500 research outputs found

    Surveying of an area of St. Gothard´s church in Modřice

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    Předmětem bakalářské práce je zaměření vlastního památkového objektu a souvisejícího okolí. Následuje vytvoření dokumentace objektu dle zvyklostí Národního památkového ústavu a vyhotovení komplexní účelové mapy zmíněné lokality.The object of bachelor´s thesis is surveying of the heritage building and related neighborhood. This continues to creating building documentation according to conventions of National Heritage Institute and creating komplex thematical map of mentioned locality.

    Exploring Elders’ Life Situation in Haramaya Town, East Hararghe, Ethiopia

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    The study was target to examine Elders’ Life Situation in Haramaya town, East Hararghe, Ethiopia. The study involved 53(24 males and 29 females) volunteer elders to participate. Data were collected through interview and questionnaire. Data were analyzed using a blend of both quantitative and qualitative data analysis method. Findings indicated that two-third of elder adults reported as if they could have their daily breakfast, lunch and dinner. To this inverse, about one-third of them reported as if they couldn’t have their daily breakfast, lunch and dinner. Data secured through interview yield the same outcome, however, the quality of diet they could have consumed matters. Meaning, as information obtained from respondents through interview depicted, for some of them, having a breakfast mean having a slice of bread with tea/coffee. Therefore, it’s difficult to dare to say elders of Haramaya town have access to a balanced diet on daily basis. The attention elders given to their personal hygiene is very poor.  In support of this idea, information gathered through interview confirmed that among 23 respondents randomly selected for interview, only two of them reported as if they could take a shower twice a week, six of them ones a week, seven of them ones per two weeks and five of them ones peer three weeks and three of them were reported as if they take a shower ones a month. Additionally, among respondents of the study 75% of them reported as if they get their clothes washed ones per two weeks. Thus, it is non-contentious to conclude that, respondents of the study have a poor habit of keeping their personal hygiene. Among respondents, one- fourth of them have no toilet room at all. Even among those who have claimed as if they could have toilet room nearby their home, only 34(64%) of them reported of its appropriateness. Above half of the respondents of the study  reported as if they never prefer to go medical center whenever they feels discomfort or ill rather they preferred to be treated traditionally. Despite all life challenges they are wrestling with it, elders of Haramaya town have reported as if they are blissful with their lives. Feel respected, satisfied with and love their lives. Female elders have positive attitude towards their lives than their male elder adults’ counterparts. Attempts were made to explain findings within the existing ecological and socio-cultural practices of the study area. Recommendations were also suggested as to how to properly address the gaps noted in this research Keywords: Elders; life situation and Haramay

    Resources for the analysis of bacterial and microbial genomic data with a focus on antibiotic resistance

