436 research outputs found

    Hydrobiological service for observations and control of surface waters in the USSR

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    Technological progress, having reached in our time an unprecedented speed, is still increasing the rate of mineral extraction, industrial construction, and the mastering of new kinds of energy is growing. Correspondingly the anthropogenic load on the biosphere is increased and that requires the comprehensive development of monitoring the anthropogenic changes in the natural environment. Among problems resulting from the scientific-technological development, a noticeable place is given to the problem of pure water. Surface land waters proved to be a sensitive link in the natural environment. The hydrobiological service for observations and control of the surface waters is one of the subsystems of the State/Federal Service for Observations and Control of pollution levels in environmental objects, conducted by the USSR State Committee for Hydrometeor- ology and Control of the Natural Environment. This paper summarises the the main principles of the organisation and goals of the national system of monitoring of the state of the natural environment in the USSR


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    This paper offers findings based on analysis of data drawn from a 2015 survey of 286 children and adolescents in Slovakia. This study investigates what the patterns of use of Social Networking Sites (SNSs) are among Slovak children and adolescents. The results demonstrate that SNSs are popular among young people, and that even children younger than 13 have SNS profiles, and mainly access the Internet at home. They tend to spend more time using SNSs at weekends than on school days. The majority of parents do not apply restrictions in relation to Internet and SNSs use. The study aims to determine what factors predict the use of SNSs. Factors such as sex, age, time spent on the Internet, viewing SNSs as a freer place, and experience with cyberbullying were taken into consideration.Die vorliegende Studie bietet die Ergebnisse der Datenanalyse aus dem Jahr 2015. Im Rahmen der Studie wurde eine fragebogenbasierte Befragung bei 286 Kindern und Adoleszenten aus der Slowakei durgeführt. Autor der Studie erforscht das Nutzen von sozialen Netzwerken unter slowakischen Kindern und Adoleszenten. In Ergebnissen wird die Hypothese bestätigt, dass die jungen Menschen Vorliebe für soziale Netzwerke haben. Zu denen gehören auch die Kinder, die unter dreizehn Jahre sind und sie haben ein eigenes Profil in sozialen Netzwerken. Die Studie ist zum Schluss gekommen, dass die jungen Menschen vor allem zu Hause den Internetanschluss nutzen und sie verbringen im Internet mehr Zeit am Wochenende als unter der Woche. Die Mehrheit der Eltern setzt ihren Kindern keine Limitierungen bei der Nutzung vom Internet. Genauso ist es auch mit dem Gebrauch sozialer Netzwerke. Eins der Ziele der Studie war, es festzustellen, von welchen Faktoren die Nutzung sozialer Netzwerke determiniert ist. Unter analysierten Faktoren waren: das Geschlecht, die verbrachte Zeit im Internet, die Wahrnehmung sozialer Netzwerke als einen Raum mit grösser Freiheit und die Erfahrungen mit Cybermobbing

    Double-crystal spectrometer measurements of lattice parameters and X-ray topography on heterojunctions GaAs-AlxGa1−xAs

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    Heterojunctions GaAs-AlxGa1-xAs involved in the elaboration of IR laser diodes have been studied. The difference in lattice parameter between the GaAs substrate and the aluminum-substituted epitaxic layer AlxGa1-xAs has been measured accurately on a double-crystal spectrometer for a series of compositions. These data coupled with radius of curvature determination have permitted calculation of the stress in the layer and the bulk lattice parameter of AlxGa1-xAs. Characterization of the defects introduced during the liquid-phase epitaxy has been performed by X-ray topography

    Astrocytes in Pathogenesis of Multiple Sclerosis and Potential Translation into Clinic

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    Astrocytes are the most abundant glial cells in the central nervous system (CNS) and play a pivotal role in CNS homeostasis and functionality. Malfunction of astrocytes was implicated in multiple neurodegenerative diseases, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Parkinson’s disease (PD), Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and multiple sclerosis (MS). The involvement of astrocytes in the pathology of neurodegenerative disorders supports the rationale of transplantation of healthy human astrocytes that can potentially compensate for diseased endogenous astrocytes. In this review, we will focus on the roles of astrocytes in the healthy CNS and under MS conditions. We will describe the cell sources and current cell-based therapies for MS with a focus on the potential of astrocyte transplantation. In addition, we will cover immerging early-stage clinical trials in MS that are currently being conducted using cell-based therapies

    Map Making Using Particle Filters and Laser Scanner

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá automatickou tvorbou mapy prostředí užitím laserového scanneru. Tento problém je také znám jako simultánní lokalizace a mapování. Práce popisuje častý přístup k problému užitím částicových fitrů pro tvorbu dvojrozměrných mřížkových map. Popsána je také vlastní implementace a několik jednoduchých experimentů.This thesis describes basics of automatic map making based on odometry and laser range data of a robot. This task is also known as Simultaneous Localization and Mapping. Approach described in this thesis uses particle filters for creating planar grid-based maps. Final chapters are concerned with own implementation and some basic experiments.

