199 research outputs found

    Financial Elder Abuse: New York State Prevalence, Interventions, & Future Directions

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    Millions of older adults living in the United States are victims of elder abuse and financial exploitation is the most common form of abuse. Additionally, the adult population age 65 and older is projected to more than double by 2060 (Colby & Ortman, 2015) which will increase the likelihood of elder abuse. New York State has a substantial older adult population, was the focus of largest and most comprehensive elder abuse prevalence study, and utilizes multiple forms of financial abuse interventions including the widely supported use of multidisciplinary teams. Thus, the purpose of this thesis is to describe the prevalence and current interventions pertaining to the issue of financial elder abuse in New York State

    Wpływ częstotliwości pracy zdalnej w czasie pandemii COVID-19 na pracowników zespołów projektowych

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    Purpose: The aim of the article is to identify the advantages and disadvantages of remote work in six areas of project management depending on the frequency of remote work. The study is of theoretical and empirical nature. The theoretical part presents the factors influencing remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic. Its empirical part presents the employees’ opinions on the impact of working remotely (online) during the COVID-19 pandemic on working in project teams.Methodology: Literature review and critical analysis of web research. A study was conducted on a group of 82 respondents working remotely on projects, members of the Project Management Institute Poland Chapter (PMI PC). Six areas of project management were analysed, including: working time, communication, labour costs, work environment, risk of computer malfunction and conditions for teamwork. The data obtained through questionnaire surveys was analysed using a statistical package. Factor analysis was used for statistical analyses. To extract the factors, the principal components method was adopted, and the VARIMAX procedure was used as the rotation method. A descriptive statistical analysis was performed.Findings: Project team employees discover a number of positive and negative effects of working remotely. The positive ones include: the possibility of adapting work to private life, greater punctuality of performed tasks, saving time and money as it is not necessary to travel to work, increased satisfaction with the effects of work and a sense of security against contracting the virus due to the lack of contact with other employees. The negative ones include: limited direct contact with other employees, no traditional conversations over coffee for discussions and conversations with colleagues, limited access to company resources, no financial support from the employer, increased costs of office work at home, susceptibility to cyber-attacks, increased stress due to problems with remote cooperation with other employees and weakening interpersonal relations.Implications: The study provides new evidence on the most salient risks and challenges faced by remote workers in project teams. They demonstrate different factors affecting remote work depending on the frequency it is performed.Originality/Value: The research results fill the research gap and broaden the knowledge about the impact of various factors on the remote work of project team employees during a pandemic. They constitute practical recommendations and are a source of knowledge for managers of various levels and employees working remotely.Cel: Celem artykułu jest ukazanie wpływu częstotliwości pracy zdalnej na pracowników zespołów projektowych podczas pandemii COVID-19. Opracowanie ma charakter teoretyczno-empiryczny. W części teoretycznej ukazano czynniki wpływające na pracę zdalną w czasie pandemii COVID-19. W części empirycznej w ramach badań ankietowych przedstawiono opinie pracowników dotyczące wpływu pracy zdalnej (on-line) w trakcie pandemii COVID-19 na pracę w zespołach projektowych.Metodologia: Przegląd literatury i krytyczna analiza web research. Przeprowadzono badania na grupie 82 respondentów pracujących zdalnie przy projektach, będących członkami stowarzyszenia Project Management Institute Poland Chapter (PMI PC). Pozyskane w badaniach ankietowych dane przeanalizowano za pomocą pakietu statystycznego. Do analiz statystycznych zastosowano analizę czynnikową. Dla wyodrębnienia czynników przyjęto metodę głównych składowych zaś jako metodę rotacji wykorzystano procedurę VARIMAX. Przeprowadzono opisową analizę statystyczną.Wnioski: Pracownicy zespołów projektowych odkrywają szereg pozytywnych i negatywnych skutków pracy zdalnej. Do pozytywnych należą: możliwość dostosowania pracy do życia prywatnego, większa terminowość wykonywanych zadań, oszczędność czasu i pieniędzy w związku z brakiem konieczności dojazdu do pracy, wzrost satysfakcji z efektów pracy oraz poczucie bezpieczeństwa przed zakażeniem się wirusem z uwagi na brak kontaktu z innymi pracownikami. Do negatywnych zaliczono: ograniczony bezpośredni kontakt z innymi pracownikami, brak tradycyjnych rozmów przy kawie na dyskusję i rozmowy z kolegami, ograniczony dostęp do zasobów firmy, brak wsparcia finansowego ze strony pracodawcy, wzrost kosztów pracy biurowej w domu, podatność na zagrożenia cyberatakami, wzrost stresu z uwagi na problemy ze współpracą zdalną z innymi pracownikami oraz słabnące relacje międzyludzkie.Implikacje: Badanie dostarcza nowych dowodów na temat najistotniejszych zagrożeń i wyzwań, przed którymi stoją pracownicy zdalni w zespołach projektowych. Analizie poddano sześć obszarów zarządzania projektami obejmujących: czas pracy, komunikowanie się, koszty pracy, środowisko pracy, ryzyko działania komputerów oraz uwarunkowania pracy zespołowej.Oryginalność/Wartość: Wyniki badań wypełniają lukę badawczą i poszerzają wiedzę na temat wpływu różnych czynników na pracę zdalną pracowników zespołów projektowych podczas pandemii. Stanowią praktyczne rekomendacje i są źródłem wiedzy dla menedżerów różnych szczebli i pracowników pracujących zdalnie

