439 research outputs found

    The Pedagogical Problems of Making the Educational Aim More Specific

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    When one discusses the dissemination of the educational aims and tasks on a theoretical, as well as a methodological level, it is important to highlight that pedagogy, being the science of education that it is, finds solutions in differing directions. One is theoretical, and the other is the realization of the sum of the demands of working in the field of education. More often than not, educational aims come from the basic demands of society. They can also be taken from documents of state, laws, resolutions etc. Sometimes, they can be set too wide and can be too general. This is thought to be the reason of insufficient clarity of the educational aim when we discuss making the educational aim more specific and realizing it in the educational process itself. This is where we find the need to further develop the educational aim and make it more specific in order to make it possible to realize for a practical educational purpose and to realize the educational goals of the person we are trying to educate. This process of specification relates to two levels. One is the scientifically-theoretical, and the other is a practical one. This paper, therefore, deals with ways of making the educational aim more specific and realizing it in the educational process. The paper also highlights the importance of basing the educational aim in a scientific, as well as a theoretical, approach and making it more specific in order to achieve it as fully as possible in the educational process. The paper presents a curriculum approach to the realization of the educational aim and its specification. By doing so, it creates the basis for acting in a scientific-theoretical way, as well as in a practical one

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    The Contractor\u27s Perspective: The Contractor\u27s Place in TMDL Litigation

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    The Effects of ESL on Refugees\u27 Perception and Use of Native Language

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    We examine effects of ESL (English as a Second Language) learning on adult refugees\u27 perceptions of language. Specifically, we explore whether and how motivations to learn English affect the way refugees use and view their native language. The population addressed in this study is adult refugees over the age of eighteen who are learning English as an additional language. All participants attend a grant-funded adult education ESL school in western Ohio. Whereas much research has explored themes such as the dynamics of ESL classrooms, motivations to learn English among learners of English, and the maintenance of a native or heritage language in English-dominant society (e.g., Bal, 2014; Bell, 2014; Duran, 2016; Fruja, 2017; Kanno & Varghese, 2010; Perry, 2013; Sadowski, 2004; Shiffman, 2019; Snell, 2018; Tadayon & Khodi, 2017; Warriner, 2004), only a handful of studies addresses these topics simultaneously (e.g., Duran, 2016). Since all of the participants in the study are learning English at the same site, this study has been framed as a case study. Surveys were administered by the first author to three of the five classes at the ESL school. Nineteen of the surveys will be used in this study. A majority of the data is drawn from five individual interviews and one class interview/discussion, all conducted by the first author. Because of the significance of the population being addressed, and the potential educational and social implications of this study, we wish to present this research as a way to start a conversation about the impact of ESL on the way refugees view and use their native language

    A pszichoanalízis és a pszichiátria "ontológiai bizonytalansága" a posztmodern medicina kulturális hátterével = The "ontological insecurity" of psychoanalysis and psychiatry in the cultural frame of Post-modern medicine

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    A projekt témájában szereplő területek ontológiai bizonytalanságával kapcsolatban a kutatás foglalkozott az ún. "Freud temetése" vita argumentumaival és a Freud-üldözést meghatározó kulturális folyamatokkal. Az erre vonatkozó eredményeket a Mélységvesztésben c. könyv tartalmazza. A pszichoanalízis viszontagságainak egyik fontos összetevője a pszichiátriához való viszonya, illetve az új vagy diagnosztikus pszichiátria felemelkedése a múlt század végén. E tendencia a freudi tradició kiiktatására való törekvéssel nemcsak a pszichoanalízis pozícióit kérdőjelezi meg, hanem a pszichiátria addigi fokozódó válságára adott válaszként maga is hozzájárul a pszichiátria újabb identitás kríziséhez. E két folyamat mögött ott húzódik a modern medicina és társadalmi környezetének sajátos "anyagcsere folyamata": a medikalizáció. Ennek legfőbb jellegzetessége az, hogy a társadalmi-kulturális problémák hagyományos kihordási, megoldási módjai "elavulnak" és a medicina veszi át ezek helyét. E három tényező kapcsolódik össze a trauma-kultúra elnevezésű jelenségben. Ennek elemzése kiválóan illusztrálja a kutatás témájául megjelölt összefüggéseket. A kutatás túlnyomó része már publikációkban megjelent. A legjelentősebbek: Mélységvesztésben, Új-Mandátum, 2006, Medikalizáció sorozat LAM (LAM díj 2005). | The first phase of the research - related to the concept of ontological insecurity - was the investigation of the arguments of 'Burying Freud' debate and the cultural-social-theoretical background of the Freud?bashing. The outcome can be found in the book 'Mélységvesztésben' (Loosing depth). One of the most important components of the vicissitudes of psychoanalysis is its relationship to psychiatry and especially to the rise of new or diagnostic psychiatry. This tendency has been moving psychoanalysis from its outstanding position in the psy-complex. At the same time, as a provisionary solution for the crisis of psychiatry, it creates a new set of identity problems for psychiatry: with repressing the Freudian tradition, psychiatry distances itself from approaches, attitudes, methods which are not mainly natural scientific, technical ones. Behind this change in the stance of psychiatry, a special 'metabolism' between medicine and society, namely medicalization, can be found. It means that social and cultural problems which previously were surveyed and controlled by traditional institutions are nowadays increasingly being pushed into the field of medicine. These three fields of research are connected together in the concept of 'trauma culture'. A deep analysis of this phenomenon is a good illustration for mutual relatedness of the themes of this research project. Main publication: Mélységvesztésben, Új Mandátum, 2006; Medikalizáció LAM (LAM Award 2005)

