660 research outputs found

    La colonne torse en Périgord à la Renaissance : entre tradition ornementale et influence espagnole

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    Du milieu du xve siècle au milieu du xvie siècle, la colonne torse est l'un des motifs les plus populaires de l'architecture française et espagnole. Mais dans les royaumes de Valence et de Barcelone, celle-ci est monumentalisée et adaptée à l'entière superficie des édifices. Ce Systeme complexe, nécessitant la maîtrise de la stéréotomie, apparait relativement souvent en Périgord, contrairement à l'ensemble du territoire français, supposant des échanges ténus avec la péninsule ibérique. Cette recherche s'attache essentiellement à un état de la question de la colonne torse en Espagne et en Périgord, menant à une confrontation plastique. Celle-ci permet d'évaluer au mieux l'influence de l'architecture espagnole sur l'architecture périgordine et de proposer, pour les chantiers périgordins, des hypothèses d'attribution.From the mid 15th to the mid 16th century, the twisted moulding column is one of the most popular patterns in French and Spanish architecture. Indeed, it is developed on a monumental scale in the kingdoms of Valencia and Barcelona, where it is applied to entire buildings. This complex design, requiring the mastery of stereotomy, appears frequently in Périgord, compared to the rest of France, suggesting some close exchanges with the Iberian Peninsula. The purpose of this investigation is take stock of the twisted moulding column in Spain and Périgord, leading to a formal comparison. This is to allow for an appraisal of the Spanish influence on architecture in Périgord, and to propose some hypotheses for the attribution of building

    Developing Nations and Disadvantaged Populations: How the 2009 H1N1 Influenza Pandemic Exacerbated Disparities and Inequities

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    The 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic, although not as deadly or long lasting as initially projected, demonstrated that the world was and is ill prepared to handle a mass pandemic. As the first pandemic of the twenty-first century, the pandemic revealed global health insecurities and asymmetrical disease burdens for disadvantaged individuals and countries. This paper will analyze why both developing countries and disadvantaged individuals suffered disproportionately from the pandemic. Using the framework of structural violence, this paper will investigate how socioeconomic and political disparities encountered before and during the pandemic caused differential health, societal, political, and economic outcomes. These preexisting disparities will be shown to be compounding and will be used to explain the true and unequal burden of disease. Finally, this paper will offer recommendations that can be used by policymakers to mitigate impacts faced by disadvantaged populations and to improve global health security

    Food Systems Innovations: A Participatory Workshop

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    Join us in brainstorming creative ways to advance the development of a just, environmentally sustainable, and economically prosperous Appalachian food system. Local and regional food systems development can take many forms besides simply farmers\u27 markets and CSA’s. In this workshop participants will have the opportunity to share examples of their own innovative food systems initiatives and to learn about inspiring projects from other places in the nation and internationally. Examples of novel food systems initiatives from other regions will be used as a catalyst to spark creative thinking about how such projects could be adapted to the Appalachian context. This session will focus on identifying and valuing existing regional assets and on generating fresh and creative new ideas to advance food sovereignty and food systems development in Appalachia. Examples covered in the workshop will be tailored to the interests of the participants but could include the following areas: Creating jobs and entrepreneurship opportunities among economically disadvantaged groups Innovations in food systems education Reducing hunger and food insecurity Rural business development through mobile food processing facilities Social food enterprise developmen

    Capital social et contrainte latérale

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    Pour exercer du pouvoir, il est souvent nécessaire de mobiliser des ressources sociales, des « relations», et de savoir les utiliser. Cet article examine cette mobilisation en termes de conversion du capital social en contraintes sociales latérales. Il s'agit notamment de décrire la manière dont des pairs utilisent leurs relations pour exercer des pressions les uns sur les autres, par personnes interposées. On propose à cet effet une méthode d'articulation de données de réseaux bi- et tri- dimensionnelles recueillies dans une organisation collégiale. On montre que les acteurs mobilisent leur propre capital social de manière différenciée et sélective, qui varie selon le type de capital, le « propriétaire » des ressources sociales et les relations entre protagonistes. L'exercice des contraintes latérales apparaît ainsi comme le résultat de calculs économiques inextricablement liés à une culture stratégique et à des définitions d'identités et de relations.In order to exert power and maintain collective action, it is often necessary to mobilize one's social resources, "one's relations", and to know how to use them. This article examines this mobilization in terms of social capital conversion into lateral social constraints. The analysis is based on sociometric and three-way network data. More precisely, it shows how partners in a collegial organization, a corporate law firm, use leverage (i.e. their connections within the firm) to put pressure on each other. It is shown that actors mobilize their own social capital selectively, depending on the type of tie, the characteristics of the "owner" of the social resources and the relations between those involved. The development of lateral constraints thus appears to be the result of economic calculations, inextricably linked to partners' strategic culture and definitions of identities

    Does Dutch a-scrambling involve movement? Evidence from antecedent priming

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    The present study focuses on A-scrambling in Dutch, a local word-order alternation that typically signals the discourse-anaphoric status of the scrambled constituent. We use cross-modal priming to investigate whether an A-scrambled direct object gives rise to antecedent reactivation effects in the position where a movement theory would postulate a trace. Our results indicate that this is not the case, thereby providing support for a base-generation analysis of A-scrambling in Dutch

    Novel approaches to combat bacterial biofilms.

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    International audienceBiofilms formed by pathogenic bacteria and fungi are associated with a wide range of diseases, from device-related infections (such as catheters or prosthetic joints) to chronic infections occurring on native tissues (such as lung infections in cystic fibrosis patients). Biofilms are therefore responsible for an important medical and economic burden. Currently used antibiotics have mostly been developed to target exponentially growing microorganisms and are poorly effective against biofilms. In particular, even high concentrations of bactericidal antibiotics are inactive against a subset of persistent biofilm bacteria, which can cause infection recurrence despite prolonged treatments. While the search for a magic bullet antibiotic effective against both planktonic and biofilm bacteria is still active, alternative preventive and curative approaches are currently being developed either limiting adhesion or biofilm formation or targeting biofilm tolerance by killing persister bacteria. Most of these approaches are adjunctive using new molecules in combination with antibiotics. This review presents promising approaches or strategies that could improve our ability to prevent or eradicate bacterial biofilms in medical settings