210 research outputs found

    Duval County Food Pantry Inventory and Center of Nutrition and Food Security Hunger Study Research

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    Honorable Mention Winner Environmental Center Leadership Program Project This project is being done and monitored under the Center for Nutrition and Food Security in Brooks college of Health at the University of North Florida. Its goal is to have all of the food pantries around Florida sorted out and organized in a list. It Ensures that the list includes the pantry’s website contact information, updated days and times for food distribution, and the correct address. Working on the nutrition center project requires us to think about four levels of work. The first level is supply where we check who is providing emergency food assistance. The second level is Demand, where and how the resources are being distributed or sent. The third level is Health Information. It is kept confidential and totally anonymous. The fourth and final Level is about Food availability and affordability. Additionally, we are also working on a hunger map that allows individuals and community organizations to see where the meals and hunger gaps are in the community. This allows the organizations to better plan resource distribution and food access programs. The hunger map of North east Florida is a Geographic Information System(GIS) map. It allows the people to move the map and click on the resources that are closest to them. The field will show the name of the pantry, location, hours, contact information, services, and eligibility. This makes it easier for the individuals to find food pantries whenever they are in need

    Methods used to evaluate shaping ability of rotary endodontic files : state of the art

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    Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Universitário Egas MonizThe aim of this project is to review and analyze the literature that studied the shaping ability of endodontic rotary files to answer the question: What is the most accurate method used to assess the shaping ability of rotary endodontic files based on the canal transportation and centering ability parameters? Search was performed using PubMed, MEDLINE, Embase, ScienceDirect, Scopus, e B-on databases. Studies published in English from January 2010 to February 2021, that specified centering ability and shaping ability of the rotary files, were included. 65 studies were included in the review from a cumulative sample of 615 studies. 48 studies used extracted teeth, while 17 studies used simulated root canals in resin blocks. 38 studies used Micro-Computed Tomography and Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (MCT+CBCT) while 26 studies used Double Digital Images Radiographs / Photographs (DDIR+DDIP) and software analysis, and only one used both DDIR and MCT. Shaping ability of the root canal instrumentation becomes essential with the introduction of new instruments to the market. MCT method and its breakthrough types become superior in evaluating the quality of root canal instrumentation since they can provide 3-dimentional picture.O objetivo deste projeto é efetuar uma revisão da literatura científica acerca da capacidade de preparação das limas rotatórias, para responder à seguinte questão: Qual a melhor técnica, com base nos parâmetros de capacidade de transporte e centralização, para avaliar a capacidade de preparação de limas rotatórias? A pesquisa foi realizada nas bases de dados PubMed, MEDLINE, Embase, ScienceDirect, Scopus e B-on. Estudos publicados em inglês de janeiro de 2010 a fevereiro de 2021, que especificavam a capacidade de centralização e a capacidade de modelagem das limas rotativas, foram incluídos. 65 estudos foram incluídos na revisão de uma amostra cumulativa de 615 estudos. 48 estudos usaram dentes extraídos, enquanto 17 estudos usaram canais radiculares simulados em blocos de resina. 38 estudos usaram tomografia micro-computadorizada e tomografia computadorizada de feixe cónico (MCT+CBCT), enquanto 26 estudos usaram imagens digitais duplas (DDIR+DDIP) e análise de software, e apenas um usou radiografia e MCT. A capacidade de conformação da instrumentação do canal radicular torna-se essencial com a introdução de novos instrumentos no mercado. O método MCT e os seus tipos inovadores tornam-se superiores na avaliação da qualidade da instrumentação do canal radicular, uma vez que podem fornecer imagens tridimensionais

    Comparison of the Success Rate of Endodontic Treatment and Implant Treatment

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    Dentists and patients are facing a perplexity between saving a compromised tooth through endodontic treatment and restoration or by extraction and replacement with an implant. The purpose of this paper was to compare the success rates of these two treatments. Success was measured as the longevity of the tooth or implant. Studies which met strict inclusion criteria to ensure best evidence were included. Searches were performed in Ovid Medline, Pubmed, Scopus database, and the Cochrane Library. Evidence-based groups were formed following the assessment of inclusion/exclusion criteria. The overall success rates for primary endodontic, nonsurgical retreatment, and surgical treatment were (86.02%), (78.2%), and (63.4%), respectively, implants was 90.9%. In conclusion, choice between implant and endodontic therapy cannot be exclusively based on outcome as both treatments differ in the biological process, diagnostic modalities, failure patterns, and patients preferences. More research is required with improved study designs before long-term success rates can be compared

