18 research outputs found

    Finite Domain Anomalous Spreading Consistent with First and Second Law

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    After reviewing the problematic behavior of some previously suggested finite interval spatial operators of the symmetric Riesz type, we create a wish list leading toward a new spatial operator suitable to use in the space-time fractional differential equation of anomalous diffusion when the transport of material is strictly restricted to a bounded domain. Based on recent studies of wall effects, we introduce a new definition of the spatial operator and illustrate its favorable characteristics. We provide two numerical methods to solve the modified space-time fractional differential equation and show particular results illustrating compliance to our established list of requirements, most important to the conservation principle and the second law of thermodynamics.Comment: 14 figure


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    The article is devoted to the problem of defining and measuring risk in compliance management - an important management function of a company aimed at complying with laws and ethical norms. A general definition of risk from the theory of probability and various approaches to understanding risk in the literature on risk management are considered, then the definition of compliance risk and ways to managing this risk in compliance management are explored. The problem of quantitative measurement of compliance risks and some methods of its solution are described. The authors analyze the approaches of several international companies (in the mining industry, oil and gas industry, mobile communications, FMCG) to measuring or assessing compliance risks, as well as organizing compliance risk management in practice (organizational structures, processes, etc.). The work also discussed the concept of risk appetite, that characterizes the willingness of an organization to take on a certain positive level of risk, while logically it is poorly compatible with the concept of compliance risk as a risk of violation of the legislation


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    The article is devoted to the problem of defining and measuring risk in compliance management - an important management function of a company aimed at complying with laws and ethical norms. A general definition of risk from the theory of probability and various approaches to understanding risk in the literature on risk management are considered, then the definition of compliance risk and ways to managing this risk in compliance management are explored. The problem of quantitative measurement of compliance risks and some methods of its solution are described. The authors analyze the approaches of several international companies (in the mining industry, oil and gas industry, mobile communications, FMCG) to measuring or assessing compliance risks, as well as organizing compliance risk management in practice (organizational structures, processes, etc.). The work also discussed the concept of risk appetite, that characterizes the willingness of an organization to take on a certain positive level of risk, while logically it is poorly compatible with the concept of compliance risk as a risk of violation of the legislation.Cтатья посвящена проблеме определения и измерения риска в комплаенс-менеджменте – важной управленческой функции компании, направленной на соблюдение законов и этических норм. Рассматриваются общее определение риска из теории вероятности и различные подходы к пониманию риска в литературе по риск-менеджменту, а затем определение комплаенс-риска и подходы к управлению этим риском в комплаенс-менеджменте. Описаны проблема количественного измерения комплаенс-рисков и некоторые способы ее решения. Анализируются подходы нескольких международных компаний (в области добывающей промышленности, нефтегазовой отрасли, мобильной связи, FMCG) к измерению или оценке комплаенс-рисков, а также в организации управления комплаенс-рисками на практике (организационные структуры, процессы и т.п.). Также работа затрагивает концепцию риск-аппетита, который характеризует готовность организации принимать на себя определенный положительный уровень риска, при этом логически плохо совместимый с понятием комплаенс-риска как риска нарушения законодательства

    Some Insights in Superdiffusive Transport

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    In this paper we deal with high-order corrections for the Fractional Derivative approach to anomalous diffusion, in super-diffusive regime, which become relevand whenever one attempts to describe the behavior of particles close to normal diffusion.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Transport anormal de traceurs passifs en milieux poreux hétérogènes: équations fractionnaires, simulation numérique et conditions aux limites

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    Dir. de thèse : L. di Pietro, M.C. *INRA centre d'Avignon, Documentation, Domaine St Paul, Site Agroparc, 84914 Avignon Cedex 9 Diffusion du document : INRA centre d'Avignon, Documentation, Domaine St Paul, Site Agroparc, 84914 Avignon Cedex 9 Diplôme : Dr. d'Universit

