245 research outputs found

    Los estudios sobre migraciones y la formación de investigadores en Argentina

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    Introducción La complejidad actual de los movimientos de personas genera muchos y nuevos interrogantes que muchas veces no logran ser respondidos por las investigaciones, como por ejemplo, cuáles son las posibilidades reales de integración de los flujos en las sociedades de acogida, cuál es el contenido y modos de aplicación de las políticas migratorias o qué cambios pueden tolerar las sociedades receptoras sin alterar su funcionamiento, principalmente en países ampliamente preferidos por aq..

    Managing and Planning Water Resources for Irrigation: Smart-Irrigation Systems for Providing Sustainable Agriculture and Maintaining Ecosystem Services

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    Smart-irrigation systems are a hot topic in irrigation management. Satellite imaging, sensors and controls, communication technologies and irrigation decision models are readily available. The price of the required technology is being reduced year after year, and its implementation in agriculture gives real-time information that allows for more accurate management of water resources. Even so, the adaptation of existing technologies to particular situations that the irrigation management is facing in different agro-environmental contexts is needed. This Special Issue addresses the application of different smart-irrigation technologies in four different research areas: (1) remote sensing-based estimates of crop evapotranspiration, (2) Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for smart-irrigation, (3) precision irrigation models and controls, and (4) the price of natural resources. The nine papers presented in this special issue cover a wide range of practical applications, and this editorial summarizes each of them

    The potential of a coordinated system of gates for flood irrigation management in paddy rice farm

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    Rice is one of the most important staple foods in the world. In Europe, Italy is the main producer of rice, with almost all production concentrated in the northeast of the country. Traditionally, rice is grown in fields that are flooded from before planting until just before harvest. This water management technique requires a great deal of labour for farmers who have to manually adjust the inlet and outlet gates to maintain a constant ponding water level in the fields, especially when there is fluctuation of water supply at the farm inlet, for example as a result of rainfall. In addition, the practice of flood irrigation is very water-intensive. New technologies based on remotely and automatically controlled gates are being studied to increase the efficiency of this irrigation method. The objective of this work is to explore the potential of a coordinated and intelligent system of gates for efficient farm irrigation management and ponding water level maintenance. Based on information and measurements from a real case study consisting of a 40-hectare paddy rice farm located in northern Italy, where automatic gates and water level sensors were placed at strategic points of the farm canals and fields, respectively, a proportional-integral (PI) and a non-linear model predictive control (NMPC) of water levels were implemented and compared through modelling and simulation experiments. The results show that the proportional-integral control reproduces the actions that the farmer uses when faced with situations of surplus of water in the fields or a shortage of water in the farm canal. In particular, the general coordination of the gates is lost, and the individual binomial field-gate prevails as an independent system in the farmer's operation. Conversely, non-linear predictive control coordinates the gate operation to obtain a uniform ponding water level in the fields when there is a shortage of water, or significant water conservation when there is an excess of water as a result of rainfall. In conclusion, a nonlinear predictive control model seems to be a suitable strategy to advance irrigation management in rice farms, allowing rice farmers to continue the tradition of flooding while increasing its performance

    La religione di Mussolini. Fascismo, politica e religione negli scritti e nei discorsi

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    Da qualche anno a questa parte, la figura di Benito Mussolini \ue8 tornata violentemente alla ribalta della cronaca, al punto che il quotidiano "Il tempo" ritenne opportuno dedicargli la prima pagina dell\u2019edizione del 30 dicembre 2017 definendolo \uabL\u2019uomo dell\u2019anno\ubb. Oltre che nella cinematografia, la figura di Mussolini ritorna sulla carta stampata, anche in merito al suo sentimento religioso. Insieme a Mussolini, anche il ruolo del fascismo nella societ\ue0 italiana \u2013 e non soltanto \u2013 \ue8 tornato a presenziare fra forze politiche che intendono rifarsi \u2013 pi\uf9 o meno coscientemente \u2013 ad una ideologia e ai motti fascisti (pseudo-mussoliniani), fra personaggi della politica rivestiti di incarichi istituzionali che elogiano tanto il fascismo quanto la stessa figura di Mussolini e, non pu\uf2 stupire a questo punto, anche fra gli eventi della cronaca pressoch\ue9 quotidiana. Che si possa parlare lecitamente o illecitamente di ritorno del fascismo \ue8 un dibattito ancora aperto; \ue8 tuttavia innegabile che qualcosa stia succedendo in seno alla democrazia repubblicana italiana. [...

    Interculturalidad, fronteras simbólicas e identidad en procesos migratorios recientes