    Effect of repeated use on topographical features of protaper next endodontic rotary file

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate themorphological alterations of the ProTaper next rotary file (PTN)under scanning electron microscopy (SEM).Materials and Methods: A total of 18 simulated root canals wereallocated to three groups. Six new sets of PTN instruments were used3 times. A #10 K-file was inserted into the working length, followedby ProGlider to create a glide path. Ensuring the manufacturersinstructions with 99% ethyl alcohol for irrigation, all canals wereprepared. Files were photographed in the same position before andafter three canals preparations using a high-resolution SEM.Result: A metal strip appeared on one X1 instrument surfacepreoperatively. Microcrack defects were observed on two X2 filespostoperatively, and the blunt cutting edge was observed on threeX1 files before and after use and one file fractured.Conclusion: Small number of changes appeared on PTN surfaces,yet same PTN file can be used safely 3 times to prepare multi-rootedteeth within the same patient

    Apple Cider Vinegar Weight Loss Drinks: Portrayal on Pinterest

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    Apple cider vinegar has shown great promise for weight loss in controlled lab settings, yet these claims are widely shared on social media and may not yield the same benefits. This study used directed content analysis to examine how apple cider vinegar weight loss drinks were portrayed on Pinterest, a social media website utilized to bookmark online content. Using the search terms “apple cider vinegar weight loss drinks,” researchers sampled every fifth pin to collect 200 relevant pins. A codebook was developed, pilot tested and used to code pins. Of the 200 pins, the majority of pins (66%) positively portrayed the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar drinks for weight loss, and 36% contained images of a drink. 60% of pins made weight-loss claims for specific pounds lost; however, most of those pins did not present a particular number of pounds that an individual will lose from drinking apple cider vinegar. Also, a time frame for weight loss promised was only present in 15% of pins. In this sample of pins, 6% of pins had comments. Social media is a powerful source of health information. However, this study demonstrated evidence of the propagation of misleading and potentially dangerous weight loss methods. This study revealed widespread interest and acceptance of insufficient weight loss drink information

    Using grounded theory to understand software process improvement: A study of Irish software product companies

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    Software Process Improvement (SPI) aims to understand the software process as it is used within an organisation and thus drive the implementation of changes to that process to achieve specific goals such as increasing development speed, achieving higher product quality or reducing costs. Accordingly, SPI researchers must be equipped with the methodologies and tools to enable them to look within organisations and understand the state of practice with respect to software process and process improvement initiatives, in addition to investigating the relevant literature. Having examined a number of potentially suitable research methodologies, we have chosen Grounded Theory as a suitable approach to determine what was happening in actual practice in relation to software process and SPI, using the indigenous Irish software product industry as a test-bed. The outcome of this study is a theory, grounded in the field data, that explains when and why SPI is undertaken by the software industry. The objective of this paper is to describe both the selection and usage of grounded theory in this study and evaluate its effectiveness as a research methodology for software process researchers. Accordingly, this paper will focus on the selection and usage of grounded theory, rather than results of the SPI study itself

    Dynamic Modelling and simulation of High Integrity Pressure Protection System

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    High Integrity pressure protection system is a very essential component in the plants-related industries. The dynamic modeling and simulation of this system has proved to be extremely important in the process of designing and controlling. This report presents the steps followed to realize an integrated simulation of this system and the findings that were discovered after using this simulation to explore real life situations, problems and natural phenomena. The software used to realize this simulation is SIMULINK which is a subsidiary of the program MATLAB, and it is a quite simple program to use and it usually deals with the dynamic and mathematical equations which makes the system easier to be accurately represented and simulated. The HIPPS was integrated in a 3-phase separator system and was tested under different situations to observe the reaction of the system. The simulation was used to encounter one of the most prominent problems in the industry which is the slug flow phenomenon, this phenomenon was tested and the simulation showed the kind of damage it has on the equipment and the normal flow of the process. The simulation was also used to test the proposed solutions by the industry for this phenomenon and it showed that they actually greatly decrease the harmful impact of this phenomenon and increase the stability and the regularity of the process flow in the system. The simulation was used in a different aspect which is the designing of the HIPPS safety control valve, as the system was tested under different failure situations and the HIPPS valve was observed in order to reach the best and most suitable parameters that makes it very effective in protecting the system from any danger resulting from over pressure. The simulation has shown that it has a great potential to be extended and to be used in many different application that will make the process of designing and controlling parts of the plant a lot easier on the engineers in the industry. 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT