136 research outputs found

    Analyzing reward policy in connection with theories of motivation

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    Секция 1. Современная экономическая теория и институциональное обеспечение социально- экономических трансформаци


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    The author suggests considering Karen Horney’s theory of personality as a description and study of narcissistic processes. The author draws parallels between neurotic styles and the self-psychological formulations of Heinz Kohut’s narcissistic dynamics. The concept of a functional narcissistic type of relationship is introduced, deepening the clinical understanding in both approaches, and both the historical and modern cultural context is considered.Автор предлагает рассматривать теорию личности Карен Хорни как описание и исследование нарциссических процессов. Проводятся параллели невротических стилей с селф-психологическими формулировками нарциссической динамики Хайнца Кохута. Вводится понятие функционального нарциссического типа отношений, углубляющее клиническое понимание в обоих подходах, и рассматривается как исторический, так и современный культурный контекст

    Optical Properties of ZnP2 Nanoparticles in Zeolite

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    We report that for the first time the nanoparticles of II-V semiconductor (ZnP2) were prepared and studied. ZnP2 nanoparticles were prepared by incorporation into zeolite Na-X matrix. Absorption, diffuse reflection (DR) and photoluminescence (PL) spectra of the ZnP2 nanoclusters incorporated into the supercages of zeolite Na-X were measured at the temperature 77 K. Five bands B1-B5 are observed in both the DR and PL spectra demonstrating the blue shift from the line of free exciton in bulk crystal. We attribute the B1-B5 bands to some stable nanoclusters with size less than the size of zeolite Na-X supercage. We observed Stokes shift of the PL bands from the respective absorption bands. The nonmonotonic character of its dependence on the cluster size can be explained as the result of competition of the Frank-Condon shift and the shift due to electronic relaxation.Comment: Submitted to Microporous and Mesoporous Material

    Средневековая Болгария в контексте политической имагологии

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    [Rev. of: Angelov Petar, Medieval Bulgaria and its Neighbours, Sofia, 2017, 488 pp.]The article is a review of the book written by the famous Bulgarian medievalist P. Angelov. The work under review is a collection of articles published in different years and divided into four thematic blocks: Serbian-Bulgarian relations, medieval Bulgarian diplomacy, Bulgarians as seen by their neighbours, and other nations as seen by the medieval Bulgarians. The authors of this review think highly of the book. A significant part of its articles was published in the last five years, but even the earlier articles have still not lost their relevance. The long-term studies of P. Angelov recreate a fairly clear and bright picture of military and diplomatic contacts of Bulgaria and Serbia, Bulgaria and Byzantium, Bulgaria and other countries of the region in a rather broad historical perspective. Some of the debatable assumptions made by the author do not in the least detract from the significance of the work, but, on the contrary, contribute to a constructive scientific dialogue. In general, the new collection of works by P. Angelov, without a doubt, is scientifically relevant, makes a significant contribution to important fields of study, meets the modern international standards of scientific level and will certainly be in demand in the Russian and European scientific community. DOI: 10.31168/2305-6754.2018.7.2.21[Рец.: Ангелов Петър, Средновековна България и нейните съседи (Дипломация и взаимни представи), София, 2017, 488 с.] В настоящей работе представлена рецензия на книгу известного болгарского историка-медиевиста П. Ангелова. Этот труд представляет собой сборник статей, изданных в разные годы и разделённых на четыре тематических блока: сербско-болгарские отношения, средневековая болгарская дипломатия, болгары в представлении их соседей и другие народы в представлении средневековых болгар. Авторы рецензии высоко оценивают данную книгу. Значимая часть статей была издана в минувшие пять лет, однако и более давние работы до сих пор не потеряли актуальности. Многолетние исследования П. Ангелова воссоздают четкую и насыщенную картину военных и дипломатических контактов Болгарии и Сербии, Болгарии и Византии, Болгарии и других стран данного региона в широкой исторической перспективе. Дискуссионность некоторых высказанных автором предположений нисколько не умаляет значимость работы, но, напротив, способствует конструктивному научному диалогу. В целом, новый сборник работ П. Ангелова имеет несомненную научную актуальность, вносит существенный вклад в исследование важной проблематики, по своему научному уровню соответствует современным мировым стандартам и, безусловно, будет востребован в российском и европейском научном сообществе. DOI: 10.31168/2305-6754.2018.7.2.2