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    Antibiotics are drugs which inhibit the growth of bacterial cells. Their discovery was one of the most significant achievements in medicine: it allowed the development of successful treatment options for severe bacterial infections, which has helped to significantly increase our life expectancy. However, bacteria have the ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions through genetic modifications, and can, therefore, become resistant to an antibiotic. Extensive use of antibiotics promotes the development of antibiotic resistance and, since some genetic factors can be exchanged between the cells, emergence of new resistance mechanisms and their spread have become a serious global problem. Counteractive measures have been initiated, focusing on the different factors contributing to the antibiotic resistance crisis. These include the study of bacterial isolates and complete microbial communities using whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data. In both cases, there are specific challenges and requirements for different analytical approaches. The goal of the present thesis was the implementation of multiple resources which should facilitate further microbiological studies, with a focus on bacteria and antibiotic resistance. The main project, GEAR-base, included an analysis of WGS and resistance data of around eleven thousand bacterial clinical isolates covering the main human pathogens and antibiotics from different drug classes. The dataset consisted of WGS data, antibiotic susceptibility profiles and meta-information, along with additional taxonomic characterization of a sample subset. The analysis of this isolate collection allowed for the identification of bacterial species demonstrating increasing resistance rates, to construct species pan-genomes from the de novo assembled genomes, and to link gene presence or absence to the available antibiotic resistance profiles. The generated data and results were made available through the online resource GEAR-base. This resource provides access to the resistance information and genomic data, and implements functionality to compare submitted genes or genomes to the data included in the resource. In microbial community studies, the metagenome obtained through WGS is analyzed to determine its taxonomic composition. For this task, genomic sequences are clustered, or binned, to represent sequences belonging to specific organisms or closely-related organism groups. BusyBee Web was developed to provide an automatic binning pipeline using frequencies of k-mers (subsequences of length k) and bootstrapped supervised clustering. It also includes further data annotation, such as taxonomic classification of the input sequences, presence of know resistance factors, and bin quality. Plasmids, extra-chromosomal DNA molecules found in some bacteria, play an important role in antibiotic resistance spread. As the classification of sequences from WGS data as chromosomal or plasmid-derived is challenging, demonstrated by evaluating four tools implementing three different approaches, having a reference dataset to detect the plasmids which are already known is therefore desirable. To this end, an online resource for complete bacterial plasmids (PLSDB) was implemented. In summary, the herein described online resources represent valuable datasets and/or tools for the analysis of microbial genomic data and, especially, bacterial pathogens and antibiotic resistance.Antibiotika sind Medikamente, die das Wachstum von Bakterienzellen hemmen. Ihre Entdeckung war eine der bedeutendsten Leistungen der Medizin: Es erlaubte die Entwicklung von erfolgreichen Behandlungsmöglichkeiten von schwerwiegenden bakteriellen Infektionen, was geholfen hat, unsere Lebenserwartung zu erhöhen. Allerdings sind Bakterien in der Lage sich den wechselnden Umweltbedingungen anzupassen und können dadurch resistent gegen ein Antibiotikum werden. Der extensive Gebrauch von Antibiotika fördert die Entwicklung von Antibiotikaresistenzen und, da einige genetische Faktoren zwischen den Zellen ausgetauscht werden können, sind das Auftauchen von neuen Resistenzmechanismen und deren Verbreitung zu einem seriösen globalen Problem geworden. Gegenmaßnahmen wurden ergriffen, die sich auf die verschiedenen Faktoren fokussieren, die zur Antibiotikaresistenzkrise beitragen. Diese umfassen Studien von bakteriellen Isolaten und ganzen Mikrobengemeinschaften mithilfe von Gesamt-Genom-Sequenzierung (GGS). In beiden Fällen gibt es spezifische Herausforderungen und Bedürfnisse für verschiedene analytische Methoden. Das Ziel dieser Dissertation war die Implementierung von mehreren Ressourcen, die weitere mikrobielle Studien erleichtern sollen und einen Fokus auf Bakterien und Antibiotikaresistenz haben. Das Hauptprojekt, GEAR-base, beinhaltete eine Analyse von GGS- und Resistenzdaten von ungefähr elftausend klinischen Bakterienisolaten und umfasste die wichtigen menschlichen Pathogene und Antibiotika aus verschiedenen Medikamentenklassen. Neben den GGS-Daten, Empfindlichkeitsprofilen für die Antibiotika und Metainformation, beinhaltete der Datensatz zusätzliche taxonomische Charakterisierung von einer Teilmenge der Proben. Die Analyse dieser Sammlung an Isolaten erlaubte die Identifizierung von Spezies mit ansteigenden Resistenzraten, die Konstruktion von den Spezies-Pan-Genomen aus den de novo assemblierten Genomen und die Verknüpfung vom Vorhandensein oder Fehlen von Genen mit den Antibiotikaresistenzprofilen. Die generierten Daten und Ergebnisse wurden durch die Online-Ressource GEAR-base bereitgestellt. Diese Ressource bietet Zugang zur Resistenzinformation und den gesammelten genomischen Daten und implementiert Funktionen zum Vergleich von hochgeladenen Genen oder Genomen zu den Daten, die in der Ressource enthalten sind. In den Studien von Mikrobengemeinschaften wird das durch GGS erhaltene Metagenom analysiert, um seine taxonomische Zusammensetzung zu bestimmen. Dafür werden die genomischen Sequenzen in sogenannte Bins gruppiert (Binning), die die Zugehörigkeit von den Sequenzen zu bestimmten Organismen oder zu Gruppen von nah verwandten Organismen repräsentieren. BusyBee Web wurde entwickelt, um eine automatische Binning-Pipeline anzubieten, die die Häufigkeitsprofile von k-meren (Teilsequenzen der Länge k) und eine auf dem Bootstrap-Verfahren basierte Methode für die Gruppierung der Sequenzen nutzt. Zusätzlich wird eine Annotation der Daten durchgeführt, wie die taxonomische Klassifizierung der hochgeladenen Sequenzen, das Vorhandensein von bekannten Resistenzfaktoren und die Qualität der Bins. Plasmide, DNA-Moleküle, die zusätzlich zum Chromosom in einigen Bakterien vorhanden sind, spielen eine wichtige Rolle in der Verbreitung von Antibiotikaresistenzen. Die Klassifizierung von Sequenzen aus der GGS als von einem Chromosom oder einem Plasmid stammend ist herausfordernd, wie es in einer Evaluation von vier Tools, die drei verschiedene Ansätze implementieren, demonstriert wurde. Deshalb ist das Vorhandensein von einem Referenzdatensatz, um schon bekannte Plasmide zu detektieren, sehr wünschenswert. Zu diesem Zweck wurde eine Online-Ressource von vollständigen bakteriellen Plasmiden implementiert (PLSDB). Die hier beschriebenen Online-Ressourcen stellen nützliche Datensätze und/oder Werkzeuge dar, die für die Analyse von mikrobiellen genomischen Daten, insbesondere von bakteriellen Pathogenen und Antibiotikaresistenzen, eingesetzt werden können