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    De modo simultáneo al crecimiento de los procesos migratorios, y dadas las consecuencias que acarrean, tanto a las sociedades como a los individuos, ha aumentado el interés por profundizar el estudio de muchos aspectos que se accionan con los movimientos de población. Entre ellos, la cuestión de las fronteras simbólicas, sigue constituyendo un interrogante significativo en los estudios de los procesos migratorios desde la perspectiva de los propios migrantes, ya que actúan sobre las características que adopta la incorporación a la sociedad de recepción. A nivel de las sociedades, los procesos migratorios modifican estructuras, afectando la vida social a través de la expansión de prácticas culturales y valores que las obligan a recomponerse. Y, a nivel individual actúan sobre las identidades personales y sociales, las que deben reconfigurarse, para posibilitar una inserción satisfactoria de los migrantes que necesitan adaptarse a nuevos medios geográficos, sociales y culturales. Migrantes y nativos deben establecer relaciones en un ambiente que cambia y en el que funcionan barreras reales y simbólicas que operan, muchas veces, como fronteras sobre las cuales queremos reflexionar en esta presentación. Las fronteras simbólicas afectan al proceso de incorporación al nuevo medio, dado que moldean los modos en que los migrantes se relacionan en las sociedades de destino, impregnando el proceso de reconfiguración identitaria y su sentimiento de satisfacción con la vida en el lugar. Exploramos la existencia de fronteras simbólicas en el caso de la incorporación de inmigrantes que arribaron a Argentina y a España, desde países del ex bloque soviético a fines del siglo XX y lo que va del XXI. Entendemos que el análisis de la identidad colectiva del flujo y de las características de las sociedades receptoras, nos permite ver en qué sentido actúan, si son siempre negativas o no, indagando los motivos para ello. El supuesto es que los individuos que corresponden al colectivo, permiten reconocerlo, permitiendo hablar de aspectos de la identidad social comunes independientemente de las diferencias culturales, étnicas y/o nacionales.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    A procedure for designing natural water retention measures in new development areas under hydraulic-hydrologic invariance constraints

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    In recent years, in Italy and elsewhere, regional regulations based on hydraulic-hydrologic invariance (HHI) principles have taken hold, especially for new development areas. Natural water retention measures (NWRMs) are among the most interesting options to provide the storage and infiltration capacities that are needed to achieve the HHI objectives. A procedure for the design of NWRMs in new development areas under HHI constraints is presented and is based on a simple combination of Soil Conservation Service Curve Number (SCS-CN) method for determining rainfall excess and lag-time method for simulating runoff propagation. Three types of NWRMs can be considered: rain barrels, drainage wells and drainage trenches; five types of synthetic hyetographs can be selected and three different approaches for the determination of critical storm duration applied. The results obtained by applying the procedure in a new development area located in northern Italy are illustrated and some general conclusions are drawn. It clearly emerges that practitioners should pay particular attention to the correct determination of design storm duration in order to avoid large underestimations of NWRMs size. Moreover, different combinations of the three NWRMs can provide the required reduction of peak of runoff after the transformation, but it appears that drainage trenches are more effective with respect to harvesting systems in reducing the peak runoff value

    A reliable rainfall–runoff model for flood forecasting: review and application to a semi-urbanized watershed at high flood risk in Italy

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    Many rainfall–runoff (RR) models are available in the scientific literature. Selecting the best structure and parameterization for a model is not straightforward and depends on a broad number of factors, including climatic conditions, catchment characteristics, temporal/spatial resolution and model objectives. In this study, the RR model 'Modello Idrologico Semi-Distribuito in continuo' (MISDc), mainly developed for flood simulation in Mediterranean basins, was tested on the Seveso basin, which is stressed several times a year by flooding events mainly caused by excessive urbanization. The work summarizes a compendium of the MISDc applications over a wide range of catchments in European countries and then it analyses the performances over the Seveso basin. The results show a good fit behaviour during both the calibration and the validation periods with a Nash–Sutcliffe coefficient index larger than 0.9. Moreover, the median volume and peak discharge errors calculated on several flood events were less than 25%. In conclusion, we can be assured that the reliability and computational speed could make the MISDc model suitable for flood estimation in many catchments of different geographical contexts and land use characteristics. Moreover, MISDc will also be useful for future support of real-time decision-making for flood risk management in the Seveso basin

    El estudio de la configuración identitaria de los migrantes, relevancia y formas de abordaje

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    Los procesos de movilidad humana constituyen fenómenos demográficos que actúan tanto sobre los espacios geográficos como modificando las estructuras sociales y económicas, afectando también la vida social a través de la expansión de prácticas culturales y valores que obligan a la recomposición de las sociedades. Los migrantes deben insertarse y adaptarse al nuevo medio social, cultural y geográfico en un proceso en el que, forzosamente, sus identidades personales y grupales se van reconfigurando. Debe decirse que, a la vez, las sociedades receptoras deben incorporar los flujos que llegan y vincularse con ellos. A partir de la aceptación de esta idea general se generan interrogantes sobre aspectos que suelen ser analizados con frecuencia por los estudiosos de los procesos migratorios como es la configuración de la identidad colectiva de los migrantes, en origen, y las reconfiguraciones que se producen en destino. El propósito de esta presentación es reflexionar sobre las perspectivas teóricas y los diseños implícitos apropiados para estudiar las identidades y los cambios que van sufriendo, así como los problemas que aparecen en la construcción de información y el análisis de la misma. Considerando distintas perspectivas teóricas desde las cuales suelen enfocarse los estudios sobre las identidades (de migrantes o no migrantes) de las cuales derivan los diseños y las técnicas, el propósito es hacer un análisis crítico de las mismas. Se ejemplifica con un estudio sobre la identidad de migrantes que arribaron a Argentina desde el ex bloque soviético en la década de 1990. Atenderemos especialmente a los recursos que han ayudado a configurar la identidad colectiva en los países de origen, a los que tomamos como un todo ya que experimentaron la misma organización política, económica y social. En este sentido los individuos que corresponden al colectivo, permiten reconocerlo y así es posible hablar de aspectos de la identidad social comunes independientemente de las diferencias culturales, étnicas y/o nacionales.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació