1,899 research outputs found

    Public Administration in the Era of Database and Information Exchange Networks: Empowering Administrative Power or Just Better Serving the Citizens?

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    SUMMARY: 1. Data collection and Data Management in the Era of ICT: who are the \u201cMasters of Data\u201d?.- 2. Public Administration and digital(ized) Data: what\u2019s new?.- 3. Data collection and Data exchange at the national (Italian) and supranational (EU) level: the new Network-Systems of Public Administrations.- 4. The EU Information-Exchange-Networks: Data collection, Data exchange and the creation of shared Databases.- 5. Data-Management-Networks and Public Administration: the Bright Side, and the Dark Side.- 6. Public Administration in the Era of Database and Information Exchange Networks: Empowering Administrative Power or Just Better Serving the Citizens? Conclusions

    The right of access under the Police Directive:Small steps forward

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    The present article sets out to examine the right of access under Directive 2016/680, which regulates the processing of personal data by EU Member States’ law enforcement authorities. The article analyses in detail the provisions on the right of access. More precisely, it looks at whether the right provides for sufficient transparency towards the data subject and whether its scope allows for a harmonized data protection across the law enforcement sector in the EU. The article concludes that while the provisions on the right of access make a significant step towards more transparency, they also suffer from defi- ciencies. Also, the limited scope of the Directive takes away from the harmo- nization attempts

    Le Projet ReNEUAL. Histoire d'une collaboration scientifique réussie et d'une idée encore à réaliser: la codification de la procédure administrative de l'Union européenne

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    N\u2019ayant pas \ue0 faire face aux contraintes du droit positif qui encadrent, par exemple, la codification \ue0 droit constant \ue0 la fran\ue7aise , le r\ue9seau ReNEUAL a pu d\ue9velopper une m\ue9thode de codification innovante bas\ue9e sur le droit compar\ue9 . Quant au but, Le Code ReNEUAL cherche \ue0 assurer la meilleure d\ue9clinaison possible des valeurs constitutionnelles de l\u2019Union dans le droit de la proc\ue9dure administrative, qui concerne la mise en \u153uvre non l\ue9gislative du droit et des politiques de l\u2019Union. L\u2019id\ue9e de base \ue9tant celle d\u2019essayer d\u2019am\ue9liorer la qualit\ue9 du syst\ue8me juridique de l\u2019Union dans son ensemble, et de favoriser le respect des principes g\ue9n\ue9raux du droit de l\u2019Union . Avec la conviction - partag\ue9e par les membres de ReNEUAL - que de tels r\ue9sultats contribueraient non seulement \ue0 la clart\ue9 des droits et obligations des particuliers et des administrations pertinentes, mais \ue9galement \ue0 la transparence et \ue0 l\u2019efficacit\ue9 du syst\ue8me juridique dans son ensemble

    La digital education delle Forze armate italiane: modello attuale e prospettive future

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    In close co-operation with the University of Turin, Italian Armed forces (Afs) have been introducing e-learning as a training method for their personnel for some years, making extensive use of Moocs and developing progressively a specific digital education model, based on particular management characteristics, as well as on specialized personnel, able to respond to servicemen’s lifelong learning needs. Italian Afs have long been aware of the potential of digital education; in fact, after a starting up incubation period, they have embarked a gradual process of emancipation from the University model, in order to develop an autonomous framework. But how far has this process of emancipating the digital education of Italian Afs from the University model gone? If in an early stage Italian Afs leant on the University to get fully understood the dynamics and capacities of the e-learning and digital education in the Military field, by creating a hybrid training environment for their personnel, the competition between two public model of digital education, one civil (open), the other military (closed), as well as the particular training and strategic needs of the military sector, are imposing a separation of their respective governance systems of digital education, aiming to create an interforce training environment, in close collaboration with the Armed forces of the other Nato countries. This paper aims at outlining the possible developments of a new governance system of digital education, the Military one, tracing the evolution of the Italian Afs model, from the first stage of incubation into the University model, up to the progressive detachment from it

    Dal blog all’opera letteraria. I diari online di Giuseppe Caliceti e Giulio Mozzi

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    L’intervento si focalizza sui blog personali diffusi su internet a cavallo tra XX e XXI secolo, subito dopo l’accesso di massa alla Rete e appena prima dell’avvento dei social network. Si riflette, in particolar modo, su ciò che avviene in termini artistici e di autorialità quando dal blog viene ricavata un’opera letteraria: anzitutto dal punto di vista teorico, collocando i blog nel più vasto processo definito come «democratizzazione della letteratura»; poi dal punto di vista metodologico, riflettendo sulle difficoltà filologiche e pratiche che simili studi possono incontrare; infine attraverso l’analisi di due casi particolari – Giuseppe Caliceti e Giulio Mozzi – molto diversi tra loro, ma proprio per questo rappresentativi di due modi complementari di declinare gli stessi problemi


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    Accesso (civico) generalizzato ed esigenze di tutela dei dati personali ad un anno dall’entrata in vigore del Decreto FOIA: la trasparenza de “le vite degli altri”?

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    Ai sensi dell'art. 42, comma 1, del D.lgs. 97/2016 di modifica del c.d. Decreto Trasparenza l\u2019accesso civico \ue8 divenuto operativo a far data dal 23 dicembre 2016. Lo scritto ha come obiettivo di fare un bilancio dell\u2019applicazione di questo istituto, a poco pi\uf9 di un anno di distanza dalla sua ufficiale entrata in vigore e per quel che concerne, specificamente, il rapporto fra accesso (civico) generalizzato ed esigenze di tutela dei dati personali.Pursuant to art. 42, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree no. 97/2016 amending the c.d. Decree Transparenc, civic access has become operational as of December 23, 2016. The purpose of the paper is to make the point on its application just over a year after its official entry into force, especially in as far as the relationship between generalized (civic) access and the protection of privacy is concerned
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