61 research outputs found

    Meromorphic solutions of nonlinear ordinary differential equations

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    Exact solutions of some popular nonlinear ordinary differential equations are analyzed taking their Laurent series into account. Using the Laurent series for solutions of nonlinear ordinary differential equations we discuss the nature of many methods for finding exact solutions. We show that most of these methods are conceptually identical to one another and they allow us to have only the same solutions of nonlinear ordinary differential equations

    Structured Proposal for Rehabilitation Nursing (RN) Care Intervention: Sensitive Gains to RN Care for the Person with Self-care Deficit and in the Surgical Process

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    Surgical needs have been growing in Portugal due to the aging population, the increasing number of people with acute and chronic disease with consequent acquisition of deficiencies and restrictions, being verified dependence on self-care of the people in surgical process. The purpose of rehabilitation nursing intervention is to enable the person to perform his/her self-care and demonstrate the sensitive results to rehabilitation nursing care, allowing the quality of care provided to be proven. Objective. To evaluate the functionality of the person in the surgical process and the gains gained in the rehabilitation nursing care verified after the implementation of a structured proposal of intervention of nursing care of Rehabilitation. Methodology. The study is descriptive and exploratory, using the qualitative methodology of Robert Yin (multiple case studies), Lopes’ medium-range theory and the self-care model of Fonseca and Lopes, based on the nursing theory of the self-care of Orem. Results. There was a significant increase in the functionality of the person and the sensitive results to rehabilitation nursing care. Conclusion. The intervention of Rehabilitation Nursing through the application of a structured intervention plan, with the objective of enabling the person and caregiver to achieve maximum functionality and independence, translate into positive sensitive results to nursing care

    A comparative stratigraphy of cilicia : Results of the first three cilician chronology workshops

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    This article presents a preliminary comparative stratigraphy of excavated sites in Plain Cilicia and one in Rough Cilicia. It is the outcome of three workshops held in 2014, 2015 and 2017. Plain Cilicia at the junction of Anatolia, Syro-Mesopotamia and Cyprus is one of the most fertile regions of the Ancient Near East. In recent years, archaeological research in the region has intensified, re-opening questions of chronology. The comparative stratigraphy discussed in the workshops is presented here in form of a gazetteer of the participating sites and a chart. This is to be understood as a first step towards a more comprehensive chronology

    Investıgatıng Of The Effect Of Joınıng Surface Angles Of The S355j2 Materıal On The Flash Butt Weldıng Connectıon

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    Günümüzde yakma alın kaynağı oldukça geniş bir alana yayılmıştır. Otomotiv, elektrik, havacılık gibi endüstriler ile birlikte çeşitli ana rayların kaynakları da olmak üzere demir yolları ve zincir imalatı (baklaların kaynatılması) için de sık kullanılan bir yöntemdir. Yöntem dik kesite sahip alın, köşe ve halka biçimindeki düz ve silindirik parçaların kaynağında kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, S355 J2 Ø28 mm malzemenin yakma alın kaynağı ile birleştirilmesi öncesinde, değiştirilen birleştirme yüzey açısının malzemenin kaynak kalitesi ve metalurjik özelliklerine etkisini araştırmaktır. Çalışmada S355 J2 malzeme yine S355 J2 malzemeyle sırasıyla 30°, 45°, 60°, 75° ve 90° 'lik birleştirme açıları kullanılarak yakma alın kaynağı yöntemiyle birleştirilmiştir. Birleştirilen numunelere çekme, makro ve mikro sertlik testleri yapılmıştır. Ayrıca mikro yapı fotoğrafları alınarak kaynak kalitesi incelenmiştir. Uygun parametreler dâhilinde S355 J2 malzemeler, standart yakma alın kaynağı birleştirme açısı olan 90°'den farklı açılarda da birleştirilebilmektedir. Değiştirilen yüzey açıları (90°'den 30°ye) birleşim yüzey alanı artmasına sebebiyet verirken, soğuma esnasında numunelerdeki ısı daha yavaş uzaklaşmıştır. Bu sebeple ITAB bölgesi ve özellikle iri taneli bölgenin, diğer açılara göre daha fazla olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Çekme test sonuçları, sertlik sonuçlarıyla paralellik göstererek daha düşük açılarda, kısmen daha düşük sertlik ve çekme değerleri elde edilmiştir. En düşük sertlik değerleri, numunelerin kaynak bölgelerinde elde edilmiştirNowadays flash butt welding is spread over a wide area. It is a common method for the welding of railways and production of chains as well as industries such as automotive, electricity and aerospace. The method is used for the welding of flat and cylindrical shaped butt, corner and ring parts have vertical cross section. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the modified joint surface angle on the weld quality and metallurgical properties of the material before the S355 J2 Ø28 mm material was combined with the welding of the forehead. In the study, S355 J2 material was again combined with S355 J2 material by flash butt welding method by using angles of 30°, 45°, 60°, 75° and 90° respectively. Samples which welding were subjected to tensile, macro and micro hardness tests. In addition, microstructure photographs were taken and quality of welding was examined. The S355 J2 option can be combined in different directions than 90°, which is a standard incineration angle. The modified surface angles (90° to 30°) caused the joint surface area to increase, while the heat in the cooling system samples slowed away more slowly. Therefore, it was observed that ITAB region and coarse grains were higher than the others. Tensile test results were obtained in parallel with the hardness results at lower levels, average lower hardness and tensile stage. The lowest hardness degree was obtained in the weld regions of the welds

    Robust LQ Control for Harmonic Reference/Disturbance Signals

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    Linear Quadratic (LQ) controller design is considered for continuous-time systems with harmonic signals of known frequencies and it is shown that the design is reducible to an interpolation problem. All LQ optimal loops are parametrized by a particular solution of this interpolation problem and a (free) stable/proper transfer function. The appropriate choice of this free parameter for optimal stability robustness is formulated as a multiobjective design problem and reduced to a Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation problem with some interpolation points on the boundary of the stability domain. Using a related result from the literature, it is finally shown that, if there is sufficient penalization on the power of the control input, the level of optimum stability robustness achievable with LQ optimal controllers is the same as the level of optimum stability robustness achievable by arbitrary stabilizing controllers

    A novel approach for solving the Fisher equation using Exp-function method

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    In this Letter, Exp-function method is employed to obtain traveling wave solutions of the Fisher equation. It is shown that, on this example, the Exp-function method is easy to implement and concise method for nonlinear evolution equations in mathematical physics. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Populism en-acted: Historical Turkish TV dramas as a tool of political communication [Oral Presentation]

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    Taner Dogan - ORCID: 0000-0003-0727-1455 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0727-1455Item not available in this repository.http://www.moscowreadings.com/wp-content/uploads/Moscow-Readings-2019-conference-program_final.pd