54 research outputs found


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    The study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of thematic progression patterns The first result shows that implementing thematic progressionpatterns with cooperativelearning method The second result shows that there is improvement of the effectiveness of teachinglearning activity of writing class by implementing TP-CL. The improvement can be seen from the indicators of effective teaching based on Blum in Nunan and Lam


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    This study focuses on analyzing the nominal group construction of the students’ written texts. Nominal group here refers to a group of words which has a noun (a word which names a person, place or thing) as its head word and includes all additional information related to that noun. This discourse analysis will investigate the types of nominal group construction which is mostly found in the students’ written text and the tendencies of the students in applying the nominal groups in their written texts. The unit analysis of this study is nominal groups written by the students. The students here refer to the fourth semester students of English Department of Tidar University (Universitas Tidar) who join writing class. Following Gerot and Wignell’s theory (1994), most of the students apply Deictic-Ephitet-Thing construction in their texts. Based on the data analysis, it is suggested that the lecturers should introduce various construction of nominal group to the students in order they can write interesting texts (not monotonous)


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    This conceptual article presents a framework for using technology and digital tools in education to enhance and support learning. The framework is based on a review of the literature on digital pedagogy and language teaching and the authors' personal experience with digital pedagogy in language education. Digital pedagogy uses technology and digital educational tools to enhance and support learning. Digital pedagogy can be an excellent tool for teachers in language education to generate engaging and interactive student learning experiences. There are some examples of digital pedagogy in language teaching. Overall, digital pedagogy offers numerous opportunities for language teachers to enhance their teaching and provide engaging learning experiences for their students. The framework consists of critical components, each of which will be discussed in detail, with examples of how they can be implemented in language teaching

    Using Theme- Rheme Negotiation Model to Improve Writing Skill of the Tidrd Semester Students of English Department of Utm in the Academic Year 2011/2012

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    Menulis adalah salah satu keterampilan berbahasa yang harus dikuasai oleh mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa lnggris Universitas Tidar Magelang. Namun Kenyataannya sebagian besar mahasiswa masih menjumpai kesulitan khususnya dalam mengembangkan paragraf Penelilian ini yang merupakan Classroom Action Research meneliti tentang keefektifan Theme-Rheme Negotiation Model untuk . meningkatkan kemampuan menulis mahasiswa. Keywords: Theme, Rheme, writing

    Morphology Of The English Noun

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    Word is the key element in morphology. Morpology is a study of internal con­ struction of words. In language learneang, noun is the important element, In this paper, the writer will present morphologv of the English noun, it will also he described noun identification. Key Words: Morphology, Nou


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    This research aims at investigating the influence of talking stick technique in improving the students’ competence in developing hortatory exposition texts. This sequential explanatory mixed method research was conducted at Tidar University. The subject of this research was the students of English Department of Tidar University (Untidar). This research was conducted in two stages. The first was investigating whether or not there is significant difference of the competence in developing hortatory exposition texts of the English Department students of Untidar in 2014/2015 academic year before and after the implementation of talking stick technique. In addition to that, for the second stage, it is to find out how effective learningteaching activity is when talking stick technique is applied in teaching writing of hortatory exposition text to the English Department students of Untidar in 2014/2015 academic year. Based on the data analysis, it shows that there is significant difference of the competence in developing hortatory exposition texts of the English Department students of Untidar in 2014/2015 academic year before and after the implementation of talking stick technique. Besides, talking stick technique improves the effectiveness of teaching-learning activities of writing class of hortatory exposition texts

    Humanistic Model in Teaching Writing: One Step to Develop the Students’ Motivation

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    This case study explored the lecturer and the students’ experience in teaching-learning process of writing class using humanistic learning model. Humanistic learning model asserts the central role of the whole person in the learning process. Effective teaching learning process involves the whole person. It does not only involve the mind but also the body and the heart. The central person of the teaching-learning process is the learners (students). Involving two lecturers of writing subject and thirty students, the writer employed classroom observation and questionnaire in collecting the data of this study. Constant Comparative method developed by Glaser and Strauss was used in analyzing the data [1]. Analysis of the observation and interview yielded that humanistic learning model is an effective way for teaching writing subject especially in developingthe students’ motivation that can be seen from the four indicators of motivation. They are the students’ attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction. The conclusion suggests the need of the lecturers in implementing the humanistic learning model as an alternative model in teaching-learning process.     Keywords: case study; humanistic learning model; motivation; and writing

    Mengembangkan Kemandirian Belajar melalui Materi Pembelajaran Menulis Paragraf Berbasis TPACK (Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge).

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kasus (studi kasus) yang mendeskripsikan penggunaan Materi Pembelajaran menulis Paragraf berbasis TPACK (Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge) untuk mengembangkan kemandirian belajar mahasiswa. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada kelas paragraph writing dengan menggunakan blended learning (kombinasi antara kelas Elita dan face-to face). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam empat kali pertemuan. Untuk mengevaluasi dampak penggunanan materi pembelajaran pembelajaran menulis Paragraf berbasis TPACK dalam mendorong kemandirian belajar mahasiswa, data dikumpulkan melalui kuiesioner kemadirian belajar mahasiswa yang diberikan pada kelas paragraph writing dengan menggunakan model blended learning.Komponen dari kemandirian belajar adalah kesadaran, tanggung jawab, dan kemampuan berfikir, merasa dan membuat keputusan serta beraktivitas dan berproses secara mandiri. Mahasiswa meyakini bahwa dengan materi pembelajaran paragraph writing berbasis TPACK ini dapat mengembangkan kemandirian belajar mahasiswa.Kata Kunci : Kemandirian belajar, menulis paragraf, dan pengetahuan konten, teknologi, dan pedagogiABSTRACTThis exploratory case study reported on the use of TPACK-based Paragraph Writing Material to develop autonomous learning of English Department students. The present study took place in the context of paragraph writing of blended learning class (Elita and Face to Face Meeting). The research was carried out for 4 meetings. To evaluate the impact of autonomous  learning on fostering the students’ autonomous  learning, the data were collected from an autonomy readiness questionnaire of the students’  paragraph writing class.The components of autonomous learning  is associated with awareness, responsibility, and ability to think, feel, make decisions, and act independently within the process. The findings revealed that the use of TPACK-based Paragraph Writing Material  assisted the students  in becoming autonomous in learning. The student  perceived that the use of TPACK-based Paragraph Writing Material  process  went through positively and it could develop the students  autonomous in  learning.Keywords: autonomous  learning, Paragraph Writing, and Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledg
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