    Transport anormal de traceurs passifs en milieux poreux hétérogènes (équations fractionnaires, simulation numérique et conditions aux limites)

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    Dans de nombreux milieux poreux désordonnés, la dispersion de soluté n'évolue pas en accord avec la loi de Fick. Cette dernière prévoit l'évolution d'un panache de traceur à partir de données initiales modélisant, en particulier, une injection localisée. Alors, la concentration est une Gaussienne dont l'écart type est proportionnel à la racine carrée du temps. Des données expérimentales obtenues dans des aquifères ont mis en évidence des comportements qualitativement différents, remplaçant les Gaussiennes par des lois stables de Lévy. Celles-ci sont aussi des fonctions décroissantes, mais leur comportement asymptotique est celui d'une puissance, et en général leur second moment ne converge pas. Or les densités des lois stables de Lévy sont les solutions fondamentales d'une vaste classe d'équations aux dérivées partielles. Il s'agit des équations fractionnaires en espace, obtenues à partir de l'équation de la chaleur en remplaçant le Laplacien par une dérivée d'ordre non entier. D'autre part, ces équations régissent l'évolution de la concentration d'une population de marcheurs aléatoires effectuant des vols de Lévy : ces derniers généralisent le mouvement Brownien, avec, pour la densité des longueurs des sauts, une loi stable de Lévy. Ces point sont détaillés dans la thèse. Les principaux résultats concernent la dispersion dans un milieu semi-infini au sein duquel, tant que les particules de traceur n'approchent pas la frontière, la dispersion est décrite par des vols de Lévy, à petite échelle. On montre qu'avec une paroi reflexive, il est nécessaire de modifier le noyau de la dérivée fractionnaire présente dans l'équation régissant l'évolution de la concentration des marcheurs. Ce résultat théorique est illustré par une simulation de type Monte Carlo de cette évolution. On compare avec la simulation numérique de l'équation fractionnaire en milieu semi-infiniIn a number of disordered porous, solute spreading does not obey Fick's law. The latter describes the evolution of a plume of tracer. When initial data represent a local impulse, the concentration is a Gaussian variance is proportional to time. Experimental data obtained in aquifers have put into evidence qualitatively different behaviors, replacing Gaussians by stable Lévy densities, which also are non increasing functions. But in the large values asymptotics, they behave algebraically, and in general the second moment does not converge. Moreover, stable Lévy densities are the fundamental solutions of a wide class of partial differetial equations, which are space-fractional equations. They resemble heat equation, with the Laplacean being replaced by a derivative of non-integer order. They also rule the evolution of the concentration of a cloud of random walkers performing Lévy flights, wich are more general than Brownian motion, with the jump length density being a stable Lévy law. All these point are detailed in the thesis. The main results concern the spreading of matter in a semi-infinite medium where the motion of tracer particles is described by Lévy flights (on the small scale) except when they meet the boundary. With a reflexive wall, it is necessary to modify the kernel of the fractional derivative on the right hand-side of the equation ruling the evolution of the concentration of walkers. The theoretical result is illustrated by a Monte Carlo simulation, and compared with the numerical discretization of the fractional equation in a semi-infinite mediumAVIGNON-BU Centrale (840072102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Political Culture in Europe During COVID‑19

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    The article discusses the features of political culture in terms of the spread of a new coronavirus infection caused by COVID‑19, using the example of some European countries. In addition, as a result of an analysis of the measures taken by various countries of the European continent during the pandemic, a conclusion is made about the influence of political culture on the effectiveness of the fight against a new coronavirus infection caused by COVID‑19.В статье рассматриваются особенности политической культуры в аспекте распространения новой коронавирусной инфекции, вызванной COVID‑19, на примере некоторых европейских стран. Кроме того, в результате анализа мер, принятых различными странами европейского континента в условиях пандемии, делается вывод о влиянии политической культуры на эффективность борьбы с новой коронавирусной инфекцией, вызванной COVID‑19

    Diffusion d'un traceur passif en milieu poreux hétérogène

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