290 research outputs found

    The Crime of Aggression under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

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    1 The Crime of Aggression under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court Abstract This diploma thesis deals with the Crime of Aggression, one of the four crimes under international law prosecuted by the International Criminal Court. The definition of this crime was adopted at the Kampala Review Conference in 2010 and the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court was activated in 2018. This is a significant milestone in the development of international criminal law, as it means a possibility of prosecuting state "leaders" for acts of aggression against other states for the first time since the end of the Second World War. The goal of this thesis is to provide a brief summary of the historical development of the Crime of Aggression, to analyse and to evaluate the newly adopted definition. The jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court over the Crime of Aggression of the will be also assessed. Last but not least, the paper elaborates on whether the Crime of Aggression has become a custom in international customary law. The first chapter deals with the position of the Crime of Aggression in relation to other crimes under international law and the issue of terms and scheme of international criminal law. Chapter two describes the complex historical development of the Crime of Aggression....Zločin agrese v ƘímskĂ©m statutu MezinĂĄrodnĂ­ho trestnĂ­ho soudu Abstrakt Tato diplomovĂĄ prĂĄce se zabĂœvĂĄ zločinem agrese, kterĂœ je jednĂ­m ze čtyƙ zločinĆŻ podle mezinĂĄrodnĂ­ho prĂĄva stĂ­hanĂœch MezinĂĄrodnĂ­m trestnĂ­m soudem. Definice tohoto zločinu byla pƙijata na KampalskĂ© reviznĂ­ konferenci v roce 2010 a jurisdikce MezinĂĄrodnĂ­ho trestnĂ­ho soudu nad tĂ­mto zločinem byla aktivovĂĄna v roce 2018. JednĂĄ se o vĂœznamnĂœ milnĂ­k ve vĂœvoji mezinĂĄrodnĂ­ho trestnĂ­ho prĂĄva, protoĆŸe poprvĂ© od konce druhĂ© světovĂ© vĂĄlky je moĆŸnĂ© stĂ­hat "vĆŻdce" stĂĄtĆŻ za spĂĄchĂĄnĂ­ ĂștočnĂ©ho činu proti jinĂœm stĂĄtĆŻm. CĂ­lem tĂ©to prĂĄce je poskytnout stručnĂ© shrnutĂ­ historickĂ©ho vĂœvoje zločinu agrese, analyzovat a zhodnotit nově pƙijatou definici. Zhodnocena bude taktĂ©ĆŸ jurisdikce MezinĂĄrodnĂ­ho trestnĂ­ho soudu nad zločinem agrese. V neposlednĂ­ ƙadě se prĂĄce zabĂœvĂĄ tĂ­m, jestli se agrese stala obyčejovou normou mezinĂĄrodnĂ­ho prĂĄva. Kapitola prvnĂ­ se věnuje postavenĂ­ zločinu agrese vƯči ostatnĂ­m zločinĆŻm podle mezinĂĄrodnĂ­ho prĂĄva a problematice uĆŸĂ­vanĂœch pojmĆŻ a systematiky v mezinĂĄrodnĂ­m trestnĂ­m prĂĄvu. Kapitola druhĂĄ popisuje sloĆŸitĂœ historickĂœ vĂœvoj zločinu agrese. V rĂĄmci historickĂ© kapitoly je pozornost věnovĂĄna hlavně mezinĂĄrodnĂ­m vojenskĂœm tribunĂĄlĆŻm v Norimberku a Tokiu, kde byly formulovĂĄny zločiny proti mĂ­ru, kterĂ© jsou pƙedchĆŻdcem zločinu agrese. Na...Department of Public International LawKatedra mezinĂĄrodnĂ­ho prĂĄvaFaculty of LawPrĂĄvnickĂĄ fakult

    Lorentzova sila

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    U radu je opisana Lorentzova sila koja se moĆŸe definirati kao sila na naboj koji se kreće magnetskim i električnim poljem. Za opisivanje Lorentzove sile je zasluĆŸan Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, nizozemski fizičar. U radu je spomenuta putanja čestice pod utjecajem Lorentzove sile. Čestica ovisi o predznaku naboja, a Lorentzova sila djeluje bočno. Lorentzovu silu povezujemo s Faradayjevim zakonom elektromagnetske indukcije, Teorijom relativnosti, rezultatom električnoga i magnetskoga polja, silom na vodič kroz koji teče struja i elektromotornom silom

