186 research outputs found

    The acts of conversion and forgiveness in Shakespeare's last plays

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    Worms : their diets and dramas in Hamlet and Luther

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    Typology: Pros and Cons in Biblical Hermeneutics and Leterary Criticism (from Leonhard Goppelt to Northrop Frye)

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    Panorama de teorías de la tipología bíblica o figuralismo en el siglo xx, en los campos de la hermenéutica bíblica y de los etudios literarios. Estudia los orígenes de la cuestión en la controversia Goppelt-Bultmann, y recapitula las posturas de exegetas como Danielou y De Lubac, Von Rad y sus críticos, Dentan, Markus y Lampe, y los enfoques más creativos de Baker y Cahill; por último muestra la aportación de críticos literarios como Auerbach, Charity, Ohly, Galdon y Frye. This essay is a survey of various theories of biblical typology (figuralism) in 20th century biblical hermeneutics and literary criticism. It discusses the origins of the issue in the Goppelt-Bultmann controversy, and rehearses the positions of biblical scholars, such as Danielou and De Lubac, Von Rad and his critics, Dentan, Markus and Lampe, the more creative approaches of Baker and Cahill, as well as those of literary critics: Auerbach, Charity, Ohly, Galdon and Frye

    Evangélikus diákok Wittenbergben

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    Lutheran students in Wittenberg. The essay presents a short overview of Lutheran students from Hungary in Reformation-time Wittenberg. More than a thousand pastors-to-be spent several semesters in Germany, the Lutheran orientation of which influenced their further career. Scholarly research has revealed an impressive amount of details regarding this multifaceted group of students, Mátyás Dévai Bíró among the most well-known. Luther’s Table Talks include a variety of remarks related to Hungarian students. Dévai Bíró also appears in the 10th, closing episode of the Luther animation series being produced for 2017. In the last section, the author shortly presents three ex-Wittenberg students whose heritage lies in hymn writing: Besides Dévai, the works of András Farkas and András Batizi. Tihe philological and theological input the Wittenberg students produced for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Hungary was accompanied by intensive international networking exemplary for us today

    A humán műveltségről

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    Northrop Frye - magyarul

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    Le origini dell'unitarismo inglese e transilvano

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