277 research outputs found

    Polish-postcolonial similarities. Reception of translated postcolonial literature in Poland (1970–2010)

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    Many studies of postcolonial translation feature analyses of translational and publishing decisions and their potential influences on the relationships between the colonisers and the colonised (e.g. Jacquemond 1992, Spivak 2009, Tymoczko 1999). This article proposes a different methodology, focusing instead on the presence of translated postcolonial literature in Poland through a systematic, discursive study of its reception. Based on the results of an unpublished doctoral study (Gołuch 2013) – which analysed nearly a thousand Polish reviews discussing African, Indian, Caribbean and Middle Eastern writing, published between 1970 and 2010 – the article demonstrates that Polish reviewers increasingly often affirm Polish-postcolonial similarities, even if Orientalist, othering discourses remain present in the reviews. This finding contributes to timely debates about Polish self-perceptions. Emphasising otherness or exoticism of postcolonial texts and contexts, the reviewers tend to write from the position of Europeans and identify with Orientalist biases. Yet, the emerging discourse, which compares postcolonial experiences of migration, independence struggle and post-independence complexes with Poland’s own past and present, offers an interesting counterbalance to a long-standing tradition of othering perceptions. Focusing on specific similarities, some reviewers seem to think of Poland and themselves in postcolonial terms. Furthermore, the article contributes to scholarship on Polish postcolonialism. Numerous incisive studies examined the Partitions of Poland (1795–1918), Nazi occupation (1939–1945) and Soviet domination (1945–1989) in terms of colonisation, at the same time employing postcolonial tools to revisit issues of Polish domination over Belarusians, Lithuanians and Ukrainians, as well as Polish attitudes to non-European colonised peoples (e.g. Bakuła 2006, Buchholtz 2009, Cavanagh 2003, Fiut 2003, Gosk 2010, Janion 2006, Kłobucka 2001, Kołodziejczyk 2010, Skórczewski 2013, Thompson 2000, Wojda 2015). Notably, the themes of Poland’s status as a colonised and colonising country within the immediate region, on the one hand, and Polish perceptions of non-European postcolonial peoples, on the other, tend to be explored separately (cf. Wajda 2015). This article, however, suggests that a Polish postcolonial self-image might be emerging in response to an encounter with translated postcolonial writing and generally argues for bringing the two thematic strands together, in order to explore further the interdependencies between Poland’s postcolonialism and Polish attitudes to non-European postcolonials

    Competitive Analysis of a Service and Repair Firm

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    Import 05/08/2014Hlavním cílem práce je analyzovat konkurenci zmiňované firmy, zmapovat její pozici na trhu a pozici jejích tří konkurentů a následně tyto pozice porovnat. Teoretická část obsahuje popis metod, které byly při této analýze využity, a v praktické části je provedena samotná analýza konkurence, na základě které byly vytvořeny návrhy a doporučení, které byly předány managementu společnosti.The main goal of this bachelor´s work is to analyse competition of the company, map its market position and position of its three competitors and then compare these positions. Theoretical part consists of description of methods, that have been used and in the practical part there is the competitive analysis, which became the basis for creating suggestions and recommendations, which have been handed over to the management of the company.115 - Katedra managementuvýborn

    Evaluation of Strategies for Investing in Equity Securities

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    Tato práce je zaměřená na problematiku zhodnocování úspor především na důchodový věk. Cílem této práce je zvolit optimální investiční strategii pro zhodnocování úspor v dlouhém časovém horizontu. Pro zvolení optimální strategie, jsme využivali prvky již známých investičních filozofií. Strategii jsme poté implementovali na historická data.This work is focused on the issue of appreciation of savings especially on retirement age. The aim of this work is to choose the optimal investment strategy for the savings in the long term. To choose the optimal strategy, we used the elements of already known investment philosophies. We implemented the strategy on historical data.115 - Katedra managementuvelmi dobř

    Postcolonial Literature in Polish Translation (1970–2010): Difference, Similarity and Solidarity

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    The thesis examines the Polish translation and reception of postcolonial literature between 1970 and 2010. It investigates the perceptions of postcolonial peoples and Polish self-perceptions in the context of timely debates about East European postcoloniality and, generally, contemporary global synergies and solidarities. The Introduction presents contemporary conceptualizations of solidarity. Chapter One provides a historical background and discusses the scholarship on Polish postcoloniality, while Chapter Two explains the methodological approach – analysing relevant discourses in nearly one thousand reviews of postcolonial prose – and characterizes the Polish translations of postcolonial literature (1945–2010). Chapters Three and Four explore the discourses on translation and knowledge: they demonstrate that translation is expected to facilitate understanding of foreign cultures through linguistic clarity and informative material, and that postcolonial texts are read as sources of knowledge (especially before 1989) and as valid, if competing, representations of socio-cultural realities. Chapter Five investigates Eurocentric discourses of difference, which stigmatize postcolonial irrationality (mostly pre-1989), barbarity (mostly post-1989) and exoticism. Discourses of universalism are featured in Chapter Six, which documents continuing references to similarity – common humanity, communist future, global modernity – and shows them to be compromised by the perceptions of others as less developed. Finally, Chapter Seven traces references to shared historical experiences, e.g. of independence struggle (pre-1989) and displacement (post-1989). The Conclusion suggests that the perceptions of similarity signify potential for solidarity; besides, it recommends that investigation of Polish perceptions of non-European postcolonials be incorporated into debates about Poland’s postcoloniality. Overall, the thesis demonstrates that postcolonial literature and its translation were consistently – post-1989 discursive shifts notwithstanding – viewed by Polish reviewers as vital to developing knowledge of postcolonial peoples. Moreover, while the perceptions of civilizational difference remained salient, statements of Polish-postcolonial similarity were gaining currency. Enabled by the perceptions of similarity, solidarity could be forged between nationally, socially, politically and culturally delineated Polish and postcolonial constituencies