    Bewertung der Agrarförderungen

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    Diese Arbeit beschreibt die Methoden der OECD und der EU, Agrarförderungen zu messen. Zum einen handelt es sich dabei um die Berechnung des PSE und anderer Kennzahlen, wie es die OECD handhabt. Mittels dieser Methode kann man die Förderungen unterschiedlicher LĂ€nder vergleichen, wenngleich es hier Verzerrungen auf Grund sich Ă€ndernder Weltmarktpreise und Wechselkurse gibt. Die OECD berechnet den PSE fĂŒr viele LĂ€nder und veröffentlicht die Ergebnisse auf ihrer Homepage. Man kann sich aber nicht alleine auf die Ergebnisse der Kennzahlen verlassen, da diese Änderungen der Maßnahmen nicht immer wiedergeben. Der PSE wurde geschaffen, um die Höhe der UnterstĂŒtzungen wiederzugeben und nicht, um die Wirkungen der Maßnahmen zu berechnen. Die EU andererseits, hat kein einheitliches, fĂŒr alle LĂ€nder gleiches System. Sie bewertet die Agrarförderungen mittels sieben Indikatoren und lĂ€sst den Mitgliedsstaaten freie Hand bei der Definition zusĂ€tzlicher Indikatoren fĂŒr die Bewertung der Agrarförderungen. Das ist zwar ein Vorteil fĂŒr die Mitgliedsstaaten, da jedes Land sowohl demografisch, geografisch als auch sozioökonomisch anders beschaffen ist und es die Wirkung der einzelnen Förderungen aussagekrĂ€ftig nachweisen kann, doch dadurch kann man die einzelnen Mitgliedsstaaten nicht direkt vergleichen. Das Bewertungssystem der EU ist daher fĂŒr Vergleiche zwischen den Mitgliedsstaaten nicht geschaffen. Andererseits kann jeder Mitgliedsstaat individuell seine Indikatoren definieren und fĂŒr sich die Wirkung der Förderungen bewerten

    Plazmonska solarna ćelija

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    Zbog rasta potrebe za električnom energijom potiče se koriĆĄtenje obnovljivih izvora energije, a u ovom će radu biti predstavljena i opisana novija istraĆŸivanja plazmoničkih solarnih ćelija te će biti izneseni zaključci iz navedenih činjenica. Jedan od glavnih problema solarnih ćelija jest poboljĆĄanje učinkovitosti radi uspostavljanja isplative i učinkovite solarne ćelije. Među različitim načinima za poboljĆĄavanje efikasnosti solarnih ćelija, mehanizam \u27\u27zarobljavanja\u27\u27 plazmoničkoga svjetla smatra se obećavajućim i pridaje mu se velika vaĆŸnost. Plazmonička solarna ćelija zahtijeva sloj metalnih nanočestica koje imaju plazmonička svojstva. Slobodni elektroni u metalu mogu se smatrati kao elektronska plazma. U tom je slučaju plazmon kvant oscilacije plazme. Plazmonska oscilacija sastoji se od plazmona, kvazičestica, i moĆŸe se opisati kao oscilacija \u27\u27elektronskoga plina\u27\u27. Ideja zarobljavanja svjetlosti moĆŸe se predočiti na tankoslojnoj solarnoj ćeliji kojoj su na vrh stavljene srebrne nanočestice sa srebrnim pozadinskim zrcalom. Svjetlosne zrake rasprĆĄene su nanočesticama u silicijsku solarnu ćeliju (efekt antirefleksije). Svjetlost koja se ne apsorbira rasprĆĄit će se natrag u donji srebrni (zrcalni) sloj. Ako se svjetlost ponovno ne apsorbira, ona će se zbog nanočestica ponovo rasprĆĄiti natrag u silicijsku ćeliju. Taj se proces nastavlja dok sva svjetlost nije apsorbirana. Svrha ovoga rada jest preispitati neke od izvedbenih i teorijskih otkrića značajnih za razvoj solarnih ćelija i opisati mehanizme kako bi se dao pregled budućih perspektiva u ovom području

    Application and technical features for home automation equipment

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    Kućna automatizacija je jedinstveni sustav s viĆĄe sustava uključenih i povezanih u jednu cjelinu kojom upravljamo preko supervizora, mobitela, tableta ili računala. Projektiranje automatizacije počinje odabirom uređaja, zatim se nastavlja crtanjem shema i zavrĆĄava realizacijom. Nakon razrađene tehničke dokumentacije i realizacije sustava slijedi instalacija i programiranje uređaja kreirajući jedinstveni sustav kućne automatizacije. Nakon osnovnog programiranja opisani su scenariji i Internet protokol koji je jedan od načina upravljanja. Rad se zaključuje prednostima i nedostacima sustava te zaključkom. U projektu su obrađeni nadzorni, sigurnosni, portafonski i sustav kućne automatizacije. Internet protokol omogućuje upravljanje sustavom preko interneta, lokalno ili daljinski. Kućna automatizacija saĆŸimanjem svega ima viĆĄe prednosti nego nedostataka i sve je viĆĄe zahtjeva za pametnom kućom

