15 research outputs found


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    The paper examines the meaning of like as used in similes in the light of relevance theory. Similes, even though superficially indistinguishable from literal comparisons, are found to be closer to metaphors. Therefore, it is proposed that like in similes is different from like employed in literal comparisons. In particular, it is claimed that, contrary to the current relevance-theoretic position on this issue, like in similes introduces an ad hoc concept. This like is seen as both conceptual and procedural and, as such, it is distinct from both the conceptual like used in literal comparisons and the procedural like functioning as a pragmatic marker. Such a solution accounts for the similarities and differences between similes, metaphors and literal comparisons

    Ali obstaja post-jugoslovanski model menedžmenta človeških virov?

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    The question of this paper is whether there is an ex-Yugoslavia HRM model drawing upon Western imported features fused with ethno open-socialistic and self-management elements? In the empirical part Cranet data for 341 companies from Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia are analysed. Main characteristics of HRM systems in ex-Yugoslavia are: the HRM strategic partner role is still neglected, the mind-set of taking care for everybody is omnipresent, the value of performance management is not fully entrusted, the full-time employment still predominates, and the trade unions retained their barging power. Although 30 indicators revealed specifics of ex-Yugoslavia HRM model, the theorized hybrid HRM system was not disclosed.V prispevku se ukvarjamo z vprašanjem, ali obstaja post-jugoslovanski model menedžmenta človeških virov (MČV), ki združuje značilnosti Zahoda z elementi etničnosti, odprtega socializma in samoupravljanja. V empiričnem delu na temelju podatkov Cranet analiziramo 341 podjetij iz Hrvaške, Slovenije in Srbije. Ključne značilnosti MČV v obravnavanih državah nekdanje Jugoslavije so: vloga MČV kot strateškega partnerja je še zanemarjena, vseprisotna je miselnost o potrebni skrbi za vse, vrednost upravljanja uspešnosti ni v celoti prepoznana, zaposlitev za polni delovni čas je prevladujoča in sindikati so obdržali pogajalsko moč. Čeprav je 30 indikatorjev pokazalo na posebnosti menedžmenta človeških virov na prostoru nekdanje Jugoslavije, teoretiziran hibridni sistem menedžmenta človeških virov ni bil razkrit

    Squaring the investment cycle

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    The present paper replaces the standard behavioral axioms by structural axioms and applies these to the analysis of the accumulation and decumulation of capital. This yields a coherent view of the interrelations of real and nominal saving–investment, of profit–loss, of money–credit, and of internal–external financing. The main result is that asymmetric growth is indispensable for the viability of the market system