64 research outputs found

    Description du principe de latéralisation cérébrale et de cohérence cérébrale, et discussion autour des mécanismes de la prise de décision

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    La prise de décision en clinique est une tache cognitive complexe. Il existe une certaine division latéralisée du travail entre les deux hémisphères cérébraux. La cohérence cérébrale est l’activité en phase d’ondes cérébrales de même fréquence émises par différentes parties du cerveau. Cet état permet le liage des activités séparées du cortex, influence la perception, et est à l’origine d’améliorations cognitives et émotionnelles. A.R.Damasio affirme que les décisions naissent de calculs mentaux indissociables de la perception d’informations venant du corps, comme les émotions. Les ondes cérébrales ont été peu documentées chez les animaux. Dans les études comportementales, l’écologie d’une espèce modifie la perception de son environnement et donc ses décisions. Ces conditionnements sont à considérer dans la définition de l’intelligence animale. Des facteurs épigénétiques comme l’enrichissement environnemental ou la méditation chez l’Homme peuvent en tout cas moduler la flexibilité cognitive

    Double-strand breaks in the myotonic dystrophy type 1 and the fragile X syndrome triplet repeat sequences induce different types of mutations in DNA flanking sequences in Escherichia coli

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    The putative role of double-strand breaks (DSBs) created in vitro by restriction enzyme cleavage in or near CGG•CCG or CTG•CAG repeat tracts on their genetic instabilities, both within the repeats and in their flanking sequences, was investigated in an Escherichia coli plasmid system. DSBs at TRS junctions with the vector generated a large number of mutagenic events in flanking sequences whereas DSBs within the repeats elicited no similar products. A substantial enhancement in the number of mutants was caused by transcription of the repeats and by the absence of recombination functions (recA(−), recBC(−)). Surprisingly, DNA sequence analyses on mutant clones revealed the presence of only single deletions of 0.4–1.6 kb including the TRS and the flanking sequence from plasmids originally containing (CGG•CCG)(43) but single, double and multiple deletions as well as insertions were found for plasmids originally containing (CTG•CAG)(n) (where n = 43 or 70). Non-B DNA structures (slipped structures with loops, cruciforms, triplexes and tetraplexes) as well as microhomologies are postulated to participate in the recombination and/or repair processes

    Enabling global clinical collaborations on identifiable patient data: The Minerva Initiative

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    The clinical utility of computational phenotyping for both genetic and rare diseases is increasingly appreciated; however, its true potential is yet to be fully realized. Alongside the growing clinical and research availability of sequencing technologies, precise deep and scalable phenotyping is required to serve unmet need in genetic and rare diseases. To improve the lives of individuals affected with rare diseases through deep phenotyping, global big data interrogation is necessary to aid our understanding of disease biology, assist diagnosis, and develop targeted treatment strategies. This includes the application of cutting-edge machine learning methods to image data. As with most digital tools employed in health care, there are ethical and data governance challenges associated with using identifiable personal image data. There are also risks with failing to deliver on the patient benefits of these new technologies, the biggest of which is posed by data siloing. The Minerva Initiative has been designed to enable the public good of deep phenotyping while mitigating these ethical risks. Its open structure, enabling collaboration and data sharing between individuals, clinicians, researchers and private enterprise, is key for delivering precision public health

    Absence of MutSβ leads to the formation of slipped-DNA for CTG/CAG contractions at primate replication forks

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    Typically disease-causing CAG/CTG repeats expand, but rare affected families can display high levels of contraction of the expanded repeat amongst offspring. Understanding instability is important since arresting expansions or enhancing contractions could be clinically beneficial. The MutSβ mismatch repair complex is required for CAG/CTG expansions in mice and patients. Oddly, by unknown mechanisms MutSβ-deficient mice incur contractions instead of expansions. Replication using CTG or CAG as the lagging strand template is known to cause contractions or expansions respectively; however, the interplay between replication and repair leading to this instability remains unclear. Towards understanding how repeat contractions may arise, we performed in vitro SV40-mediated replication of repeat-containing plasmids in the presence or absence of mismatch repair. Specifically, we separated repair from replication: Replication mediated by MutSβ- and MutSα-deficient human cells or cell extracts produced slipped-DNA heteroduplexes in the contraction- but not expansion-biased replication direction. Replication in the presence of MutSβ disfavoured the retention of replication products harbouring slipped-DNA heteroduplexes. Post-replication repair of slipped-DNAs by MutSβ-proficient extracts eliminated slipped-DNAs. Thus, a MutSβ-deficiency likely enhances repeat contractions because MutSβ protects against contractions by repairing template strand slip-outs. Replication deficient in LigaseI or PCNA-interaction mutant LigaseI revealed slipped-DNA formation at lagging strands. Our results reveal that distinct mechanisms lead to expansions or contractions and support inhibition of MutSβ as a therapeutic strategy to enhance the contraction of expanded repeats

    Mutations in the UBIAD1 Gene, Encoding a Potential Prenyltransferase, Are Causal for Schnyder Crystalline Corneal Dystrophy

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    Schnyder crystalline corneal dystrophy (SCCD, MIM 121800) is a rare autosomal dominant disease characterized by progressive opacification of the cornea resulting from the local accumulation of lipids, and associated in some cases with systemic dyslipidemia. Although previous studies of the genetics of SCCD have localized the defective gene to a 1.58 Mbp interval on chromosome 1p, exhaustive sequencing of positional candidate genes has thus far failed to reveal causal mutations. We have ascertained a large multigenerational family in Nova Scotia affected with SCCD in which we have confirmed linkage to the same general area of chromosome 1. Intensive fine mapping in our family revealed a 1.3 Mbp candidate interval overlapping that previously reported. Sequencing of genes in our interval led to the identification of five putative causal mutations in gene UBIAD1, in our family as well as in four other small families of various geographic origins. UBIAD1 encodes a potential prenyltransferase, and is reported to interact physically with apolipoprotein E. UBIAD1 may play a direct role in intracellular cholesterol biochemistry, or may prenylate other proteins regulating cholesterol transport and storage

    Mutations in STAMBP, encoding a deubiquitinating enzyme, cause microcephaly-capillary malformation syndrome

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    Microcephaly–capillary malformation (MIC-CAP) syndrome is characterized by severe microcephaly with progressive cortical atrophy, intractable epilepsy, profound developmental delay and multiple small capillary malformations on the skin. We used whole-exome sequencing of five patients with MIC-CAP syndrome and identified recessive mutations in STAMBP, a gene encoding the deubiquitinating (DUB) isopeptidase STAMBP (STAM-binding protein, also known as AMSH, associated molecule with the SH3 domain of STAM) that has a key role in cell surface receptor–mediated endocytosis and sorting. Patient cell lines showed reduced STAMBP expression associated with accumulation of ubiquitin-conjugated protein aggregates, elevated apoptosis and insensitive activation of the RAS-MAPK and PI3K-AKT-mTOR pathways. The latter cellular phenotype is notable considering the established connection between these pathways and their association with vascular and capillary malformations. Furthermore, our findings of a congenital human disorder caused by a defective DUB protein that functions in endocytosis implicates ubiquitin-conjugate aggregation and elevated apoptosis as factors potentially influencing the progressive neuronal loss underlying MIC-CAP syndrome
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