    Processing Financial Analysis in a Selected Company

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    Import 02/11/2016Hlavním cílem této diplomové práce je zhodnotit finanční situaci společnosti za užití metod finanční analýzy a poté provést její interpretaci. V práci jsou také uvedeny návrhy a doporučení. Teoretická část obsahuje popis metod, které byly při této analýze využity a v praktické části je provedena samotná finanční analýza a aplikace metod, na základě kterých byly již řečené návrhy a doporučení vytvořeny.The main goal of this thesis is to analyse the financial situation of the company by using methods of the financial analysis and interpretation of the analysis. Theoretical part consists of description of methods, that have been used in the analysis and in the practical part there is the financial analysis and the application of methods, by which the mentioned suggestions and recommendations were made.115 - Katedra managementuvýborn

    „Niepospolicie zacna i rozumna kobieta”. Wspomnienia pośmiertne o kobietach w „Bluszczu” (1865-1918)

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    The paper focuses on posthumous tributes published in ‘Bluszcz’ periodical in the years 1865-1918. The obituaries of Polish women were analysed, of whom the largest group stood out in the fields of literature, pedagogy, and philanthropy. The obituaries were characterised by didactics, which resulted in promoting the ideal of the so-called ‘Polish Mother’. Outstanding Polish women such as Narcyza Żmichowska, Eliza Orzeszkowa and Maria Konopnicka were given special attention.Artykuł skupia się na notach pośmiertnych publikowanych w „Bluszczu” w latach 1865-1918. Analizie poddano nekrologi Polek, których największa grupa wyróżniała się na polu literatury, pedagogiki i filantropii. Noty pośmiertne charakteryzowały się dydaktyką, czego efektem było promowanie ideału Matki Polki. Wyjątkową uwagę poświęcano wybitnym Polkom takim jak Narcyza Żmichowska, Eliza Orzeszkowa czy Maria Konopnicka

    Ejercicio terapéutico en adultos con depresión mayor. Revisión bibliográfica.

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    Introducción: La depresión es uno de los trastornos mentales más prevalentes en el mundo, siendo una de las causas principales de la morbilidad a día de hoy. Se caracteriza por un estado de ánimo triste, vacío o irritable, al cual acompañan cambios somáticos y cognitivos afectando a todas las esferas del individuo; trabajo y relaciones sociales, entre otros. Un complemento al tratamiento habitual de terapia farmacológica y psicoterapia lo encontramos en el ejercicio terapéutico. Objetivos: Revisar bibliografía acerca de las diferentes intervenciones con el ejercicio terapéutico en depresión mayor en adultos, determinando las variables e instrumentos de medida utilizados. Además, valorar la efectividad de la terapia física en este contexto. Material y métodos: Se realizó la búsqueda en las bases de datos PubMed, Scopus y PEDro, y se evaluaron los artículos con la escala Jadad. Resultados: Se encontraron 15 artículos que cumplen los criterios de inclusión, y se observó que la modalidad de ejercicio más empleada fue el ejercicio aeróbico, siendo las variables de medida más frecuentes los síntomas depresivos y la condición física. Éstas, tras la realización de los ejercicios, obtuvieron en mayor o menor medida resultados favorables. Conclusiones: Se observó que el ejercicio aeróbico tiene efecto positivo en los pacientes con trastorno depresivo, tanto en sus emociones como en las funciones cognitivas o la condición física, sin embargo se necesita de más estudios con mayor precisión en los parámetros a la hora de elaborar el plan de ejercicios

    Tx/Rx Head Coil Induces Less RF Transmit-Related Heating than Body Coil in Conductive Metallic Objects Outside the Active Area of the Head Coil

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    The transmit–receive (Tx/Rx) birdcage head coil is often used for excitation instead of the body coil because of the presumably lower risk of heating in and around conductive implants. However, this common practice has not been systematically tested. To investigate whether the Tx/Rx birdcage head coil produces less heating than the body coil when scanning individuals with implants, we used a 3T clinical scanner and made temperature measurements around a straight 15 cm conductor using either the Tx/Rx body or the head coil for excitation. Additionally, the transmitted fields of a Tx/Rx head coil were measured both in air and in gel using a resonant and a non-resonant B field probes as well as a non-resonant E field probe. Simulations using a finite-difference time domain solver were compared with the experimental findings. When the body coil was used for excitation, we observed heating around the 15 cm wire at various anatomical locations (both within and outside of the active volume of the head coil). Outside its active area, no such heating was observed while using the Tx/Rx head coil for excitation. The E and B fields of the Tx/Rx birdcage head coil extended well-beyond the physical dimensions of the coil. In air, the fields were monotonically decreasing, while in gel they were more complex with local maxima at the end of the ASTM phantom. These experimental findings were line with the simulations. While caution must always be exercised when scanning individuals with metallic implants, these findings support the use of the Tx/Rx birdcage head coil in place of the body coil at 3T in order to reduce the risk of heating in and around conductive implants that are remote from the head coil