    Anaerobic digestion of Green Willow Biomass, a novel lignocellulosic substrate, and the evaluation of H2-induced stress in anaerobic bioreactors by genome-resolved metatranscriptomics

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    The harmful impact of humanity on the Earth system includes the increasing rate of species extinction, deforestation, climate change, environmental pollution and overpopulation. One central issue is the increasing global energy demand, which is still met with 80% by fossil fuels. The burning of these contributes to many of the beforementioned global issues, as they produce green-house-gases (GHG) and pollutants. Fortunately, reducing their share is the target of several international treaties. Renewable energies provide an alternative to this, but their combined usage is required to provide effective GHG-mitigation. Biomass is a ubiquitous renewable energy source that can be harnessed in many ways. Because its many advantages, one very promising technology for alternative energy generation from biomass is the anaerobic digestion process (AD). In the context of climate change, the generation of biogas as a form of renewable energy has become popular and was intensively examined over the last few decades. In the course of my doctoral work, I aimed to contribute to the following two major challenges that biogas industry faces: 1.) To find novel substrates that have high biogas production potential, yet cheap to produce and do not come into contradiction with the food vs feed debate, as traditional substrates, such as maize do. Willow biomass may be a promising choice, since producing it has many advantages, including low production costs and the possibility of growing it on marginal lands, but the high amounts of lignin in the woody biomass hindered its usage as a substrate for biogas generation until now. To this end, I utilized a novel lignocellulosic biogas substrate: the young shrubs of the short-rotation coppice willow (Salix spp.), which I termed Green Willow Biomass (GWB). 2.) The coupling of other renewable sources, such as photovoltaics and wind energy, with biogas to harness their excess energy produced when the energy consumption rate is lower than its generation. This can be achieved with a process called a power-to-methane (P2bioCH4), wherein the excess energy is used to generate H2 via water electrolysis, which in turn is fed to an anaerobic digester to increase the methane concentration of the produced biogas. To better understand this in situ biological biogas upgrading process (BBU), I investigated the near-immediate effects of hydrogen-addition on the biogas producing microbial community via a metatranscriptomic approach. Within the first part of my research, I analyzed the fermentation efficiency of GWB, based on parameters, such as maximal methane yields (K) and highest methane production rates (µmax). This showed that both the commercial willow genotype (EN) and the novel tetraploid variant (PP) can be viable alternative AD feedstocks. Perhaps even more so when considering CSTR fermentations and industrial-scales operations because the GWB’s higher µmax values, compared to woody willow (WWB). In addition to the laboratory experiments, I estimated the biomass yields (t/ha) based on a small-scale field experiment to compare the energy potential of GWB with other feedstocks. When considering biomass yields, GWB can be an even more promising choice, as the extractable energy potential (GJ/ha) in the August harvests of GWB almost reached and in an estimated September harvest, it can potentially surpass the corresponding yields of either maize silage or combusted woody willow. Many of these advantages come from the presence (or rather, high amounts) of leaf biomass. Therefore, my thesis provides substantial support to promote and recommend green willow biomass as valuable feedstock for biomethanation. Within the course of the second part of my thesis, I examined the early response of the biogas-producing microbial community to the presence of saturating amount of H2. I used a combined metagenomic and metatranscriptomic analysis to determine the changes of the expression levels of the various genes of the metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs), with a focus to those related to methanogenesis. My results showed that the microbial community (both the Archaea and many Bacteria) responded practically instantaneously (2 hours after the induced H2) to the changed environment. The activity of pluripotential methanogens, mainly Methanosarcina MAGs, reduced significantly, while the hydrogenotrophic Methanobacter MAGs increased. Many MAGs were unique to my samples, but these were not always just side-players, rather several of them are abundant, main-players of the community. Thus, it seems that specific microbes proliferate in the samples, which is likely the case in ultimately any AD environment. This thorough analysis of the differences between the H2-treated metatranscriptomes and corresponding controls identified the early events in the microbial communities brought about by the H2 addition, contributing to our understanding of the BBU mechanism in a P2bioCH4 system


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    An expert associate pedagogue is a key carrier of the developmental-pedagogical activity in a school. The aim of this activity is to foresee, design, encourage, and guide the development of the educational activity of a school for the purpose of synchronizing the needs of students and their developmental potentials. A pedagogue’s area of work is extremely large. It refers to attendance in all areas of the developmental-pedagogical process, starting with planning and programming and goes all the way to the evaluation of the achieved results. Also, the pedagogue has an important role in the advancement of the developmental-pedagogical process, from monitoring the educational process to organizing professional development and implementation and encouragement of active research. Monitoring the developmental-pedagogical process refers to monitoring the achievements of developmental and educational plans and programs and the quality of monitoring the same, monitoring of the actualization of extracurricular activities and the direct actualization of the developmental-pedagogical process. Professional development modernizes the knowledge of the teachers which they gained during the beginning of their education and perfects their professional skills. The role of the pedagogue is to encourage teachers and motivate them for active research with which teachers solve perceived problems and advance their practice towards the set goals. Using theoretical analysis, this paper will give an overview of certain areas of a pedagogue’s methods in teaching and school with an emphasis on more contemporary context. The aim of this paper is to provide an insight into certain areas of action of an expert associate pedagogue, which are in service of improving the educational process of a contemporary school
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