    Methods of valuation of property in selected EU countries, focusing on a selected property type flat.

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    Cílem diplomové práce bylo zmapovat způsoby a metody ocenění používané v Maďarsku. Práce obsahuje historický vývoj trhu nemovitostí v Maďarsku a dostatečně popisuje současný trh, podložený čísly a grafy. Popisuje taky postup vypracování znaleckého posudku. Výsledkem práce je i kompletně vypracovaný, vzorový znalecký posudek na nemovitost typu byt, dle maďarských požadavků.The objective of the diploma thesis is to explore the ways and methods of valuation applied in Hungary. Thesis demonstrates historical evolution of property market in Hungary and describes the current market supported by data and graphs. The process of expert evidence preparation is characterized, as well. The result of the thesis is an example of a complex expert evidence for property type flat in accordance with Hungarian statutory.

    GPU Accelerated SAT Solver

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    Práce se zabývá návrhem a implementací kompletního SAT solveru akcelerovaného na GPU. V první části práce je popsána architektura grafických karet a možnosti platformy CUDA. Následuje popis algoritmů a technik pro řešení problému booleovské splnitelnosti (SAT problému). Je představena zejména rodina kompletních algoritmů založených na DPLL. Právě varianta DPLL, známa jako 3SAT-DC je kompletně převedena na GPU. Práce popisuje problémy s tímto převodem spojené, stejně jako několik optimalizací a analýz. Velkým problémem je nemožnost využít v paralelním prostředí mnohé sofistikované metody známé ze sekvenčních solverů. Řešení bylo porovnáno s obdobným algoritmem implementovaným pro CPU a bylo ukázáno, že může být až 21x rychlejší. Uvedeny jsou i návrhy, jak algoritmus dále rozšířit a akcelerovat.This thesis is concerned with design and implementation of a complete SAT solver accelerated on GPU. The achitecture of modern graphics cards is described as well as the CUDA platform and a list of common algorithms used for solving the boolean satisfiability problem (the SAT problem). The presented solution is based on the 3-SAT DC alogirthm, which belongs to the family of well-known DPLL based algorithms. This work describes problems encountered during the design and implementation. The resulting application was then analyzed and optimized. The presented solver cannot compete with state of the art solvers, but proves that it can be up to 21x faster than an equivalent sequential version. Unfortunately, the current implementation can only handle formulas of a limited size. Suggestions on further improvements are given in final sections.


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    Solar energy is used by majority of spacecraft and satellites as their source of power using triple-junction solar cells which have high power conversion efficiency but expensive making the idea of space infrastructures like space solar power plant and space factories economically unviable. The emergence of organic-inorganic metal halide Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) in 2009 lead to the development of lightweight and cost-efficient solar energy converter that has achieved record efficiency of 25.6% for single junction and 29.5% for tandem cells, as of the writing of this paper. Due to its high conversion efficiency and high power density, it is seen as a viable candidate to be used in satellites and spacecraft. This paper discusses the ground tests and the on-orbit demonstration of Perovskite solar cell with different hole-transport material that would verify the feasibility of Perovskite solar cell in space. Ground test results showed HTM free PSCs made with Carbon as back electrode have better stability than PSC with organic and inorganic HTM, albeit HTM free PSC has lower power conversion efficiency. In-orbit data was only obtained for the inorganic CuSCN HTM which showed slower degradation in space compared with the ground test done on fresh samples. Ageing of the PSCs prior to launch to space is pointed as the cause of slower degradation that allowed for stabilization of materials and reduced reaction with the environment and was demonstrated when ground tests were repeated on aged cells. Comparison between the ground test and in-orbit data showed different degradation rate values, hence improvements to ground test methodology and in-orbit data gathering were discussed to possibly arrive at the same value. Based on the derived lifetime of Perovskite solar cells in ground test and in-orbit, the tested CuSCN samples are not yet ready for space applications. Improvements in materials used, as well as encapsulation method is needed to be developed to allow PSC’s future use in space.九州工業大学博士学位論文 学位記番号:工博甲第538号 学位授与年月日:令和3年12月27日1: Introduction|2: Related Work|3: Research Methodology and Perovskite fabrication|4: Simulated space environment test|5: Perovskite solar cell mission and In-orbit data|6: Comparison between Ground test and In-orbit data|7: Conclusion九州工業大学令和3年

    Desarrollo del Servicio Hidrometeorológico en la Unión Soviética

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