337 research outputs found

    Eutrofication risks as a consequence of uncontrolled feeding of the marine fish in the cages

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    Snažni razvitak industrije kaveznog uzgoja ribe u posljednjim de-setljećima doveo je marikulturu do sukobljenosti s brojnim korisnicima obalnih zona, proizvodeći ujedno čitav niz otvorenih pitanja o njenoj ekoloÅ”koj održivosti, ekonomskoj učinkovitosti i druÅ”tvenoj opravdanosti. S obzirom na biofizikalne i geomorfoloÅ”ke specifičnosti Jadrana, napose njegovu produktivnost i disperzivne mehanizme, javnost je posebno zabrinuta zbog neizbježnog organskog otpada i mogućih eutrofikacijskih procesa u ekosustavu mora. Slijedom dostupnih podataka koji se odnose na okoliÅ”ne aspekte marikulture, posebno u Sredozemlju, kao i na unapređenje sastava i tehnologije proizvodnje krmiva daje se detaljna kvantifikacija nutrijenata koji kaveznim uzgojem ribe dospijevaju u morski okoliÅ”, te se posebno analiziraju potencijalni rizici po morski okoliÅ”. Novije zootehničke mjere, izbor sirovina u hrani, povećanje sadržaja masti kao glavnog energenta na uÅ”trb bjelančevina rezultirali su znatnim unapređenjem ekoloÅ”kih i ekonomskih performansi kaveznog uzgoja. Ocijenjeno je da su rizici eutrofikacije u jednom oligotrofnom moru kakav je Jadran posve mali. Negativni ekoloÅ”ni učinci su mogući na lokalnoj razini, posebno ako se kavezni uzgoj odvija u geomorfoloÅ”ki neprikladnim zonama i ukoliko je zbog upravljanja uzgajaliÅ”ta na djelu veliki rasap hrane.Vigorous development of industrial cage fish breeding has brought mariculture into conflict with numerous users of coastal zones raising, at the same time, a whole series of open questions on its ecological sustainability, economic efficiency and social justification. With respect to biophysical and geomorphological specific qualities of the Adriatic sea, particularly its productive and dispersion mechanisms the public is particularly worried about the unavoidable organic waste and possible eutrophic processes in the ecosystem of the sea. Following the available data connected with the environmental aspects of mariculture, particularly in the Mediterranean, as well as the improvement of the system and technology of feed production a detailed nutrient quantification is given, which in cage breeding ends up in the sea. Recent zootechnical measures, selection of feed ingredients, the increase of fat as the main energy source at the expense of proteins have resulted in significant improvement of ecological and economic performance in cage breeding. It has been established that the risks of eutrophication in the olygotrophyc sea like the Adriatic are quite small. Negative ecological effects are possible on a local level, parĀ¬ticularly if cage breeding is in geomorphologically inadequate zones and if due to poor management there is a great waste of feed

    MBA.Con. ā€“ Additional knowledge For civil engineers

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    The master of business administration degree (MBA) is the most popular business qualification in the world, and it has become a prerequisite for most management positions. MBA in Construction program launched at the University of Zagreb is specially designed and adapted to the specific needs of the construction industry, as ā€œgeneralā€ MBA is not always suitable for engineers holding managerial jobs in companies and/or in construction projects... The paper presents problems that have emerged during the execution of the program as well as suggestions for its further improvement. How to sustain the continuity of quality university education while taking into account the reality of the lack of time for education is a problem that faces not only students and their future employers, but in the first place university teachers who are expected to pass on knowledge

    Five-Year Report of Croatian Medical Journalā€™s Research Integrity Editor ā€“ Policy, Policing, or Policing Policy

