329 research outputs found

    Journal Staff

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    This work presents the evaluation of an experiment on the relationship between driver performance and vehicle handling quantities. Both of them are instrumental quantities, however, the former are driver dependent, the latter are only vehicle dependent. A moving base driving simulator was used to examine 16 truck-trailer-combinations. The driving of 28 test drivers in a special developed manoeuvre resulted in characteristic driver performance values evaluated of vehicle system quantities measured while driving. Stationary and dynamical ISO-handling tests resulted in handling quantities. The correlation by means of regression analysis between these driver performance values and the quantities of the ISO-handling tests are presented here as a step towards the mapping of steering feel.QC 20120213</p

    Sales and Title and the Proposed Code

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    Electric powertrain faults that could occur during normal driving can affect the dynamic behaviour of the vehicle and might result in significant course deviations. The severity depends both on the characteristics of the fault itself as well as on how sensitive the vehicle reacts to this type of fault. In this work, a sensitivity study is conducted on the effects of vehicle design parameters, such as geometries and tyre characteristics, and fault characteristics. The vehicle specifications are based on three different parameter sets representing a small city car, a medium-sized sedan and a large passenger car. The evaluation criteria cover the main motions of the vehicle, i.e. longitudinal velocity difference, lateral offset and side slip angle on the rear axle as indicator of the directional stability. A design of experiments approach is applied and the influence on the course deviation is analysed for each studied parameter separately and for all first order combinations. Vehicle parameters of high sensitivity have been found for each criterion. The mass factor is highly relevant for all three motions, while the additional factors wheel base, track width, yaw inertia and vehicle velocity are mainly influencing the lateral and the yaw motion. Changes in the tyre parameters are in general less significant than the vehicle parameters. Among the tyre parameters, the stiffness factor of the tyres on the rear axle has the major influence resulting in a reduction of the course deviation for a stiffer tyre. The fault amplitude is an important fault parameter, together with the fault starting gradient and number of wheels with fault. In this study, it was found that a larger vehicle representing a SUV is more sensitive to these types of faults. To conclude, the result of an electric powertrain fault can cause significant course deviations for all three vehicle types studied.QC 20140909</p

    The Alaska Workers’ Compensation Law: Fact-Finding, Appellate Review, and the Presumption of Compensability

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    This paper presents a fault handling strategy for electric vehicles with in-wheel motors. The ap-plied control algorithm is based on tyre-force allocation. One complex tyre-force allocation meth-od, which requires non-linear optimization, as well as a simpler tyre force allocation method are developed and applied. A comparison between them is conducted and evaluated against a standard reference vehicle with an Electronic Stability Control (ESC) algorithm. The faults in consideration are electrical faults that can arise in in-wheel motors of permanent-magnet type. The results show for both tyre-force allocation methods an improved re-allocation after a severe fault and thus re-sults in an improved state trajectory recovery. Thereby the proposed fault handling strategy be-comes an important component to improve system dependability and secure vehicle safety.QC 20130611</p

    Sanning och konsekvens - Om anonyma vittnen skulle tillÄtas i Sverige

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    FrÄgan om man ska lÄta vittnen vara anonyma i en rÀttegÄng har varit föremÄl för debatt sedan lÀnge och behandlas för nÀrvarande i Justitieutskottet. I denna uppsats Àmnar jag dÀrför att redogöra för omstÀndigheter och skÀl till att lÄta vittnen vara anonyma. För att göra Àmnet störst rÀttvisa Àmnar jag att redogöra för det gÀllande rÀttslÀget i frÄgan utifrÄn ett svenskt och EU-rÀttsligt perspektiv. UtifrÄn en praktisk synvinkel ska jag försöka svara pÄ frÄgor som uppstÄr nÀr man behandlar Àmnet gÀllande behov, effekt och om man skulle kunna tillÀmpa reglerna i större utstrÀckning Àn vad som Àr förenligt med kraven pÄ rÀttssÀkerhet. I löpande avhandling ska jag sedan försöka resonera kring bÄde för- och nackdelar med vad förfarandet skulle innebÀra för svensk rÀtt. Mycket av vad som sÀgs i uppsatsen Àr min personliga ÄskÄdning, vilken jag ska försöka försvara i möjligaste mÄn. Med detta sagt Àr syftet med uppsatsen inte att vara uttömmande utan att ge en mer nyanserad bild av problemet mellan de intressekollisioner som frÄgestÀllningen innebÀr utifrÄn de argument som förs fram i debatten. Detta kommer sedan att mynna ut i en slutsats dÀr jag tar stÀllning i frÄgan huruvida Sverige bör lÄta vittnen att vara anonyma inför en rÀttegÄng eller ej

    Automated Comfortable Docking at Bus Stops

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    This proceedings presentation illustrates the optimization problem of autonomous bus parallel parking subjected to ride discomfort while navigating in a path with rectangular geometry constraints. During bus parking, passengers - especially standing- can experience discomfort due to acceleration and jerk components. In our project, a novel discomfort model was derived, utilizing acceleration and jerk data. This model was then implemented in an optimization problem to minimize discomfort. Simulation results and experiment results have been shown. The experiment was conducted using Volvo Autonomous Bus

    2022 Vehicle Dynamics seminar

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    The seminar is held annually. The full title of this year\u27s seminar was "2021 Vehicle Dynamics seminar -- Connected and Electric"

    2021 Vehicle Dynamics seminar

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    The seminar is held annually. The full title of this year\u27s seminar was "2021 Vehicle Dynamics seminar -- for Future Mobility ...and not only Lateral"

    Bevarandeperspektivet i det offentliga Sverige : den nya arkivredovisningens inverkan pÄ bevarandet hos svenska myndigheter

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    In this master’s thesis we aim to answer whether the employees’ awareness of preservation has increased within the Swedish government agencies, on account of the new process oriented archival description developed by the Swedish National Archive. The process oriented archival description is based on the concept of describing archives on the outset of business processes, activities and transactions. We argue that this new archival description has prompted a change in the archival practice, since the description is now done by the archivist in advance and not as an afterthought, as was the common practice before. The object of the new archival description is to better mirror each organization’s own unique functions. To achieve this the archivist creates the archival description in dialogue with the experts of these specific functions, i.e. the employees of the organization. We argue that if the archivist’s outreach is successful it could increase the awareness of preservation of records amongst the organization’s employees. In our research study we also intend to determine if the archivists experience a change in their professional role as a consequence of the new archival description. Since an ubiquitous dialogue is imperative to establish awareness of records preservation amongst government agency employees, we also explore how the archivists mediate the purpose of preserving public records. In order to analyze these aspects we study two Swedish government agencies – The Swedish Customs and the urban planning office in Malmö. The research study has a qualitative approach and our empirical material consists of interviews and policy documents relating to the organizations’ archival descriptions. The theoretical framework of this thesis is built upon Terry Cook’s definition of postmodern archival theory, in which he argues that there has been a paradigm shift within the archival field, prompted by technological and philosophical progress in society. We intend to examine how this paradigm shift correlates with the Swedish archival practice. Furthermore we will translate the organizational theory presented by Chris Grey, amongst others, to a Swedish organizational context in order to answer whether the organizational culture has an impact on the mediation and reception of the preservation perspective

    Crisaborole and Quality of Life in Patients with Mild to Moderate Atopic Dermatitis: a Public Health Approach

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    We conducted a literature review to explore the effect of Crisaborole on patient QoL associated with mild to moderate atopic dermatitis