    Fabrication by Spin-Coating and Optical Characterization of Poly(styrene-co- acrylonitrile) Thin Films

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    The optical characteristics of poly(styrene-co- acrylonitrile) thin films obtained by spin- coating of polymer blend in tetrahydrofuran were investigated by spectroscopic ellipsometry, spectrophotometry, and atomic force microscopy. Film thickness can be broadly varied by changing the polymer concentration.The film thickness dependence on PSAN concentration shows a non- linear behavior that can be explained by a concentration-dependent viscosity. According to previously proposed models, prepared solutions are close to the concentrated solution regime. Films show a broad transparency range and refractive index independent of film thickness. The refractive index values range from 1.55 to 1.6 in the visible range. Thermal treatment revealed good stability of the films up to 220 °C and a progressive deterioration for larger temperatures, with evident damage at 300 °C. UV- induced photodegradation was observed and results showed a progressive decrease of transmittance in the range between 200 and 300 nm but PSAN thin films show no changes when exposed to light from a solar illuminator. These investigations indicate that PSAN is an excellent candidate for thin film polymer-based optical uses like interference coatings or encapsulation of solar cell

    Evidence for Impaired CARD15 Signalling in Crohn's Disease without Disease Linked Variants

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    BACKGROUND:Sensing of muramyl dipeptide (MDP) is impaired in Crohn's disease (CD) patients with disease-linked variants of the CARD15 (caspase activation and recruitment domain 15) gene. Animal studies suggest that normal CARD15 signalling prevents inflammatory bowel disease, and may be important for disease development in CD. However, only a small fraction of CD patients carry the disease linked CARD15 variants. The aim of this study was thus to investigate if changes could be found in CARD15 signalling in patients without disease associated CARD15 variants. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:By mapping the response to MDP in peripheral monocytes obtained from CD patients in remission not receiving immunosuppresives, an impaired response to MDP was found in patients without disease linked CARD15 variants compared to control monocytes. This impairment was accompanied by a decreased activation of IkappaB kinase alpha/beta (IKKalpha/beta), the initial step in the nuclear factor kappaB (NFkappaB) pathway, whereas activation of mitogen-activated protein (MAP)-kinases was unaffected. MDP additionally stimulates the inflammasome which is of importance for processing of cytokines. The inflammasome was constitutively activated in CD, but unresponsive to MDP both in CD and control monocytes. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:These results suggest that inhibited MDP-dependent pathways in CD patients not carrying the disease-associated CARD15 variants might be of importance for the pathogenesis of CD. The results reveal a dysfunctional immune response in CD patients, not able to sense relevant stimuli on the one hand, and on the other hand possessing constitutively active cytokine processing

    Nod2 Suppresses Borrelia burgdorferi Mediated Murine Lyme Arthritis and Carditis through the Induction of Tolerance

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    The internalization of Borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of Lyme disease, by phagocytes is essential for an effective activation of the immune response to this pathogen. The intracellular, cytosolic receptor Nod2 has been shown to play varying roles in either enhancing or attenuating inflammation in response to different infectious agents. We examined the role of Nod2 in responses to B. burgdorferi. In vitro stimulation of Nod2 deficient bone marrow derived macrophages (BMDM) resulted in decreased induction of multiple cytokines, interferons and interferon regulated genes compared with wild-type cells. However, B. burgdorferi infection of Nod2 deficient mice resulted in increased rather than decreased arthritis and carditis compared to control mice. We explored multiple potential mechanisms for the paradoxical response in in vivo versus in vitro systems and found that prolonged stimulation with a Nod2 ligand, muramyl dipeptide (MDP), resulted in tolerance to stimulation by B. burgdorferi. This tolerance was lost with stimulation of Nod2 deficient cells that cannot respond to MDP. Cytokine patterns in the tolerance model closely paralleled cytokine profiles in infected Nod2 deficient mice. We propose a model where Nod2 has an enhancing role in activating inflammation in early infection, but moderates inflammation after prolonged exposure to the organism through induction of tolerance
