1,399 research outputs found

    Generic approach in choice of adequate methodology for the assessment of it investments

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    Investments into information technology (IT), (hereinafter: IT investments) have reached very high figures, which are still continually on the rise. IT potentials are being used in an increasing number of ways. Various company managers have different approaches to this issue. A large number of methods/models for the assessment of IT investments is available, so the question is posed of how to choose the adequate assessment category. The said reasons have initiated a need for defining the generic approach in the choice of adequate methodology for the assessment of IT investments, which was indeed the goal of this paper. General ideas to this approach stem from the fact that each IT investment has its purpose and belongs to a certain type of IT investment (decision-making aspect) which demands its relevant methodology for assessing IT investments. Two groups of demands (conditions) have been defined in choosing relevant methodology. The first group pertains to methodology analysis and determination of its compatibility with characteristics of the defined decision-making aspect. The second group of conditions pertains to methodology analysis with respect to its possibilities (abilities) of integrating quantity, quality and risk factors of IT decision. Conducted field research shows that the assessment of IT investments has been done mainly using simpler methods/models and their combinations, and is focused on quantity aspects of IT values

    Demographic characteristics of creative workers: under-activated development potentials in Slovenia?

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    The purpose of the article is to present the key demographic characteristics of the creative labour force in Slovenia and bring attention to some opportunities for a more effective activation of the creative potential. We analysed data from the Statistical Register of Employment. The results indicate that creative workers in Slovenia are not only heterogeneous from the aspect of the employment structure, but that they also differ significantly in terms of gender, age, education, and ethnicity. Even though Slovenia can be compared to the most developed countries in the scope of the creative labour force, it will have to work on stimulating additional development potentials to make it to the top of the list. We conclude that, in the future, a more prominent role should be given to the female creative labour force, young bohemians, and foreign creative people

    Analysis of the DCAD survey: highest and lowest ranking areas of interest for professional development in regard to current work interest (teaching and research)

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    The following sections present and discuss the role of a contextual variable – current work interests in survey respondents’ views in regard to the highest and lowest ranking areas of interest for professional development. The analyses were carried out for the comparison of the views of lecturing staff across four universities and four institutes of technology in the Dublin region. In total, Part 3 of the questionnaire contained 25 areas of professional development activities distributed evenly over the following six themes: i) planning and design; ii) delivery and practice; iii) feedback on teaching; iv) peer to peer opportunities; v) scholarship and research and; vi) personal and professional development and leadership. The attitudes towards these activities were explored through the analysis of data collected in response to the statements of Q14-Q19. The questions required the answer on a four point ordinal scale indicating the extent of interest from “no interest” to “great interest”. The ordinal scale also included the answer option “neutral” for those respondents who wished to opt out from stating their opinion

    Profesionalna izloženost i principi zaštite od ubodne ozljede u operacijskoj dvorani Professional exposure and means of protection against sharps injuries in the operating room

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    U prošlosti, perkutane ubodne ozljede i izloženost sluznica smatrane su prihvatljivim profesionalnim rizikom za kirurga i druge djelatnike u operacijskoj dvorani. Unatrag 10 godina kirurzi i djelatnici u operacijskoj sali prihvaćali su povećani rizik nastanka ozljeđivanja, i to zbog nedostatka vjerodostojnih dokaza o uporabi metoda smanjenja učestalosti nastanka ozljeda i nedostatka sigurnosnih uređaja ili prihvatljive alternativne radne prakse. Kako je učestalost infekcija koje se prenose s krvlju velika,zdravstveni bi djelatnici kontinuirano trebali dopunjavati znanje prevencije nastanka ozljeđivanja, te znanje o potencijalnim opasnostima koja uzrokuju infekcije prenosive krvlju. Kirurg, medicinska sestra/tehničar i drugi djelatnici u operacijskoj dvorani kontinuirano surađuju. Kao jedna od pojava takve suradnje ozljede nastaju sličnim mehanizmom kod svih navedenih djelatnika. Povećani rizik za nastanak ozljeđivanja postoji kod operacijskih zahvata duljeg vremenskog trajanja. Naši rezultati pokazuju kako se 16% ozljeda događa pri dodavanju oštrih instrumenata. Kako bi se smanjila učestalost nastanka ubodnih incidenata kod članova operacijskog tima, važno je proučiti uzroke nastanka ozljeda tijekom operacijskog zahvata

    USB modules verification

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    V bakalářské práci na téma Ověření parametrů USB modulů jsem se zabýval moduly firmy National Instruments, především modulem NI USB-6008, který jsem používal a testoval jako A/D převodník. Používal jsem software Measurement & Automation Explorer a LabVIEW 7.1.In the bachelor´s thesis on the topic USB modules verification I was engaged in National Instruments modules, especially in module NI USB-6008. I have been using and testing this module like A/D converter. I have been using Measurement & Automation Explorer and LabVIEW 7.1 software.