concern. One hundred million people sustain injuries; 5 million people die from violence and injury; and 90% of the global burden of violence and injury mortality occurs in low-middle income countries (World Health Organization, 2007). It is predicted that by 2030 road accidents will be the fifth leading cause of death in the developing world, with violent crime and conflict contributing significantly to this public health emergency (Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, 2010). This critically important prediction requires pre-hospital, emergency/trauma and rehabilitation services to be implemented and/or strengthened as soon as possible. This paper outlines the development of the AENC as part of a strategic action plan of the African Federation of Emergency Medicine (AFEM) Consensus Meeting held in Cape Town in November 2013 (Reynolds et al., 2014) to address the increasing African emergency care burden and other disease burdens addressed in the World Health Organization Millennium Development Goals (World Health Organization, 2015).Peer reviewedFinal Published versio