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    Imagine an action sequence before the opening credits, a combination of an action thriller and a sword-and-sorcery movie: It is raining outside. That and the fog make this day just another one in a long line of days one should forget as soon as possible. Our righteous ā€œheroā€, ie, the Research Integrity Editor, is in his tent, ie, the offices of the Croatian Medical Journal (CMJ). By a signal fire heā€™s been warned of another foe (a reviewer/co-editor has red-flagged a manuscript, instantly turning it into a ā€œcaseā€). A foe gaining in strength and number (hopefully not), a dark Lord whose forces are in the valley below, hidden by the fog and the rain (obfuscation of actual author contributions). But the hero has lit his torch, ie, computers with access to the journalā€™s databases and PubMed (1), WAME (2), ORI (3), and COPE (4) websites, sharpened his sword (gathered what little wit he has), and is ready to overcome (well, at least investigate, process, and advise) another foe, another arch-enemy (a possible case of research/publication misconduct). Ah, what a feat! It seems another skirmish is ahead. But greater things are at stake. Is our hero going to make it? Will righteousness prevail? Will he win the battle? Can it be won? Is there a battle at all? Why is he fighting? For whom? Does he need the fight? Does anyone? Not likely questions for our hero. He pushes on. Relentlessly. Or until the opening credits start. Which is right about ā€¦ now

    Development of automatic fringe assembly algorithm for overset meshes in Foam-Extend software

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    U ovom radu je opisana tehnika overset mreža koriÅ”tena u foam-extend softverskom paketu, novorazvijeni algoritam za pronalazak interpolacijskog sloja, kao i teorija bočnog porinuća brodova s horizontalnog ležaja pomoću sustava zakretnih saonika. Tijekom nekoliko posljednjih desetljeća, tehnika overset mreža, poznata kao i tehnnika Chimera ili preklapajućih mreža, se razvija u području računalne dinamike fluida (RDF). Tehnika overset mreža, u postupku prostorne diskretizacije računalne domene, podrazumijeva koriÅ”tenje viÅ”e računalnih mreža (overset regija), koje nisu povezane i generirane su zasebno. Sustav overset mreža se uobičajeno sastoji od pozadinske mreže kojom se diskretizira Å”ire okruženje objekta, te od jedne ili viÅ”e mreža kojima se prostorno diskretizira računalna domena u blizini samog objekta. Ovaj pristup najveći značaj ima u simulacijama tokova fluida u kojima je prisutno viÅ”e objekata, kao i u simulacijama s pomičnim objektima i objektima u neposrednoj blizini ili zahvatu. Jednako tako se ovaj pristup koristi u parametrizacijskim i optimizacijskim proračunima. Ovaj pristup omogućuje brže i jednostavnije generiranje računalnih mreža visoke kvalitete, koje su u većini slučajeva strukturirane. Interpolacija polja fizikalnih veličina izmedu mreža se odvija kroz tzv. interpolacijski sloj. U ovom radu je razvijen automatski algoritam za odredivanje interpolacijskog sloja. Algoritam je implementiran u foam-extend softverski paket. Testiranje algoritma kao pretprocesorskog alata je provedeno na tri testna slučaja te na jednom testnom slučaju s prisustvom strujanja fluida. Prvi testni slučaj je dvo-komponentna overset mreža cilindra u kanalu. Testirana je mogućnost algoritma da pronade interpolacijski sloj s i bez relativnih gibanja mreža, odnosno statički i dinamički interpolacijski sloj. Drugi testni slučaj je tro-komponentna overset mreža NACA 4412 aeroprofila. Testirana je mogućnost pronalaska statičkog interpolacijskog sloja na sustavu koji se sastoji od viÅ”e od dvije mreže. Treći testni slučaj je Å”estero-komponentna overset mreža ONR Tumblehome broda. Posljednji testni slučaj je bočno porinuće broda s horizontalnog ležaja pomoću sustava zakretnih saonika (dvo-komponentna overset mreža). Ovdje je testirana mogućnost algoritma da pronade dinamički interpolacijski sloj u numeričkoj simulaciji s prisustvom strujanja fluida. Jednako tako, ovaj testni slučaj je koriÅ”ten i za validaciju Naval Hydro softverskog paketa.In this thesis, overset mesh approach used in foam-extend software, newly developed fringe assembly algorithm and side launching of a ship by tipping table theory are presented. Throughout the past few decades, the overset mesh approach, also known as Chimera and overlapping mesh approach, is being developed in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Overset meshing refers to the use of multiple disconnected meshes (overset regions), which are meshed separately, to discretise the flow domain. Overset mesh system typically consists of a background mesh adapted to the environment and one or more overset meshes attached to bodies, overlapping with the background mesh. This approach has much of its advantages in the computation of multiple-body and moving body problems as well as in parametric studies and optimisation analyses. The interpolation of the field data between meshes occurs through the fringe layer. For the purpose of this Thesis, an automatic fringe assembly algorithm for overset meshes is developed and implemented in foam-extend software. Validation has been carried out on three test cases without and one test case with fluid flow present. The first test case was a two-levels mesh of a cylinder in a channel. Capability to obtain static and dynamic overset mesh assembly was tested. The second test case was a three-levels mesh of NACA 4412 airfoil, where the capability of obtaining static overset fringe assembly on overset mesh system which contains more than two meshes was tested. The third test case was six-levels ONR Tumblehome ship. The last test case was a side launching of a tanker by tipping table principle, where the capability to obtain dynamic overset fringe assembly with a presence of fluid flow, as well as Naval Hydro Pack, were tested