    Family cohesion and disruptive behavior among school adolescents: the mediating role of self-regulation

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    Adolescents’ disruptive behavior has become a global challenge. Even though the family environment has a considerable impact on adolescent disruptive behavior, this area has remained a blind spot in Ethiopian research. Hence, the present study was aimed at examining how family cohesion impacts adolescents’ disruptive behavior using adolescents’ self-regulation as a mediating variable. Data were collected from 304 adolescent students (155 males, 149 females) using ‘the Problem Behavior Frequency Questionnaire’, ‘Family Cohesion Scale’, and ‘The adolescents’ self-regulation inventory’. Correlational analysis, path analysis, and t-test were employed to examine relationships and differences. The statistical analysis yielded that disruptive behavior negatively correlated with family cohesion and self-regulation. However, the path analysis showed insignificant direct and indirect impacts of family cohesion on adolescents’ disruptive behavior. This suggests that though family cohesion is vital in shielding adolescents from engaging in various disruptive behaviors, it may be ineffective if other family environment processes including family communication, control, and conflict resolution skills do not accompany it. Disruptive behavior among adolescents differed significantly by gender, with males more likely to engage in disruptive behavior than females

    Signs of Language: Embodied Sign Language Fingerspelling Acquisition from Demonstrations for Human-Robot Interaction

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    Learning fine-grained movements is a challenging topic in robotics, particularly in the context of robotic hands. One specific instance of this challenge is the acquisition of fingerspelling sign language in robots. In this paper, we propose an approach for learning dexterous motor imitation from video examples without additional information. To achieve this, we first build a URDF model of a robotic hand with a single actuator for each joint. We then leverage pre-trained deep vision models to extract the 3D pose of the hand from RGB videos. Next, using state-of-the-art reinforcement learning algorithms for motion imitation (namely, proximal policy optimization and soft actor-critic), we train a policy to reproduce the movement extracted from the demonstrations. We identify the optimal set of hyperparameters for imitation based on a reference motion. Finally, we demonstrate the generalizability of our approach by testing it on six different tasks, corresponding to fingerspelled letters. Our results show that our approach is able to successfully imitate these fine-grained movements without additional information, highlighting its potential for real-world applications in robotics

    Uwarunkowania działań zespołowych

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    Ze wstępu: "Z niekompletności naszego fundamentalnego poglądu na ludzką naturę wywodzi się powód, dla którego tak wielu z nas jest niezadowolonych z tego, co robi, a organizacjom, w które jesteśmy zaangażowani, nie udaje się wyzwolić naszych talentów, pomysłowości i kreatywności, przez co tak trudno stać im się wielkimi i trwałymi, u podstaw wszelkich działań w kierunku „czynienia sobie Ziemi poddaną” leży paradygmat człowieka holistycznego. Wynika z niego podstawowa prawda, że człowiek nie jest przedmiotem, który trzeba kontrolować, lecz istotą czterowymiarową — ma ciało, umysł, serce i ducha. Studiując filozofię i systemy religijne zarówno Zachodu, jak i Wschodu, od początków udokumentowanej historii, można zauważyć, że „znajduje się w zasadzie te same cztery wymiary: fizyczny/ekonomiczny, umysłowy, społeczny/emocjonalny i duchowy. Często używa się różnych słów, ale dotyczą one tych samych czterech uniwersalnych aspektów życia. Odzwierciedlają również cztery podstawowe potrzeby i pobudki wszystkich ludzi: życia (przetrwania), kochania (związków międzyludzkich), uczenia się (wzrostu i rozwoju) oraz pozostawienia spuścizny (znaczenie i wkład)"."(...

    Reguły podejmowania skutecznych decyzji w zarządzaniu organizacjami

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    "Podejmowanie decyzji jako istota działalności menedżera jest procesem realizowanym w konkretnych uwarunkowaniach (czas, miejsce, dysponowane środki, dostępna wiedza). Rezultatem tego procesu ma być rozwiązanie jakiegoś problemu. Należy rozróżniać podejmowanie decyzji od dokonywania wyboru i rozwiązywania problemu. Według Georga P. Hubera"(...