    Wpływ globalizacji na zachowania konsumentów w województwie lubuskim w świetle badań

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    The development of market economy, the continuing process of globalization, technological progress, and rising living standards have created a kind of consumer culture in which people strive to best meet their needs. Undoubtedly, mass culture influences the development of consumer behavior, their preferences, lifestyle. Currently, there is no single common position on how purchasing decisions are determined by global trends, and to what extent they are the result of cultural conditioning. The main objective of the study was to identify and evaluate the effects of consumption on global trends in consumer behavior and an indication of the factors that are crucial in consumers’ purchasing decisions in Lubuskie province. In this study we have used an analysis of the literature and the results of a survey conducted among respondents in Lubuskie province.Rozwój gospodarki wolnorynkowej, postępujący proces globalizacji, postęp techniczny i technologiczny, wzrost poziomu życia doprowadziły do wytworzenia pewnego rodzaju kultury konsumpcyjnej, w której człowiek dąży do jak najlepszego zaspokojenia swoich potrzeb. Niewątpliwie kultura masowa wpływa na kształtowanie zachowań konsumentów, na ich preferencje, styl życia. Aktualnie nie ma jednego wspólnego stanowiska dotyczącego na ile decyzje zakupowe determinowane są trendami globalnymi, a na ile wynikają z uwarunkowań kulturowych. Głównym celem opracowania było określenie i ocena skutków oddziaływania globalnych trendów konsumpcji na zachowania konsumentów, a także wskazanie czynników, które mają kluczowe znaczenie w decyzjach zakupowych konsumentów województwa lubuskiego. W opracowaniu wykorzystano analizę literatury oraz wyniki z przeprowadzonego badania ankietowego wśród respondentów w województwie lubuskim

    The Impact of Remote work During the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Development of Competences in Selected Areas of Project Management

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    Theoretical background: The growing importance of remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the development of competences in selected areas of project management prompted the authors to conduct research on a group of 82 respondents working remotely on projects at the Project Management Institute Poland Chapter (PMI PC).Purpose of the article: The aim of the article is to show the impact of remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic on the development of competences in selected areas of project management. The study is theoretical and empirical in nature. The theoretical part shows the factors influencing the development of competences and the conditions of remote work. In the empirical part of the survey, employees' opinions on the impact of remote (online) work during the COVID-19 pandemic on the development of competences in selected areas of project management were presented. Five areas of project management were analysed, including: working time, communication, labour costs, risk and conditions for teamwork.Research methods: Literature review and critical analysis of web research. Factor analysis was used for statistical analyses. To isolate the analysed factors, the principal components method was adopted, and the VARIMAX procedure was used as the rotation method.Main findings: The conclusions of the research confirm the hypothesis that the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on remote work, in particular on employee competences, work time and costs, motivation, effective communication and mutual relations between employees. The results of the research broaden the knowledge on the impact of various factors on remote work and the development of competences in selected areas of project management

    Impact of window computed tomography (CT) parameters on measurement of inflammatory changes in paranasal sinuses

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    Background: In accordance with the European guidelines on rhinosinusitis and nasal polyps (EPOS 2012), CT is used as the main imaging modality for the assessment intensity of inflammatory lesions. The aim of this study was to measure the differences in the assessment of inflammatory changes in the paranasal sinuses due to different parameters of width (W) and length (L) of the CT window. Material/Methods: A retrospective analysis included 44 CT scans of the paranasal sinuses that were performed in adults. All studies were characterized by the presence of inflammatory changes in at least one of the sinuses. Measurements of the same inflammatory lesions were performed sequentially with different CT windows. The results were statistically analyzed. Results: A statistically significant difference was observed between the average measurements that were performed with the use CT windows dedicated for the sinuses and head. A downward trend in the measured values and a shift towards soft tissue values was observed with decreasing window parameters. Conclusions: A major cause of inaccurate examinations of pathological changes in the paranasal sinuses may be due to selection of unsuitable CT windows. Therefore, in order to avoid missing inflammatory lesions in the paranasal sinuses, it is reasonable to use CT windows dedicated for the sinuses or bones

    The Marginalized Identities of Sense-makers: Reframing Engineering Student Retention

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    This paper empirically argues for a closer examination of what we wish to retain when we speak of "retention" in engineering [1]. We present and interpret data from clinical interviews and classroom video of "Michael," a student who feels marginalized by an engineering program that undervalues him because of his stance toward knowledge [2],[3]. Michael is a sophomore Electrical Engineering and Mathematics major in a Basic Circuits course. In his own words, he's a "fringe" student because of his robust tendency to try making sense of the concepts being taught rather than memorizing formulae. He also feels alienated because he views learning in terms of argument and intuition, not algorithm and rote acceptance. Furthermore, for Michael the practice of sense-making defines him; it's an integral aspect of his identity [4]. Thus, Michael's self-reported sense of alienation resonates strongly with existing identity-based accounts of students leaving the field [5],[6]. We contend the field of engineering suffers if individuals like Michael don't pursue it. Through this case study of Michael, we urge the retention discussion to consider not just the demographic categories of people we hope to keep, but also the approaches to knowledge, learning, and problem-solving we aim to support.Comment: 6-page; Under Review for Proceedings of the 2010 Frontiers in Education Conference (ASEE/IEEE