479 research outputs found

    The relationship between levels of physical activity of parents and their children

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    Cilj je ovoga istraživanja bio istražiti povezanost razine tjelesne aktivnosti roditelja i razine tjelesne aktivnosti djece, utvrditi postoji li povezanost pretilosti djece mlađe Å”kolske dobi s razinom njihove tjelesne aktivnosti, postoji li povezanost dobi i razine obrazovanja roditelja s razinom tjelesne aktivnosti te jesu li djeca već u vlastitim domovima upoznata s obrascima ponaÅ”anja koji uključuju optimalnu razinu tjelesne aktivnosti. Istraživanje se provelo u trećim i četvrtim razredima osnovnih Å”kola, a mjerni instrumenti koriÅ”teni u istraživanju bili su upitnici, IPAQ ā€“ SF za roditelje te PAQ ā€“ C za učenike i učenice. Važno je naglasiti kako je tjelesna aktivnost od iznimne važnosti za rast i razvoj svakoga djeteta, ali i za održavanje dobrog zdravlja tijekom cijeloga života. Upravo se kontinuiranost tjelesne aktivnosti može povećati uključivanjem djece u razne sportske klubove, izvannastavne sportske aktivnosti i sl., sve s ciljem stvaranja radne navike vježbanja i pozitivnih stavova prema sportu te brizi o vlastitome zdravlju.This thesis focuses on the relationships between levels of physical activty of parents and their children, it analyses the connection between obesity of school ā€“ age children and the level of their physical activity. Also, it analyses the connection between age and level of education of the parents with the levels of physical ativity of their children and investigates familiarity with optimal physical activity patterns of behaviour transferred from home. The study was conducted in the grades three and four and in the city of Osijek. A questionnaire was distributed to both parents and children. The instruments used in this thesis were IPAQ ā€“ SF for the parents and PAQ ā€“ C for the children. The results reveal the importance of the physical activity for the growth and development od every child and maintaining good health throught life. Continuity of the physical activity can be increased by joining children into different sport clubs, extracurricular activities, etc.with the aim of creating work habits and positive attitudes towards sport and exercising in general

    The evaluation of old Serbian art during the formation of Serbian art history

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    The paper sheds light on the development of the theoretical and methodological layer in Serbian texts about the art created during the nineteenth century and recognises the gradual change in the system of values, which was the precondition for the interpretation of medieval art

    Procena tržiŔne vrednosti stana metodom k-najbližih suseda

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    The market value of apartments is, as the name itself suggests, defined by the sellers and the buyers through supply and demand ā€“ elements that collectively make up the market. Observing a large number of factors affecting the price of real estate is not an easy job. Price formation depends on both the characteristics of the apartment and the buyerā€™s value-system. The basic question that a rational customer asks himself is "why would I pay a larger sum of money for the same or practically same thing than what someone else paid for it just recently?". This fact leads to the conclusion that it is necessary to know the characteristics and prices of the real estates traded in the near past and in the close surrounding. A comparative way of customerā€™s thinking is the basic principle for defining one such model. This is a necessary but not sufficient condition. Models based on the machine learning algorithms (among them k-Nearest Neighbors algorithm) require having a larger amount of data, so that the made conclusions can be reliable, accurate, and precise.TržiÅ”nu vrednost stanova, kao Å”to sama reč govori, definiÅ”u prodavci i kupci kroz ponudu i tražnju, koje u osnovi i čine samo tržiÅ”te. Sagledavanje velikog broja faktora uticaja na cenu nepokretnosti nije nimalo lak posao. Formiranje cena zavisi kako od karakteristika stana, tako i od sistema vrednosti kupaca. ā€žZaÅ”to bih ja za istu ili sličnu stvar platio veći iznos nego Å”to je neko drugi platio u neposrednoj proÅ”lostiā€œ jeste osnovno pitanje koje racionalan kupac postavlja sebi. Ova činjenica dovodi do zaključka da je potrebno znati karakteristike i cene nepokretnosti koje su oglaÅ”ene ili prometovane u neposrednoj proÅ”losti u bliskom okruženju. Komparativni način razmiÅ”ljanja kupca je osnovni uslov i princip za definisanje jednog ovakvog modela. Ovo je neophodan, ali ne i dovoljan uslov. Modeli bazirani na algoritmima maÅ”inskog učenja, kao Å”to je i k-najbližih suseda, podrazumevaju poznavanje neÅ”to veće količine kvalitetnih podataka, kako bi doneti zaključci bili pouzdani, tačni i precizni