    The Mehweb language: Essays on phonology, morphology and syntax

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    This book is an investigation into the grammar of Mehweb (Dargwa, East Caucasian also known as Nakh-Daghestanian) based on several years of team fieldwork. Mehweb is spoken in one village community in Daghestan, Russia, with a population of some 800 people, In many ways, Mehweb is a typical East Caucasian language: it has a rich inventory of consonants; an extensive system of spatial forms in nouns and converbs and volitional forms in verbs; pervasive gender-number agreement; and ergative alignment in case marking and in gender agreement. It is also a typical language of the Dargwa branch, with symmetrical verb inflection in the imperfective and perfective paradigm and extensive use of spatial encoding for experiencers. Although Mehweb is clearly close to the northern varieties of Dargwa, it has been long isolated from the main body of Dargwa varieties by speakers of Avar and Lak. As a result of both independent internal evolution and contact with its neighbours, Mehweb developed some deviant properties, including accusatively aligned egophoric agreement, a split in the feminine class, and the typologically rare grammatical categories of verificative and apprehensive. But most importantly, Mehweb is where our friends live

    The Mehweb language: Essays on phonology, morphology and syntax

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    This book is an investigation into the grammar of Mehweb (Dargwa, East Caucasian also known as Nakh-Daghestanian) based on several years of team fieldwork. Mehweb is spoken in one village community in Daghestan, Russia, with a population of some 800 people, In many ways, Mehweb is a typical East Caucasian language: it has a rich inventory of consonants; an extensive system of spatial forms in nouns and converbs and volitional forms in verbs; pervasive gender-number agreement; and ergative alignment in case marking and in gender agreement. It is also a typical language of the Dargwa branch, with symmetrical verb inflection in the imperfective and perfective paradigm and extensive use of spatial encoding for experiencers. Although Mehweb is clearly close to the northern varieties of Dargwa, it has been long isolated from the main body of Dargwa varieties by speakers of Avar and Lak. As a result of both independent internal evolution and contact with its neighbours, Mehweb developed some deviant properties, including accusatively aligned egophoric agreement, a split in the feminine class, and the typologically rare grammatical categories of verificative and apprehensive. But most importantly, Mehweb is where our friends live

    Application of method of projective representations to the analysis of exciton-phonon transitions in enantiomorphous tetragonal crystals ZnP₂ and CdP₂

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    The projective representations of the wavevector group were applied to the analysis of exciton-phonon transitions in enantiomorphous tetragonal crystals ZnP₂ and CdP₂. Selection rules for indirect transitions were derived. Using pkrr-method, the different points in the Brillouin zone were examined to identify zero slopes and extremums of the dispersion curves E(k). Photoluminescence and edge absorption polarized spectra were interpreted taking into account the results of above theoretical analysis

    The Mehweb language: Essays on phonology, morphology and syntax

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    This book is an investigation into the grammar of Mehweb (Dargwa, East Caucasian also known as Nakh-Daghestanian) based on several years of team fieldwork. Mehweb is spoken in one village community in Daghestan, Russia, with a population of some 800 people, In many ways, Mehweb is a typical East Caucasian language: it has a rich inventory of consonants; an extensive system of spatial forms in nouns and converbs and volitional forms in verbs; pervasive gender-number agreement; and ergative alignment in case marking and in gender agreement. It is also a typical language of the Dargwa branch, with symmetrical verb inflection in the imperfective and perfective paradigm and extensive use of spatial encoding for experiencers. Although Mehweb is clearly close to the northern varieties of Dargwa, it has been long isolated from the main body of Dargwa varieties by speakers of Avar and Lak. As a result of both independent internal evolution and contact with its neighbours, Mehweb developed some deviant properties, including accusatively aligned egophoric agreement, a split in the feminine class, and the typologically rare grammatical categories of verificative and apprehensive. But most importantly, Mehweb is where our friends live