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    New teaching strategies include significant use of computers but the effectiveness of those methods based on the use of computers is low if the inclusion of interactive teaching methods and studentsā€™ intellectual engagement is ignored. Digital resources are not the ones that affect the learning outcomes but teaching methods that are accompanied by the implementation of various educational technologies. If we just change the media which presents teaching content and thereby keep the same teaching methods as before, the effectiveness of teaching remains the same. Digital resources differ with respect to the potential of creating learning situations. Some digital resources facilitate the implementation of interactive teaching to a greater extent from others. A survey was conducted in Croatia in order to test the effectiveness of one of the strategies involving digital resources. The results indicate that application of appropriate digital resources has a positive effect on learning and acquiring the concepts in physics. The results are an indicator for the research that follows which will examine the teaching method that involves interaction at all stages of teaching process and highlights the use of digital resources as one of the tools for the realization of interactivity and studentā€™s intellectual activity enlargement.Mnoge od novih nastavnih strategija uključuju značajnu uporabu računala no treba naglasiti da je učinkovitost samih metoda baziranih na uporabi računala niska ukoliko se zanemari uključivanje interaktivnih nastavnih metoda kao i intelektualna angažiranost učenika. Nisu digitalni materijali ti koji utječu na krajnje ishode učenja, nego su to nastavne metode koje prate primjenu različitih nastavnih tehnologija. Drugim riječima, promijenimo li samo medije putem kojih prezentiramo nastavne sadržaje, a zadržimo pri tome iste nastavne metode kao i ranije, efikasnost nastave ostaje ista. Digitalni materijali se međusobno razlikuju obzirom na potencijal stvaranja nastavnih situacija. Neki digitalni materijali u većoj mjeri olakÅ”avaju realizaciju interaktivne nastave od drugih. U svrhu ispitivanja učinkovitosti jedne od strategija koja uključuje računalo i digitalne materijale provedeno je testno ispitivanje u Republici Hrvatskoj. Rezultati ispitivanja upućuju na zaključak kako primjena odgovarajućih digitalnih materijala ima pozitivan učinak na učenje i savladavanje koncepata iz fizike. Također, rezultati istraživanja indikator su za istraživanje koje slijedi, a kojim će se ispitati nastavna metoda koja uključuje interaktivnost u svim fazama nastavnog procesa i ističe koriÅ”tenje digitalnih materijala kao jednog od alata za ostvarivanje interaktivnosti i povećanja učenikove intelektualne aktivnosti

    Klonsko razmnožavanje bundeve (Cucurbita pepo L.) kulturom nodalnih segmenata in vitro

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    Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) plantlets originated from (6-8 -day-old) seedling shoot tips and somatic embryos ā€” most of them from long-term callus lines, were cloned by nodal explants on agar solidified MS medium without hormones or MS containing IAA and/or BA. The effects of exogenous growt regulators on shoot elongation, root formation and rate of multiplication were investigated. The best development of shoots derived from seedling explants was achieved on MS supplemented with 2.9 pM IAA and 0.22 pM BA, and from somatic embryo shoot explants on MS medium with 5.7 pM IAA. Root formation was obtained on MS without hormones, and MS supplemented with 5.7 pM IAA, or with 2.9 pM IAA and 0.22 pM BA. The last combination of hormones induced callus proliferation at the basal end of shoots but more abundant roots than on medium without BA.Kloniranje biljaka bundeve (Cucurbita pepo L.) u uvjetima in vitro postignuto je na krutoj MS hranidbenoj podlozi bez regulatora rastenja ili uz dodatak IAA i BA u niskim koncentracijama. Za početne eksplantate koriÅ”teni su nodalni segmenti biljčica razvijenih iz vegetacijskih vrÅ”- kova 6ā€”8 dana starih klijanaca isklijavanih u uvjetima in vitro ili iz somatskih embrija. Najbolji rast izdanaka i kompletnih biljaka postignut je na podlozi s dodatkom 2,9 PM IAA i 0,22 pM BA, bez obzira na različitu izvornost eksplantata

