199 research outputs found

    La filière des plantes aromatiques et à parfums à Haïti

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    Le vétiver , le bigaradier, l'amyris et le limettier sont les principales plantes à huiles essentielles cultivées en Haïti. L'absence de statistique ne permet pas une estimation des superficies exactes consacrées à ces productions. Néanmoins la filière de ces plantes est bien adaptée au pays, son importance socio-économique est réelle dans les campagnes. Les rendements en fruits des limettiers et des bigaradiers dépendent du sol, du climat, de l'âge et des soins apportés aux arbres. La qualité des produits (huiles essentielles et parfums) dépend des méthodes d'extraction et des distilleries. Le rendement est généralement faible. Le circuit de commercialisation est complexe et caractérisé par un grand nombre d'intermédiaires de niveaux sociaux et économiques divers. La France et les Etats Unis sont les plus gros importateurs; les clients sont principalement les parfumeries et les industries agro-alimentaires. La redynamisation de cette filière nécessite la mise en place d'un observatoire économique chargé notamment de surveiller les mécanismes des prix et la rénumération du travail des paysan

    De l'informatique à l'intelligence artificielle

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    Style Checking With Scala.Meta

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    In many companies, code reviews are big parts of the day-to-day life of an engineer. Some can argue that the time spent on someone else’s code is time that some cannot spent on her or his own work. Code reviews usually allow to find two kinds of issues. The first kind consists of high-level design errors compared to the specifications of the program while the second type consists of style problems. In this report, we argue that the search of the later kind of error can be automated, as the set of style issues is usually well defined for a programming language. We propose modifications to a linter tool called Obey, which allows to analyze Abstract Syntax Trees of Scala code, raise warnings and suggest changes that can be automatically persisted. Over the course of this project we worked jointly with Codacy, a company proposing automated code reviews, to have an industrial application which would allow users to define their own set of rules. This report also presents the results of this real life testing

    Le cycle saisonnier des lipides de réserve chez deux espèces de rongeurs du Sénégal

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    The seasonal cycle of lipid deposition has been studied for two consecutive years in populations of Mastomys erythroleucus and Taterillus gracilis from a sahelo-sudanian woodland in Senegal. At the beginning of the dry season young Mastomys, 2 to 3 months old, feed mostly upon the temporarily superabundant seeds and store fat. These fat deposits, largely made of oleic acid, are used during the long dry season, when food is scarce. During the rains, Mastomys diet changes, as does the nature of their lipids tores which then contain a larger percentage of linoleic acid. This last fatty acid is quite likely provided to the animais by Cucumis melo seeds, which are frequently consumed by Mastomys at this time of the year, when breeding takes place. The seasonal cycle of fat deposition in Taterillus gracilis is similar to that of Mastomys erythroleucus, but less marked. The diet of this gerbilid is also more varied, and its breeding season spread over a longer time interval. The above observations were made at the end of the 1975- 1977 rodent outbreak in Northern Senegal. However, fat deposits remained very substantial in January 1976, at the time when population densities reached their peak values. Similarly, the rodents still maintained sizable fat deposits during the "crash" period, from August 1976 to the end of 1977. In the present situation, at least, population fluctuations were clearly not dependent upon the nutritional status of the rodents studie

    Testing the efficacy of medium chain fatty acids against rabbit colibacillosis

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    Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) represents a major cause of lethal diarrhea in young mammals. Although the pathogenicity mechanisms of EPEC are now well understood, the intrinsic and environmental factors that control the expression of EPEC virulence remain largely unknown. In the rabbit, suckling reduces pups’ sensitivity to EPEC infection. Hence, we have hypothesized that uncharacterized factors present in doemilkmay mediate this protection. Medium chain fatty acids (MCFA), known to possess antimicrobial properties, are highly abundant in doe milk.We demonstrate that caprylic acid exhibits a clear bacteriostatic effect in vitro against the rabbit EPEC strain E22 (O103:H2:K-), in a dose-dependent manner. In vivo, the dietary inclusion of triglycerides of MCFA did not however reduce the sensitivity of young rabbits challenged with this EPEC strain. The mortality and fecal excretion of EPEC were not reduced, and the bacterial adhesion to ileum was not inhibited. Amount of MCFA reaching the ileal level might have been too low and/or their association to other milk antimicrobials may have been required to observe a positive effect on disease evolution in a context of a highly virulent challenge

    Scala AST Persistence

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    The Scala compiler uses ASTs (abstract syntax trees) as an intermediate representation before generating bytecode. With the development of Scala macros which expand trees at compile time, being able to access, modify and recompose ASTs within the compilation scope is becoming more and more important. One of the common scenarios of using macros is inspecting abstract syntax trees within reach in order to learn more about the code being transformed, to apply more powerful optimizations, etc. However, arguments to macros can depend on third-party libraries, which are precompiled as bytecode and don't have their ASTs available. It would therefore be great to have a way to publish ASTs along with the bytecode. The publishing of those ASTs should be a choice of the programmer and should take as little space as possible in order to be transparent to the user