793 research outputs found

    Effective treatment strategies for problem behavior in classroom enviroments: teacher perspektive

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    Stjecanje je akademskih vjeÅ”tina cilj obrazovanja za sve učenike, pa i za učenike s problemima u ponaÅ”anju. Međutim učenici s problemima u ponaÅ”anju općenito imaju poteÅ”koće u komunikaciji i socijalizaciji te zbog nepostojanja učinkovitih tretmana problema u ponaÅ”anju ovim učenicima je i teže postići Å”kolski uspjeh. Bouillet (2012) navodi kako se autori slažu da su akademska postignuća i socijalno ponaÅ”anje međusobno recipročno povezani, te da deficit u jednom području može voditi problemima u drugome području. Stoga su strategije u radu s učenicima s problemima u ponaÅ”anju važan alat kako bi se na odgovarajući način odgovorilo na zadovoljavanje njihovih emocionalnih, socijalnih i akademskih potreba. Cilj je ovog rada dati pregled strategija i bitnih informacija o učenicima s problemima u ponaÅ”anju koje učitelji mogu primijeniti u svakodnevnom radu s učenicima s problemima u ponaÅ”anju. Prikaz obuhvaća pregled literature koja se odnosi na probleme u ponaÅ”anju općenito; dijagnoza, simptomi, rizični i zaÅ”titni čimbenici, aktivni i pasivni problemi u ponaÅ”anju, zatim strategije tretmana problema u ponaÅ”anju, prevencija i kompetencije učitelja te odgoj i obrazovanje učenika s problemima u ponaÅ”anju u RH.Acquisition of academic skills is the goal of education for all students, including students with behavioral problems. However, students with behavioral problems generally have difficulties in communication and social relationships, and because of the lack of effective treatments for behavioral problems, it is even more difficult for these students to achieve school success. Bouillet (2012) states that the authors agree that academic achievement and social behavior are reciprocally linked, and that a deficit in one area may lead to problems in another area. Therefore, strategies for working with students with behavioral problems are an important tool to respond appropriately to meeting their emotional, social and academic needs. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of strategies and essential information about students with behavioral problems that teachers can apply in their daily work with students with behavioral problems. The review provides an overview of the literature relating to behavioral problems in general; diagnosis, symptoms, risk and protective factors, active and passive behavioral problems, then strategies for treatment of behavioral problems, prevention and competence of teachers, and education and education of students with behavioral problems in the Republic of Croatia


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    Background: Nowadays, more and more mental health professionals manage patients who fail treatment for major psychiatric disorders. There is not a consensus on how to deal with treatment-resistance patients, but usually psychiatrists result to polypharmacy. Method: In reviewing the evidence based clinical research we will try to answer some questions about treatment-resistant psychiatric disorders. Treatment-resistant symptoms complicate the clinical course of all psychiatric disorders especially schizophrenia, causing the patients not to reach the therapeutical goal and enter remission. In consequence, polypharmacy is used to try to deal with the remaining symptoms, raising other issues. Summary: We will try to deal with this problematic issue through clinical studies and major research done to try and answer the question posed


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    Stochastic Language Generation in Dialogue using Recurrent Neural Networks with Convolutional Sentence Reranking

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    The natural language generation (NLG) component of a spoken dialogue system (SDS) usually needs a substantial amount of handcrafting or a well-labeled dataset to be trained on. These limitations add significantly to development costs and make cross-domain, multi-lingual dialogue systems intractable. Moreover, human languages are context-aware. The most natural response should be directly learned from data rather than depending on predefined syntaxes or rules. This paper presents a statistical language generator based on a joint recurrent and convolutional neural network structure which can be trained on dialogue act-utterance pairs without any semantic alignments or predefined grammar trees. Objective metrics suggest that this new model outperforms previous methods under the same experimental conditions. Results of an evaluation by human judges indicate that it produces not only high quality but linguistically varied utterances which are preferred compared to n-gram and rule-based systems.Comment: To be appear in SigDial 201

    Consideration of a moving mass effect on dynamic behaviour of a jib crane structure

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    U radu se razmatra dinamičko ponaÅ”anje ravninske konstrukcije stupne konzolne dizalice izložene djelovanju gibanja kolica elektromotornog vitla koje nosi teret. Dinamički odzivi konstrukcije, u vertikalnom i u horizontalnom pravcu, dobiveni su uporabom metode konačnih elemenata i metode direktne integracije. Umjesto konvencionalnog pristupa uporabe modela pokretne sile, u ovom su radu obuhvaćeni utjecaji inercije masa kolica, vitla i tereta. Radi toga, koncept matrice pokretne mase je implementiran u matrici masa cijelog sustava. Određene su prinudne oscilacije konstrukcije stupne konzolne dizalice zbog djelovanja ekvivalentnog pokretnog opterećenja pri čemu je matrica masa sustava promjenjiva u vremenu. Razmatran je utjecaj intenziteta, brzine i ubrzanja pokretnog opterećenja. Rezultati daju korisne zaključke za konstruiranje konzolnih dizalice.This work examines the dynamics of a two-dimensional jib crane structure subjected to a moving trolley with hoist and payload. Dynamic responses of the structure, both in the vertical (Y) and horizontal direction (X), are calculated using the finite element method and the direct integration method. Instead of the conventional moving force problem, this paper deals with the two-dimensional inertial effects due to the masses of trolley, hoist and payload. For this purpose, the moving mass matrix has been used to give contribution to the overall mass matrix of the entire system. The title problem was solved by calculating the forced vibration responses of the jib crane structure with time-dependent overall mass while subjected to an equivalent moving force. Factors as magnitude, speed and acceleration of the moving trolley were studied as well. Numerical results reveal that the approach used herein is usefull and can be used to draw conclusions for the structural design purposes of jib cranes
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