    Simulation of electricity market using stochastic method of production costs

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    Procesi liberalizacije tržiÅ”ta el. energije elektroprivrednim kompanijama uvjetuju sve teže donoÅ”enje odluka u vidu srednjoročnog i dugoročnog planiranja; kao Å”to je planiranje proizvodnje, održavanja, izgradnje novih objekata i sl. U svrhu razmatranja složenijih pitanja i donoÅ”enja strateÅ”kih ciljeva vrÅ”e se simulacije elektroenergetskog sustava različitim metodama. Simulacijama se, na temelju ograničenog broja ulaznih podataka, pokuÅ”ava predvidjeti stanje na tržiÅ”tu u određenom vremenskom razdoblju. U radu su obrađene dvije takve metode simulacije: grafoanalitička metoda simulacije vjerojatnih troÅ”kova proizvodnje i Monte Carlo simulacija načinjena u DIgSILENT softveru. Grafoanalitičkom metodom prikazano je modeliranje termoelektrana, vjetroelektrana, računanje vrijednosti vode kod hidroelektrana s raspodjeljivom proizvodnjom te proračun relevantnih indeksa kvalitete tržiÅ”ta putem izrade krivulje trajanja ekvivalentnog opterećenja. DIgSILENT simulator, za razliku od grafoanalitičke metode, uzima u obzir stvarnu strukturu sustava, prije svega prijenosne kapacitete s njihovim tehničkim ograničenjima. U svrhu Monte Carlo simulacije odabrana je testna mreža pouzdanosti na kojoj su se izmjenjivali parametri scenarija, poput povećanja opterećenja i ulaza novih proizvodnih kapaciteta, te su načinjene ukupno 3 simulacije. Izlaznim varijablama simulacija prikazani su važni tehnički aspekti elektroenergetskog sustava kao Å”to su dostatnost kapaciteta i sigurnost opskrbe s posebnim naglaskom na uvođenje kogeneracijskih elektrana na biomasu manjeg instaliranog proizvodnog kapaciteta u proizvodni miks. Usporedbom simulacija prikazano je da grafoanalitička metoda u praksi ima limitiranu uporabu ukoliko se razmatraju složeniji sustavi, dok računalna simulacija predstavlja odgovarajuć izbor prilikom definiranja strateÅ”kog ponaÅ”anja sudionika tržiÅ”ne utakmice. Jedini nedostatak računalne simulacije je Å”to koriÅ”teni softver trenutno ne može prikazati sve referentne indekse tržiÅ”ne kvalitete Monte Carlo metodom.The processes of liberalization of electricity markets are having effect on power companies by making their decision process even more difficult in medium-term and long-term planning; such as production planning, maintenance, construction of new facilities etc. Various simulation methods of power system are available to deal with complex issues and also for consideration of strategic objectives. The aim is to predict behaviour of electricity market in a given time period with simulations based on a limited number of input data. Two such simulation methods are demonstrated in this paper: graphoanalytical probabilistic production cost simulation and Monte Carlo simulation made in DIgSILENT software. Model of thermal power plants, wind power model, calculation of water value of dispatchable hydro power and calculation of relevant electric market system indices, by creating equivalent load duration curve, is shown using graphoanalytical method. Unlike the graphoanalytical method DIgSILENT simulator considers the real structure of system, primarily transmission capacity with its technical constraints. Reliability test system was selected for Monte Carlo simulation with different scenario parameters, such as load increase and input of new generating capacities, making a total of 3 simulations. Important technical aspects of the power system, such as the adequacy of capacity and security of supply, are output variables of these simulations - with particular emphasis on the introduction of cogeneration biomass power plants with smaller installed generation capacity that are added into the generation mix. Comparison of simulations shows that graphoanalytical method has limited use in practice if more complex systems are considered, while computer simulation represents an appropriate choice in defining the strategic behaviour of participants in electricity market. Used software in its current version is unable to display all of the key indices of market quality using Monte Carlo method, which represents the only disadvantage of computer simulation