    Stipe Å uvar and the question of Serbs in Croatia

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    Stipe Å uvar (1936. ā€” 2004.) je bio hrvatski političar, sociolog, publicist i javni radnik koji je tokom cijele svoje karijere nastupao, govorio i pisao u modusu političke i kulturne suradnje i udruživanja Srba i Hrvata, kako u Hrvatskoj tako i u Jugoslaviji. Do 1990. godine Å uvar zagovara ideju jugoslavenskog socijalističkog patriotizma unutar kojeg nije tijesno ni demokratskoj nacionalnoj svijesti ni jugoslavenstvu. Poslije te prekretničke godine svojim tekstovima i javnim istupima suprotstavlja se Å”ovinističkoj retorici nove vlasti usmjerene protiv Srba u Hrvatskoj. Time je na jedinstven način obvezao Srbe u Hrvatskoj i zaslužuje, kako je to kazao njegov kolega Svetozar Livada, njihovu trajnu zahvalnost.Stipe Å uvar (1936 ā€” 2004) was a politician, sociologist, publicist and public figure from Croatia. In his public addresses, articles, and political speeches and actions he always tried to unite two peoples, Croats and Serbs. During his long career, which spanned from the early sixties until his death in 2004, he always advocated political and cultural cooperation between these nations. He was also a proponent of the so-called ā€œYugoslav socialist patriotismā€. The idea of a democratic national consciousness was united with the idea of Yugoslavism within the doctrine of Yugoslav patriotism. After 1990, he criticized and opposed to anti-Serb rhetoric, which dominated the Croatian public sphere. With this, he obliged the Serbs in Croatia in a unique way and deserves their permanent gratitude, as his colleague Svetozar Livada note

    Primena GIS-a u analizi intenziteta erozije u slivu reke Vlasine

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    This paper analyses the state of erosion intensity in the Vlasina River Basin, the right tributary of the Južna Morava River. To determine the erosion intensity (Z) and sediment production, the Gavrilović method was used, in combination with the bare-soil index (BSI), with the application of geographic information systems (GIS) and multispectral satellite imagery. An erosion coefficient of 0.31 has been identified in the territory of the Vlasina River Basin, which has an area of 1,061.72 kmĀ². The prominent vertical fragmentation of the relief, large amount of precipitation in the source parts, density of the river network (1.65 km/km 2), which is above the average river network density in Serbia, as well as inadequate land exploitation, are the main reasons why it is necessary to monitor the erosion intensity in the Vlasina River Basin. The annual production of the sediment is 462,496.30 mĀ³, while the value of specific sediment production is 435,47 mĀ³/kmĀ²/year. This study represents the attempt to apply modern technologies to d1etermine the intensity of erosion in the Vlasina River Basin, and the results obtained could be used for more adequate management of land and water resources, sustainable planning of the forest ecosystems and environmental protection.U ovom radu analizirano je stanje intenziteta erozije u slivu reke Vlasine, desne pritoke Južne Morave. Za određivanje intenziteta erozije (Z) i produkcije nanosa koriŔćen je metod Gavrilovića u kombinaciji sa indeksom ogolićenosti zemljiÅ”ta (BSI), primenom geografskih informacionih sistema (GIS) i multispektralnih satelitskih snimaka. Na teritoriji sliva Vlasine koji ima povrÅ”inu od 1.061,72 km2, identifikovan je koeficijent erozije od 0,31. Izražena vertikalna raŔčlanjenost reljefa, velika količina padavina u izvoriÅ”nim delovima, gustina rečne mreže (1,65 km/km2) koja je iznad prosečne gustine rečne mreže u Srbiji, kao i neadekvatan način koriŔćenja zemljiÅ”ta predstavljaju glavne razloge zbog kojih je potrebno pratiti intenzitet erozije u slivu Vlasine. GodiÅ”nja produkcija nanosa iznosi 462.496,30 m3, dok je vrednost specifične produkcije nanosa 435,47 m3/km2/god. Ovaj rad predstavlja pokuÅ”aj primene savremenih tehnologija za određivanje intenziteta erozije u slivu Vlasine, a dobijeni rezultati se mogu koristiti za adekvatnije upravljanje zemljiÅ”nim i vodnim resursima, održivo planiranje Å”umskih ekosistema i zaÅ”titu životne sredine