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    Cilj: Cilj ovog rada je ispitati promjene biokemijskih i hematoloÅ”kih parametara koje nastaju tijekom čuvanja koncentrata trombocita. Materijali i metode: Analizirano je deset koncentrata trombocita prvog dana proizvodnje, te deset koncentrata Å”estog dana od uzimanja krvi. U navedenim uzorcima biokemijski parametari (natrij, kalij i pH) su analizirani na analizatoru RAPIDlab 1265, Siemens. HematoloÅ”ki parametri, broj leukocita, trombocita te trombocitni indeksi (MPV, PDW i PCT) su analizirani na hematoloÅ”kom brojaču Advia 2120i, Siemens. Statistička obrada podataka je napravljena pomoću Microsoft Excel 2010. Za dobivene vrijednosti izračunata je aritmetička sredina, standardna devijacija, medijan te minimum i maksimum. Rezultati: Iz dobivenih rezultata utvrđene su manja promjene ispitivanih parametara u koncentratima trombocita prvog i Å”estog dana čuvanja. Vrijednost kalija Å”estog dana od dana proizvodnje porasla je za 0,15 mmol/L, natrija je pala za 0,1 mmol/L, srednji volumen trombocita je pao za 0,1 fL, a pH je pao za 0,14. Zaključak: Razlike između ispitivanih parametra (Na, K, pH, leukocita, trombocita i trombocitnih indeksa) u koncentratu trombocita prvog dana proizvodnje i Å”estog dana proizvodnje su minimalna. Rezultati ispitivanja pokazuju da su ispitivani parametri u prihvatljivim granicama i na kraju roka valjanosti. Ovaj rad je poticaj za istraživanje dodatnih parametara u svrhu proučavanja kvalitete i funkcije koncentrata trombocita radi produljenja roka valjanosti.Objective: The aim of this study was to examine changes in biochemical and hematological parameters that occur during storage of platelet concentrates. Materials and Methods: We analyzed ten platelet concentrates on the first day of production, as well as ten concentrate on the sixth day from the date of production. In these samples biochemical parameters (sodium, potassium and pH) were analyzed by the analyzer RAPIDlab 1265, Siemens. Hematological parameters, leukocyte count, platelet count and platelet indices (MPV, PDW and PCT) were analyzed on a hematology analyzer Advia 2120, Siemens. Statistical analysis was done using Microsoft Excel 2010th. The arithmetic mean, standard deviation, median, the maximum and minimum mean were calculated for the obtained values. Results: The results showed minor changes in the parameters examined in platelet concentrates first and sixth days of storage. Value potassium sixth days of production increased by 0.15 mmol/L, sodium level decreased by 0.1 mmol/L, mean platelet volume decreased by 0.1 fl and pH decreased by 0,14. Conclusion: The differences between the studied parameters (Na, K, pH, leukocytes, platelets and platelet index) in the platelet concentrate on the first day of production, and on the sixth day of production are minimal. Results of this study indicates that the examined parameters are still within acceptable limits at the end of the shelf life. This study have an incentive to explore some other parameters in order to study the quality and function of platelet concentrates to extend shelf life

    Educators Organization and Planning for Outdoor Play: Action Research

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    Istraživanjem je istaknuta potreba izjednačavanja važnosti koja se pridaje poticajnoj okolini u unutarnjem i vanjskom prostoru i način na koji odgojitelji organiziraju navedene prostore te planiraju aktivnosti i poticaje u njima te su osnaživane kompetencije odgojitelja za organizaciju i planiranje boravka na otvorenom. Neposrednim uvidom u praksu je postalo vidljivo kako su rijetko bile organizirane i planirane aktivnosti na otvorenom te je, osim velikih statičnih rekvizita, dvoriÅ”te bilo bez drugih poticaja. Odgojitelji su najčeŔće samo nadzirali ponaÅ”anje djece, upozoravajući na sigurnost i poÅ”tivanje pravila. Stoga se pokuÅ”alo osvijestiti stavove odgojitelja uvođenjem promjena u izgledu i organizaciji dvoriÅ”ta te formiranjem različitih vanjskih centara aktivnosti. Kroz istraživanje vidljive su promjene u stavovima odgojitelja i ponaÅ”anju djece u odnosu na inicijalno stanje.The research highlighted the need to equalize the importance attached to the stimulating environment in indoor and outdoor spaces and the way in which educators organize these spaces, plan activities and incentives in them, and strengthen the educators\u27 competences for organizing and planning outdoor stays. Through direct insight into the practice, it became evident that outdoor activities were rarely organized and planned and, apart from large static equipment, the yard was free of other incentives. Most often, educators only monitored children\u27s behaviour, warning them to be careful and obey the rules. Therefore, an attempt was made to raise educators\u27 awareness by introducing changes in the layout and the organization of the courtyard and by forming different external centres of activity. The research shows changes in educators\u27 attitudes and childrenā€™s behaviour in relation to their initial state

    Improvement of flow pattern in friction pump

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    U ovom zavrÅ”nom radu provedene su modifikacije geometrije strujnih dijelova tarne pumpe koje su dovele do poboljÅ”anja slike strujanja u smislu smanjenja područja s recirkulacijskim strujanjem. Geometrija strujnih dijelova tarne pumpe modelirana je u komercijalnom CAD i CAE programskom paketu SOLIDWORKS na pojednostavljeni način poradi zaključaka izvedenih u prethodnih radovima. Modelirano je viÅ”e geometrija. Značajna su dva konstrukcijska rjeÅ”enja. Prvo konstrukcijsko rjeÅ”enje je namijenjeno radnom području pri većim volumnim protocima. Drugo konstrukcijsko rjeÅ”enje, ujedno i usvojeno, namijenjeno je Å”irem radnom području. U radu je prikazan put do usvojenog konstrukcijskog rjeÅ”enja, popraćen prikazima geometrija, prostornih diskretizacija i strujnica. Nakon prvoga konstrukcijskog rjeÅ”enja, prikazana je usporedba rezultata računalne simulacije s približnim analitičkim rjeÅ”enjem uzimajući prirast tlaka kao glavni parametar te interpretacija odstupanja rjeÅ”enja. Prikazana su polja tangencijalnih naprezanja po zidovima modela i u struji radnoga fluida koja nema doticaja sa zidovima u radnoj točki pumpe koja odgovara čovjeku koji boluje od hipertenzije. Prikazana je usporedba s poljima iz prethodnog rada na Å”to je dan osvrt. Na kraju rada je dan prikaz dviju radnih karakteristika pumpe pri različitim brojevima okretaja i međuovisnosti prirasta tlaka o brzini vrtnje vratila pri konstantnom volumnom protoku. Prostorna diskretizacija modela provedena je koriÅ”tenjem platforme SALOME. Numerički proračun, uz stacionarne uvjete strujanja, je proveden u računalnom programu OpenFOAM.In this baccalareus graduate thesis geometry modifications of pump parts which affect working fluid flow are made. Those modifications improved the flow pattern and therefore recirculation flow areas were minimized. Friction pump geometry is modified using a commercial solid modelling computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided engineering (CAE) computer program SOLIDWORKS. Friction pump geometry is simplified by following conclusions from the past research. Several geometry modifications are made. There are two main design solutions. First design solution is purposed for higher volume rate operating range. The second design solution is purposed for wider volume rate operating range. Second design solution is adopted. In this thesis design stages are attached. Geometry modifications, mesh discretization of a domain and streamlines are also attached in every design stage. After the first construction design, comparison between computer simulation results and the approximate analytical solution is made taking the increase in pressure as a main parameter. Difference between them is analyzed. Fields of wall shear stress and shear stress in the power of the working fluid which has no contact with the walls of the operating point of the pump which benefits a man suffering from hypertension are attached. The comparison with the subjects from the previous work is reflected here. At the end of this thesis, two pump characteristic curves Q-Ī”p (for the same shaft rotational speed but different volume flow rate) and pressure increase - shaft rotation speed Ī”p-n (for the constant volume flow rate) are attached. Domain is discretized using a SALOME platform. Numerical calculations of steady-state flow is performed using OpenFOAM, software tool for computional fluid dynamics
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