    Conservation-restoration work on the genealogy of the Ohmučević family

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    Na poleđini slike Krist i donator iz Strossmayerove galerije u Zagrebu, koja se pripisuje Lovri Dobričeviću (Kotor, oko 1420. ā€“ Dubrovnik, 1478.), do nedavnih je konzervatorsko-restauratorskih radova bio nalijepljen dokument s prikazom genealoÅ”kog stabla velikaÅ”ke obitelji Ohmučević. Važnost povelje koju povjesničari smatraju krivotvorinom 16. stoljeća i njezina povezanost sa slikom, kao i sam izgled dokumenta odredili su specifčan tijek konzervatorsko-restauratorskih radova.Prior to the recent conservation-restoration works on the painting entitled Christ and the Donor, by Lovro Dobričević (Kotor, c. 1420ā€“Dubrovnik, 1478), a document was attached to the back of the painting bearing a representation of the genealogical tree of the aristocratic family Ohmučević. According to the documentation in the possession of the paintingā€™s owner, the Strossmayer Gallery of Old Masters of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Zagreb, this document on parchment was written by Petar of Istia (Ivelia?) in the 16th c. The significance of the document ā€“ considered by historians to be a 16th c. forgery ā€“ and its connection to the painting, as well as the appearance of the document itself, determined the specific course of conservation-restoration interventions. Investigation established that the document was written not on parchment, but rather on paper coated with a layer of gelatine. After the document was separated from the facing back of the painting using the technique, its front and back sides were cleaned using a carefully selected method, with the aim of preserving the gelatine layer. Numerous items of mechanical damage, tears, creases and missing parts were restored by gluing it onto a new paper base and, upon completion of the works, the charter was placed in a suitable storage folder

    Utjecaj brzine opterećivanja na rezultate statičkog vlačnog ispitivanja

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    U ovom zavrÅ”nom projektu Utjecaj brzine opterećivanja na rezultate statičkog vlačnog ispitivanja, analizirana je mehanička otpornost materijala uvidom utjecaja, vanjskog čimbenika, brzine prirasta opterećenja (vpo) kod statičkog vlačnog ispitivanja. Ovaj rad je usmjeren utvrđivanju promjene ponaÅ”anja materijala prilikom statičkog vlačnog ispitivanja, kao rezultat variranja prije navedene brzine prirasta opterećenja. Metodologija sadrži vlačno ispitivanje aluminijskih epruveta različitim brzinama prirasta opterećenja. Ispitivanja su provedena na kidalici, tipa EU40mod, s rasponom brzina optererećenja od 2N/mm2Ā·s-1 do 100N/mm2Ā·s-1 . Kroz provedena ispitivanja pokuÅ”ala se kvantitativno utvrditi zakonitost promjene karakterističnih mehaničkih svojstava materijala: granice razvlačenja, vlačne čvrstoće, konačnog naprezanja i istezljivosti pri različitim brzinama prirasta naprezanja u epruveti

    Specific cost ratio in a port modelling by M/Ek/1 queue

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    Pojam specifiičnog odnosa troÅ”kova odnosi se na razne tipove troÅ”kova broda i luke modelirane kao sistem reda čekanja Koristeći poznatu opÅ”tu formulu za specifični odnos troÅ”kova (označen sa R), izvodimo odgovarajući izraz za R u odnosu na M/Ek/1 model reda čekanja, gde je Ek (k = 2,3,...) Erlangova k - raspodela verovatnoće. Ovaj izraz nam omogućava da dobijemo teorijski rezultat koji se može primeniti za određivanje optimalnih vrednosti parametra oblika k od Ek uz data ograničenja u odnosu na druge performanse razmatranog lučkog modela teorije redova čekanja. Takođe su predstavljeni odgovarajući numerički i grafički rezultati. Dobijeni rezultati bi mogli biti korisni za buduća istraživanja razmatrane problematike.The notion of specific cost ratio involves different type of costs of a ship and a port modeled as a queueing system. Using the known general formula for the specific cost ratio of arbitrary port queueing system (denoted as R), here we derive the related expression for R of the M/Ek/1 queue, where Ek (k = 2,3,...) is the Erlang- k probability distribution. This expression allows us to obtain a theoretical result which can be applied for determining the optimal values of shape parameter k of Ek under given constraints on other performances of the considered port queueing system. The related numerical and the graphical results are also presented. The obtained results would be a useful tool in future research in related subject areas
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